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Child Victims of Muslim Rape Gangs in the U.K.

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posted on Feb, 28 2015 @ 05:33 PM
I tried with you, but it's out of my hands now.

posted on Feb, 28 2015 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: VigiliaProcuratio
I tried with you, but it's out of my hands now.

With who?
Sexual exploitation of all client groups should be considered vile.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 12:27 PM
Some silly posters on here do not understand that all those thousands of victims are a direct result of muslims. No muslims in those communities then no victims. Whats so hard to understand? Those children would not have been gang raped repeatedly.

These same posters who claim the crime is abhorent will not even say whether " White girls in high muslim areas should be warned"

In rotherham alone 1400 victims,predominatly white children, out of a population 120000. How many of that population were teenage white girls? 10percent? Do the math.
But oh no lets not do a campaign to warn...

edit on 1-3-2015 by disregard because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-3-2015 by disregard because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:16 PM
originally posted by: disregard

Some silly posters on here do not understand that all those thousands of victims are a direct result of muslims. No muslims in those communities then no victims. Whats so hard to understand? Those children would not have been gang raped repeatedly.

This is just completely baseless nonsense. Sure, there may have been many individual cases of a Muslim committing a sexual offence, white men do that too...but you are accusing Muslims as a whole of being responsible for terrible crimes against 1,400 people, and we don't even have the full details yet. That is extremely libellous and tantamount to inciting religious hatred. You have no facts because the government haven't released them, and nor will they. Oh, this isn't hard to understand, not for me...I know exactly what's going on because I've seen it with my own eyes. As I said before, when the country realises the truth we will have civil war on our hands.

These same posters who claim the crime is abhorent will not even say whether " White girls in high muslim areas should be warned"

Be warned of what? Muslims living in the area? This is England 2015, not Germany 1915. Then again, I'm struggling to see the difference now.

In rotherham alone 1400 victims,predominatly white children, out of a population 120000. How many of that population were teenage white girls? 10percent? Do the math.

The fact that it is a majority Muslim area means absolutely nothing in respect of the investigation. So what's that, 10,000 Muslims? One of these days they'll rise up and against this rotten country and if they do, Allah will be with them.

This quote speaks very loudly....

The grooming involved is a form of brainwashing, which means that even though the victims are being abused emotionally, physically and sexually, they can be loyal to their abuser, rather than their family or social worker.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: VigiliaProcuratio i never said all muslims are peodophiles. People are not that thick to think that.
You can twist my words all you want. Rotherham is not a majority muslim area. Stop lying.
And even if it was a predominantly muslim area then that would put the percentage of white girls in rotherham whom have been abused even higher.

Yes they should be warned and a warning video was took down because the scenario was deemed racist.
These crimes far outweigh the rantings of any racists.

How do we prevent crimes like this? Everyone turn muslim perhaps?
You talk of civil war? That is preferable to the continuation of the abuse.
And if this country is so rotten im sure you could go to the levant.

And perhaps you can give some examples of white peodophiles targeting one particular race? Hmmm

edit on 1-3-2015 by disregard because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-3-2015 by disregard because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 03:30 PM
Asian ethnicity was reported as 4.9% in the 2011 UK census.
26% of child sexual exploitation offenders were recorded as Asian in the first National Crime Agency investigation of almost 1000 offenders in a 2011 study.
Out of Mind, Out of Sight - Breaking down the barriers to understanding child sexual exploitation
I look forward to further investigation to establish if this is just a case of poor record keeping, or that the Asian community has a disproportional level of offenders in this type of crime.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 03:49 PM
originally posted by: disregard

I'm not twisting your words, just taking them at face value.

And even if it was a predominantly muslim area then that would put the percentage of white girls in rotherham whom have been abused even higher.

Why, because all Muslim men rape children or young women?

At the very least it's ignorant to make unfounded claims that it's somebody of a specific background simply based on demographics alone. Don't get me wrong, so far as a police investigation is concerned it's certainly a factor they have to consider. When it comes to public debate people have to be politically-correct. I know we can get away with saying things on ATS which would warrant a ban on other forums, but then there's institutional racism.

I'm unsure as to the scope of this because the details are very murky. But I do sense that there is a very serious problem right now, such that is certainly not limited to Rotherham. Going by things I've seen recently, without going into detail, this could be some kind of twisted government programme. I know I'm speculating there as much as this thread has done, but I truly believe that it must be considered. Look at my quote above regarding brainwashing, that is from an official report. I also mentioned at some point that the victims' statements may be inaccurate due to threats being made, then I read that report...this kinda confirmed it in my mind. People are being controlled, it's not good at all. Some might call it MK-Ultra.

And if this country is so rotten im sure you could go to the levant.

I'm English, through and through. I'm not going to turn my back on the country to go to a war-zone.

You talk of civil war? That is preferable to the continuation of the abuse.

You've actually got a very good point there. I don't want to see that happen, but if people in power are making this happen then there is no question that we, the people, have to put a stop to it.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: VigiliaProcuratio
if people in power are making this happen then there is no question that we, the people, have to put a stop to it.

I'm not aware that people in power are making this happen, just some Asian blokes in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, and who knows where else in the UK?
...and Halifax.
edit on 1.3.2015 by grainofsand because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 10:50 AM
Perhaps I have missed it in this thread, but sexual abuse is usually about control of the individual, rather than the act of sex its self.

If the words muslim and asian are removed and replaced with "those who's cultures historically see women and children as second class citizens" perhaps the debate could move forward without all the nit picking concerning religion?

Those who do see women and children as second class citizens, with less personal rights than men have, are much more likely to feel its ok for men to take what they want, when they want, without consequence.

Add into the mix the fact that western females are perceived by some to be immoral, due to them having freedom of choice, concerning who they have sex with, what they wear etc, its not difficult to see how this situation has come about.

According to main stream media, India has a huge problem with men raping young girls, it does come across as less organised though, which I find really frightening.

I grew up in a small town, where rape seemed no more or less common than in any other small town of its time, however in the early 00's a takeaway shop opened, staffed by mainly turkish men. Within a couple of years one of the male staff was in crown court, accused of a particularly violent rape of a grown women and the shop was known for having lots of school girls hanging around waiting for their older turkish boyfriends to give them free food. This always made me feel uneasy, although I had no comprehension of organised gang rape back then. (I have given this information to the police, but doubt my gut feelings hold much sway with them.)

posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 12:57 PM
For information, as potentially relevant to this thread:
Charges in Rochdale today:

The men have been charged as follows:
Shayfur Rahman, 31, of Chapel Road, Prestwich, Greater Manchester, has been charged with one count of rape

Kutab Miah, 34, of Ramsay Street, Rochdale, has been charged with three counts of sexual activity and one count of rape

Rehan Ali, 26, of Cleethorpes Avenue, Blackley, Manchester, has been charged with one count of rape and six counts of sexual activity with a child

Iklaq Choudhry Hussain, 37, of Mayfield Terrace, Rochdale, has been charged with three counts of sexual activity with a child and two counts of rape

David Law, 45, of Cotmanhay Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, has been charged with three counts of conspiracy to commit rape

Mahfus Rahman, 28, has been charged with three counts of rape and three counts of sexual activity with a child

Ashfaq Yousaf, 28, has been charged with one count of aiding and abetting rape and rape

Afraz Ahmed, 32, of Oswald Street, Rochdale, has been charged with two counts of conspiracy to commit rape, two counts of rape and two counts of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity

Mohammed Davood, 37, of Leyland Road, Burnley, Lancashire, has been charged with one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, three counts of rape, one count of sexual activity with a child and one count of sexual assault

Mohammed Miah, 39, has been charged with three counts of sexual activity and two counts of rape.
edit on 2.3.2015 by grainofsand because: typo

posted on Mar, 6 2015 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: hudsonhawk69

It appears Islam is in the clutches of satan, as Christianity was once.

posted on Mar, 6 2015 @ 12:22 PM
Very sick

a reply to: grainofsand

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