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Mass Rally in Moscow

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posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: BornAgainAlien

...and just like last time, Western Media tries to inflate the number by making assumptions it`s much higher.

Just like Russian media is trying to deflate the actual number and downplay the event. Even if it was just 21,000 people, that's quite a few considering the risks of just being there. I guess there are only so many people that you can fit on a bridge. There is no official count, BBC estimates 16000-70000.

There has been no official figure on turnout yet, with estimates ranging from 16,000 to 70,000.

edit on 1-3-2015 by JonStone because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: BornAgainAlien
The march of mourning didn`t produce massive amounts of people (probably not even more as the normal planned march), that should say enough about how important he actually was.

I know, nothing to see here...move along right!

It's terribly disrespectful, but they should have left Nemtsov's body there on the bridge forever. Somehow Russians need to be see things need to change. A bronze statue years later in a park on the outer ring road just doesn't seem right.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: SubTruth
Something tells me Putin had nothing to do with this.......He is not stupid. It would have been an accident or suicide.

OMG! Now it's 'suicide'!

You heard it hear first on ATS! Nemtsov committed suicide!!! It's the most twisted suicide since Tolstoy finished writing novels!!!

Please, tell me more about that theory! I smell a really funny thread tangent coming...

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: JonStone
a reply to: Xcathdra

Yes, I know and agree though others may not. I said NATO because if it is actually a US vs Russia war, NATO will most likely get involved.

NATO is the US. Without the US funding and weapons NATO would crumble. That being said the west is playing crazy games this time around. A 3rd world country in the middle east is one thing.....Russia is not a 3rd world country and history has shown a really dangerous enemy.

I used to think Putin and the US were on the same page to further military industrial complexes in both countries. Stories like this prove that theory was incorrect.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: JonStone
a reply to: Xcathdra

Yes, I know and agree though others may not. I said NATO because if it is actually a US vs Russia war, NATO will most likely get involved.

NATO is the US. Without the US funding and weapons NATO would crumble. That being said the west is playing crazy games this time around. A 3rd world country in the middle east is one thing.....Russia is not a 3rd world country and history has shown a really dangerous enemy.

I used to think Putin and the US were on the same page to further military industrial complexes in both countries. Stories like this prove that theory was incorrect.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: noeltrotsky

originally posted by: SubTruth
Something tells me Putin had nothing to do with this.......He is not stupid. It would have been an accident or suicide.

OMG! Now it's 'suicide'!

You heard it hear first on ATS! Nemtsov committed suicide!!! It's the most twisted suicide since Tolstoy finished writing novels!!!

Please, tell me more about that theory! I smell a really funny thread tangent coming...

You should reread what I posted. I will say it slower this time for all the reading impaired.......If Russia was to blame it would not be a murder. It would be a accident or suicide.

Do you understand this time?
edit on 1-3-2015 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
Like the "Animals" that stormed the streets of Ferguson over unsubstantiated claims, these "protesters", too, deserve nothing less than a Russian military presence just like what we saw the USG do in Ferguson.

So citizens should not have the right to protest......Really animals. You sir are an idiot of the highest order. Wrong or right citizens should have the right to peacefully protest.

Now rioting and looting on the other hand deserve police crackdowns not military crackdowns.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: JonStone
a reply to: Xcathdra

Yes, I know and agree though others may not. I said NATO because if it is actually a US vs Russia war, NATO will most likely get involved.

If the US attacks Russia NATO will not be involved. If Russia attacks just the US NATO will be involved.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: all2human

NATO is a defensive military alliance formed so that countries involved could resolve their issues peacefully rather than with the military. It was designed to protect nations from the threat of the soviet union, who lied to the world at the end of WWII.

If you are going to bash NATO maybe you should learn something about it first.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra
Don't know if you've heard but the US and NATO countries are already attacking Russia.
In my previous post the link and statement i provided were straight off NATO's website.
edit on 1-3-2015 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: SubTruth

That being said the west is playing crazy games this time around.

I don't know, it seems like if the West really was pushing a war with Russia like Russian media would have us all believe, wouldn't Nato/America have already sent troops into Ukraine? Wouldn't those prorussian rebels be fighting against American tanks instead of Soviet era recycled tanks? No, the west won't even arm ukraine yet. Believe me, if the west was pushing for a war with Russia, the Russian people wouldn't need the Russian Media to tell them this. Everything NATO has done so far is merely in response to Putin's agression, not the other way around. Remember, this started with Crimea.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: SubTruth

Protest? Absolutely.

Destroy private property and demand a lynching extra judicially.. Absolutely not.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: JonStone

Remember, this started with Crimea.

No, I believe it started with Maiden.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: JonStone

The West oligarchy leadership is smart and would not openly start a war. They need to win the hearts and minds. They will do things in secret and on the down low.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: all2human

In response to Putin's aggression. This didn't start happening until Crimea.

and authorizes more severe sanctions, such as on Russia's energy sector, that would go into effect should Putin take additional aggressive actions against Ukraine.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: SubTruth

Protest? Absolutely.

Destroy private property and demand a lynching extra judicially.. Absolutely not.

I agree and my post said the same exact thing. It seems like posters are only reading what they want to today and skipping over the rest.

I will also say this again......Peaceful protest = Good................Rioting and looting = BAD.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: SubTruth

Our government is smart?

Hahahahahahahahaha, our country is run by a bunch of idiots who cannot agree on anything!

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: all2human
a reply to: Xcathdra
Don't know if you've heard but the US and NATO countries are already attacking Russia.

That's not NATO that is individual countries who believe it's illegal to invade amother country and are putting restrictions in place to show them they don't approve. Sanctions would not have been placed by any country if Russia stopped attacking their neughbors.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

Not to mention that it took several weeks for the first set of sanctions to be agreed on by these nations. Russian Media lets on like the west has had this planned for years. If this was the case, these countries would have had all this ready to go in a matter of hours. Even now the countries can't agree on the best way to respond to the situation. Using force or military is not even on the table for most.
edit on 1-3-2015 by JonStone because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: JonStone
a reply to: SubTruth

Our government is smart?

Hahahahahahahahaha, our country is run by a bunch of idiots who cannot agree on anything!

You are wrong and truth be told this is what they want you to think. Look around the dollar is in big trouble and many people are losing everything.........This usually means trouble.

But yet the people are blind and apathetic......How does this happen......Hmm. Ask yourself this question over and over again I did. The answer is the PTB are smart. Also you do not completely control a government/country being dumb. They use this mindset to keep and gain power.
edit on 1-3-2015 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

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