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Robert Dean and others

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posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 11:58 PM
What do you guys think about this man? Apparently he held a high position in NATO and claims to know allot about ET's and there reason for being here.

When they interviewed him for the Rocket Pictures gray alien interview he just seemed so over the top with the forced tears and trying to talk all metaphysical in other interviews about our space brothers and junk like that.

and he is associated with the guy who interviewd 'Billy" mayer(sp?) with his crack team of industrial spy fighters. The same guy was also the guy who interviewed the guard from Dulce base.

So many of these people are obvious frauds and fakes. People like dean and his crew, billy mayer, stan romanick dr greere etc.

Do you think they are part of a organized effort to make the whole subject seem crazy and not worth any ones time or are they really so self deluded they believe what they are saying.

they have to know they are diluting maybe one of the most important topics of the human story, E.T/ultra terrestrial or extra dimensional beings should not be someone's get rich scheme.

I was watching a Travis Walton interview and I believe something happened to him, but I think he is embellishing his story or im just realllly jaded with all the BS that's out there.

what say you ATS

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: penroc3

Personally, I tend to raise an eyebrow and turn away when things get all peace, love, and metaphysics. Just so much hoakum. So we're probably in 100% agreement there.

But even if I turn away, it doesn't mean my ears aren't still open.

I feel that the moment you tune something out as a *possible* source of information, you have an increasing likelyhood of being blind. Just make sure you carry some rather salty snacks with you....

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 12:14 AM
a reply to: nullafides

I will always listen to what people have to say. And it shouldn't add more weight to what they say they saw but older military types have my respect so I tend to listen a little bit more to them.

It's hard cutting threw all the new age stuff and really in my opinion hurts creditability

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 12:21 AM

originally posted by: penroc3
a reply to: nullafides

I will always listen to what people have to say. And it shouldn't add more weight to what they say they saw but older military types have my respect so I tend to listen a little bit more to them.

It's hard cutting threw all the new age stuff and really in my opinion hurts creditability

I agree 100%.

With new agey stuff, I think there's a strong chance that if you ignore it, you're likely to be throwing out the baby with the bathwater if you ignore it flat out. I also think that alot of people only have two mental buckeets. Truth, and Fiction.

I've got three, Truth, Hmmm, and Fiction.

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 12:25 AM
Started a thread related the other day.....
Posing the question why is it seemingly sane whistleblowers sound reasonable at first...but then go on to spout out weirder and whackier stuff?
Its a repeating pattern......
Is it because they are nuts or do they need to keep making stuff up to keep the spotlight ? or what?
I hear a couple of in the circle guys tried to find this supposed nato document he speaks of...but talking air vice marshal status too.....
So the contoversey exists was the document....real or in his mind only....?

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: penroc3

So many of these people are obvious frauds and fakes. People like dean and his crew, billy mayer, stan romanick dr greere etc.

Do you think they are part of a organized effort to make the whole subject seem crazy and not worth any ones time or are they really so self deluded they believe what they are saying.

they have to know they are diluting maybe one of the most important topics of the human story, E.T/ultra terrestrial or extra dimensional beings should not be someone's get rich scheme.

IMO Dean was solid and his credentials are good. He had "COSMIC" top secret clearance.
Why is just about every researcher placed in the crazy or in it just for money category? Can't anyone just be trying to tell it like it is and bring previously unknown secrets to the forefront? Why accuse him of diluting the subject? Why can't he just be expanding on the subject? A lot of the time I think people approach this subject with the intention of not wanting to know the truth so they create smear campaigns and lame discrediting tactics, often unjustified.

Here he is way back in 1993 spilling the beans on just about every aspect of the alien presence and this information didn't cost a penny.

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: TrueMessiah

I don't think Dean is a bad person and I think he believes allot of what he's saying but the way he delivers his information makes him seem suspect to me.

and the other names in my first post I think allot of them are proven frauds or snake oil sales men.

The military people in the disclosure project I really believe they saw stuff on paper that said what it said, but how can they confirm that it wasn't part of a psy-op or disinformation dilbertly leaked out because the air force who what ever branch knew that these people would not be able to keep it to them selves....who could? I don't know if I could to be 100% honest. to hide other more earthly craft. It's a FACT the CIA was more then happy to encourage the UFO mythos

I WANT to believe...... I have seen my share of UFO's but I don't jump to aliens right off the bat. The American Air force/CIA has some stuff in the sky's that would blow the average Joes mind if they saw it and would rightly think OMG THATS A UFO.

I really do think that there are intelligent minds out there....allot of them. But are they flying here in nuts and bolt crafts? and when they crash they never come and recover them or there fallen comrades? I find that hard to believe.

If the governments of the worlds really do have super advanced or esoteric technology I would sooner believe that its from deep human history and maybe even a break away civilization before little gray people hiding in the shadows at night waiting to get your sperm and eggs, if they can teleport themselves into bed rooms and such why not just lock on to a few sperm cells and take them with out anyone knowing?

I have a lot of questions(as do allot of others) that should be really easy to answer but no one ever does. If your being taken on a regular basis why not set up cameras or be somewhere that is under constant surveillance and if that surveillance is always going out and your gone that would go along way in convincing people that abductions were happening the way people say they are.

don't get me wrong I think some people have been taken by SOMETHING but I don't think it happens as much and the way people think it does.

I wish there was a person in the government who would just get hard undeniable proof and show the world and usher humanity into a new age

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: penroc3
a reply to: nullafides

I will always listen to what people have to say. And it shouldn't add more weight to what they say they saw but older military types have my respect so I tend to listen a little bit more to them.

It's hard cutting threw all the new age stuff and really in my opinion hurts creditability

The problem with this whole business at the least is a clash of personal ideologies. More concepts are involved but just those two go down so deep into the individual human personality that they alone will suffice to make the point.

If you can accept that UFOs are ET craft visiting us, then you must begin to conceive that the ETs represent a better perspective on the human condition than what we can muster on our own, then you must accept that some human views on our condition may actually be more conducive toward our advancement--and even continuation--than what is usually accepted as our lot (war, inhumanity, ignorance, etc.).

That then allows for the generous, if not wise, acceptance of two outlandish conditions not well received by about all humans especially those that consider themselves having a lofty view from above the herd. Those disdained and ridiculed views are simple to grasp if you are willing: The generalities of "New Age" views and the need for the "New World Order." Both tend to meld into a view of a world that must commit to a natural reasoning. To believe for a second that we could or would want to repel and fight contact with ETs is ludicrous. Physically and mentally we must submit for our own good.

If you can accommodate and appreciate those two approaches to a possible future for ourselves, then you can begin to understand why some people may have insider knowledge of the UFO presence outside of the narrow confines of the typical political and military positions. It is foolish to think that the intellectual power of the ETs is only contained and spent in the execution of making physical contact with humanity. That proof is readily available but totally ignored. We who have had some semblance of contact from personal experience or from an unhindered study can see that there is only one possible solution, but it comes out in many different, individual ways as there is in the reception of that message.

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 10:17 AM
The whole UFO /alien cover up is simple to explain....
Its not that we are not ready....or that humanity would lose its flipping mind over the knowledge of aliens.....
Its the fact that we would then know that theres something infinitly better than what we have that passes for our paradigm
is out there,
This would lead to total loss of control....even make the elite obsolete from our perspective....
Thus they keep any real practical knowledge gleaned to themselves and utilise it for further enslavement of the common people....
Im convinced the MIC has been building a breakaway civilisation becaue they possess the power and the means to do just that.....They hold and guard any ET knowledge very jealously...even to the point of killing discrediting and ruining anyone who is opposed to their agenda.
edit on 26-2-2015 by stirling because: (no reason given)


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