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What Colorado "looks like" after one year of "legal pot"

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posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 09:34 AM
Why is Legal Pot in quotations? Are you against legalizing marijuana?

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 10:45 AM
This is great news, but I agree with another poster above that it will take more than a year to really see the effect. I have no doubt it will not be a negative impact, probably the opposite, especially when it comes to prescription drug addiction and overdoses, heroin, and the other "hard" drugs.

My state has made it extremely difficult to pass a law even allowing medical MJ. It's just ridiculous and antiquated thinking...the fear and loathing of MJ that is.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 10:51 AM
I live in Colorado and I can say that things are better than they were before legalization. The economy is healthy. Neighborhoods that were pretty run down are being revitalized by pot shops going up in the area. Yes, slinging hash has improved neighborhoods. The shops, at least the couple I have seen personally, are clean with state of the art systems in place and friendly staff. Many resemble Starbucks to be honest.

The reasoning for hospital visits and medical cases going up is essentially because now people feel like they can report these things without fear of legal consequences. Most LEO's that I know are still on the fence about it, especially since the DUI side of things still hasn't been worked out all the way. I know of 2 guys that were dealing before legalization that now have real, taxpaying jobs at dispensaries now.

The changes aren't sweeping but they are noticeable. It still is funny to see someone walking into a dispensary acting like they are walking in to the dirty bookstore, sunglasses on and collars up. Most people really don't care though. It is just another store and the revenue is great. The city as a whole seems happier, not from being high, but from feeling somewhat financially secure.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 11:32 AM

jobs have been created, including a cannabis critic for the local paper.

Journalism always seemed a little boring to me but that guy has what must be one of the best jobs in the world !

One day maybe my backward government will follow the fine example set by your states over there.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 11:33 AM
While I am in favor of legalizing pot, I think this is going to bite people in the ass a few years down the road. I don't know exactly how, but keep an eye out. My guess...we will celebrate today because of legal weed, and five years from now talk about problems likely caused by it, but ignore that it was the legalization of pot that caused the problems.

Time will tell. I hope I'm wrong...but look at alcohol.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: gortex

The pot critic is actually a personal friend, and I am insanely jealous of him. He lives a pretty good life and keeps it all in perspective.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 12:16 PM

So many people seem to think that the legalization of cannabis aka marijuana will prove to be harmful further down the road, to this I say look to Alaska and you will see it has not destroyed our state where it has been legal since 1975!

Ravin v. State, 537 P.2d 494 (Alaska 1975), was a 1975 decision by the Alaska Supreme Court that held the Alaska Constitution's right to privacy protects an adult's ability to use and possess a small amount of marijuana in the home for personal use.[1] The Alaska Supreme Court thereby became the first—and only—state or federal court to announce a constitutional privacy right that protects some level of marijuana use and possession.[1]


While most folks think we just recently voted for legalization of cannabis aka marijuana, we actually voted for it to be sold legally by our state!

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 12:22 PM
It will look well green and forested. Plus food or munchy reproduction factories should making ton of money there.
edit on 20-1-2015 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

Alcohol and Marijuana are two totally different things. I have never seen someone get so high they robbed/shot/beat someone for no reason and didn't remember it, but i can tell you that probably 2/3 of people in jails were either so drunk or tweaked out when they did any of those things that they don't remember it. I have been drunk enough that i believe i was ran over by the police on purpose for taunting them and i don't totally remember it so i could never really do anything about it. Was wearing a new white t-shirt and it had a perfect tire print across it the next morning and everything. It was the most effing bizarre thing that's ever happened to me probably, and i only vaguely remember it, i mean REALLY vaguely. I was completely uninjured, that's the craziest part, like it never happened.

Anyways back to the topic. Legalization is a totally great thing, the only thing that sucks is the way they are forcing all these licenses and rules on the business end. Of course everyones going to say "That's the way it's gotta be", but is it really? I can't just grow some frickin plants in my yard and sell what grows without having to go through an inquisition? Anyways, better than what most other states got by a long shot.

I too believe that all drugs should be legalized. Also, yes i've been around other drugs. I grew up around tweakers basically, my uncle died in prison serving a 39 yr sentence for cooking. I've seen people shoot up outside like they were smoking a cigarette. I know that putting them in prison doesnt help them, they get out and go right back to it. Prison doesn't work, time to try other responses.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: darkbake

In Washington State, I know you need a license to set up a shop and they involve getting approval from the state and the county, which is a lot of paperwork - there is definitely some politics involved.

Sounds like it would be quite lucrative if you were awarded a license to sell.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: RoScoLaz4

I am for decriminalization.

not for legalization.

addicts, especially those addicted to hard drugs, need medical treatment in a safe, secure environment and an ability to restart their life somewhere else in the country, away from those(friends, possibly family) that enabled that behavior in the first place.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 06:56 PM
I live here in Colorado and I have said this before....there was a story in the news the other day, a dispensary went to make a deposit into his bank account, not only would they not accept the check, they froze his account. Pot has made 280 million dollars in just the last year in fact sales didn't being until June if I remember correctly. All the government big wigs are taking credit for all the tax money That has come in. Isn't there something horribly wrong when the state and Federal government will take 280 million dollars in pot sales taxes but they won't let you deal with banks.
Why this doesn't just piss everyone off is beyond me....btw, I haven't smoked pot since high school, however I feel it's a much safer past time than alcohol. Anyway, if this is "dirty money" why accept it? Our whore-ish government just has no idea how hypocritical they are being. Make it fully legal or just leave it to make money for seedy drug dealers but this is crap.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 07:01 PM
The big stink now in Colorado is people flocking to the "green cross" medical dope dispensaries in order to evade the ever-increasing taxation levied by the state on private dopepreneurs.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 08:07 PM
Im all for legalizing the Ganja, but I think those calling for full decriminalization of all hard drugs are being a bit short sighted, and actually lack first hand experience dealing with tweakers and junkies. I have seen crack addicted parents steal from their kids, and crack addicted kids steal from their parents to pay the dopeman for a fix. It is not a pretty sight. It only takes one junkie to destroy a whole family.

Going out at night looking for cars with the GPS or car radios still in them and smash them open to pay trade with the dopeman, or pawn (and get arrested idiots) for the cash. People who are high on coke do some really messed up things depending on the situation.

Good Christian parents constantly bailing their kids out of jail for petty theft so they can keep on buying powder or pills a 20 at a time. Beautiful young ladies who could have easily landed a modeling career or married well turned to skeletor looking troll witches from pain pills alone.

I have had to witness a nice young lady whos boyfriend kept her doped up to keep pimping her out to his friends for cash. Disgusting. Finally his childhood friend could not stand to see it anymore, whooped his ass and pulled her out of that mess.

Cocaine use is not victim less crime. Crack use is not a victim less crime. Pain pill abuse is not a victim less crime. Methamphetamine use is not a victim less crime. Heroin use is not a victim less crime. In fact Heroin can easily be used to disguise a murder. Just hold a person down and give them a lethal dose, and bam! suicide by overdose.

Anyone who advocates legalizing those kind of drugs need to go and listen to some stories from the families whos loved ones have gone down the drain as a result. Or better yet, take the drugs yourself and see how long you can hold on to who you used to be. Start off with PCP and let me know how your body feels when you can finally become aware of who you are again. Maybe it will feel like you just smashed through a car window without any damage, but all the bones in your hand are still broken as a result, you just wont realize it until the affects wear off and you can feel pain again.

Legalize all drugs not a good idea.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
Lmao go ahead guys, cut the head clean off the golden egg laying goose, then. God forbid any degree of intelligent battle choosing and thoughtful deference get in the way of any imaginary lawless nirvana some apparently have been lured into believing in.

Oh, and regarding the member who stated prostitution laws are the problem: you are clearly sheltered from the reality of the world. Mexico has legal prostitution, yet sex slavery is rampant through the country... I'd rather not see predatory practices in the USA increase just to cover the asses of a minority of dudes lacking the personality or game needed to not have to pay for it... I'd say that's just me, but polls place me in the majority opinion on that and Democracy is thankfully still in effect in this country. *waves little US flag while whistling*

I just like to mention that Prostitution is illegal in the states here, and we still hear a good deal about sex slaves. That evil Christian Castro was just the national headliner from two years ago. All you need to do is comb through local news sources (affiliates) and you can pull up a story at least once a week, guaranteed minimum. Thats is only the ones that get reported and found.

Im a little bit on the fence with prostitution. because if it were legal, there are many young talented girls in this country that would simply choose that line of work to earn an income and waste their smarts and abilities studying in college for a career that could produce much more than a quick spurt of love phunk. Dont tell me it wont happen, because it already does. Making it legal just makes it that much easier for brainwashed young girls who have had to live in the 24/7 mind control machine since birth to make the wrong choice.

It would also give many frustrated husbands an easy outlet to be adulterers. Yea their personal life choices may not be any of our business. But one must not forget that those choices easily lead to destroyed families, much like hardcore manufactured drugs.

Not to mention you will have those that are very careful and treat their body as a shrine, and then you get those ignorant welfare #s who does not give a damn about who they are bedding with protection or without as long as they can pay for the next fix. These are like mobile disease dispensaries.

The classy whores that cost a lot, look good, and are careful are usually only taking coc aine or pills. The junky whores are usually on crack, heroin or meth (heroin seems to be the choice lately, thank you Afghan war). These are the whores whos judgment is always clouded and could care less how many STD they contract a year.

I would rather prostitution remain illegal as well. What works in other countries may not work here. Dont forget that most of the rest of the developed world is not as saturated from birth to death in a 24/7 mind control machine that almost entirely glamorizes crime, debauchery, drugs, and overall negative choice making.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 10:28 PM
One would think the downside in the future will be the loss of businesses in Colorado once more states legalize marijuana. Although Colorado is known as a tourist state already, some people may decide to remain in their own state and smoke up once their state legalizes marijuana. I hope those making a quick dime off of marijuana sales now invest in other areas.

I've always been for the legalization, but I don't touch the stuff myself anymore. Makes me sleepy. I've known way too many people to lose motivation in the real world and become satisfied, or complacent. I know, not everyone goes the same route, just an observation from some of my old friends.

posted on Jan, 20 2015 @ 10:39 PM
As an oilfield worker of more than a decade, who does this law benefit?

My opinion.....the unemployed.

Those working under the radar.

Folks not contributing to society.

I pay $50k a year (blood money) in taxes to support my family of 5. I cannot smoke marijuana as I will endanger others lives. We are random tested for such. Please tell me why this is a good idea to legalize MJ?!?

I vacationed in Boulder, CO during Christmas 2014. A foot of snow on said day. During my visit, not a decent conversation was held with locals. While walking The Pearl Street Mall District I was in a rush to go South. The lack of intellect is frightening. I've never seen so many people on corners asking for a hand out.....NEVER after hitting every of our inboard 48.

Watching a couple take a rip in the car before entering Subway was hilarious. Their dog being smoked out in the car with them was equally funny yet sad.

Idiocracy is only moments away.

Cheers, Rufnusd

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 02:02 AM
Going into neighboring states with Colorado plates means you are suspected of bringing dope into there. I've seen a few Colorado cars stopped by Highway Patrol because of that.

Also I've noticed a disturbing counter-effect to legalizing dope is that the gun rights get weakened.

In Colorado private sales of firearms are BANNED, high cap magazines are restricted.

In Washington (another dope legal state) private sale of firearms - Banned also!

If the decriminalized hemp that would be another story though...

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 02:21 AM
private sales of firearms banned? Thats just ludicrous. Who would live in such a draconian place?? I would prefer to live in the Wild West than some nanny State.

posted on Jan, 21 2015 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: dezertdog

Correct. It's no legal to buy it but you can have it to an extent. No changes in people's behavior's

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