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Reincarnation Laws/Punishment

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posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 03:29 PM
If we found a way to prove reincarnation and trace incarnations together then what would your views on punishment be? Let's say a person rapes and murders many then dies without being punished then incarnates into another life as a child. Do you think if we knew that for sure that we should follow through with punishment for the crimes?

How about if certain groups have over and over created lives for them selves that repete the same crimes over and over? Should we terminate the persons ability to incarnate over and over thereby stopping future acts. What if stopping them ment steralizing them or worse?

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 03:39 PM
ok i will play along, i love the randomness

so the big problem is proving that a future cannot be altered, so that means you will have to run tryouts:
If i am a murderer and die, and will be reincarnated into someone that will be a murder again, if you can determine there is NO WAY to change that, then yes, i should be terminated. but not if you can prove that variations in my upbringing can change that outcome.
The challenge would be finding out WHO i am reincarnated into.
Without established rules, if i was born and eventually died in say canada, there is no way to know if i will be reincarnated in a child in sweden.
The question is, how could you terminate one's ability to reincarnate, since most likely it is given by a higher power? you would have to just spend time hunting those people down across the world...that would make for one hell of an action movie!

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 03:39 PM
Well.... You propose a very interesting question.

I suppose the very idea of reincarnation is meant to re-educate spirits, giving them a better sense of right and wrong.

Actions like that: rape, murder, etc., is in my opinion byproducts of an immature spirit. I would think only through spiritual maturing can this process be totally eliminated.

To not understand this and to stop an incarnation process.... wouldn't that be the same as spiritual murder, or at least some type of bad karma on the blocker since the spirit cannot mature?

edit on 17-2-2015 by MentorsRiddle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: IShotMyLastMuse

You see it well.

If all those factors are answered then should the punishment be carried out in the next life?

Now imagine if it is already the case that a higher power does this.

It could answer many questions we currently have of why the world seems so screwed up and why bad things often happen to good people.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 03:52 PM
And "what if" it were those aforementioned rapists and murderers are able to "work off their beef" by being the 'innocent victim' that the Lamestream media loves to portray at the time of calamity?

Joe E. Murderer gets sentenced to death. Mr. Murderer is then given a lethal dose of whatever.. He then returns and at the age of 6 where He is "Loved by ALL" 'a lil angel' but is snuffed out by a drive-by.

What if it were something like that? If it were, there would be "Hope" for ALL, because even what most would label as "The worst" would still play a part.

Bill Shakespeare for the Ladies: "The world is a stage.. blah, blah, blah...


Edit: Isn't Your scenario "The son paying for the Father's sin" ? Who let the dogma out Who? Who? To add a lil bit more- What if St. Pete has retired and it is Us/We that do the only "judging"?
edit on 10/13/2014 by JimNasium because: a thought popped in..

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: MentorsRiddle

What if we are not here to grow spiritually and there is no spiritual growth here but this place was designed to be a heaven but was infiltrated by some evil ones that continue to screw up the system. Would it then be ok to rid the world of them by taking away their ability to reincarnate?

not sayin i believe any of this i just feel very hypothetical right now

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: JimNasium

very good grasp of my line of thinking here.

the bleeding hearts would actually be perpetuating the violence by taking a stand against it

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 04:15 PM
I think that one should only view any punitive models as a possibility and work overtime on ridding self of wishing for punitive things. We create reality, and the level that we envision, we're stuck on. So people who really think law of consequence, a rapist comes back as a victim, a dog eat dog capitalist may see what being a starved mangy prey in the jungle is like in the real animal kingdom, dog eat dog and survival of the fittest and all, and some may end up in third world. And its easy to fall into these mindsets, I've done it too. However, they are boxes. And the only person they truly harm, is self. Because if you strongly magnetize to that, there is a possibility, (note won't say it would be true) that you might be stuck in realms where that is how it is run, lower realms.

Just live by love and strive to understand other people and the psychology of spirits being broken, because what Love really wants to see is a heart, mind and soul mended, and lessons learnt, without pain and suffering from anyone.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: deadeyedick

I believe that you have to experience everything in an earthly life via numerous incarnations, but I can't quite reconcile some things...
Firstly, I think Karma is the form of 'punishment' or reward for your acts, etc, so someone who has committed murder, etc, would experience this at some point in one of their incarnations, even the present one. But, although I realise that spiritual growth is best obtained by going through difficulties and learning from them, I can't quite grasp why these 'difficulties' have to be so harrowing at times for people. So I have really thought a lot over the years about whether evil exists, as some kind of glitch in the system! I mean the theory of reincarnation says that you choose your life prior to incarnation/reincarnation so as best to grow, spiritually...but, why would someone choose be to be a serial killer, for instance? I get that the person who is being murdered will have 'gained', spiritually, in the grand scheme of things, where spiritual growth is concerned...maybe (?)...but, would you agree to be this evil incarnation for the sake of growth in someone else's soul? When the spirit realm is meant to be all goodness and light? I want to understand this, but I am not sure if I, or anyone else, is supposed to. Frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: deadeyedick
If one understands reincarnation and karma. Then one understands that it is a self sustaining system that already factors in the variables you speak of without the need for human intervention of any kind. For us to think we can somehow aid or correct that system is likened to giving a baby a physics problem to solve.

No need to "punish" anyone for the crimes of a past life. There is no punishment and reward. There is just the culmination of experience through many life times.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 04:36 PM
There is the chance that the spirit is from a level where everyone has complete knowledge and you can choose your life based on how you choose to climb the food chain.

Perhaps to go from that place of complete knowledge to here we have to start at the botton of the chain and consume the different aspects of our dna until we reach human form.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: Klassified

An elephant never forgets.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: deadeyedick
If we found a way to prove reincarnation and trace incarnations together then what would your views on punishment be? Let's say a person rapes and murders many then dies without being punished then incarnates into another life as a child. Do you think if we knew that for sure that we should follow through with punishment for the crimes?

How about if certain groups have over and over created lives for them selves that repete the same crimes over and over? Should we terminate the persons ability to incarnate over and over thereby stopping future acts. What if stopping them ment steralizing them or worse?

The problem here is, rape and murder how ever obnoxious . Isn't final because a being still exists to reincarnate . Which means that the victim is in the same position. Which means any karma is for the mental anguish caused to another person, and the damage to their physical presence only. Since were all going to loose the physical presence anyway , because another person caused it, is down to timing and circumstance, which could be argued, did the victim take all care to minimise known risk? Take a soldier, who knows that at some stage he may have to kill another human being , has he signed up to be a potential killer, and is subject to harsh karma . Then take the rapist and murder, what circumstances prevailed to make him like that , you have to have some intelligence, to identify potential character flaws and then rectify them, if you want to stay free. Who's fault is it that he's dumb?

Karma is generally true in the fact that what goes round comes round, but the evidence seems to suggest, that the circumstances we labour under are not all of our own making, and that most reincarnations are of younger people, who have died violent deaths , which suggests that they were not finished, in this instance morality or the lack of it wouldn't be the main cause to reincarnate. Because in this model no one is stronger than another, and ultimately no one can get killed , or permanently traumatised ,other than in a purely physical sense. Who ultimately knows, that if the raped and murder victim isn't getting a dose of karma back, as they were the rapist and murder in a previous existence, which might be unlikely for the reasons above, but must be considered, if karma is true, they come back to learn that the subsequent crime was a pointless waste of time.

So if you cannot ultimately die, its all a matter of personal comfort, which seems to be what free choice is all about, and taking the consequences for your actions, because if your known to be a rapist and murder . Then its you who have chosen a life of looking over your shoulder for the duration.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: deadeyedick
If we found a way to prove reincarnation and trace incarnations together then what would your views on punishment be?

No views on punishment should be considered as a human.

Let's say a person rapes and murders many then dies without being punished then incarnates into another life as a child. Do you think if we knew that for sure that we should follow through with punishment for the crimes?

That would be like trying Mike Myers on terrorism charges because Dr. Evil threatened to destroy the earth.

How about if certain groups have over and over created lives for them selves that repete the same crimes over and over? Should we terminate the persons ability to incarnate over and over thereby stopping future acts.

So what? That decision isn't up to any of us.

What if stopping them ment steralizing them or worse?

Now you're just being strange. How do you think sterilizing someone or worse would stop them from reincarnating??

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:09 PM
There is no punishment involved in reincarnation only payment for debts incurred during life and paid via karma. The idea of sin and punishment is archaic and a construct of man and not the spiritual hierarchy.
edit on 2015/2/17 by Metallicus because: fixed spelling

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
There is no punishment involved in reincarnation only payment for debts incurred during life and paid via karma. The idea of sin and punishment is archaic and a construct of man and not the spiritual hierarchy.

I agree with this, despite my having used the term 'punishment' and 'reward', I do not literally mean these as black and white terms, i.e. sin and virtue, respectively. Sin, Hell - all that ****, is archaic, I agree.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 08:12 PM
I got the idea for the thread via shria law

trying to phathom why some things are the way they are in their view.

the genital mutalition and castration could be an effort to stop incarnations

the 72 virgins could be 72 yrs meaning a full life the next rnd

slavery could be a way to work off debt of past life

of coarse it is not confined to shria or a certain time period but it is wht i was thinking of when i made the thread

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 08:55 PM
This place is the punishment, and other planets like this one. Maybe Earth is us being incarcerated for offenses committed in past lives? Some are rehabilitated, others don't learn their lesson and serve another life term until they get it right.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: deadeyedick
If we found a way to prove reincarnation and trace incarnations together then what would your views on punishment be?

1 would see it as Energy re balancing & attracting to energy like it more so then punishment.

Re balancing because a CREATOR Creation Energy or Group CCE/CCEG may find it / themse(lf)lves resonating on a specific frequency, but then they through different malevolent actions may begin to resonate on a totally different lower frequency. By changing frequencies they the CCE / CCEG may begin to automatically ASCEND (malevolence) Lower not Higher (benevolence).

And by Ascending lower or beginning the process ENERGIES and LOCATIONS once not in their range of ATTRACTION-Encounter now are...

This would be a automatic response to the nefarious activities you mentioned OP.

If this process is in motion and there are some who manage the movements of the energies within the WHOLE* Ascending both higher and lower who would then be reincarnated or re manifested into new Soul/Spirit/Internal ENERGY material.
It seems logical those given responsibility to manage the energy re balancing processes would also be equipped with Advanced awareness & technology that can scan and allow travel and interaction with past/present/ and future reincarnations-experiences and outcomes of CCE / CCEG to make the the correct (re)movements and relocation's...

If such technology found itself in hands of UNAWARE who thought they knew what to do with it who couldn't objectively scan past/present/future activities of CCE / CCEG, the unaware may cause more problems then they attempted to solve.

Interesting question...


posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: deadeyedick

It is impossible to know what occurs to one after they die, all we have are our theories, and indeed I do have many.

When it comes to karma and incarnation I see another side to the equation, and that is, people whom are the assailants, technically they are also suffering, along with the victims.

If you live a life free from being subjected to and free from committing harsh acts, you know that you are in the clear.
edit on 18-2-2015 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

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