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Opposing the Ancient Astronaut Theory: Religion & Mythology

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posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 03:36 AM
[OP: 1/4]

Opposing the Ancient Astronaut Theory: Religion & Mythology

With conviction of opinion, I say; Primitive, advanced, sentient, and non-sentient life exists beyond Earth and throughout the universe. However, I reject the Ancient Astronaut Theory.

This thread may be taken as a supplemental addition to:
Trade Professional (RE: Ancient Monuments): "I can not build even one wall. Here's a theory."


• Post 1: Sky God Symbolism

• Post 2: Anunnaki

• Post 3: The Anunnaki are NOT the Nephilim

• Post 4: Old Testament & Ancient Canaanite Religion


Sky God Symbolism

Many proponents of the "Ancient Astronaut" (A.A.) Theory look toward religion and mythology for evidence to support their speculations. Gods and deities associated with the Heavens or the Sky have been proposed as being extraterrestrials. This thread is in direct opposition to such A.A. religious theories.

Many mystics, occultists, and spiritualists from a plethora of systems can attest to the fact that within Mythology and Religion, there are two views of understanding; the "Obvious" and the "Hidden".

The "Obvious" is the outer, the exoteric, and the mainstream understanding. These are the understandings and conclusions drawn from the literal and superficial examination of religious and mythological texts. These are the interpretations from which doctrine and dogma stem. A.A. theorists correlate religion with extraterrestrials according to the "Obvious" understandings of texts, without understanding, considering, or acknowledging the "Hidden" meanings of ancient texts.

The "Hidden" is the inner, the secret, and the concealed understanding. These are the understandings and realizations known by personal experience, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. These interpretations are veiled behind allegory, metaphor, and symbolism.

The hidden symbolism of many Heavenly and Sky deities falls under a few categories:

• Cosmology

• Astronomy

• Astro-Architecture

• Nature Archetypes

• Psychological Archetypes

Many deities are the anthropomorphic representations of our Sun, Moon, planets, stars, and constellations.

The pantheons of the Egyptians, Greco-Romans, Canaanites, and other mythologies systematically deified the bodies of our visible solar system. Where the "Obvious" interpretations lead us to the conclusion of superficial solar, lunar, or planetary worship, a level of "Hidden" understanding actually conceals the scientific knowledge of the cyclical patterns of our solar system and astronomy in general.

The concept of "7 Heavens" actually refers to the 7 non-fixed bodies of our solar system that are observable to the naked eye; Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

All around the world, the visible constellations hold various mythologies and folklore. For example, the Greco-Roman mythology of the Perseus Constellation is very interesting.

This constellation is associated with the hero Perseus and his defeat of Medusa the Gorgon. In this constellation, the star cluster Algol is associated with the "Eye of the Gorgon," "Eye of Medusa," or "Head of Medusa." The star cluster Algol periodically dims, due to the dimmer star of the cluster eclipsing the brighter. If the mythological story of Perseus and Medusa is timed right, the story-teller can declare Medusa's defeat to Perseus just as the Eye/Head of Medusa (Algol) dims!


The Mystery Schools of the Hellenistic world even incorporated Solar Worship into the religion of Christianity. As a corruption, Jesus became synonymous with the iconography of the Roman Sol Invictus; The Unconquered Sun.

The Son of God became the Sun of God, and the holy days associated with Jesus became superimposed onto cycles of the Sun. Jesus' birth became associated with the Winter Solstice.

The 3 gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh represent the 3 stars of Orion's belt. The "Star in the East" represents the star Sirius. Furthermore, by aligning Orion's Belt with Sirius in an eastward bearing during the Winter Solstice, the precise location of the "new Sun of the year" or "Birth of the Son" can be accurately plotted on the eastern horizon. Just as the Son Jesus was said to have been murdered, entombed, and resurrected in 3 days, so too does the Winter Solstice represent the death and rebirth of the Sun along a 3-day cycle (maximum axial-tilt).

Additionally, just as the Son was crucified on the cross to be resurrected, so too does the Sun of the Winter Solstice "die" on the Southern Crux (Cross) constellation to be "reborn".



posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 03:37 AM


All around the world, structures were created to follow the cycles of the Sun and Moon.

The Great Serpent Mound of Ohio is an earthen-mound of prehistoric construction. It is believed to have been created by a pre-Columbian Native American people associated with the Adena Culture. The opened-mouth of the serpent demonstrates a precise alignment with the setting sun of the Summer Solstice, while the coils of the serpent align to the Winter Solstice, both equinoxes, and the various lunar positions throughout the rest of the year.




The tomb-like temple mounds of Newgrange in Ireland and Maeshowe in Scotland both feature prominent solar associations. They were constructed during the late Neolithic Era. During the Winter Solstice, the front door of each structure precisely aligns to the rising sun, which brightly illuminates the interior of the complexes.

(Winter Solstice, Newgrange)

(Winter Solstice, Maeshowe)


(Mach Picchu)

Machu Picchu is a mountain-top temple complex located in the Peruvian Andes. It is believed to have been created during the 15th Century by the Inca. Located atop a natural pyramidal structure of this complex, the Inti Watana stone, dedicated to the Incan Sun god Inti, tracks the cycles of the Sun. During the Summer Solstice, the Inti Watana stone casts it's longest shadow of the year, while it's shortest shadow of the year occurs during the Winter Solstice. During November 11 and January 30, the Sun appears to "stand still," as the midday shadow is nearly absent.

(Inti Watana Stone)


(City of Chichen Itza)

Chichen Itza is a Mayan city that was in use between the 7th and 13th Centuries. The Temple of Kukulkan, also know as "El Castillo," is situated at the heart of the plaza. The temple is dedicated to the feathered serpent god Kukulkan.

The temple contains many references to the important Mayan calendar. Each of El Castillo’s four sides has 91 steps which, when added together and including the temple platform, equals the 365 days of the solar year. Each of the nine terraces are divided in two, which makes 18, symbolizing the number of months in the Maya calendar. The terraces contain a total of 52 panels, referring to the 52-year cycle when both the solar and religious calendars converge.

At the rising and setting of the Sun during both the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes, an undulating shadow is cast, which oscillates slowly over the carved serpent stairs.

(Temple of Kukulkan / "El Castillo")


The science of understanding the cosmos had nothing to do with extraterrestrials, but everything to do with forecasting and projecting the future. The importance of observing, documenting, and predicting the movements of the Heavenly Bodies grew hand-in-hand with the development of agriculture, farming, construction projects, planned migrations/travels, and planned military campaigns. The optimal weather conditions were sought for such endeavors, and accordingly, the cyclical seasonal patterns became predictable by the calendars of men. Initially, such knowledge was only known to and kept secret by the various priesthoods, shamans, and wise men who concealed astronomical knowledge within the stories of their myths and religions, and through the architecture of their monuments. The "Hidden" fundamentals of astronomy, being used as predictive measures, later evolved into astrology.

For further understanding, one should research Archeoastronomy, Astrolatry, and Astrotheology.



CenterFor Archeoastronomy

Heritage Sites of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy in the context of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention: A Thematic Study
(Clive Ruggles & Michel Cotte)

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 03:37 AM
[OP: 2/4]


Within the A.A. pseudo-realm of history, religion, and mythology, we often encounter references of the "Sumerian Religion" and "Anunnaki". A.A. proponents present the Mesopotamian deities as an intergalactic species who came to Earth as colonists. This premise is disproven by a casual examination of the history and texts of the ancient religious systems of Mesopotamia. Many of the claims levied by A.A. theorists regarding the Anunnaki have been rejected and refuted by respected historians, mythologists, and experts of literature and linguistics.

It was the late Zechariah Sithchin who inaccurately and controversially translated the word "Anunnaki" as; "those who from the heavens came to earth". This definition has served as a major basis for casting the Mesopotamian deities as ancient alien astronauts. This conclusion was popularized and perpetuated by Erich von Däniken, Giorgio Tsoukalos, Robert Morning Sky (Terra Papers), and the Ancient Aliens television series, amongst others.

However, based on data prepared by the HEA-funded AMGG project, the word "Anunnaki/Anunnaku" is an Akkadian derivation of the earlier Sumerian word; "Anunna", which is defined as; "Those of princely seed." Depending on specific usage, Anunna/Anunnaki refers to either the most preeminent gods of Mesopotamia, or to the specific local pantheons of individual city-states. (For purposes of clarity, we will use the terms preeminent Anunnaki and generational and/or subordinate Anunnaki.)

The major city-states of Mesopotamia literally centered around a ziggurat temple that housed the patron Anunnaki god or goddess of that city-state. The politics and society of the city-states were largely influenced by the elite priesthoods. The councils of elders, the ruling-class, and even kings were dependent upon the approval of the priesthood. The priests carried such influential power because of the prevalent belief that the fate and well-being of each city-state was intimately determined by their patron Anunnaki, with the priests serving as intermediaries.

Initially, ancient Mesopotamian religion lacked a cohesive consensus or universality among the inhabitants of the Fertile Crescent. Each city-state submitted to their own patron deity, local pantheon, and local myths. The individual city-states practically competed with one-another over the notoriety of their central ziggurats, the prestige of their patron Anunnaki god, and thusly, the glory of their city-state. Although each city-state held a distinct prominence for their own patron god, the gods of neighboring city-states were acknowledged to varying lengths, as polytheism was the cultural norm. The separate city-state pantheons of ancient Mesopotamia could be described as a loose confederacy at best.

The Anunnaki of each city-state represented distinct archetypes. The preeminent Anunnaki of the ziggurat embodied the primary resource or product of the immediate area. The lower generational and subordinate Anunnaki represented a plethora of the common archetypes of nature and mankind.

For example:

(Enlil with his consort Ninlil)

• The ziggurat of the god Enlil was stationed in the city-state of Nippur. As Nippur was known for agriculture, Enlil became affiliated with grain and the tools of agriculture (mattock). As Nippur held a strategic locale, it's control was vital to all kingdoms and empires of Mesopotamia, which cemented the mythology of Enlil's role in authority, granting kingship, and decreeing fates.

(Enki / Ea)

• The ziggurat of the god Enki (Ea) was stationed in the city-state of Eridu. As Eridu contained fresh water and marshes, Enki became endowed with the attributes of water (E-Abzu), fertility, procreation, and generative semen. As Eridu is said to have been the first city, Enki consequently took on the qualities of creation, wisdom, knowledge, civilization, crafts, trades, and sciences.

Despite the claims by A.A. theorists, there was no complete and original "Sumerian Religion", nor a universally agreed upon Anunnaki pantheon. Based on data prepared by the HEA-funded AMGG project; "There are no known depictions of Anunna or Anunnaku, only of individual deities."

The myths of each Anunnaki varied from city-state to city-state. Contradictions, discrepancies, and discordancy was wide-spread, as the individual city-states initially vied for regional status and supremacy. In fact, the greater scope of ancient Mesopotamian religion underwent some three to four thousand years of development and evolution. The beliefs of ancient Mesopotamia may be crudely categorized by the ruling periods of Sumeria, Akkadia, Assyria, and Babylonia.

Through the success of individual city-states, each patron Anunnaki gained status in the collective pantheon of Mesopotamia. The resources, products, achievements, culture, economy, and politics of each city-state became intimately entangled into the mythology of the patron Anunnaki.


For example, as the authority and dominion of the city-state Babylon grew, so too did the patron god Marduk rise in status. As Babylon's influence spread, Marduk's mythology evolved as this deity began to assimilate the attributes and qualities of other gods. Finally, when Babylon became the principal ruling power of Mesopotamia, Marduk became the King/Father of the gods by usurping Enlil.

Through centuries of kingdom and empire building, the disembodied mythologies of the preeminent patron Anunnaki finally began to coalesce and harmonize into an amalgamated syncretic religious system. It is during the later Akkadian and Babylonian ruling periods that the divided Sumerian systems began to show integrated conformity. It is during these later periods that the separate archetypal patron gods were finally organized into a central cosmology which attempted to explain the creation of the universe and mankind, as illustrated by the Babylonian Enuma Elish.

With all of this in mind, the Anunnaki were not a collective species who civilized and taught mankind, nor was the Sumerian Religion complete. On the contrary, the development of culture, civilization, and politics drove the development of Mesopotamian Religion and the Anunnaki mythology.



Ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses
(HEA-funded AMGG project)

Ancient Near East Literature
(Internet Sacred Texts Archive)

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 03:38 AM
[OP: 3/4]

The Anunnaki are NOT the Nephilim

Equating the Anunnaki of Mesopotamia with the Nephilim of the Biblical Torah is a great betrayal and disservice to the field of comparative-religion. Although these two groups of beings hail from [apparanetly] separate religious systems, it is glaringly obvious that they occupy different hierarchal positions.

The Anunnaki are purely gods. They are descended from An (Anu) and other 'primordial gods'. Mirroring Greek mythology, An and the 'primordial gods' of Mesopotamia are comparable to Uranus and the primordial gods of Greece. The preeminent Anunnaki are comparable to the Titans, while the generational and subordinate Anunnaki are comparable to the Olympians.

According to the Bible and Torah, the union between the "Sons of Elohim" and "daughters of Adam/Man" resulted in the birth of the Nephilim (Genesis 6:4).

If we favor the opinion that the "Sons of Elohim" are angels, we conclude that the Nephilim are half-angel half-human hybrids. If we favor the opinion that the "Sons of Elohim" are beings that mirror and correspond to the "Sons of El" of the indigenous Canaanite religious systems (comparable to the Greek Olympians), we then conclude that the Nephilim are half-god half-human hybrids; being comparable to the Greek demigods and heroes.

('Fury of Achilles', Charles-Antoine Coypel)

In my opinion, the Biblical context of the Nephilim hints toward the latter:

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the Sons of Elohim went to the daughters of Adam/Man and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

Genesis 6:4

('Hercules and the Hydra', John Singer Sargent)

"Heroes of old, men of renown," is a strikingly similar description of the demigod offspring of the Olympians. We find further heroic and demigod-like descriptions in the Book of Numbers:

But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there. The Amalekites live in the Negev; the Hittites, Jebusites and Amorites live in the hill country; and the Canaanites live near the sea and along the Jordan.”

Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.”

But the men who had gone up with him said, “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.” And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, “The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size. We saw the Nephilim, the Sons of Anak; from the Nephilim. We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.

Numbers 13:28-33

The patriarchal progenitor of the Anakim is an enigmatic hero named Arba; the father of Anak. The Anakim encountered by the Hebrew-Israelites were of later generation, being the "Sons of Anak" and tribes of Sheshai, Ahiman, and Talmai.

The exact nature of the Anakim is debatable, even among Biblical and religious experts. Some conclude that the Anakim are a distinct tribe of Nephilim. Some propose that the Anakim are a generational branch of the Rephaim, who are a generational branch of the Nephilim. Still, there are others who speculate that the Rephaim, Anakim, and Nephilim all belong to the same group of hybridized beings (Sons of Elohim + Daughters of Man).

Beyond the debate, if we consider the potentiality that the Hebrew word "Anak" shares a common reference, origin, or meaning with the Mesopotamian word "Anunnaki", we then discover another correspondence; these Anakim-Nephilim are the demigod and/or hero offspring of Anak-Anunnaki.


(To help understand the comparisons that I have presented, these are the interreligious equivalencies that I have identified

Most High:
An (Mesopotamia)
Elyon (Bible & Canaanite)
Uranus (Greek)

Father God:
Enlil and/or Enki (Mesopotamia) (Preeminent Anunnaki)
El (Elohim) (Bible & Canaanite)
Cronus (Greek) (Titans)

Sons of the Father God:
Marduk (Mesopotamia) (Generational Anunnaki)
Yahweh/Yahu (Bible and/or Canaanite)
Zeus (Greek) (Olympians)

Demigods & Nephilim
(Hybrid Offspring of Gods and Humans)

In conclusion, the Nephilim are not equivalent to the Annunaki. If the Anunnaki gods were to procreate with humans, the offspring would be Nephilim.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 03:40 AM
[OP: 4/4]

Old Testament & Ancient Canaanite Religion

Although this final post may some-what distract from the overall thesis of the thread, supplemental information is being presented to address; The basis for the presented Biblical hierarchy of Elyon, El (Elohim), and Yahweh.

Many conclude these 3 names as being different qualities and titles of a singular god. However, historic context and scripture does not support this view.

1. The Hebrew-Israelites developed their religion and culture in the Levant and the Land of Canaan. The ancient Canaanite religion of the region features a hierarchy consisting of The Most High; Elyon, followed by the second generational gods, such as El or Dagon, followed by the third generational gods, such as Baal Hadad, Mot, Yam, and the "Sons of El".

2. Many elements in the Old Testament mirror elements in the Canaanite religion and Baal Cycle. For example, the goddess Asherah has been archaeologically linked as the consort of El, Yahweh, and Baal. There is a common defeat of a serpentine deity of the sea: (Yahweh versus Leviathan) and (Baal versus Yam & Lotan). There is a shared affiliation with mountains or thrones upon them; El Shaddai (El of the Mountain), Mountain of Yahweh (Mount Sinai and/or Mount Horeb), and Baal-Zephon (Baal of Mount Zaphon).

3. Biblical references of multiple divine beings, such as Psalm 82:1-8, Deuteronomy 32:8-9, Psalm 29:1, and Psalm 89:6.

[Bold brackets are my emphasis]

1. The gods (elohim) stand in the congregation of El. In the midst of the gods (elohim) He [El] judges.

2. [The elohim asked El] “How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked?

3. Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.

4. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

5. They [mankind] know nothing, neither will they understand. They walk in darkness. All the foundations of the Earth are shaken."

6 [Replied El to the elohim] "I have told you gods (elohim) that you are all sons of Elyon.

7 But you will die like mere mortals; you will fall like every other ruler.”

8 Rise up, O God (Elohim), judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance.

Psalm 82:1-8

[Oldest Version, also found in the Dead Sea Scrolls]

8 When Elyon (the Most High) allotted peoples for inheritance, When He divided up the sons of man, He fixed the boundaries for peoples, according to the number of the sons of El.

9 Yahweh’s portion is his people, Jacob (Israel) His own inheritance.

Deuteronomy 32:8-9

Ascribe to Yahweh, O Sons of EL, ascribe to Yahweh glory and strength.

Psalm 29:1

For who in the skies can be compared to Yahweh, who among the sons of EL is like Yahweh

Psalm 89:6



Syrian and Palestinian religion

Ugarit and the Bible

Ugaritic Baal and `Anat Cycle

Baal and Leviathan: Understanding The Mythical Imagination and the Bible

edit on 2/10/15 by Sahabi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 04:20 AM
posted to come back and read after work. Very interesting and very well presented so far.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: Sahabi

With conviction of opinion, I say; Primitive, advanced, sentient, and non-sentient life exists beyond Earth and throughout the universe. However, I reject the Ancient Astronaut Theory.

Sorry for not reading the entire posting...I'm at work...

I wanted to comment on your opinion. So you believe in extraterrestrial life...yet you feel they haven't visited Earth...ever ?

I've always wondered about ancient mythology. Somehow it all seemed way too intricate to be made up entirely. I suspect myths are loose references to once living entities...with much embelishment from the myth authors.

Anyway...thumbs up for the effort to write this up...

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 06:06 AM
a reply to: Sahabi

The Jewish religion has very little to do with the real Christianity and Christ for that matter.

They treat each other as adversaries. The Jewish Religion has more in common with Islam if you ignore the names. These religions were dictated by man's nature which they deified and worshiped

Judaism and Islam is the worship of the aspect of maleness.
edit on 10-2-2015 by johndeere2020 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 06:31 AM
Great thread! It was a very good read to start the day. I have to admit, when the AA stuff started popping up on TV years ago, it caught me hook, line, and sinker. It made so much sense and seemed to fill a void in a sense.

But the more and more evidence I see showing AA's to be a stretch at best, the more fascinated I am that it probably WASN'T some super advanced aliens building places like Puma Punku, it was US. To me, it blows my mind even more to see what we've already done and mostly forgotten how!

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: Sahabi

Very good post OP .I am just book marking it because of all the info you have in it . I have been spending a few hours listening to Micheal Heiser and found it fascinating . I think it really helped me to connect a lot of dot's that I had in my mind . His lecture on the council of God and ( elohim ) really takes away the confusion in scripture . elohim could be better understood as beings of the heavenly realm including the creator God . Heiser also has a good lecture on the two powers in heaven that was well known and taught pre 100 AD in Judaism .

The tower of Babel incident while creating the nations also gave the 70 in the council something to do on earth imo . At the same time God had a plan to recreate a special people for Himself (Israel) to bless all people . I guess we are sometimes guilty of not considering just how complex and complete His plan is .....peace

PS .

Deuteronomy 32:8-9King James Version (KJV)
8 When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel

ESV ...Deu 32:8 When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.

Israel was only a future plan when God created the nations so the King James is not correct . Besides there were 70 nations created at Babel and only the 12 tribes of Israel later on.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: Sahabi

I suggest that you direct your considerable abilities to collect and organize data to investigate the so-called "cargo cults" and attempt to understand much of what you suggest in that new light which does promote intelligent intervention into early earth's civilizations.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 12:44 PM
This was quite the read, I appreciate the time and resources you put into this topic as I find all mythos to be captivating.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

Hello there MarioOnTheFly. Thanks for the thumbs up.

I wanted to comment on your opinion. So you believe in extraterrestrial life...yet you feel they haven't visited Earth...ever ?

I believe life "out there" in the universe is the norm, and that extraterrestrial life has never contacted us in our prehistoric or ancient past.


I've always wondered about ancient mythology. Somehow it all seemed way too intricate to be made up entirely.

In the previous thread, I articulated my belief in purely human advanced civilizations, cultures, and/or groups that have been lost to common knowledge and time. What I see in the amazing mathematics, architecture, astronomy, science, and philosophy of the ancients is the same spark of intelligence, inventiveness, and ingenuity that is found within mankind.

What I see in the ancient traditions is advanced knowledge that has been kept secret and passed down by the religious leaders, the wealthy, and the ruling academics. For example, the Antikythera Mechanism was in use by the ruling class while the majority of the world remained uneducated.

For example, church leaders of the past persecuted scientists, astronomers, and psychologists,... labeled them witches, sorcerers, magicians, demon possessed, and heretics,... all the while being in full knowledge of said sciences.

Religious monuments display advanced knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, architecture, Penrose and Girih Tiling, and Cymatics and Chladni Patterns. Such concepts being in use by the ruling elite, while at the same time suppressing knowledge and propagating crude superstitions and belief systems of mental stagnation onto the general populace.

For so long in our collective past, it was the religious leaders, wealthy, and ruling class who could read, research, study, and progress in the sciences, while their "commoner" subjects remained mostly illiterate.

Also, the ruling religious institutes even passed on their knowledge through dead languages, while the common people spoke the tongue of the day and failed to comprehend the religious language. General practitioners were at the feet of the priesthood, being spoon fed religious teachings reflecting the agenda and interpretation of the leaders.

It wasn't until literacy began to spread among the general population that people began to question the religious texts. It wasn't until the printing press, mass production, and affordable literature that people began to study and analyze religious texts. It wasn't until the world became fully connected through travel, communication, and media that we all began to connect the dots and fill in the blanks of our superstitious past ruled by the priesthoods.


I suspect myths are loose references to once living entities...with much embelishment from the myth authors.

We've seen this even in recorded history; mortal pharaohs, caesars, kings, and emperors have claimed divine status. Some created genealogical myths linking themselves to certain gods, while other rulers declared themselves to be gods.

Many ancient deities may very well have been created through the embellishments of great tribal rulers or kings. However, when we see "Hidden" knowledge of archetypes and science associated with deities, we can be sure it was the "hidden hand" of the priesthoods secretly passing on their knowledge.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: Sahabi

Thank you for the truth you have supplied Sahabi...wisdom beyond words!

As my work is in direct correlation with your own, and only help to sanctify your claims..
..would it be destiny we should meet completing a quest hidden amongst the passages of time!?!

To restore a One Nation Existence with the ways of the ancient's in perpetual balance with Nature.

Be well.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: johndeere2020
a reply to: Sahabi

Judaism and Islam is the worship of the aspect of maleness.

And you think Christianity isn't?

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: Sahabi

I suggest that you direct your considerable abilities to collect and organize data to investigate the so-called "cargo cults" and attempt to understand much of what you suggest in that new light which does promote intelligent intervention into early earth's civilizations.

Intelligent intervention meaning from extraterrestrials, supernatural deities or what? Where is the testable evidence proving that they actually exist and have visited earth?

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 04:25 PM
WOW - Can I add to this list - Archimedes in 250BC suggesting that you could work out the volume of a sphere based on splitting the sphere into infitessimal blocks (Calculus by any other name), Eratosthenes in 200BC calculating the circumference of the Earth within 97%. And there was Thornborough Henge built between 3500BC and 2500BC and aligned to Orions belt (even before the pyramids).

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: johndeere2020
a reply to: Sahabi

"The Jewish religion has very little to do with the real Christianity and Christ for that matter."

Hello johndeere2020.

In order to strengthen the case that Jesus was a Messiah of the "Lost Sheep of Israel," many passages from the Jewish Torah, books of the Judges and Kings, books of the hymns, and books of the Prophets are quoted, cited, and referenced. Jesus himself quotes and refers to the Old Testament several times.

Jesus gave oral support for both the Law and Temple of the Jews:

In Matthew 5:17-20, Jesus says;

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."

In Matthew 21:12-13, Jesus acknowledged the Jewish Temple as the House of God and House of Prayer.

Jesus did not teach the abolishment of Law nor the irrelevance of works. This idea is a later Pauline doctrine which contradicts the Gospels and Old Testament. Rather,... Jesus focused on Love, Compassion, Thankfulness, and Forgiveness as the foundation of the Law, thereby, teaching that morals, ethics, and righteousness should be the aim of our works, while practicing introspection, inner character building, with the acceptance and forgiveness of others.


"The Jewish Religion has more in common with Islam if you ignore the names.

In practice, concept, and principle, Mosaic Law does indeed share strong commonalities with Islamic and/or Shariah Law.


"These religions were dictated by man's nature which they deified and worshiped"

What is man's nature? Does it not contain the capacity to do great works of either Selflessness or Selfishness? Is it not of the quality of either immense Goodness or immense Evil? Does not the nature of mankind either produce Peace and Pleasure or Disharmony and Suffering?

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: DuckforcoveR

Thanks DuckforcoveR. I've always enjoyed the Ancient Astronaut theory in the way of fantasy and entertainment. In my opinion, however, the evidence for humanly advanced knowledge in our past holds a greater deal of evidence, substance, and sense than the speculations and half-truths of popular A.A. theorists.

I, too, am utterly amazed and humbled by the spectacular achievements of the ancient mind of man.

posted on Feb, 10 2015 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: Sahabi

bookmarking for later. looks very well done. good work OP.

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