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Coral Castle Mystery 100% Solved with 1930's Film Footage!

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+56 more 
posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 01:03 AM
Many have speculated that mystical forces were used to move the Coral blocks that weighed many Tons.Edward Leedskalnin understood the laws of weight and leverage.This video shows actual film footage of Ed moving the blocks by himself.. amy2x

**CORAL CASTLE MUSEUM WEBSITE**What makes Ed’s work remarkable is the fact that he was just over 5 feet tall and weighed only 100 pounds. In this part of Florida, the coral in some areas can be up to 4,000 feet thick. Incredibly, he cut and moved huge coral blocks using only hand tools. He had acquired some skills working in lumber camps and came from a family of stonemasons in Latvia. He drew on this knowledge and strength to cut and move these blocks.

Ed had lived in Canada, California, and Texas but when he developed a touch of tuberculosis, he decided to move to a better climate to help his condition. Ed moved to Florida in 1918 and lived in Florida City until about 1936. Ed was a very private person and when he heard about a planned subdivision being built near him he decided to move to Homestead and in 1936 bought 10 acres of land. Ed spent the next three years moving the Coral Castle structures he had already begun to build from Florida City to Homestead, a distance of 10 miles.

How did Ed move all these carvings a distance of 10 miles? Ed had the chassis of an old Republic truck on which he laid two rails. He had a friend with a tractor move the loaded trailer from Florida City to Homestead. Ed lived a very simple life; he did not own a car. Instead, Ed would ride his bicycle 3.5 miles into town for food and supplies on a regular

edit on 17-2-2015 by amy2x because: fIX vID lINK

edit on 17-2-2015 by amy2x because: move link

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 01:11 AM

S&F, Thanks for sharing.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: Elton

You're Welcome. Thanks for the picture.
Wanted to post pic but ATS not working good with my firefox right now. Long time since I posted something here.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: amy2x

Great find!

Just one motivated individual. I think there might be a few dissapointed people when they learn that no telekinesis, zero point energy, gravity wells, or Reptilians were involved.

A great testament to the ingenuity of man, and what a little bit of determination will get you.

+1 more 
posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: watchitburn
You left out magnetic monopoles.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 01:22 AM
Well I'll be damned. It's really amazing how the hype was built up to unnatural proportions isn't it?

So let's rethink those huge stones in Baalbek, Lebanon. I wonder if they found the center of gravity in order to move them? And if they did, what would they have used as a bearing?

+6 more 
posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: aboutface
Good time to post this one again.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: amy2x

Ahhh, but how did he get those giant logs up to hold the pulley!? Antigravity machine FTW!


posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 01:57 AM
a reply to: Phage

Amazing stuff. Thanks a lot for the video. It really was great! My father was an innovator too and even without much education he managed to pull off a few things in his time. He'd have so enjoyed watching this, and of course he would have then nonchalantly turned to us and said that of course it was simple, while we would wait to see what he could come up with next.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 02:07 AM
To be honest if you read his comments it's obvious he built some kind of 'machine' to move them..

What I want to know is why hasn't this video surfaced before.. Why the mystery for so long..


Reminds me of something I read regarding the castle.. someone was spying in him and saw him levitating blocks into position.. lol.. such nonsense. .
edit on 17/2/15 by Misterlondon because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 02:18 AM
I love Coral Castle. What an impressive structure. Simply amazing to be quite honest. I'm not too surprised by this "revelation". I always thought Ed Leedskalnin was just a great man with a remarkable understanding of movement and his materials. I went once as a kid, a while back, but would love to go and tour it now. S+F always enjoy threads on this topic

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 03:39 AM
This is, by far, the best coral castle video ive ever seen.... I think that is a case closed!

Reminds me of this awesome Easter Island documentary I saw, where the experimenters made life-sized replicas of moai and got them to stand with manpower, ropes, and simple tools, and literally "walked" them into place by two teams pulling from different angles. Human ingenuity is incredible

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 04:06 AM
absolutely case closed on that one

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 04:18 AM
You cannot levitate a stone with sound.
You cannot levitate a stone with sound.
You cannot levitate a stone with sound.
You cannot levitate a stone with sound.
You cannot levitate a stone with sound.
You cannot levitate a stone with sound.
You cannot levitate a stone with sound.
You cannot levitate a stone with sound.
You cannot levitate a stone with sound.
You cannot levitate a stone with sound.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: amy2x

Fantastic! Logic prevails once again! S&F

edit on 2/17/2015 by DjembeJedi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:10 AM
Me and the hubby went last year...had a layover in Miami and saw this groovy place on an episode of ancient aliens (yep :duh
have to say it was amazing to see in person....I also will say the story of the man is a lot more intresting than any fringe theories on how it was built. ..very romantic, indeed (:
And yes I told the wonderful man in my life that he has to build me a castle as well. ...he ended up buying some of the gift shop books on the way out...and the packet included the alien theory. ..just seems un-necessary and gimmicky for such a cool place!

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:32 AM

originally posted by: aboutface
Well I'll be damned. It's really amazing how the hype was built up to unnatural proportions isn't it?

So let's rethink those huge stones in Baalbek, Lebanon. I wonder if they found the center of gravity in order to move them? And if they did, what would they have used as a bearing?

Uh corral is less than 1/4 the weight of even light stone and no steel or iron is a problem. Not that it couldnt be done but there is a huge difference.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:41 AM
A denying of ignorance which actually denies ignorance. Nice find.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

I remember this:

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 05:57 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: aboutface
Good time to post this one again.

Pretty impressive. I think it gets a little harder without nails and only having hyde glue for your fixtures but its certainly possible. Corral is pretty light stuff and he had the advantage of steel and iron. I would like to see more video of stone carving without metal on a grand scale though. I can make a guitar with pretty primittive stuff. But i have trouble with stone carving without metal. I dont think you could just pour flat concrete pads 4000 years ago. I move all my heavy shop tools with leverage and slide them on rails. Taking away metal it gets a lot harder not impossible but rope and wood have a breaking compressing point and some of the largest stone structures on the earth have stones that seem to defy those engineering principles if you believe man was as primitive as most archiology assumes. I dont believe we were or that it was a linear pathway to get here. Most likely cataclysmic events kept movimg us back and forth over the last 200,000 years. I think the real lack of understanding is ancient human history because the earth just recycles minerals and leaves very little evidence.

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