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Two 17ft Great Whites team up to kill teen surfer.

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posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 11:01 PM
I think it s great and about time

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by lostinspace
Are these just hungry sharks? Have all the seals been eaten? Is it time to start hunting the Great Whites so we can swim in our oceans?

They aren't "our" oceans. How about this, if you want to stay at the top of the food chain, stay out of the damn water. That is their home, not yours. Animals eat other animals. We eat animals, they eat us. This is nature. If you don't feel like getting eaten, avoid that situation. SHEESH!

Do you really think that killing those sharks is a good thing to do? What makes you any more deserving to live than them? Do you eat meat? Like I said, stay out of the water if you don't like it. Its not like they're going to come up in to YOUR house and eat you.

Yes its to bad the kid aws killed, but he knew the risks.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 11:04 PM
Kill the sharks and then eat them, kill two birds with one stone.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 11:04 PM
eye for an eye but i m on the sharksside.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 11:18 PM
Sure, thats my philosophy. You kill it, you eat it. And shark isn't very yummy. But I guess they could make alot of aphrodisiac for the Japanese out of it. Hrm...

Anyways, like i said before, stay out of the situation. We can reason, make decisions based on logic and common sense (which I guess isn't so common), can the shark? Out smart the thing... STAY AWAY FROM IT.

How many people do you hear about swimming in the Everglades with the alligators they know are there? Not to many, they know the bloody things would LOVE to munch on them, and not by "mistake" like these sharks.

Maybe the problem is all these Discovery Channel shows about sharks saying "oohhh, they have a bad name, they're not that bad, blah blah blah..." They are that bad. They will kill you, and I'm pretty sure they don't care if you're a human or a seal. You're food. No, I don't think we should kill them because they don't look cute and cuddly, they are built for one purpose, to kill things, and would love to tear you in half. Thats what they are evolved to do.

I just don't think we should kill them because A.) They are one of the oldest species on the planet, and B.) we are supposed to be smart enough to stay away from danger. Don't touch the element on the freaking stove when its hot... don't swim in shark infested waters.

Is it hard to understand?

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 11:24 PM
Shark Hunter to the Rescue

It would seem an alternative to killing the Maneater[s] has been found:

SHARK hunter Rolf Czabayski says he can catch and kill the Great White that took Nick Peterson.......

Former SA shark hunter Andre Georgescu, however, said the shark � and any other large sharks spotted near beaches � should be killed.

Mr Georgescu, 45, said the shark was an ongoing threat.

He caught and killed 39 Great Whites from 1973 to 1997 and has since produced documentaries on the feared creatures. "This shark will do it again," he said.

But Mr Czabayski � who since 1976 has tagged 178 Great Whites and killed "about half a dozen" before it was outlawed � believes catching and releasing sharks stalking Adelaide beaches may make them flee. 5936,11722434%255E2682,00.html

[edit on 17-12-2004 by Volksgeist]

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 11:32 PM
I have seen footage of two great whites attacking a single surfer on Real TV once. I cant really say they were hunting as a pair though. It was just two great whites taking a shot a the same target both of which failed, No group tactics.

There is still alot we dont know about Great Whites though so who knows for sure. Nobody has ever observed a great white mating or giving birth that Im aware of.

Most attacks are not even thought to be the great white hunting Humans are not good food for a great white to bony without enough fat like a seal. Most are test bites one bite with no follow up attack the shark is curious and they dont have hands to feel so they give you a little bite. But a little test bite from a great white tends to take limbs off on humans.

[edit on 17-12-2004 by ShadowXIX]

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Torus
Don't touch the element on the freaking stove when its hot... don't swim in shark infested waters.

It's pretty hard to stay away freom sharks in Australia

P.S Sharks fins pretty tasty

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 11:36 PM
The victims three mates relive their ordeal:

Teenagers Adam Floreani, Andrew Tomlin and Ty Wheeler were in a runabout towing Nick on a surfboard off West Beach, when terror struck.

Andrew told The Advertiser yesterday "it took two sharks to get him".

Andrew said Nick had experienced a previous close encounter with a shark.

"Once Nick was out surfing and he came back in and he said he saw a fin but it didn't look that big so he stayed out because the waves were too good," he said.

"He loved the water, loved the beach and did everything to the extreme."

Andrew said the ferocious attack was "just tattooed on my brain forever".

He had been on the surfboard shortly before the sharks surged out of the water.

"I jumped in the boat and he (Nick) jumped out and a shark bigger than our 15-foot boat grabbed him," Andrew told Channel 10.

By the time he saw the first shark, Nick was already in its mouth, Andrew said.

Ty, who initially thought the first shark was a big dolphin, came close to being a victim.

"Nick asked me if I wanted to jump in next but he already had his shirt off. He just wanted to go," Ty said.

"Nick was just getting dragged by one arm and just doing everything he could ... and he never gave up." he said. 936,11723915%255E910,00.html

I imagine this ordeal will stay with them their whole lives.....

[edit on 17-12-2004 by Volksgeist]

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by hades000

Originally posted by Torus
Don't touch the element on the freaking stove when its hot... don't swim in shark infested waters.

It's pretty hard to stay away freom sharks in Australia

P.S Sharks fins pretty tasty

A man on the Gold Coast last year was killed by a shark swimming in a man-made canal...

Note to self: Check pool for sharks

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 11:53 PM

Note to self: Check pool for sharks

Get a Salt water Croc they are known to feed on adventurous sharks.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 11:56 PM

It's pretty hard to stay away freom sharks in Australia

??? Why? Do they walk down the streets? Do they break into your homes and offices to get you?

How is it hard to stay away from them? Is it imperative to your survival that you must go into the ocean? No.

I'm not say don't ever go into the ocean again. I love the ocean. My mother lives in Hawaii on the Big Island, and I love to swim, body board, skin dive, and such. I know there are 1500+ pound sharks out there, I'ev seen a 18 foot tiger shark ripping into a dead whale at Hapuna on the North shore (right near the Wikoloa Hilton, so everyone knew it was there and STAYED AWAY FROM IT). I know whats in that water.

But as Snorkel Bob says "Once in the water, remember, you are NOT anymore at the top of the food chain!" God bless Snorkel Bob. He also says that the blue goggle defogger liquid "...looks like yummy blue juice, but beware, it is not yummy, and if you get in your eyes, it will BURN like the fires of Babylon!!"

If you don't like it, don't do it. Go swimming, just know what you're getting into. Also, if your in Hawaii, and plan to go swimming, find one of those small ancient altars near the water (DO NOT GO NEAR THE BIG ONES!!! Thats Hawaiians only!) and give an offering to Maui to protect you and give you blessing while in the water. I always did, and I'm still alive.
(the alters are made of piled lava rock, and usually are covered with offerings ranging from part of the fishermans catch, to booze, to something precious to the person who wants to take from Maui). Never turn your back on the ocean, it WILL kick your arse.

[edit on 17-12-2004 by Torus]

[edit on 18-12-2004 by Torus]

posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 12:05 AM
Torus perhaps you are not aware of the weather in Australia

For example... it's H 38�C outside, as it is in Adelaide today, and you haven't a pool or air-conditioner because you haven't the money to afford it.... you live near the beach

Australia is an island continent.... the beach is much a part of Australian life as that of Hawaii or for that matter anywhere

[edit on 18-12-2004 by Volksgeist]

posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 12:11 AM
Volksgeist, I don't disagree, I do disagree with killing these sharks because they are in "your oceans". Anyone who goes in the water should know the risks. Aren't there shark nets around many beaches? Why not stay at those beaches if you're concerned about being torn apart?

posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Torus
Volksgeist, I don't disagree, I do disagree with killing these sharks because they are in "your oceans". Anyone who goes in the water should know the risks. Aren't there shark nets around many beaches? Why not stay at those beaches if you're concerned about being torn apart?

I'm not advocating that these sharks be killed. But neither should they be allowed near popular beaches. I posted an alternative earlier in the thread....

As for the shark nets..... the problem is that often dolphins and whales get caught in these nets.

[edit on 18-12-2004 by Volksgeist]

posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 12:22 AM
I don't comprehend the revenge mentality especially as has been said here, if you are in the shark's domain ... however if it is true, that once a shark gets a 'taste' for human flesh it will targetedly hunt human prey, then sure that shark needs to be killed in the interest of public safety.

Shark nets are useful to an extent, but surfers tend to want to go far out into the waves, further out than most shark safety nets. If anything good is to come out of this, it will serve as a warning to wave-lovers to take more precaution ... my friend's teen son who is a mad keen surfer repeatedly goes out into the surf even when sharks have been sighted in the area and there has been shark warnings. No great wave is worth risking a limb or your life for.

posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 12:50 AM
Sharks are part and parcel of Australia i love our beach`s,most attacks seem to occur whilst on a board or such,to a shark underneath the water a person on a board mimics the shape of a seal its favorite food,as much as i love the beach i dont surf for that reason,i like spear fishing donning a wettie snorkel and flippers and exploring,i bought my Mrs a wettie and snorkel but no flippers for one reason,i know there are alot of sharks and its impossible to out run them so i dont try, i just need to out run the Mrs
joking of coarse "sorry sweet heart" as i cop one across the back of my head

[edit on 18-12-2004 by gps777]

[edit on 18-12-2004 by gps777]

posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Asteroid
Yeah it happened at Popular swimming beach, being very hot today normally anything up to 2000 people there only 50 to-day, 5 crazy people in water, Shark still there spotted by Helicopter boats followed it. It mouthed outboard motor and started following boats around its got a taste of blood , its got to go. Actually a couple of sharks have been in the area about 3 weeks but thats there home. Fisheries dept etc have approved to-day capture or kill.

what is this idiotic BS. Sharks don't develope a taste for human flesh after hitting a person. Gawd

[edit on 18-12-2004 by rogue1]

posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 01:35 AM
The details reported by Nick's friends are so sad and it brings tears to the eyes. There's nothing worse that not being able to help your suffering friend, knowing if you help you'll risk the same fate. In their minds they're wondering it could've been one of them in that shark's mouth.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 12:04 AM
the problem is when they killed the shark is was nothing more then a revenge kill and isnt a long term solution to the problem.
a revenge kill may have made some people feel better but its wastefull all the way around.

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