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Next Level BS: Why is ATS now hell bent on shoving this turd down mine and everyone else's throat?

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posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: TheNewRevolution

Respectfully, this is a private forum

It is? Anyone can read threads, anyone can sign up. Definitely not private.

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 03:55 PM
If I'm being honest with myself, I have to say that the sidebar links haven't really bugged me. They do clutter up the home page, but that's what the 'zoom' function on browsers is for.
As far as their opinions go, I have no idea what they stand for, as I've never accidentally clicked on a link.
ATS is free for members, but not free for the owners. If they make a bit of cash that they can apply to the site's overhead, then more power to them.
I'm not intending to be too insulting (as the OP certainly has a right to his/her opinions), but this thread seems overly frivolous in my estimation.
edit on 2/4/2015 by ProfessorChaos because: typo

+9 more 
posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: ProfessorChaos

Is it frivolous when a website that is supposed to be promoting honest and fair discussion calls what might possibly be the hardcore beliefs and uncounted amount of research of its users - "turds" to the public eye?

I just call it disrespectful.

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: TheNewRevolution

I have a question for you, TheNewRevolution.

What is this website about, do you think? What do we do here?

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: MrDesolate
So you guys can't hover your cursor over the side of the page and squeeze it down to eliminate the sidebars? I can. Is that just a Firefox thing or something?

Man the knickers knots some of you have to endure must really be tortuous. I don't know how you manage to navigate tax forms without self-immolating.

It's a forum for funsies, guys. Chillax.

HOLY GAWD that was FUNNY and TRUE!!


+24 more 
posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: TheNewRevolution

If you would prefer to only see videos you agree-with, only hear commentary with which you concur, or read material that supports your preconceptions… there are plenty of ways to self-filter and avoid that which irritates you.

If, instead, you prefer to have yourself intellectually challenged by contrarian viewpoints and the provocation of thought, then seek out that with which you disagree.

We approach research for every show with the same mindset: here's a topic, where's the BS?

After research, we come to our own conclusion based on supportable facts, and say exactly what we think without pulling any punches. Even if we know our conclusions will be unpopular. That's called being intellectually honest.

+12 more 
posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:27 PM
I don't care for the NLBS show either and I do think it gets pushed way way too heavily on here. I really think it's alienating their audience here in a large enough number to stop producing the show or rebrand it (new more appropriate name), soften up the marketing so it's not so in your face when you're on this site, if they want to put it in people's face they should focus in on youtube targeted ads, ads or sponsored stories on websites that hit their target demo. I really think the name is discrediting, immature, and overall it makes everyone on here look bad to be associated to it. Sadly it barely scratches the surface of facts on many of their topics yet comes to a very "final" conclusion each time. It feels like the show is meant to make conspiracies look like a fantasy land of idiots. Even the name by itself infers a lack of intelligence from it's audience in my opinion.

Sorry if this hurts anyone's feelings that is working on the show if you guys are genuinely trying. I honestly mean all of this in the nicest, constructive way. I hope that the voices of key members who dislike the current production of the show will make a difference moving forward. Thanks and again I don't mean any of my notes/opinion to come off as snarky or hurtful. Speaking from personal experience, sometimes it's just much easier to see what's wrong from the outside looking in.

If Mod or Producer of the show are reading please feel free to send me a message if you want more detailed notes. I don't believe in tearing something down unless I can offer productive bullet points on what the solution could be.

+4 more 
posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

It used to be about the discussion of alternative news and conspiracy theories. I don't know if that is still the case.

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:34 PM
NLBS isn't being "shoved down anyone's throat".

It's not that hard learning to be more aware of your mouse cursor and clicking.

If you don't enjoy the program, you are not forced or obligated to view .

Things could be worse.


Count your blessings and stick to the aspects of ATS you enjoy.

edit on 2/4/15 by GENERAL EYES because: embed fix

+13 more 
posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

I mean all of this in the nicest way possible... My professional experience is I own a production co with 12 directors, I direct as well and I produce for the flagship projects we have. is the company if you're interested in background. Just my work that i've directed has over 1 Billion views on youtube alone. Our other directors that we rep and produce + myself that number goes to multiple billion views just on youtube alone. My personal channel on it's own has almost 100 million and I don't promote it actively at all. I'm not trying to sound like a cocky guy at all, Just want you to know this is coming from someone who works in the industry not just someone arguing, trolling or being a jerk.

Alright here it is:
I don't care for the NLBS show either and I do think it gets pushed way way too heavily on here. I really think it's alienating their audience here in a large enough number to stop producing the show or rebrand it (new more appropriate name), soften up the marketing so it's not so in your face when you're on this site, if they want to put it in people's face they should focus in on youtube targeted ads, ads or sponsored stories on websites that hit their target demo. I really think the name is discrediting, immature, and overall it makes everyone on here look bad to be associated to it. Sadly it barely scratches the surface of facts on many of their topics yet comes to a very "final" conclusion each time. It feels like the show is meant to make conspiracies look like a fantasy land of idiots. Even the name by itself infers a lack of intelligence from it's audience in my opinion. Even when a conspiracy is wacky I think that the viewer feels alienated if you throw it in their face in a way that feels like "haha see it's not true". Making the viewer feel small and dumb doesn't make for repeat viewers IMO. I think the show does do this to enough of the audience to rethink the format going forward.

Sorry if this hurts anyone's feelings that is working on the show. I honestly mean all of this in the nicest, constructive way. I hope that the voices of key members who dislike the current production of the show will make a difference moving forward. Thanks and again I don't mean any of my notes/opinion to come off as snarky or hurtful. Speaking from personal experience, sometimes it's just much easier to see what's wrong from the outside looking in.

If SkepticOverlord or Producer(s) of the show are reading please feel free to send me a message if you want more detailed notes. I don't believe in tearing something down unless I can offer productive bullet points on what the solution could be.

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: robbystarbuck
should focus in on youtube targeted ads, ads or sponsored stories on websites that hit their target demo.

I'm very familiar with all the YouTube and social media ads/promotions available. All of which cost cash that we do not have.

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

I do not mind the videos themselves and I certainly don't mind videos that I do not agree with. I disagree with the "in your face" way these videos are represented on the site. Yes, you and all those in charge can do whatever you want with site content, I just feels it goes against having an objective view of these topics.

What if, through discussion after the fact you find out that there was some research omitted that might change the opinion on a subject? Or what if some of the information included was wrong is misinterpreted? Will the episode be pulled or a statement made about it? Or will it simple be mentioned in one of the topics correlating to the video in question. With the ADD mentality of people these days, most will simply watch the video, take it as fact from a trusted source they know (ATS), and move on.

As was mentioned, other ATS sponsored shows brought information from topics and both sides to the limelight where as this show seems to lean towards a side and take it and it seems to do it in a very condescending manner to the proponents of the opposing side.

I know how to self-filter and avoid that which irritates me. I have dabbled in various ATS shows in the past and was able to choose when and where I watched them or wanted to see them. These are kind of hard to filter when they are lining both sides of my screen and an accidental click brings a popup with the video embedded.

edit on 4-2-2015 by TheNewRevolution because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: robbystarbuck

Alright here it is:
I don't care for the NLBS show either and I do think it gets pushed way way too heavily on here. I really think it's alienating their audience here in a large enough number to stop producing the show or rebrand it (new more appropriate name), soften up the marketing so it's not so in your face when you're on this site, if they want to put it in people's face they should focus in on youtube targeted ads, ads or sponsored stories on websites that hit their target demo. I really think the name is discrediting, immature, and overall it makes everyone on here look bad to be associated to it. Sadly it barely scratches the surface of facts on many of their topics yet comes to a very "final" conclusion each time. It feels like the show is meant to make conspiracies look like a fantasy land of idiots. Even the name by itself infers a lack of intelligence from it's audience in my opinion. Even when a conspiracy is wacky I think that the viewer feels alienated if you throw it in their face in a way that feels like "haha see it's not true". Making the viewer feel small and dumb doesn't make for repeat viewers IMO. I think the show does do this to enough of the audience to rethink the format going forward.

I think this statement is exactly what I am try to say about the content. Well put.

+9 more 
posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

P.S. The biggest problem I have is that most of my fellow ATS'ers & I make/believe in intellectually stimulating discussion and the constant barrage of "turd" & "NLBS" really feels degrading in every way.

+1 more 
posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:47 PM
I'm not big on it either. It's got an arrogant vibe going that I don't love.
It doesn't really bother me though. I'm always on mobile, so the ads aren't as intrusive.

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

I understand completely and i'm not trying to trash you at all, you guys do so many things right on the site that it's surprising with NLBS it feels like it's so disconnected from the community. I just think that your selling the possibilities short with the branding and content in NLBS because there is fantastic content just waiting to be made from the conspiracies on the site and it can be done in a way where it's going to be much more marketable + look much more professional and make much more $$$ all around.

My 2 cents, I know how annoying that can seem in the moment. Just know I really mean it in a positive way. I thought to myself the other day too "what kind of new members is this content going to attract"? To be honest I think it'll attract members that aren't as interested in intellectually stimulating, research driven discussions. It can have an unnerving trickle down effect over time.

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: robbystarbuck
a reply to: SkepticOverlord
It feels like the show is meant to make conspiracies look like a fantasy land of idiots. Even the name by itself infers a lack of intelligence from it's audience in my opinion. Even when a conspiracy is wacky I think that the viewer feels alienated if you throw it in their face in a way that feels like "haha see it's not true". Making the viewer feel small and dumb doesn't make for repeat viewers IMO. I think the show does do this to enough of the audience to rethink the format going forward.
Sorry if this hurts anyone's feelings that is working on the show. I honestly mean all of this in the nicest, constructive way.

Very true and well said. I've stated similar in another thread, not as fully and well spoken mind you.

I hope people understand that by spending time reading this thread and commenting we are trying to improve and not just slam and destroy. The way a show is titled and it's format are critical aspects. I just can't see viewers maintaining a connection with this show style and format over the long haul. Just my opinion's your show.

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: TheNewRevolution
I just feels it goes against having an objective view of these topics.

Objectivity, at least in the final presentation, is not the goal. Sorry. That's part of the problem with mainstream news, and how lunatic anti-vaxxers (for example) get a platform -- in the scramble for objectivity, misinformation is given a voice.

We certainly begin the research phase with overwhelming objectivity. But once we settled on a point of view, based on factual and supportable material, there's no reason to blur the lines with artificial objectivity.

Now… that being said, if you noticed, in the Anti-Vaxxer show, we did take a hard swing at the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, and will probably come back to that in a future episode.

What if, through discussion after the fact you find out that there was some research omitted that might change the opinion on a subject?

That's happened. We've scrapped entire shows, even when the script was nearly final, when more research was discovered that changed our minds.

Another example: With my background in radio technologies, I expect to discover some supportable evidence for EMF sensitivity syndrome tied to harmonics. We didn't find any, and went hard after the scammers.

Or what if some of the information included was wrong is misinterpreted? Will the episode be pulled or a statement made about it? Or will it simple be mentioned in one of the topics correlating to the video in question.

If that happens, and our conclusions are wrong, I'd pull the video.

If our position needs refinement or an update, but the video is still mostly correct, we'd use annotations in the video to either make the new position clear, or link to updates.

To make another point clear.

We know this show won't be for everyone. The intent is for a delivery style, format, and subject matter that creates an audience outside ATS. So far, it's generally working. The YouTube comments are much more supportive than here (
), and we continue to get new subscribers and increased sharing. Only time will tell if we hit the mark.

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:56 PM

The sides of my page are lined with ever episode so that if I accidentally click anywhere on my window

its quite easy to not see that.

I know how to self-filter and avoid that which irritates me.

it seems like you dont.

posted on Feb, 4 2015 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: noeltrotsky
It feels like the show is meant to make conspiracies look like a fantasy land of idiots.

Wow. Perhaps six out of 35 shows ran contrary to conspiracy themes, and that's the takeaway.


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