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Killing Possums

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posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 09:32 AM
Last night I had yet another possum come onto my back porch. I got out my 10mm Glock with Black Tallon bullits to blow the "critter" into the arms of the 72 virgins. It took (6) shots two to the head to finish the darn thing off. The velocity was too fast for the "tallons" to expand. The bullit just kept blowing through. Please anyone have a better load or weapon for my future wars?

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 09:36 AM
HEHE, I think you problem was the possum. Those suckers are tough! If your using hollow points. put a BB in the hollow tip and seal it with wax. You wont have any problems with spreading. Only good for a 10 to 12 foot shot though. The wax instantly melts when fired, but the BB stays in the pit.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 10:22 AM
Yeah, those possums are vicious! I remember when I was a kid my stepfather cornered one in the garage. It was eating cat food that had been left in a bowl on the floor. That thing was like Cujo!! I don't think I ever laughed so hard as I did when I saw my stepdad high steppin' it out of the garage with that thing chasing him. I even saw a squirrel attack somebody once.


posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 11:00 AM
12 guage at close range is my recommendation.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 11:23 AM
.223 or .30-30 is about as good as you can get for short range varmit I think. Just dont shoot it on your deck or you will probably blow holes through the wood. Also if you want to save money on ammo try putting out mothballs around the areas you encounter the possum, as it seems lots of animals dont like the smell of mothballs, my college uses them as a deterrant for skunks that wonder onto the grounds.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 09:11 PM
Ok, used the following to "splat" the vile critters: 10mm,9mm,357,22,223,7.62x39, 12ga,410ga and loueiville slugger, even used a really good samuri sword, a 9 iron, "raid". Possums are aliens and immortal.

posted on Dec, 15 2004 @ 10:52 PM
Slug guns are not a very good tool for possum hunting, i once saw a possum tear its own belly open after being shot by one of those, pretty messy.
12 gauge Shotgun up close i would have to say.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 01:10 PM
dont aim at the head, aim at the base of the head, ive been killlin critters since i could fire a BB gun. Mothballs deter, a 10mm at the base of the sull instantly kills. Use wadcutters instead of hollows. HOllow points need time to expand, and a varmint head isnt enough time. Wadcutters turned into a Dum Dum Round will eliminate any soft target. The theory behind them is, cut an X in the top of the round, not too deep, keep it smooth, itll expand like a hollow, but starts out with a larger impact area for mass trauma on entry. since it wont expand in a varmint head, youve just added more surface area and will cause more damage, most likely severing the spinal cord instantly, killing it ans stopping all twitching after death. ANd yes, ive one shot killed possum and the likes witha "high powered" BB/pellet gun with both types of projectiles, its all about "product placement"

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 01:28 PM
I suggest you be humane and get a cage trap. Bait it. Put it on your
When you've trapped the possum take him out away from your home into a wilderness area and set him free.
Possums come up on my porch to eat catfood and I think they're
cute. Especially the baby ones.
They won't attack you unless
you corner them. They mostly just try to run away.
Around here we don't shoot anything unless it's for food. And we
don't eat possums.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 01:35 PM
I say Nuke 'em.

A 44 magnum would certainly do the trick.

If you're feeling adventurous - try a couple of landmines strategically placed.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by superdude
I say Nuke 'em.

A 44 magnum would certainly do the trick.

If you're feeling adventurous - try a couple of landmines strategically placed.

Actually I prefer Claymores. I have shot too many of these things to count. The one from the other night took 2 10mm's to the head. 3 to the chest and 1 to the gut. I must have weighted 30 pounds. Maybe it was bionic or a mutant!

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by elaine
Around here we don't shoot anything unless it's for food.
And we don't eat possums.

As Ted Nugent says - KILL IT AND GRILL IT!!

Just about any critter can be eatten! Heck ... any
rodent too. Aren't kangaroos rodents? Ever have
roo tail? MMMMMMMM!

I had RAW HORSE at a bar in Japan. I was stationed
there for three years. The bar snacks were beans,
dried fish ... and RAW HORSE. That was interesting!

We don't have hunting weapons in our house. If we
lived out in the country we definately would. My husband
wants to bow-hunt. He did it when he was in the Air Force
and stationed in Alaska. I think he said they bow hunted
for wild goats or something.

Our house weapons (because we live in the city) are those
for home protection. GLOCKS. Mine is a 9 mil. Hubsters is
a Glock 45 short. He's an EXCELLENT shot. Which is a good
thing because I'm lousy (which kinda' makes me a more
dangerous shooter ... so don't ever break into our house,
cuz you'll get blasted from all sides and in all directions!

My husband was on the air force shooting team when he was
stationed in Alaska (his job was a specialized MP job of some
sort called Terrorist Control). The shooting team traveled and
put on exhibitions. He's VERY good at shooting. I was a lousy
shooter when I was in the army (still am). I couldn't hit anything
with the M16. I made up for it when I qualified with the M60.
Heck ... just aim in the general direction and pull the trigger.
The bullets fly and you are bound to hit something at least a few
times! EXCELLENT WEAPON! So, if you are having lots of folks
over for dinner, perhaps an M60 would be good (just don't get
caught). You could take out a whole mess of possum and have
plenty to feed the company over the holidays! (and have some
left to make possum soup - mmmmmmm)

I was also rather good with the grenade. But of course you
can't hunt with a grenade. You can FISH with one ... but don't
get caught! Oh ... the grenade launcher was cool. I managed
to blow up the tank at Fort Dix with it. Guess ya' can't hunt
possums with a grenade launcher ... there wouldn't be enough
possum left for a decent stew!

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Actually I prefer Claymores!

Ahhhh, spoken like the kind of guy that brings home the kill,
and has the wife clean it. Claymores definately produce too
much shrapnel. It would take too long to clean the kill. Getting
the metal pieces out of the muscles and tendons ... just too long
of a process. And when you are hungry, ya' just want to eat!!

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 01:43 PM

Actually I prefer Claymores. I have shot too many of these things to count. The one from the other night took 2 10mm's to the head. 3 to the chest and 1 to the gut. I must have weighted 30 pounds. Maybe it was bionic or a mutant!

Claymores - nice!
Man that's one big, tough possum. That many shots would take just about any man down for cryin out loud! Maybe it was a mutant.......
A couple of previous posters talked about a 12 gauge - Yep, I'm pretty sure that would do the trick.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by smokenmirrors
12 guage at close range is my recommendation.

Absolutely ... great for possums, bears, stray cats (kidding)

Definately the best all round thing to have in your home armory.
Now ... if you want to go for stealth .... BOW hunting!
Ya' can fish big fishies with it too!

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Last night I had yet another possum come onto my back porch. I got out my 10mm Glock with Black Tallon bullits to blow the "critter" into the arms of the 72 virgins. It took (6) shots two to the head to finish the darn thing off.

Jesus christ man don't you think thats a little cruel? Blast the thing at once with a shot gun or a gun that can actually kill it.

Besides, everyone knows that possums aren't muslim, but rather lutheran. Doesn't make sense, but its true.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Last night I had yet another possum come onto my back porch. I got out my 10mm Glock with Black Tallon bullits to blow the "critter" into the arms of the 72 virgins. It took (6) shots two to the head to finish the darn thing off.

Jesus christ man don't you think thats a little cruel? Blast the thing at once with a shot gun or a gun that can actually kill it.

Besides, everyone knows that possums aren't muslim, but rather lutheran. Doesn't make sense, but its true.

You may be on to something there. Never did like Lutherans much. This one last the other night kinda looks like OBL though. Long nose, grey whiskers, beady eyes................hey how much is the reward? GW gotta call GW..............Heck he likes possum the way granny used to fry it up.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 03:03 PM
Thats an awesome idea to put a BB in the hollow-point, and then sealing it with wax...i like that.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by subscorpion
Thats an awesome idea to put a BB in the hollow-point, and then sealing it with wax...i like that.

In to OLD days we used to use mercury. It was really cool. But that was just for killing humans. Can't polute the meat in a possum.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 03:39 PM
6 hits from a Glock...and a double-tap to the head to kill a possum???

Geeeeeeesus! How friggin big are the possums where you live?!?

Personally, I possum hunt with a trusty *or is that rusty
* 12g Mosberg...12g Buck doesn't mess around too much... does make a mess...but you know what I mean...

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