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UFO Crash Reported in Manitoba Denied by Canadian Military!

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posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 06:30 PM
Update on the report of a UFO crashing in Canada by one of Canada's top Ufologists Chris Rutkowski: HERE

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: Bloodydagger

Excellent article, Bloodydagger! Thank you. I've been checking in on this thread every now and then, and its good to see a timeline laid out like that.

- AB

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 07:27 PM
Not sure if this is related or not. I been seeing a lot of syn/ack scans on the network logs last couple days. Figured I would do some nslookup on some of them and noticed 3 different IP's coming out of Manitoba, Canada. Maybe some kind of a cyber war attack is involved too? Just thought I would throw that out there.
edit on 22-2-2015 by sean because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: Trillium
That's interesting. I never knew Canadians had there own army, somehow I pictured they would all be up on there steeds in there red uniforms, making a circle and telling everybody. "Move along now guy. There's noting to see here eh! Why dont you all go have a hot mug of coco eh! "

On another interesting note. It seems these UFOs crash ever so often, you would think they as in the aliens would be building them better. What with them having to travel the hundreds of thousands to millions of years of the cosmos and every sort of perils from pressures of space, to heat that would melt wood, to all kinds of things even going at any sort of speed in space a rock the size of a pebble would tear though you like a hot knife through cheese, and all to get here on planet earth for whatever reasons.

Or how about the ones from other dimensions? You would think if they could do that they would take some precautions right? But those I can understand why they go down once every few million years or so.

But ya! Whats up with them UFO's, they always be crashing and stuff.

edit on 7pmSundaypm222015f0pmSun, 22 Feb 2015 19:40:06 -0600 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 07:48 PM
Obviously because its Canadian militaries

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: SilkyT
Oh, you are from the Ukraine... did you happen to catch the footage about the "meteor" that was coming toward you, which would ultimately have wiped out the whole area, and one of our "interceptors" intercepted it and smashed it up right before it hit the planet? Cool, huh? So, don't tell me we don't have "star wars" technology already out there. reply to: jude11

The Russian meteor of last year or so was traveling in excess of 40k mph. There is nothing that we have that could have "intercepted" that object. Nothing.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: TrueMessiah
Humour apparently goes over some people's heads... as does cgi

originally posted by: galadofwarthethird
I never knew Canadians had there own army

Whose army did you think we had?

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: sean
Could you lookup your PMs please?

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 09:21 AM
Sorry to burst your bubble everyone but, straight from the source, my brother whom is based in Cold lake Alberta air force base and deals with public relations, especially for air force told me that it's an arctic warfare exercise involving the rangers and regular forces, some reservists are there as well, hence the big trucks. The large trucks you see were given to the reservists for a cheap price, pretty much two for one, also confirmed by my father who was the operations manager stationed in Hamilton ON. for large trucks and equipment.

As for the 'crashed UFO' to the public, yes it's a UFO, but it was merely part of the whole exercise, and he doesn't know what it is, he said it was most likely some supplies dropped from the sky into the lake and the exercise was to retrieve it.

The Canadian military is very hush, hush about training because they spend lots of resources and tax payers money to do it, especially in the dead of winter.

Try to call me 'one of them' but this is the truth.
edit on 23-2-2015 by strongfp because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: Ridhya

Sorry I didn't get the memo.

I didn't vouch for any video being non CGI though.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 10:26 AM
So that is the truth but what about those people NOT allowed to take pictures? I mean the cats out of the bag already, right? They already mentioned it's testing day so why do it where people will get curious - don't they have their own testing sites? What about people obtained by the military or people who say they saw a disk - are they lying?
a reply to: strongfp

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: strongfp

Well if the photos are anything, one has to wonder why the drop plane items skidded so far, and this other comment: "The worst offender was the mostly-hoax UFO Youtube channel ThirdPhaseOfMoon" ThirdPhaseOfMoon got it right, sort of, because this thing skidded in the snow, so it wasn't "drop" from a plane, and thus, looks like the impacted "folded" snow into bank behind it, as ThirdPhaseOFMoon said it looked like a cruise ship, and it kind of does, but only because his photo wasn't that sharp, at any rate, I'm sure there is a saucer on the other side of that snow bank. I'm wondering when we'll hear the SHTF as the Jackhead tribal folk start complaining about their military police state lockdown and the door to door threat treatment of the last few days, please don't try to tell us that threatening a sovereign Indian nation is standard procedure for war game practice, and anyways, didn't they say it was a search and rescue thing? Funny how that story keeps changing.

edit on 23-2-2015 by Mayamya because: put in correct punctuation

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 10:47 AM
Its around Jackhead, it's not a random site, the Canadian military can test anywhere they want outside of cities or residential zones.
Also, if people were sniffing around their military operations they will remove those people from taking pictures and videos, they don't take any chance.

When my dad was stationed to his final posting in Kingston before his retirement he worked in a building where it housed some pretty powerful computers, when they would test them for security the building was surrounded by razor wire, 12 armed guards, and only people over a certain rank were allowed to enter. It's no joke.

As for the 'disc', who knows, but cargo can simply skid across an icy terrain, even if it's a square.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: Mayamya
a reply to: strongfp

Well if the photos are anything, one has to wonder why the drop plane items skidded so far, and this other comment: "The worst offender was the mostly-hoax UFO Youtube channel ThirdPhaseOfMoon" ThirdPhaseOfMoon got it right, sort of, because this thing skidded in the snow, so it wasn't "drop" from a plane, and thus, looks like the impacted "folded" snow into bank behind it, as ThirdPhaseOFMoon said it looked like a cruise ship, and it kind of does, but only because his photo wasn't that sharp, at any rate, I'm sure there is a saucer on the other side of that snow bank. I'm wondering when we'll hear the SHTF as the Jackhead tribal folk start complaining about their military police state lockdown and the door to door threat treatment of the last few days, please don't try to tell us that threatening a sovereign Indian nation is standard procedure for war game practice, and anyways, didn't they say it was a search and rescue thing? Funny how that story keeps changing.

It's not war games, it's an arctic warfare exercise, much different.
And we don't have military state police, we have the RCMP, and military police and what ever regional police there are, that's if they can afford it.

The RCMP were not there, and the MP's were not there as well, the reservists and rangers were involved as well. Did anyone bother to report that civilian reservists were there? No, because people saw something fall from the sky they jump to conclusions. If this were a strict government cover up then it would be regular forces ONLY not civilian rangers and reservists.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: strongfp

so what about the disk shape object in the pictures? dude go somewhere with your fake lies.
yea you are one of those.

edit on 23-2-2015 by ShaeTheShaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:43 AM
please ignore my effort as it was a load of BS
edit on 23/2/2015 by maryhinge because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: strongfp

They will not tell you anything except what they are contracted to tell you.

It doesn't matter if they are family or not.

Just saying....


posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:58 AM
That picture is a fake

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: ShaeTheShaman
a reply to: strongfp

so what about the disk shape object in the pictures? dude go somewhere with your fake lies.
yea you are one of those.

What pictures?
And I'm not lying, I never did.

They will not tell you anything except what they are contracted to tell you.

It doesn't matter if they are family or not.

Just saying....

Yes, because the military family I've known for my entire life would lie to me.

My brother has let me use his work phone for a day when I forgot mine. And that very phone is one with all his e-mails, twitter accounts, etc to the Canadian air force, including all the information to the Snowbirds. You really think if there was something being hidden he would let me use that phone?

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: strongfp

" ....if people were sniffing around their military operations they will remove those people from taking pictures and videos, they don't take any chance. "

Unfortunately, it was MORE than that, since these military operation guys went door-to-door in the tribal nation, and were in fact, on tribal land, okay. And they don't take any chance at WHAT! Someone reporting a war game?

At any rate we have, Lt.-Col. Paul Davies, who said "soldiers are training to deal with a plane crash and provide ground search and rescue support in the Arctic."

So here we go from a "search and rescue" to you saying it was "war games". So please tell me who is lying here? And really, if it were some simply sort of war game thing, you think they would welcome journalist to showcase to "the people" how their taxpayer dollars hard are hard at work, at least on the onset but this clearly is not the way it went down. Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman is right, that the thugs in the form of a very black government apparatus are hiding UFO technology from the public. It isn't patriotism, it is organization syndicated criminal behavior, whereby military personal are comprised to perpetrate an ongoing criminal act, one based on money, self-serving acts and basic greed of a very select few. If indeed, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated because he felt that people needed to know about alien craft (UFO's) it would be a high crime, indeed it would be an act of treason at least here in the US. The people already know there are UFO's out there, I mean what about the Phoenix lights? Even than Governor Fife Symington saw those lights, and than at these disclosure meetings, we have brave, and true patriot men, military men saying they have seen UFO craft, craft that are most certainly not ours.

Nobody is being protected from the knowledge of UFO's except the criminal minded who used military personal, under the flagging excuse that they are "protecting" citizens from the knowledge of other worldly technology, and that is such a crock. In fact, it is nothing short of an ongoing criminal act. An act to get technology that nobody else has access too, via using the excuse that it is too protect us all, all while threating us all, even killing people to protect an on going criminal act. It is the military industrial complex that is doing this, the very ones that Eisenhower warmed people about, a group of criminal minded thugs, that get sole exclusive use of technology that benefits a few very criminal actors and NOBODY ELSE. They are misusing the military and they are hiding technology that every scientist out there should have right too. In fact it is better to have an open science frame work, that some sort of hush, hush, we'll kill you if you say anything, criminalized concept of back-engineering.

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