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Bigfoot Stalking Buffalo in Yellowstone Park courtesy National Park Service cam

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+45 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 12:38 PM

This is one for the books: CGI or hoax - or not.

We admit we are 'baffloed' and our vote, "this is the real deal."

What say you, ATS?

Bigfoot vs Buffalo (ThinkerThunker) - YouTube

Published on Jan 30, 2015
Would you risk death by buffalo to pull off a Bigfoot hoax? In this clip we see four big, furry somethings (Bigfoot) stalking four buffalo in Yellowstone National Park.

Original footage: (1,700 views when I found it) BIG THANKS to Mary Greeley -

And I suspect THOUSANDS will now be glued to State and National Park web cams. You'll need some screen capture software to record what you see. And here's the link to the Old Faithful Cam at Yellowstone:

edit on 3/2/2015 by thorfourwinds because: ttyyppoo

edit on 3/2/2015 by thorfourwinds because: lynx

edit on 3/2/2015 by thorfourwinds because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/2/2015 by thorfourwinds because: lynx

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: thorfourwinds

That was pretty interesting. The figure that comes out on it's own has a really weird gait. I guess it could be an injury, but it just looks nothing like the squatch walking in the PG film.

+5 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 12:55 PM
If it's CGI it's good. This is one of the few videos I've seen that I didn't immediately strike down as a hoax.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 12:56 PM
I'm all for Bigfoot being real, and I love ThinkerThunker, but he always goes on about people in monkey suits. In this video, we see something big and dark. Could be bigfoots, could be people in parkas and snow gear. You can't tell if it's furry or human or alien. It's a big black shape.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 12:56 PM
Interesting footage.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:00 PM
Interesting footage to be sure. I did notice one thing and that's the gait or shin angle doesn't seem to correlate with TT's own 52/70 degree theory. Maybe it's because of snow and or the stalking but don't squatch's get a more horizontal plane to their lower leg when walking?
edit on 2/3/2015 by Kukri because: typos

ETA: I would doubt even four hungry squatches would be stupid enough to take on a Buffalo. Buffalo aren't known for their passivity in the face of danger.
edit on 2/3/2015 by Kukri because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:02 PM
Wow, did anyone see the tall one put down a Baby then catch a fish before diving into that geyser. Na, Me neither.

Looks kinda faked to me.

+10 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:03 PM
Looks like a group of a few people walking into the area. I would say that the first person that appears from behind the trees looks as if it has his hands in the pockets of his coat. The last person in the line appears to have a light colored jacket on.

I don't think it was a HOAX, but just think it is someone misinterpreting what they are seeing on the camera.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:03 PM
I think his explanation of it not being CGI is spot on, but it could well be Park Rangers, as it doesn't appear that they are actually stalking the Buffalo.

Also ironic how you wait all this time for a Big Foot sighting and four come along at the same time.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: PorteurDeMort
If it's CGI it's good. This is one of the few videos I've seen that I didn't immediately strike down as a hoax.

It's more than just good, IMHO.

Masking the trees is close to impossible.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:07 PM
is it just me or have there been a lot more bigfoot clips lately? Is this a fad people are jumping on to get views or are the bigfoots finally trying to let humans know "We here. We long lost cousins. We very tough. Rarrrr!" I wonder... a reply to: thorfourwinds

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:08 PM
Hoax. A tall guy in winter gear and head gear is about 6ft 6.

+7 more 
posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite
Hoax. A tall guy in winter gear and head gear is about 6ft 6.

A hoax is an intentional attempt to fool people. I don't see this here merely a misinterpretation of the data.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:13 PM
I'm sorry, but the thing in the video walks like the oldest possible depiction of C-3PO..

Looks CGI to me.. and I'm usually on board for bigfoot..

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: Kukri

originally posted by: RP2SticksOfDynamite
Hoax. A tall guy in winter gear and head gear is about 6ft 6.

A hoax is an intentional attempt to fool people. I don't see this here merely a misinterpretation of the data.

Correction: A misinterpretation of data
Not a BIggy nonetheless

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:17 PM
Why does it have to be sasquatch or NBA players in monkey suits and not 4 science type people doing a study on the buffalo, or maybe checking on the herd's health? Yeah, he cut an image and put it next to the buffalo but he didn't sink it in the snow like the buffalo legs were and you really have nothing else for height reference.
I'm all for bigfoot evidence but it's more likely 4 people bundled up in the cold

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe
Looks like a group of a few people walking into the area. I would say that the first person that appears from behind the trees looks as if it has his hands in the pockets of his coat. The last person in the line appears to have a light colored jacket on.

I don't think it was a HOAX, but just think it is someone misinterpreting what they are seeing on the camera.

Absolutely - it's fairly obvious it's people dressed for the weather.
This guy makes so many assumptions & measurements that are just not accurate.

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:18 PM
I immediately want to say no it can't be!
Get dissecting ATS.

NB/ The walking looks human knees up….

edit on 3-2-2015 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: thorfourwinds

First of all, I am not one to visit topics like Bigfoot. Not that I truly disbelieve, but rather, it seems to be full of hoakum on a rather frequent basis.

Second, well, I truly enjoyed the critic thinking that the narrator coughed up during this video. It was clearly from a person who is an actual thinker, not a crowd follower.

Third, I must admit, I am not one for using the internet for watching videos. Yet, this one captured my interest, and held it.

My thoughts of the video...

Four things come to mind...

  1. inky blackness of figures

    Those figures are AWFULLY black. Inky black, in my opinion. When the narrator zoomed in, I noticed a distinct sense of separation between the critter and the snowy background. One might even say "black and white" in difference.

  2. military precision of being "in-step"

    Watch the cadence and tempo that these exhibit in movement as a group.

  3. movement in the snow

    Movement in snow. Although there are clearly not feet of snow on the ground here, even 4-6 inches will cause your gate to be at least somewhat irregular. Irregular in causing shoulders to droop, either side alternately drooping. Also, the movement was very aggressive. No careful movement. No careful placement of feet for balance. It almost looks like someone moving down a hallway, to me at least.

  4. Where did the remaining three go after the first walked to the left past a tree or two?

    When they were first pictured moving right to left, why is it that only the first seemed to advance to the left, at the same pace it kept prior (as did the group), past the trees. Yet, all of the others came to a complete halt and are not visible passing to the left beyond the trees that blocked their view?

These are simply thoughts that came to mind while watching. I grew up in Alaska, and am rather used to what being active in a snow packed land looks, feels, and is like. I am *not* saying the narrators assertions are incorrect.

I intend to go to this persons website, ThinkerThunker, and reading more of their work. I also intend to add my thoughts to their posting at their site.

VERY interesting topic! Thanks!

edit on 3-2-2015 by nullafides because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2015 @ 01:24 PM
Not that it matters but technically there are no buffalo in Yellowstone or really any place else in the continental US , their are actually however bison.

That being said that's from the Old Faithful Cam right? Given where that camera is physically located it's not hard to imagine that being just a group of people. One of my closest friends is 6'7 and 320 lbs..If he came out from the woods it would be easy to mistake him.

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