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For everyone who claims Shariah is not slowly creeping up in America . . . . .

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posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: chuck258

Since I'm a gun owner I share the tar and feathers with you...

That doesn't change the fact that this stereotyping/fear-mongering is sadly mistaken and wrong.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: chuck258

I LOVE this thought process!

From the personal responsibility crowd comes the "since they do it I am going to do it too"

If you don't like being generalized the road to stop that is to practice what you preach and NOT GENERALIZE!

edit on thMon, 16 Feb 2015 14:53:51 -0600America/Chicago220155180 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: grandmakdw

originally posted by: AshOnMyTomatoes

originally posted by: grandmakdw

originally posted by: AshOnMyTomatoes

originally posted by: grandmakdw

originally posted by: AshOnMyTomatoes
It must just be the worst thing, going around every day completely terrified of billions of normal people who call their god by a different name.

We are terrified by people who:
think it is acceptable to kill women because they "dishonor" their family
think it is acceptable to kill people who don't worship the same God they do

Ah, interesting. First, thanks for admitting you're terrified. That's the first step to getting over your fears.

Second, do you support the US's military involvement in the Middle East? Why do you think the US is over there?

Yes we are terrified by people who think these things are acceptable?
Any sane person would be terrified by people who think these things are acceptable and it is codified in their religion.

So are you also terrified of tribal cannibals from Indonesia? Their belief system is one that allows eating other people, and goodness knows what else. What about Sikh men, who are required to carry swords with them at all times? Are those frightening?

My point is, A. why are you scared of something that is not happening where you live, and over which you have no control, and B. why Muslims specifically?

Of course I am terrified of them, I wouldn't go anywhere near the cannibals and would not want my President to pretend their cannibalism is cultural and not call it the evil it is.

There is no evidence that terrorism won't be on US soil
it has already reached US soil
and will continue on US soil
especially if US troops get involved
enlightened and modernized Muslims themselves
stand up and fight and say enough is enough
stop destroying our lives and reputations
through your barbaric behavior
in the name of our religion.
And there is worldwide Muslim condemnation of
the passages in Muslim writings that support and condone this behavior.

This post is like poetry. It is beautiful, and it is all we ask for. Sure, 9/10'ths of Muslims are not radicals, but if they are not actively doing anything to fight against the violent 1/10th, they cannot expect to have a say in how the rest of the world defends itself. To protest and privately condemn is simply not enough.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: chuck258
For those of us who aren't brainwashed by MSNBC, it is more than clear as day. When I can't merely notice a woman wearing a burka who is out of the norm without being accused of being Islamaphobic or voice my concerns that hey, a court system that right now in another part of the world is responsible for:

I don't watch MSNBC, so who are you talking to here? By the way, pointing out a woman in a burka as not normal is kinda xenophobic. If she wants to wear it, that is her decision.

burning people alive, beheading people en mass, crucifying people en mass, murdering children, burning children alive, throwing homosexuals from towers then stoning them to death for managing to survive, stoning women (I'm sorry, I mean 9 year old girls) to death for "committing" adultery, throwing acid in womens' faces because 95% of their body isn't covered by fabric, executing men by Anti-Aircraft cannon, has laws allowing the taking of women and children as sex slaves and calls for taxing other people because they are of a different religion

None of these things are legal in America and anyone who does them would be put in jail. Yes, even Muslims practicing Sharia Law.

, has just gained a small foothold in America.

Nope, not until the laws against those crimes are relaxed would it gain a toehold here.

Obama can't even call the ones responsible for systematically beheading 21 Coptic Christian laborers simple terrorists, but before all the facts are in can accuse a man of a hate crime for murder in North Carolina.

Off Topic. I don't care what Obama says here about people executed in another country as it pertains to this thread. This thread is about Sharia law in the US, not Egypt.

Liberals can claim there is WAR ON WOMEN because their is a debate going on about abortion ethics in this country, but man, question a cult and the motives of a system that is responsible for systematic murders that rivals the barbarity of our Bronze Age ancestors a thousand years ago, and it's racism and bigotry.

It's more like you are trying to say that all people who practice the religion are doing these things and that just isn't true. The fact that you refuse to tell the difference speaks worlds about you.

Fun Fact: I'm not a liberal, nor an Obama supporter. Stop assuming things about me.
edit on 16-2-2015 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: chuck258

I'm more worried about the ultra right wing christian's who are trying to over regulate everything from how people manage their own consciousness to everything else they have already done in congress.

Church and state need to stay separate. Lets get back to civil liberty.

I agree.

I feel the same way about left wing social totalitarians who have the very same goals and the very same legacy of shame.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

I think you live in a fantasy mind set.

I belong to both the group of "LGBT" and "Feminist".

So let me explain something to you. I do think it's terrible that women get treated badly in many parts of the world, including the middle east. But realistically there is very little I can do besides not buying gasoline and avoiding Chinese products.

So the rational part of me says, what is the best way that I can help women worldwide? I don't support violence unless it's direct self defense so going in and blowing them all up is out(yeah that strategy seems silly but that's how the democrawars have been presented to us).

Well...I try to be the best version of myself. I can't change how women are treated, really even here in the U.S. so instead I focus on trying to be a better woman. It's been a very long and difficult road. It's so much easier to focus on how #ed up everyone else is. Personal change is a million times more difficult but would be a million times more useful if everyone just started doing it instead of trying to fix everyone else.

I try to be a fair woman. I try to think logically. The logical part of me says that there are many, many things in this life outside of my control. To focus on what I can directly control is what's important.

I can't control the terrible things people do and worrying about it all day is unhealthy. I am of the mindset at this point in my life that the most evil concept that has ever existed is the control of other people's bodies against their consent. But that also applies to me.

That applies to everyone. Using the state to control people and violence to make them adhere to your own personal viewpoints just ends in more evil. Nothing good ever comes of it.

So while the things happening in the middle east bother me, I have to focus on what I can truly change without adding more evil to the mix.

I can control myself and that's it.

As a feminist and a LGBT member, that is what I believe I can change.

That realization does not mean I do not "care". It means that I am not living in a fantasy mindset where I would support random Rambos going in and "fixing" these cultures with more violence. Or passing laws for the ones living here that would in any way stifle their freedom to do the same things we enjoy...(like freedom of speech and freedom of religion).

Or used to enjoy I suppose. Everything is being corroded so far that I have low expectations at this point.

Are those cultures violent themselves? Absolutely. Is our culture violent? Absolutely.

I have to worry about only myself because that's the only thing I have the power to change truly. Anything else is just being as bad as what you're saying they are.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: chuck258 Sure, 9/10'ths of Muslims are not radicals, but if they are not actively doing anything to fight against the violent 1/10th, they cannot expect to have a say in how the rest of the world defends itself. To protest and privately condemn is simply not enough.
When's the last time you went and lynched an abortion clinic bomber?

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 02:56 PM
Sharia Law tribunal court in Texas according to Breitbart and dozens of other search results.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: chuck258

originally posted by: grandmakdw

originally posted by: AshOnMyTomatoes

originally posted by: grandmakdw

originally posted by: AshOnMyTomatoes

originally posted by: grandmakdw

originally posted by: AshOnMyTomatoes
It must just be the worst thing, going around every day completely terrified of billions of normal people who call their god by a different name.

We are terrified by people who:
think it is acceptable to kill women because they "dishonor" their family
think it is acceptable to kill people who don't worship the same God they do

Ah, interesting. First, thanks for admitting you're terrified. That's the first step to getting over your fears.

Second, do you support the US's military involvement in the Middle East? Why do you think the US is over there?

Yes we are terrified by people who think these things are acceptable?
Any sane person would be terrified by people who think these things are acceptable and it is codified in their religion.

So are you also terrified of tribal cannibals from Indonesia? Their belief system is one that allows eating other people, and goodness knows what else. What about Sikh men, who are required to carry swords with them at all times? Are those frightening?

My point is, A. why are you scared of something that is not happening where you live, and over which you have no control, and B. why Muslims specifically?

Of course I am terrified of them, I wouldn't go anywhere near the cannibals and would not want my President to pretend their cannibalism is cultural and not call it the evil it is.

There is no evidence that terrorism won't be on US soil
it has already reached US soil
and will continue on US soil
especially if US troops get involved
enlightened and modernized Muslims themselves
stand up and fight and say enough is enough
stop destroying our lives and reputations
through your barbaric behavior
in the name of our religion.
And there is worldwide Muslim condemnation of
the passages in Muslim writings that support and condone this behavior.

This post is like poetry. It is beautiful, and it is all we ask for. Sure, 9/10'ths of Muslims are not radicals, but if they are not actively doing anything to fight against the violent 1/10th, they cannot expect to have a say in how the rest of the world defends itself. To protest and privately condemn is simply not enough.

No to mention the fact that 1/10th of a billion is a respectable 100 million.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: chuck258

So do they need to resort to violence and then be chastised as being violent people??

All you can do is condemn the actions, once you start meeting violence with violence then you just start a circle that ends badly for all.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: AshOnMyTomatoes

originally posted by: grandmakdw

However, in the meantime, the LGBT and Feminist community should speak up!
Who says they aren't?

Give me examples of them speaking up.

I seriously doubt you will find it.

I am impressed with the enlightened Muslims on this thread

However, that does not negate the problem or mean it does not exist

Look at the 20 Christians beheaded simply for not being Muslim

It is the responsibility and solely the responsibility of the enlightened Muslims
to end this religious war
and that is what it is
Just a quick look on youtube and you will find ME imams saying these
barbaric acts are codified in religious writings

Until the Muslim community can police their own and control their own
it will continue

and the US military getting involved will not help at all

because it is a religious heart and mind issue

only an issue that Muslims themselves can put an end to

or continue to be slandered and maligned

by the behavior of their fellow Muslims

edit on 3Mon, 16 Feb 2015 15:07:17 -0600pm21602pmk161 by grandmakdw because: addition spelling

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 03:08 PM
Let's cut to the quick here. Headlines like the one that this thread is predicated on spring from sources such as this:

That right there, is what's called a trump card. Factual, honest proof that the world has lost it's mind. A shrieking harpy telling people to do the worst. possible. things.

The media, and I mean ALL media, are not your friend. Stop listening to them. They are making you angry at a group of people that live on top of the oil that their bosses want, so that it doesn't look so bad when they go and blow those people up. End of story.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: seagull

The ones in America know that the minute they started making terrorist threats-Americans will point them out to the proper authorities.

I would in a heartbeat.

They know this-that is why they keep their mouths shut.

That is why I have never referred to muslims/islam stupid in any of my posts because I KNOW how intelligent they are.

Never underestimate the other side.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: FalcoFan

That is also the case for quite a few ignorant assholes that litter our landscape not limited to white supremacists, certain sects of Christianity, some feminists, some environmentalists, etc. Good thing the law prevents them from acting on their desires. Looks like all is fine to me.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: AshOnMyTomatoes

How else can they be dealt with?

(btw:if you want a much more accurate example of a "shrieking harpy" you should see see the video of obama playing basketball.)

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: chuck258

I LOVE this thought process!

From the personal responsibility crowd comes the "since they do it I am going to do it too"

If you don't like being generalized the road to stop that is to practice what you preach and NOT GENERALIZE!

I don't generalize, I am only defending the feelings of those that do. If peaceful Muslims have a right to complain about discrimination (I would argue that they do), then so do gun owners. The rhetoric needs to tone down on both sides and we need to agree what the true enemy is (ISIS and other extremists), CALL THEM FOR WHAT THEY ARE, terrorists (Which Obama is now refusing to do), and fight against them (we are doing the bare minimum).

The problem is, the label of being a gun owner or right winger can carry life altering consequences, gun store owners stores are being shut down by the IRS, people are calling the cops on those who choose to carry in hoping they get 'SWATTED", new laws are being continually passed that attempt further restriction at lawful gun ownership, and our very own president has voiced his dis-taste for guns and is using 100% of his authority to further his agenda.

Let's see what Muslims are facing in this country: A few random hate crimes (not insignificant, mind you), being told their religion is terroristic. . . . thats about it, but at the same time many of the Right Wingers that own the guns I mentioned above also face that and are persecuted even more so (IE the Mayor of Houston demanding church sermons, the government trying to tax churches based on attendance, atheist groups attempting to sue churches for 'defrauding' the local government.

I think i have a good picture that sums this up, it's in relation to the Charlie Hebdo, but I think it makes a good analogy:

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

The same goes for ALL of the groups you mentioned.

If they make threats/act upon them-send the feds in to kill them.

Please add gangs to that list.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: FalcoFan
a reply to: AshOnMyTomatoes

How else can they be dealt with?
Oh good, I've exposed the fact that you want to kill people who believe differently than you. I can tick THAT box off the list.

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: AshOnMyTomatoes

Is that real?

That really came on T.V.?


The only mainstream media I listen to at all is NPR. I forget how nuts the spectrum networks are on T.V.(Fox and MSNBC).

posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: OrphanApology
a reply to: AshOnMyTomatoes

Is that real?

That really came on T.V.?


The only mainstream media I listen to at all is NPR. I forget how nuts the spectrum networks are on T.V.(Fox and MSNBC).

I actually cried when I first saw it. A grown man, crying because the world is hopelessly insane.

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