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Toxic Monsanto Herbicides Found in 75% of Mississippi Air and Rain Samples

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posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 05:26 PM

A new report from the US Geological Survey suggests Mississipians may want to stick with bottled water and take short breaths, and a popular weed killer is largely to blame.

Herbicides and pesticides, and their still-toxic breakdown byproducts, are found in an alarmingly large portion of rain and air samples in Mississippi, according to a new government report.

The USGS study found that Monsanto’s weed killer Roundup, the most widely used product of its kind, and other pesticides were present in more than 75% of air and rain samples it tested over the past few years during the growing seasons in the Mississippi Delta, a large swath of agricultural land in the western part of the state.


Are you doing all you can to stop this killer?

Monsanto's Roundup Linked to Cancer - Again

Ten Ways Monsanto and Big Ag Are Trying to Kill You - And the Planet

#2 Polluting the Environment and the Soil-Food Web with Pesticides, Chemical Fertilizers, and Persistent Toxins, Including Dioxin
Industrial agriculture's heavy reliance on pesticides and fertilizers is responsible for the release of many dangerous toxins into our environment, but since Monsanto first commercialized genetically engineered crops in the 1990s, we've been exposed to one more than any other. It's common name is glyphosate, but Monsanto markets it as RoundUp and has created "RoundUp Ready" crops to promote it. RoundUp Ready crops are genetically engineered to withstand endless amounts of RoundUp. The success of Monsanto's business model has made RoundUp the most-used pesticide in the history of the world.

RoundUp killed the owls in our neighborhood. I know because I saved two, who were wandering around in a stupor about to die, and it was coincidentally just after some massive spraying in the backyard of the neighbor with the tree their nest was in.

Do you still use it? I'm sure many of you don't. But sales are booming, so many people still do, because Monsanto spends billions to tell them it's safe. long are we going to let this go on?
edit on 2/24/2015 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 05:30 PM
As long as farmers want to continue to get maximum profit and as long as idiots dont want to pull weeds reality of life is people are too brainwashed to know the effects ive used round up workin for a pest company i pleaded with the boss to not use it im just a peon...

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 05:37 PM
link long are we going to let this go on?

People think that government's protect citizens from such concerns so think anyone fighting against monsanto is just another green nut. They don't realize that monsanto is one of the greatest threats against the survival of humankind. Judging from the growing autism rates it might already be too late.

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 05:38 PM
And to think, it's all this agricultural runoff into the Mississippi River that's flowing into the Gulf, creating a massive dead zone there and killing off sea life.

Gulf 'Dead Zone' is the size of Connecticut

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: ATF1886

Why is it farmers fault when Monsanto buys out all the companies that use to sell heritage seeds to force farmers into a locked market? The increased cost in using Monsanto products have resulted in many farmers committing suicide (India etc).
edit on 24 2 2015 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: ATF1886
As long as farmers want to continue to get maximum profit and as long as idiots dont want to pull weeds reality of life is people are too brainwashed to know the effects ive used round up workin for a pest company i pleaded with the boss to not use it im just a peon...

That's Big Farm. and Monsanto is playing a key role in running the smaller farms out of business.

I have a friend who worked for a pest company too and he had some serious neurological side effects.

And please remember, us peons can make a difference.

a reply to: gmoneystunt
Thanks. I guess I should have searched on 75%

a reply to: Rezlooper
Yep. As if the Gulf isn't enough of a sludge pool Let's add some more toxic chemicals to it! And when things get into the rain, that's when you know it's bad.
edit on 2/24/2015 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 06:49 PM
I read this. However, I am forced to agree with a certain member who has a picture of a Third Rock From the Sun actor in his avatar pic on one of the other threads ( . It is actually kinda down in relative comparison. And the article reminds me of a propaganda piece that might run Faux News

edit on 24-2-2015 by DarkGameGod because: Oopsie

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: ~Lucidity
What the hell can we do about it, even Elizabeth Warren Voted in Favor of Protecting Monsanto from Lawsuits.

Monsanto are Food Terrorists.

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 06:57 PM
Maybe ALL agriculture states need to start doing some independent testing. Farmers don't have an AFFORDABLE or realistic choice in seed that isn't from Monsanto. Herbicides and pesticides are owned by Monsanto, you use it when you get rid of dandelions by spraying. Where exactly would a farmer get affordable tons of organic soybean seeds to plant and still make a profit off his crop? Get real people, Monsanto has EVERYONE by the balls, especially the farmers. Those not complying get sued if any Monsanto seed gets in the farmer's fields of Non-Monsanto crops and then they take those farmers to the cleaners. Every country Monsanto infiltrates is a lose lose for those people who grow and the others that eat the food and obviously now those who live in the growing areas. Monsanto is more evil than the oil companies imho.

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: ugmold

Here is her explanation of that vote: Link

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: ugmold
a reply to: ~Lucidity
What the hell can we do about it, even Elizabeth Warren Voted in Favor of Protecting Monsanto from Lawsuits.

Monsanto are Food Terrorists.

You know what as much as i dislike monsanto they are providing a product and people are buying it and using is a little too simple and a little disingenuous to blame the company.....they are simply providing a product and reaping in great profit for its shareholders,we live in a capitalist society and that is the price of capitalism....

Profit and health are two things that do not work well together and blaming monsanto is really just attacking the symptom and not the cause....and i do believe they have ventured into organic foods,and being a business that is looking to stay for the long haul its a pretty smart move as the toxicity of certain products they sell are extremely destructive for the environment and subsequently our health

And to address the OP ...the farming practices we use currently are so outdated and need to change,the chemicals that are building in the environment have really reached a tipping point and we are seeing some dramatic effects and die off's on both land and water.....until this "for profit" system is changed we sadly will continue to see large amounts of these chemicals destroying large amounts of the natural landscapes....a very sad state of affairs

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 09:29 PM
Aquatic dead zones

This map is quite terrible, we can see that something is wrong in North America, especially considering the density of the population which is also shown on that map. So, population density isn't the only reason...

Well then let's look at which countries banned GMO's.

India of course, a 1 billion + country with 1 small aquatic dead zone. They hate Mosanto, they're cool.
Italy didn't ban GMO's contrary to other EU countries and we could extrapolate but, just like Northern European countries, it could very well be because of the rivers draining there

The worst really is the USA, I can also see that Québec is doing really bad too. Shame on my people.

Farmers are using too much pesticides and herbicides and like others pointed out, it's linked to many diseases and autism.

We clearly need better solutions.
edit on 24-2-2015 by theMediator because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 09:45 PM


posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: glend

Interesting take, so the farmers are the ones who choose to use the product, it's their choice to over use it and mismanage it, yet somehow it's the suppliers fault?

That's like saying it's Winchester's fault that someone used one of their guns for murder.

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 10:19 PM
This came up on ATS last year. Monsanto's Roundup Found in 75% of Rain and Air Samples. I had noted in that thread that the MS Delta has one of the highest cancer rates (4th in mortality) with a population of only 2.8 million for the entire state.

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 10:26 PM
You are aware that glyphosate aka "roundup" has a half life between 2 - 197 days in soil. And doesn't seep beyond 6 inches of soil unless applied beyond the application rate. There it will be broken down by naturally occurring microbes.

Typical half life ranges around 45 days. I'm not a monsanto spokesman, and I don't approve of round up for every application.. but there is a science behind it. If you want to blame somebody, blame people who don't follow the instructions given with the product.

ETA: Monsanto is also not the only company who produces and sells Glyphosate and only counts for about 10% of Monsanto's sales
edit on 2/24/2015 by eXia7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 10:31 PM
Somebody asked a silly question last year on a website that answers GMO issues....

Look at the question and read the "answer" and decide what's what...

Ask Us Anything About GMOs!

posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 03:37 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

Yep...nothing to worry about here! Move along! We have only your best interests at heart!

'GMO Answers' Website Launched By Monsanto, DuPont, More

a reply to: eXia7
Yeah. I am aware. I read that Wiki too. The whole thing.

It hangs around just long enough to cause enough damage to living beings. Also see the link above. You know these corps have each others' back.

And also see the link above.

posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: ~Lucidity

How come all the bad companies and methods come out of United States and are endorsed by United States

Spying equipment

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