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Corruption, Greed, and Dishonesty as a Result of Pride

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posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 02:34 PM
People will never believe you unless you prove yourself.

You will not be given a chance to prove yourself.

This is a twisted way from learning if people are really with you, or against you.

So prideful in that they fear if you do prove yourself, you will prove to be better than them which means they would no longer be dominant over you and they would no longer be in control, which they did not deserve from the beginning:

Few powerful people in the world have not taken advantage of others, which is an abuse of power by falsehood. The things involved with how people reach a position of power have nothing to do with integrity: sexual manipulation, prejudice, biased judgments, selfish greed, etc.

As a person who is able to define integrity by the law of selfless, pridelessness, spiritual enlightenment in opposition to ego (you will find many people who claim they believe in God but they do not acknowledge ANY laws for acting in righteousness: an act of giving, not an act of taking, an act of losing, not an act of winning, an act of showing compassion, not an act of frustration, an act of forgiving, not an act of holding grudges, an act of unconditional love, not an act of judging), and an importance for telling the truth at all times. I am not depressed by having to be a servant for these power hungry men and women of falsehood. It does not bother me to play their game, to be judged wrongly, to be hated for being human, and to be left alone in this harsh world with no one to love.

Every world institution that is rich and powerful will not tell the world the truth under any circumstance. They have set up a delusional foundation and standard to make people believe they are telling the truth, but it is just a front to enslave people by mind and keep them in ignorance.

Therefore, if you would like to know the truth in history for example, you cannot go to or the history channel because they will do and say anything possible to lead us away from the truth, and to find the truth one must go to a fringe source with little to no credentials because all of these rich and powerful sources are manipulated by dishonesty from the very top of the organization all the way down to the outcome and release of information. These companies stand for the attitude of each individual in the world who has been corrupted by greed and dishonesty because they cannot bare to let go of pride.

In truth we are all one. So if one person lies we can all see it because since the truth is spiritual, the truth is the only real thing in existence. So when people are dishonest it breaks through this fabric of reality and invites darkness, or the devil. So because of money and control people have abandoned themselves and traded themselves for the devil. They have chosen to lie to the whole world and to keep them under their falsehood delusion of control.

The prideless people will be condemned and attacked for their righteous. These people see a righteous human and become jealous with envy because they are not free themselves within all truth, and they prevent the righteous from being mentally and spiritually free because they are locked up in the dungeon of pride and ego, it causes anger in them when they see a person who has broken free from that, so they store hatred in themselves.

This way of the world, which is so incredibly wrong from a spiritual context, causes me to to grind the finger nails of my soul and grit the teeth of my spirit. The fact that the rich powerful and elite have kept the truth hidden from humanity. If it were not hidden, we can see that this has been learned already from history. Back in the days of Jesus, the world power at the time the Roman Empire, murdered and tortured the holy Jewish people. The reason was because the holy people would not worship the Roman gods. Do you see the correlation? The people in control, could not control the holy people so they caused the holy ones to suffer. This ideology, has me terribly depressed. That the people of truth cannot defeat the people of falsehood. And the people of falsehood have acquired the means of power to keep the world in ignorance, to allow people undeserving of power to enter into those positions, which ensures the world will continue to be controlled by falsehood, and ensures that the good will continue to suffer.
edit on 4Sat, 21 Feb 2015 16:20:01 -0600America/Chicago15America/ChicagoSat, 21 Feb 2015 16:20:01 -0600 by greyer because: remove content, improve

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 02:49 PM
Good thread. S&F

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: greyer

Um... At first I was following you but then you lost me with the God & Jesus part.

But if I may comment on that part which I did follow:

Pride is actually essential. You say that lies, corruption and greed are results of pride, but this is not exactly true. For pride also generates truth, resolve, and honesty.

Pride is nothing more than confidence in oneself, the conformation of oneself with an ideal image. People who resist corruption, for instance, must have pride in their action of resistance, otherwise they would not find the will to sustain this resistance in the first place.

Food for thoughts.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 02:52 PM
Dude I'm tryin to follow what you're sayin,but I'm lost.Btw,No disrespect..

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: greyer

I do love a good existential discussion; however at the moment I've only a short time and will not repond as I would be unable to respond with the thought that your OP deserves. Do expect me back later in the day.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: greyer

Most of the behaviour you described is due to jealousy, underdeveloped emotional intelligence, lack of righteousness and a misplaced sense of entitlement.

It has been happening since known history and probably before and it has to be said that religious people, including Jewish people are not above such behaviour, contrary to the particular comment you made about Jews being ''holy'', having studied many religions and knowing people from the main religions, I can say that instead of describing religious people as ''holy'' they should more accurately be written as showing an ''allegiance to a religion'' rather than true of spirit and of higher realms.

Historically, Jews and Christians were both violent and far from holy.

Religions are probably the worst culprits of instilling a misplaced sense of entitlement and of fooling people into thinking themselves as ''holy'' by conforming to scriptures that are the words of greedy, controlling men. The very fact that they all think of themselves as divine words is part of the issues facing civilization. The fact that there are billions of believers in such, each tied to their particular 'branch' of religion and their own particular taught sense of entitlement is just a form of tribalism on a large scale with bigger weapons.

I do hope humanity can drag itself out of the stone age before it nukes itself into oblivion.

Humanity really does need divine intervention, perhaps there is a higher power for real (that is not a man made religion) that can show it's power by showing all of humanity it's failings and put it back on track and to value the true and infinite higher power.

And before there are any attacks, no I am not Muslim or a Nazi, nor a worshipper of books written by men.

Whilst there is a lot of technology and societal structure in most of the civilized world, there is a lack of morals and ethics that makes for good communities and people of true and kind natures.

Back in the days of Jesus, the world power at the time the Roman Empire, murdered and tortured the holy Jewish people. The reason was because the holy people would not worship the Roman gods. Do you see the correlation? The people in control, could not control the holy people so they caused the holy ones to suffer.

edit on 21-2-2015 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 03:27 PM
The problem with pride is this: It leads you to think that because you have an accomplishment or talent that others don't have, that it somehow sets you above others in all things.

It isn't wrong at all to take some pride in accomplishment. But when you start to think that because you accomplished something, you are better than the rest of the world, that is dangerous pride.

Look at Bill Gates. He is enormously talented and accomplished, but he has taken his pride to the extreme of now trying to make decisions for everyone else as though he knows better through his foundation. He uses the guise of charity to impose his worldview on the people he helps. He has imposed his stamp on everyone's children through the Common Core for better or worse. Is he an expert in anything to do with education or child development? I don't know, but he was eyeballs deep in developing those standards because of his other achievements.

That's dangerous pride.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: greyer

It does get to me that our society has been manipulated in the way you describe but I find if you do the things that make you happy within the confines of your own personal world, it makes it better.

Obviously not for society, in regards to that you just have to keep believing that something is going to change sometime, and do everything you can to be there when it does

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: greyer

Pride is the reason people accumulate vastly more wealth that they could ever use.
The co-opting of religion by capitalism was driven by pride.
Pride is at the root of race bias.

So yea. Pride might be a real good thing to understand if you are seeking to avoid negativity and lead a life without regret. Hard to unlearn though.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 04:51 PM
Food for thought greyer but why do so many contemplative posts these days end with a grand mention of the Jews and/or Adolph Hitler? As they say in London, "Leave it aat!" (it precipitates gut-rot)

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: greyer

I am really not a fan of responding in this manner; however I want to be sure to give my thoughts on your various positons so beg your indulgence.

People will never believe you unless you prove yourself.

You will not be given a chance to prove yourself.

This is a twisted way from learning if people are really with you, or against you.

So prideful in that they fear if you do prove yourself, you will prove to be better than them which means they would no longer be dominant over you and they would no longer be in control, which they did not deserve from the beginning:

I think you've got some circular logic going on here that is useless in life and furthermore it's seems a self-justification for non-performance rather then a statement of spiritual truth.

I'll rephrase and ask that you correct me where I'm wrong.

You see the 'pride' in others as being a barrier to others being allow to demonstrate their skills because these 'pridefull one' are afraid of losing their status and/or position to the newcomer?

Few powerful people in the world have not taken advantage of others, which is an abuse of power by falsehood. The things involved with how people reach a position of power have nothing to do with integrity: sexual manipulation, prejudice, biased judgments, selfish greed, etc.

A few? How about most people in a hierarchial society commit various abuses in order to gain. And you are correct in stating that this 'approach' to life lacks integrity.

As a person who is able to define integrity by the law of selfless, pridelessness, spiritual enlightenment in opposition to ego (you will find many people who claim they believe in God but they do not acknowledge ANY laws for acting in righteousness: an act of giving, not an act of taking, an act of losing, not an act of winning, an act of showing compassion, not an act of frustration, an act of forgiving, not an act of holding grudges, an act of unconditional love, not an act of judging), and an importance for telling the truth at all times. I am not depressed by having to be a servant for these power hungry men and women of falsehood. It does not bother me to play their game, to be judged wrongly, to be hated for being human, and to be left alone in this harsh world with no one to love.

What does integrity include, I prefer to define terms by what they consist of rather then what they lack.

Integrity includes a certain consistancy in behavoir, speech and thought based on experienced spiritual truths that lacks regidity and sees each situation, person, moment in a fresh and unjudgemental way. It is wisdom practised over time and not a slavish adherence to ideals, dogmas, or personal preferences.

It does not require the approval of others nor seeks it.

Every world institution that is rich and powerful will not tell the world the truth under any circumstance. They have set up a delusional foundation and standard to make people believe they are telling the truth, but it is just a front to enslave people by mind and keep them in ignorance.

Therefore, if you would like to know the truth in history for example, you cannot go to or the history channel because they will do and say anything possible to lead us away from the truth, and to find the truth one must go to a fringe source with little to no credentials because all of these rich and powerful sources are manipulated by dishonesty from the very top of the organization all the way down to the outcome and release of information. These companies stand for the attitude of each individual in the world who has been corrupted by greed and dishonesty because they cannot bare to let go of pride.

Here again, you speak of the failings of others (otherwise known as judgement). You can only work with and improve your side of the street, so to speak.

To judge and exhort others to do as you demand is not living with integrity. I'll leave you to decide the character flaws involved.

In truth we are all one. So if one person lies we can all see it because since the truth is spiritual, the truth is the only real thing in existence. So when people are dishonest it breaks through this fabric of reality and invites darkness, or the devil. So because of money and control people have abandoned themselves and traded themselves for the devil. They have chosen to lie to the whole world and to keep them under their falsehood delusion of control.

Bingo - but again with the judgement of others. The work starts with you and you alone. Well done.

The prideless people will be condemned and attacked for their righteous. These people see a righteous human and become jealous with envy because they are not free themselves within all truth, and they prevent the righteous from being mentally and spiritually free because they are locked up in the dungeon of pride and ego, it causes anger in them when they see a person who has broken free from that, so they store hatred in themselves.

Again with the negative wording. Prideless - how about Humility. And as for righteousness, I find it a fregment cover for arrogance and judgement. I truly believe the word righteous had very different and specific meaning - especially as used in the jewish bible righteous meant only those who followed the 'word of the law'. In my limited understanding the Christ came along to expand that to 'spirit of the law' when he preached which again was turned back to 'the letter of the law' by the famed Saul of Tarsus.

The word righteous or righteousness is not precise enought for accurate understanding across varied cultures and histories.

This way of the world, which is so incredibly wrong from a spiritual context, causes me to to grind the finger nails of my soul and grit the teeth of my spirit. The fact that the rich powerful and elite have kept the truth hidden from humanity. If it were not hidden, we can see that this has been learned already from history. Back in the days of Jesus, the world power at the time the Roman Empire, murdered and tortured the holy Jewish people. The reason was because the holy people would not worship the Roman gods. Do you see the correlation? The people in control, could not control the holy people so they caused the holy ones to suffer. This ideology, has me terribly depressed. That the people of truth cannot defeat the people of falsehood. And the people of falsehood have acquired the means of power to keep the world in ignorance, to allow people undeserving of power to enter into those positions, which ensures the world will continue to be controlled by falsehood, and ensures that the good will continue to suffer.

Your depression will lift as you continue your search as it's all in the seeking and not in the finding.

Personally, I think the world is just the way we need it in order to learn. Whether or not we do, is a personal choice we all make.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 08:12 PM
I would bet the people who hold such worldly power are deluded to the point where they have justified their own actions. I doubt that they purposefully deceive the masses, but rather they ignorantly deceive the masses. People are starting to wake up and it is only a matter of time until Good prevails. I know the feeling you are feeling right now. It is important that you ensure that you yourself are completely void of pride and greed (I eventually realized that I detested these greedy people, while still having a sliver of ravenous money-hunger my self).

Stay strong, these times are only trials and tribulations.

edit on 21-2-2015 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: greyer

Guten Morgen- Aren't You relinquishing some of Your "power" if You're worried about what I (the "other You") think?. Doesn't Rule #2 specifically state : What someone thinks about You is none of Your business?

Isn't "integrity" best defined by doing the proper thing even though nobody is present to witness?

And wouldn't "present" be not thinking about two things One cannot do 'snip' about, past/future?

You (the "other Me") just may be on separate paths, together...

Have a great day. May the wind be at Your back.


posted on Feb, 28 2015 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: Golden Rule
Food for thought greyer but why do so many contemplative posts these days end with a grand mention of the Jews and/or Adolph Hitler? As they say in London, "Leave it aat!" (it precipitates gut-rot)

Why do so many humans compromise their negative actions and justify them based on a separation of class in society? Why do people play ego games, attaining joy from the instigated aggravation and frustration of others? Why do people psychologically compete with each other, needing a position of dominance to justify their own pride? In these instances and circumstances, why do human beings reject and deny the truth, when the truth doesn't coincide with their ambitions and dreams?

This is what has me to a boiling point. This, is the essence of pride, it is the essence of humanity in this current state to be a hypocrite in denial. No matter what it is, prideful people will always deny some truth, you cannot have pride and know the truth, they just do not go together. In order to feel good, they have to argue and be right, when they are wrong. It is just as simple.

First of all, don't let your own pride get ahead of you. I have never mentioned Hitler in any post that I have written on this website, that is no mention in almost 2,500 posts. So right away, your assumptions are not aligned, they are not correct.

But, I have mentioned the situation that happened around the time of Jesus. For one, it describes how egotistical people must deny the truth, and even through 2,000 years they cannot bare to research the truth over what people acted in history, and would rather believe what the masses or parents of groups of people tell them at face value. How would a Christian go to heaven when they realize that they have been preaching and following a fabricated lie their whole life? This is the meaning of how Judas (Jesus) said that he is going to cause a separation within families - a mother against her daughter, a father against his son.

I will keep on telling the truth of what happened in history, because people like you reject the truth immediately because of all the negative feelings and thoughts you have, such as pride.

Again, it is not known that the holy people who lived a life of purity in near ancient Judah, were murdered and tortured by the people that american Christians worship. Some of their teachings and law were taken by the murderers, and presented to the whole as a development to control the population; religion. I must mentioned these tortured holy people because they were some of the only people in the history of earth who actually had it right. And today these bickering egos argue over what is right and what is good. But it is the rejection that the world showed these holy people which is the important lesson to teach, it is an addition to the philosophy of my OP that prideful people must deny the truth. These people must deny everything that is right and correct because it is the falsehood of delusion which makes them feel good; confident, dominant. They cannot give anything from their heart, which is why they cannot stand by truth. They cannot give because unconsciously, they are in opposition to the Creator of this earth.

posted on Feb, 28 2015 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: greyer

Every world institution that is rich and powerful will not tell the world the truth under any circumstance. They have set up a delusional foundation and standard to make people believe they are telling the truth, but it is just a front to enslave people by mind and keep them in ignorance.

And put at the top of your list...Organized religion, one of the most false agenda driven, controlling cultural entities that man has ever produced. The religious arrogance to think they know the mind of GOD is astonishing.

and please call me a "people like you" as well....I find it a source of pride, not buying into the spiritual conformity you apparently worship.

Do you not think that your own prideful "holier than thou" "I know the truth" approach; brings into question your motives?

edit on 28-2-2015 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2015 @ 12:11 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd
Again with the negative wording. Prideless - how about Humility. And as for righteousness, I find it a fregment cover for arrogance and judgement. I truly believe the word righteous had very different and specific meaning - especially as used in the jewish bible righteous meant only those who followed the 'word of the law'. In my limited understanding the Christ came along to expand that to 'spirit of the law' when he preached which again was turned back to 'the letter of the law' by the famed Saul of Tarsus.

The word righteous or righteousness is not precise enought for accurate understanding across varied cultures and histories.

Hey thanks for your thought. Most of what you wrote is in agreement with me, some of my writing is a bit on the creative side, so my words are not usually pin point. I mean most words have more than one meaning, so it is fun to give a play on words, in the creative writing sense. In the time of Jesus (Judas) it was extremely common to write very abstract, giving terms for everything that described what was being written, so the word play in ancient scripture is very common, and gives egotistical people much to argue about. The holy Jews never wrote to convey specific people, this is because they believed in righteousness so much that even if a person did something wrong to them, they would not blame that person in scripture, but give a third person point of view and use nicknames and vague references to the situations being social, an example is they called Paul the 'enemy,' but never gave a name for who the 'enemy' is, one would have to research deeply to figure it out. On the completely opposite side, the Gentiles who were the Greeks and Romans, used a grand scheme of names of people for a word play, as a fabrication of events, so it was the opposite. They created fake names for the council of 12, in the gospel stories, they took the names of the family of Judas (Jesus) and incorporated them into the council of 12, Robert Eisman has done a good job in exposing them many play of names in the NT. For example, Judas Iscariot means that Judas (Jesus) was a Sicarii. This means that Jesus was really not about turning the other cheek, he was about Purity in the Law and he was willing to give his life so that he remained pure in this way. This was not just one person who came up with everything, for 100s of years there was a secret society, later known to be the Essenes. Simon Peter and James were the sons of Judas, and they were both crucified also. but it is extremely hard to figure it all out - mostly because the Jewish literature about the exact same topics are long lost - there was Jewish scripture for all Greek and Roman scripture we have today, for example Josephus wrote a whole history as we have today, but the one we have today was written in Greek for the Gentiles, the one that is lost was written in Aramaic for the Jews. For example, Justus of Tiberias wrote of the same, which we have lost ever since the 9th century. We have lost all of the history on account of the Jews, and have remaining history on account of the Gentiles, which is the opposite of what we want. But the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, and take it from me who has done endless study on these scrolls that the New Testament if it were real and authentic, would resemble much more like the Dead Sea Scrolls than the Greek documents that we received through history. Jesus came along and he made the Essene law even more pure. For example, the Essenes only held their festivals at a certain interval of the moon, if the moon wasn't in that correct interval they wouldn't hold the festival, but Judas (Jesus) didn't let the moon have an effect on the law of feasts, or anything.

Now even the 'Holy Spirit' could have been a creation and fabrication of the Gentiles. If one looks at the hidden, secret, and lost Aramaic scriptures we find that Judas (Jesus) was really different, even in the words he preached. For example Jesus didn't say 'Holy Father' but said 'Holy Parent.' And if he did say 'Father,' he used both 'Father-Mother' in term, saying my 'Father-Mother' in Heaven. John the Baptizer said that the Messiah Jesus would not baptize of water but the Holy Spirit. I suspect this was a Gentile fabrication to fulfill the trinity, because the trinity was pagan long before Christianity. It seems this Father, Son, and Holy Spirit was not authentic. It is just a long sorry story about how the Gentiles stole the law of the holy ones and incorporated them into their own pagan beliefs, which we have historical evidence of.

But when we look at the Essene movement which led to the ministry of Jesus (Judas) we can see that universally they were the ones who discovered and implemented what indeed defines righteousness. The list goes on and on, and it is all development since times of far ancient. Every aspect of their life was out of selflessness, a complete opposition to pride. They gave away their last dime, they treated all elderly as if they were family, they took care of all the sick, the gave their food and clothing to others in need, they refused to argue, or show any negative body language such as spitting, they went through extreme purification rites, for example, they would go to work in the same pair of beaten clothes, they only had one pair, but twice a day before lunch and before dinner, they would baptize themselves and after bathing in cold running water they would put on a shiny white robe that was very clean, and they would eat in this shiny robe and give thanks, and after they would change into the beaten work clothes and finish the work day. It was a daily act of kindness to wash each others feet.

And surely this all relates to pride and the condition of society 2,000 years later. I believe this is universal and does not have any barrier on language or culture.

posted on Feb, 28 2015 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: swanne
Um... At first I was following you but then you lost me with the God & Jesus part.

But if I may comment on that part which I did follow:

Pride is actually essential. You say that lies, corruption and greed are results of pride, but this is not exactly true. For pride also generates truth, resolve, and honesty.

Pride is nothing more than confidence in oneself, the conformation of oneself with an ideal image. People who resist corruption, for instance, must have pride in their action of resistance, otherwise they would not find the will to sustain this resistance in the first place.

Food for thoughts.

Thanks, I just wrote two posts which explains the Judas part, it is to open our eyes that the truth has been taken advantage of and that it has been lost.

But for the substance of the OP, I have demonstrated many instances =, some of my own personal experience, in which describes how pride will not coincide with the truth. I am open to believing you that pride is essential, but after I have written so much about how pride is the destroyer and given examples, can you give me examples to provide evidence of your theory? Because even if you give some Darwinian example of survival of the fittest, I would say that is a joke, and give much information as to why that is a wicked delusion, once again as pride always does, create delusion to keep people from thinking and being within the truth.

Pride is thinking highly. Confidence is trust. They both are founded by belief. We are talking in the OP about self-pride. If you are proud of another person that in entirely different. In this world, I have seen as a matter of fact that arrogance is mistake for confidence. Arrogance is more along the definition of pride, and arrogance is very much different than confidence. Therefore pride and confidence are also very different and do not relate to each other - though I think many people get the two confused as mentioned.

People who resist corruption, for instance, must have pride in their action of resistance, otherwise they would not find the will to sustain this resistance in the first place.

I would argue, just a small play on words here - People who resist corruption only need to have truth in their action of resistance, truth is the very will which sustains the resistance to corruption. What is the truth? It is corrupted by pride, therefore the prideful believe they have the truth, and the prideless also believe they have the truth. This happened to me the day before yesterday, somebody looked at me in the eye and told me that what they were saying was true, yet it was not true, they refused to believe me, they refused to listen to the details of my words, why? - Because they had so much pride, that they needed to affirm to the be right in order to feel good about themselves, to remain a position of dominance - to affirm the pride they have. But what did I do? I looked at them in their eyes, and I did not argue. I demonstrated the act of having no pride. And what is really hurtful, is that if I did share my truth in that they were not correct - I bet money that they would have still argued the truth - just because their own pride would not let them be defeated in their act of dominance and having the delusion of being correct and right. it is a dirty, dirty game of the ego. And If I did have pride, I might not even be able to describe this because I wouldn't be on that end so many times, where people argue with me when I am right and I do not argue back. Because when you are right and somebody argues with you - it does not work. We are now getting into very very deep details of psychology, and the corruption inside of it. Again these people may be hypocrites, they may tell you they believe in love or God, but since they have pride, they cannot be righteous.

posted on Feb, 28 2015 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: greydaze
Dude I'm tryin to follow what you're sayin,but I'm lost.Btw,No disrespect..

Hey, this is extreme and will be hard to follow without some exposure to the subject, like a test without reading the book for it.

Basically, I believe the world can be perfect, but in order to be perfect we must change: we must love each other, and give to each other, and listen to each other, and not have self-pride. Currently, I see people cutting me off in traffic when I had the right away, I see people ignoring me with apathy unless they found something to mock me for, I see people hating poor people because they are not clean, and the only people with peace of mind are because they have completely separated themselves with society just to avoid all the hard work in what I am revealing. But if that is not what you see, then possibly we may not be able to relate. I will give an example of how I do not have pride, which the world does have:

It could be possible that I have a delusion, and that I am not right.

That everybody is the difference between me and the world of pride: it does not make me feel any better or any worse to think that I am wrong.

posted on Feb, 28 2015 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
And put at the top of your list...Organized religion, one of the most false agenda driven, controlling cultural entities that man has ever produced. The religious arrogance to think they know the mind of GOD is astonishing.

and please call me a "people like you" as well....I find it a source of pride, not buying into the spiritual conformity you apparently worship.

Do you not think that your own prideful "holier than thou" "I know the truth" approach; brings into question your motives?

That is answered in my very last post to greydaze (sorry I am writing at such length). I could be wrong, and welcome any counter beliefs to give thought over. If you act like that, and be humble to pride, you will be tested how much graciousness you have.

I agree that the organized religion is a lie and concepts for power and control which were stolen from the holy ones. Organized religion is at the top of the list, besides powerful government and corporate entities.

We have the people that believe to know the mind of God and are false, and the people that believe to know the mind of God who have developed their belief systems based on 1,000s of years of trial and error. What makes me believe the latter have it right is that they were persecuted, lied to, murdered, and had their beliefs stolen from them in order to be incorporated into the organized gentile religion of power and control, the one we have remaining to this day called Christianity. Then I go deeper into what they believed, and I saw duplicate reflections.

posted on Aug, 3 2018 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: greyer

I'm pride so imagine how proven i feel. Then think about I've only been physically forcing those effect for six years and I've only covered corruption so far. When you come to prove i'm dishonest be aware i speak only truth meaning if i lie to you it's not my problem. Have you ever heard of the pillars of the earth, when i walk your lies probably source my steps for inspiration so lying for me would be something like a challenge to show two steps of truth are actually yours. I could go on for a long time with this #. They lie to themselves, I don't correct them though. I'm greedy as f*ck.

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