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Should you be required to read the bible at least once to call yourself a Christian?

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posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

Religion is the main reason I'm an Atheist. That's not a joke. My whole family, on my Father's side, are preachers. The sheer ignorance and intolerance I saw, drove me away from any religious teaching. The more I looked at other churches, the more I saw of the same. WE are the true faith, OUR church is the one true church. Pfft. They can't even agree on what one book says, so re write, edit and exclude certain portions of it to fit their own interpretation.
edit on 26-1-2015 by DAVID64 because: typo

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
Aren't most of you who are participating in this thread the "ones" that jump on Christians about judging YOU or one another but yet I see here how most of you have made judgement statements against a faith that many proclaim to have?

So Christians are not to judge one on their faith and beliefs but you can?

What happened to all that preaching you non believers made about judging? Yet you are no better.

To those of you who live the double comment.

It is only a double standard if everyone was supposed to hold that standard. Christians supposedly follow their Christs teachings. He said not to judge.

I break no standards by not following Christs teachings because I don't claim to be a Christian.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Entreri06

Who would require you to? And who would do the checking?

Aha! Got ya.....

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: Entreri06

So you post about people needing to read something to believe in it as if that makes it true at that point. As if to say that christians would read the words and see they may not be true. Did you happen to question the validity of your stats presented in the op? Did you read it and decide it is truth or did you us some type of discernment to accept that less than 1% of christians have read the bible. Surely you question those stats.

So what do i think?
I think you posted disinfo and lies in an attempt to discredit believers while making yourself look foolish as you call so many fools.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: Entreri06

Who would require you to? And who would do the checking?

Aha! Got ya.....

I'm assuming what ever church you were affiliated with. With any church you later transferred to putting you to some form of test. Of course some would lie, but no system is perfect.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: deadeyedick
a reply to: Entreri06

So you post about people needing to read something to believe in it as if that makes it true at that point. As if to say that christians would read the words and see they may not be true. Did you happen to question the validity of your stats presented in the op? Did you read it and decide it is truth or did you us some type of discernment to accept that less than 1% of christians have read the bible. Surely you question those stats.

So what do i think?
I think you posted disinfo and lies in an attempt to discredit believers while making yourself look foolish as you call so many fools.

I posted a link with stats. The 1% and billion Christians were just figures of speech. Tho I doubt the 1% is far off. I don't personally know 1 person who has read it cover to cover. Of course I'm assuming most priests and preachers have, but what percent of Christians do they make up?

It's funny how some people keep ignoring the point and focusing on a figure of speech stat.... Me thinks those that have are Christians who couldn't be bothered to read the bible but will go on ATS and act like the oracles of Jesus and warriors against gays and Muslims! Lmao

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: DISRAELI
The Ethiopian eunuch only needed a single verse from Isaiah (Acts ch8).
Since the basic message is simple and easily grasped, no more was needed.
(Though, as it happens, I have read the Bible through several times over).

But who are you to be imposing requirements on people?
Nobody sets a requirement that somebody must read the entire works of David Hume before they are allowed to call themselves an atheist (though perhaps they should).

Why would not believing in Christianity have a requirement?!? Isn't that kinda like proving a negative? Lol

Would there even be a Christianity if you were required to read the bible? Not because of people seeing it as false if they read it, but because they dropped out because they were to lazy to.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
Aren't most of you who are participating in this thread the "ones" that jump on Christians about judging YOU or one another but yet I see here how most of you have made judgement statements against a faith that many proclaim to have?

So Christians are not to judge one on their faith and beliefs but you can?

What happened to all that preaching you non believers made about judging? Yet you are no better.

To those of you who live the double comment.

Atheists do not believe they were givin a divine mandate not to judge, Christians do... Just another example of Christians trying to force their belief system on others....

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
Aren't most of you who are participating in this thread the "ones" that jump on Christians about judging YOU or one another but yet I see here how most of you have made judgement statements against a faith that many proclaim to have?

So Christians are not to judge one on their faith and beliefs but you can?

What happened to all that preaching you non believers made about judging? Yet you are no better.

To those of you who live the double comment.

Atheists do not believe they were givin a divine mandate not to judge, Christians do... Just another example of Christians trying to force their belief system on others....

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: Entreri06
As I observed, the "basic message" is simple and easily grasped.
If someone can absorb the message from reading a single verse and hearing it explained, like the Ethiopian eunuch, why make it a requirement to read everything else?

I can just imagine you as a car salesman;
Customer; I want to buy that super de-luxe Cadillac-Rolls-Royce. I saw one speeding down the street and fell in love at first sight.
Enterri06; I'm sorry, sir, you can't be allowed to buy that car until you've seen and heard every advertisement that company has ever produced.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: Entreri06

When you use stats that are lies that needs to be adressed.

Even in the op it does not specify if it means that christians do not read the bible or if they have ever read it cover to cover.

It is a lame argument. I have never read the bible cover to cover but i challange you to try and prove your point by showing in what topic about loving God or you i fall short in because of that.

The saying the pen is mighter than the sword only applies if the pen is used correctly.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 12:19 PM
I read the Bible every day. I've read the old testament a couple times, and the new testament at least half a dozen times, and am reading through the NT again right now. I haven't memorized it all of course, it's a big bunch of books.

If you accept the Holy Bible as the literal word of God, then when you read it, he is speaking to you. A lot of times at church people talk about speaking with the Lord, and I admit I've never heard his voice in a prayer, or in person. But he speaks to me through his word and I learn a little more about him every time I read it. I do think every Christian should read the Bible on a daily basis. You need to know him and have a relationship with him if you expect to be saved.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: deadeyedick
a reply to: Entreri06

When you use stats that are lies that needs to be adressed.

Even in the op it does not specify if it means that christians do not read the bible or if they have ever read it cover to cover.

It is a lame argument. I have never read the bible cover to cover but i challange you to try and prove your point by showing in what topic about loving God or you i fall short in because of that.

The saying the pen is mighter than the sword only applies if the pen is used correctly.

So you literally believe that the bible is the worlds one divinely inspired text. That will decide the fate of your immortal soul, but you've never taken the time to read it all...

I bet you have read other book series that are just as long.....

IMHO that's a lame argument....

"Well sure the bible is the literal word of god, but why would I need to read it?"

Lol.... Just lol

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: DISRAELI
a reply to: Entreri06
As I observed, the "basic message" is simple and easily grasped.
If someone can absorb the message from reading a single verse and hearing it explained, like the Ethiopian eunuch, why make it a requirement to read everything else?

I can just imagine you as a car salesman;
Customer; I want to buy that super de-luxe Cadillac-Rolls-Royce. I saw one speeding down the street and fell in love at first sight.
Enterri06; I'm sorry, sir, you can't be allowed to buy that car until you've seen and heard every advertisement that company has ever produced.

I think a better analogy whould be the car salesman asking you to read the manual and review on the car.... Any honest salesman would want you to know what you were buying.....,

Now it sure is funny how every preacher on the planet wants you to buy their "car" without doing any research at all.... So who is the real used car sales man...

Wish I wasn't to lazy to put up a video of the family guy salesman!!!!

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: deadeyedick

a reply to: Entreri06

When you use stats that are lies that needs to be adressed.

Even in the op it does not specify if it means that christians do not read the bible or if they have ever read it cover to cover.

It is a lame argument. I have never read the bible cover to cover but i challange you to try and prove your point by showing in what topic about loving God or you i fall short in because of that.

The saying the pen is mighter than the sword only applies if the pen is used correctly.

So you literally believe that the bible is the worlds one divinely inspired text. That will decide the fate of your immortal soul, but you've never taken the time to read it all...

I bet you have read other book series that are just as long.....

IMHO that's a lame argument....

"Well sure the bible is the literal word of god, but why would I need to read it?"

Lol.... Just lol

Actually i was just showing your problem of reading comprehension. I never stated i have not read the entire bible. I stated i have not read it cover to cover.
Two different things and you should beware of assuming things. If you want to be a christian it is easy. Just LOVE. That is the whole of the law and the only requirment.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: deadeyedick

originally posted by: Entreri06

originally posted by: deadeyedick

a reply to: Entreri06

When you use stats that are lies that needs to be adressed.

Even in the op it does not specify if it means that christians do not read the bible or if they have ever read it cover to cover.

It is a lame argument. I have never read the bible cover to cover but i challange you to try and prove your point by showing in what topic about loving God or you i fall short in because of that.

The saying the pen is mighter than the sword only applies if the pen is used correctly.

So you literally believe that the bible is the worlds one divinely inspired text. That will decide the fate of your immortal soul, but you've never taken the time to read it all...

I bet you have read other book series that are just as long.....

IMHO that's a lame argument....

"Well sure the bible is the literal word of god, but why would I need to read it?"

Lol.... Just lol

Actually i was just showing your problem of reading comprehension. I never stated i have not read the entire bible. I stated i have not read it cover to cover.
Two different things and you should beware of assuming things. If you want to be a christian it is easy. Just LOVE. That is the whole of the law and the only requirment.

So only Christians can love?!?

Or you can be a satanist but as long as you love your cool and going to. Heaven?!?

See and I thought you had to believe in Christ to be a Christian.... Silly me...

And I ment read the bible in it's entirety, that is what we were talking about after all....

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 02:29 PM
For the entire law is fulfilled in this one word "Love thy neighbour as thyself". Galatians 5:14

I know who is a Christian based on their Heart not what they claim to be. Jesus said not everyone who calls me "lord, lord" is on their way to heaven but only who does The Will of Our Merciful Father in Heaven.

Love is mightier than the dollar. I choose the all-loving heart ("God is Love") over the all-seeing eye ("all is one even purity and wickedness").

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: Entreri06

Maybe you can appreciate this analogy Ive posted before. An eye-opening experience in the religious aisle at your local bookstore.

Went into a bookstore and asked the clerk where the Bibles were located. He looked at me funny and asked. "Which Bible?". I looked back at him with just as funny a look. He asked..."I mean which EDITION? The King James, the New Catholic, one with the Concordia or without?"

He proceeded to list 10 more editions, versions, specific religion releases etc.

So given that...I would wonder...which one do we read? Which edition? Which version? And for which denomination? They are supposed to be the literal "word-of-God" inspired...yet none of them are the same.

Soooo.if your particular church omits something...and another adds something different..or interprets it differently...well?

Youre a Christian if you read the New Catholic? A Christian a little bit (to the Catholics) if you read the King James version etc.....

And Jesus preached EVERYTHING that He spoke of in His whole lifetime...and based all of HIs preaching on...was the 5 Jewish/Hebrew books of the Old Testament.

To understand what the original "CHRISTIAN"-ie "JESUS" was trying to get us to learn..was based entirely on those books...shouldnt we have those down pat by concentrating on that which the religion was based on?****

****Please no hate posts...we've been around this before! I'm just making a point..........

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Entreri06
It blows my Mind that you can have a major religion that counts over a billion people as it's flock and yet less the one percent have actually read the sole book it's based on.

That's a B.S. statistic. Absurd.

Christianity has 2 billion people. One billion are Catholics. Catholics read the bible. And the there are three bible readings at Sunday Mass, as well as two bible readings at weekday mass .... continually. There is an indulgence granted for 1/2 hour of bible reading each day. I know conservative Catholics take advantage of this.

Christianity has 1 billion protestants. There are hundreds of millions of protestants who are evangelical/fundamentalist. They read the bible. Episcopalians and Lutherans have bible readings in their services and the Lutherans I know have bibles in their home and can quote it.

So your stat is poppycock. I suggest you get your information from a different source. The one you used is phooooey.

You're claiming that 2 billion Christians have read the entire Bible? The argument is that they haven't read the ENTIRE Bible. They read excerpts. I know many Christians and only a couple have read the entire Bible.

posted on Jan, 26 2015 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: Tangerine

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Entreri06
It blows my Mind that you can have a major religion that counts over a billion people as it's flock and yet less the one percent have actually read the sole book it's based on.

That's a B.S. statistic. Absurd.

Christianity has 2 billion people. One billion are Catholics. Catholics read the bible. And the there are three bible readings at Sunday Mass, as well as two bible readings at weekday mass .... continually. There is an indulgence granted for 1/2 hour of bible reading each day. I know conservative Catholics take advantage of this.

Christianity has 1 billion protestants. There are hundreds of millions of protestants who are evangelical/fundamentalist. They read the bible. Episcopalians and Lutherans have bible readings in their services and the Lutherans I know have bibles in their home and can quote it.

So your stat is poppycock. I suggest you get your information from a different source. The one you used is phooooey.

You're claiming that 2 billion Christians have read the entire Bible? The argument is that they haven't read the ENTIRE Bible. They read excerpts. I know many Christians and only a couple have read the entire Bible.

Aww come on it's way easier to attack some ones grammer then to debate a topic... It's the Christian thing to do. :p

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