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The push to make you vaccinate your children

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+28 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 03:29 PM
I'm not posting this to get into the politics of whether or not to vaccinate...

I wish only to recognize the awesome power of the political propaganda machine that is the American media.

This week I have been consistently barraged no matter what media form I am searching or which news site I am reading, by the insistence that we vaccinate our children & the demonization of those that choose not to.

All it took was about 100 children to get the measles & suddenly the fear machine begins churning.

I find it additionally odd that the comment sections (when allowed) seem mysteriously void of opposing opinions, instead, consisting mostly of repeated labeling & bashing of people who choose not to vaccinate their children.

Just for the record, my children are vaccinated but I do not feel that the government or any other public/private organization should be able to force you to inject anything you don't want into your veins.

I feel that mandated anything is a very dangerous precedence & the fervor at this moment feels akin to the ani-gun rhetoric that materializes after a mass shooting.

Are we in the midst of an attempt to push demand to legislate mandatory vaccination in our near future?

Does it really make sense that something like this is getting the attention it is when we're talking about 100 children with a disease that has a death-rate under 1/300 in a country of 300,000,000?

Are there not bigger concerns that need to be addressed?

Here's a few stories I saw on the front pages after a couple quick searches:

From Yahoo News:
American Academy of Pediatrics Call to Action to Vaccinate Children

From FoxNew's front page:
Dr. Ablow, Kennedy spar over vaccination debate

From CNN's front page:
Doctors struggle to treat unvaccinated kids

White House changes immunization funding

The unvaccinated, by the numbers

Measles outbreak: Different states, different rules on vaccinations

From RawStory's front page:
Autistic woman shreds anti-vaxxers: ‘They rather have dead children than have children like me’

Pat Robertson: Vaccines and fluoride work exactly as intended, but should we use them?

Here’s a look at anti-vaxxers’ monstrously bad measles math

etc...I'm sure I'm not the only one that's seen it...
edit on 3-2-2015 by coldkidc because: (no reason given)

+15 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 03:39 PM
To be blunt, exactly who the hell are they to tell us what to do with our bodies and our families? I mean really? Take all the little Hitlers, local and federal and put them on an island somewhere. Our bodies, our rules, why is that so hard to comprehend for them and some people? S + F

+17 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: coldkidc

I think 100 cases of measles is pretty shocking. Its an incredibly communicable disease, and can cause a litany of other complications, including brain damage. I'm not arguing that everyone should be forced to get vaxxed, but everyone needs educated on what an epidemic this disease could turn into. Hell, there were like 7 cases of ebola, and the whole country soiled their pantaloons.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: coldkidc

S n F

We did not like the MMR jab at all.... for our two girls... we were very lucky to have a GP who had the vaccines in separate doses and gave them a few weeks apart if memory serves me right. There was no reaction from either of the girls to the vaccine outside of cry needle cry...... Ice Cream afterwards.

I honestly do not know what I would do today being almost forced to comply. Seems Berkeley Ca one of the most liberal cities have given an ultimatum to parents. That surprises me!

We did not have this problem until Obummer er ah Commander in Chief threaten the US stability with thousands of sick children which ATS report.... Flown in without parents and bused across the US. Can I prove this has anything to do with the current outburst? NO, but it seems many have gone without vaccines in the past and now after the influx of illegals we now have a problem.... so who is to blame????

I know where I am pointing my finger but I would like to know what the rest of ATS thinks.... Why is there all of a sudden this problem?

I have not had shots since leaving US Army in 76 except when I have had to have an operation which since my service has been more than I like to dwell on. Those shots were only for surgery purposes.... The NHS is something many here in the UK pick fault with but I am glad of not having the VA to deal with after a very bad go in 77. A 3 day stay lasted 59 nightmare days and nights....


posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 03:41 PM
Great post - the media is definitely fanning the flames for the vaccination movement. "Anti-vaxxers" are being labeled as whackos, ignoramuses and conspiracy theorists by the vast majority (or at least the majority of voices we hear/see in the media anyway).

I agree that it should be up to the individual / the parents of the children but also that public schools/institutions can set regulations so that if children are not vaccinated they are not given the same access to services or must find alternative providers. Is it that difficult? Why does it always have to be black or white? I don't understand.. the media is a monster plain and simple and those pulling the strings are so quick to demonize and label those who don't fit the mold. It's so upsetting! Thank you for your post

a reply to: coldkidc

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: coldkidc

What the media isn't being very vocal about is the fact that there are many children who even though they have received the measles vaccine never build antibodies that allow them to become immune to the measles. My children contracted the measles when they were in elementary school even though they had received all of their vaccines in a timely manner- they were just among the percentage for whom the vaccine doesn't work. That is the crux of the matter and why pro-vaccination parents are raising Cain about anti-vaccination parents.

The anti-vaccination crowd thinks that if the pro-vaccination crowd have all of their children immunized then the unimmunized children should not pose a threat to them however this is a falsehood. For any number of reasons a child who has been immunized could still contract the disease, examples being the disease had mutated, antibodies did not develop in the child's body, etc.

I understand both sides of the issue however neither side is being completely honest. Until the media decides to disclose ALL the facts from both points of view I choose to ignore them all.

+4 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 03:44 PM
Well, I have had at least four different doctors over the years tell me never to take a flu shot because of the severe reaction I had many years ago. Three different doctors also told my granddaughter never to take a flu shot because of the reaction she had. These are doctors we have personally seen that evaluated the reaction. Now to have someone who you have never seen try to tell you that something is necessary even if it can kill you with a cykotine storm does not sound even right. I will never get a flu shot again, I feel like staying healthy. If I get in contact with the flu, my body hits it hard and fast and it is dead in a day or so. Now, how can a virus mutate if it is dead.

Someone who has never even heard my story should not have the right to force me to get a shot. If they are worried about their immune system being flawed, stay home and do not go to the doctors office where diseases are all around. That is the worst place to go if you are worried about catching anything.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 03:59 PM
Here in Canada we have about 6casesand all over the news today are hints at mandatory vaccinations.

Seems like anything will do so as to get a needle into us.


posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk
a reply to: coldkidc
The anti-vaccination crowd thinks that if the pro-vaccination crowd have all of their children immunized then the unimmunized children should not pose a threat to them however this is a falsehood. For any number of reasons a child who has been immunized could still contract the disease, examples being the disease had mutated, antibodies did not develop in the child's body, etc.
Bolded by me

Well can you explain why this is a falsehood? I'm honestly not being a jerk - I really don't understand why the medical community in general makes these kind of statements regarding vaccines (well, other than the payola from the vaccine manufacturers). If a vaccine works, then you should not have anything to fear from non-vaccinated people, right? I was given the "herd immunity" argument from our family doctor, but that still doesn't make sense to me rationally. Either something works or it doesn't! A measles vaccination that only works if everybody gets it - and even then people will still get measles - doesn't seem like an effective preventative measure...

And for the record, all my children have been vaccinated - granted it was essentially "at gunpoint" since they would not be allowed in school without the vaccine company funded government mandate.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I'm certain there's no precedent to force someone who's allergic to a medicine to take it, so at least you're safe there.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: coldkidc

While you are right that the government (well in this case the media and the public at large) has no business telling others what to do, but in their defense, a sharp rise in the number of cases of a disease that was all but disappeared thanks to vaccination is kind of alarming.
edit on 3-2-2015 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

Virology is a complex field of study and the concept of herd immunity might not be something a majority understands. My position is if you don't understand the mechanisms behind it learn everything you can before you make a decision one way or another. Learning the science behind the vaccination process can help bring some more clarity to this issue. I firmly believe those who refuse to do the research, or can't comprehend the information available should take their doctor's advice, it's what they study and take an oath for and I'd hope most truly mean well.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 04:05 PM
I believe that is the next step. I have heard so many parents on this website alone, screaming for children to be taken from their parents because the parents decided not to vaccinate them. Did we ever stop to ask the kids? Do you wants these chemicals in you? Do you want the foreskin of your penis removed?
WE live in a sick society were with think this type of body manipulation is perfectly acceptable to do to others.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: hearows
a reply to: rickymouse

I'm certain there's no precedent to force someone who's allergic to a medicine to take it, so at least you're safe there.

But I have no proof, the doctors didn't write anything down. Two of the doctors who told me never to take another shot are dead and who knows where their records are and I am sure the doctor who actually saw my reaction is long dead and his records are probably never going to be found. I have no proof. For a doctor, my story is good enough but if they are pressured, they will do what is necessary to keep their license.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: jude11

Its called social responsibility. What right do parents have to allow their children to be vulnerable to what can be potentially dangerous diseases? What right do parents have to spread disease through their non vaccinated children?

It is socially irresponsible to not have your child vaccinated and the government quite rightly pressurises parents through the media to get vaccinated.

Although people do no like the government not getting your child vaccinated is not a very intelligent way to express your dis-satisfaction.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: ispyed
a reply to: jude11

Its called social responsibility. What right do parents have to allow their children to be vulnerable to what can be potentially dangerous diseases? What right do parents have to spread disease through their non vaccinated children?

It is socially irresponsible to not have your child vaccinated and the government quite rightly pressurises parents through the media to get vaccinated.

Although people do no like the government not getting your child vaccinated is not a very intelligent way to express your dis-satisfaction.

What rights do parents have to put a needle in someone else's arm? Your child is their own person from birth. They might not want that vaccine.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: hearows

Well - that's the rub though, isn't it. Take the word of someone who has "learned" what the drug companies tell them is the truth. From people who claim to have all but eradicated polio with their vaccine company funded beliefs - yet polio was already on the decline anyway and what was called polio back then is now called by other names such as:
Transverse Myelitis, viral or “aseptic” meningitis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)- (what Franklin Delano Roosevelt had), Chinese Paralytic syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, epidemic cholera, cholera morbus, spinal meningitis, spinal apoplexy, inhibitory palsy, intermittent fever, famine fever, worm fever, bilious remittent fever, ergotism, post-polio syndrome, acute flaccid paralysis(AFP).
Included under the umbrella term “Acute Flaccid Paralysis” are Poliomyelitis, Transverse Myelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, enteroviral encephalopathy, traumatic neuritis, Reye’s syndrome etc.

Granted - this is from a website with an opposing view, but it is one of a growing number of websites that have an opposite medical opinion from many in the medical community.
edit on 3-2-2015 by tallcool1 because: clarity

+1 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 04:35 PM
So, if you don't vaccinate your kid and he/she gets measles, and infects my kid and he dies -- can I go ahead and sue you? Or go after you for negligent manslaughter?

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: ispyed

So you're saying it's social responsibility to take the advise of people who have been taught to blindly believe what the drug companies tell them to believe? Don't question authority in other words.

Why would someone who does not question authority even visit this website?

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 04:36 PM
Its the way they do things, problem/reaction/solution, and they apparently rely on the absolute mindless acceptance of the masses.

I will never ever follow their advice or obey them even at gunpoint. I know they are the most vicious ruthless monsters this galaxy can cough up, and dripping with the blood of others, even little babies. I don't listen to demons.

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