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A Peaceful and Amicable Request to the President About Religion and the Citizenry

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posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 05:55 PM
Dear Mr. President

I hope this finds you well. As an American citizen, one that was born in the United States to parents who were also born in the United States, and according to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, I am exercising my right to free speech as I present this open letter to you.

Honorable Sir, as you stand in representation of the values of the American people, we seem to have reached a point among our populace, many people desire to live in this country free of religion, whereas, those who do have religious views do not want their right to freedom of religion to be impinged, therefore, Honorable Sir, I respectfully ask this of you, please open up diplomatic avenues into other nations that do not have religion so that those people here who desire no religion or religious authority can peacefully and amicably resort to those nations.

I ask this respectfully, Honorable Sir, to not consider them traitors, because they are, by their own conscience, choosing to live without religious shackles or the burden that religion has somehow become in their lives. They feel as though they are being forced into religion in this nation.

May I respectfully remind you, Honorable Sir, that the Declaration of Independence does not imply separation of church and state, therefore, the populace cannot extricate itself from its duty to guarantee religious freedom or freedom from religion for the populace. As we have a plethora of religious world views abiding for the most part peacefully in this nation, then some attempt should be made for the allowance of those desiring no religion to be allowed to move away. I am not asking that you deport them or expel them, just allow them to diplomatically leave and enter into nations that have no religions.

If you allow this, then diplomacy is fundamental and will win over the barbarity of Communism, because in this nation, young people have been granted for so long the benefits of religious freedom and tolerance, that has been the cornerstone of this nation since Thomas Jefferson and the Founding Fathers penned and signed, under penalty of death, the very Declaration of Independence that removed us from the Church of England and allowed freedom of all religions to exercise their rights in this nation.

But, Honorable Sir, there are those who by conscience choose to live without religion, but the demands of forcing all religion from this nation so far has not led to any major conflicts, has caused young people to not only question their own rights and privileges in this nation, but those of others.

As freedom of religious expression is guaranteed in the Constitution, arising out of that simple statement found within the Declaration of Independence,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
I therefore propose to you that at this course of human events, there must be a permissible and allowable separation of those in this nation to be allowed to peacefully and amicably leave, without recrimination and without being called traitors, with the full understanding that if they choose eventually to come back to this nation, they are permitted so.

I wish to dissolve the political bands with them and they with us. I impel these words, respectfully, that the new order of the ages can exist in nations where there is no religious authority, no barbaric and primitive superstitions, no inequality, no intolerance, where they can be free and equal under those regimes.

Please Sir, I ask you respectfully, to consider this matter.

Much regards,


(P.S. if this is sarcasm to the reader, please take it as sarcasm, but if you feel deeply offended then please, ask yourself why you feel offended).

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:07 PM
Why should those who choose to follow no religion be forced to leave the country ?

There is separation of church and state for good reason.
Theres also the right of people to follow or not follow the religion of their choice ..

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:09 PM
Wow, I'm kinda speechless.

I'll let you & others decide which way to take this thread!

I just wanted to make sure it was on my list.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: Expat888
Why should those who choose to follow no religion be forced to leave the country ?

There is separation of church and state for good reason.
Theres also the right of people to follow or not follow the religion of their choice ..

Is there anything in my post that demands by force?

No, I simply said allow them to go where there is no religion.

Exactly my point, the right to follow or not follow, if we say they have the right to not follow, then we should be accorded the same rights to follow ours. Simple and equitable.

Would you not say it is fair that if people don't want to live with religion, that they should be allowed to go where there is no religion?

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
Wow, I'm kinda speechless.

I'll let you & others decide which way to take this thread!

I just wanted to make sure it was on my list.

Notice, I said "plethora" of religious worldviews.

Muslims can be Muslim all they want, they just can't force the rest of us to be Muslim. And they can come and go all they want, I am not stopping them.

Perhaps it would be better to send them all to Saudi Arabia and then they can come back here and scream about intolerance here?

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:14 PM
I ask you, Honorable Sir, please do something about the fact that water........


FFS, do you even HAVE a point? Do you have something you could state in, oh, 20 words or less?

Wow, I want my freaking time back. It was ENTIRELY wasted reading your silly bit of drivel.


posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: WarminIndy

I never said a word about Islam or anything else you mentioned!

So I'll refrain from engaging, & continue to see where the thread goes!

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: WarminIndy

Gotta love the hypocrisy of those who scream out for "Freedom" but yet beg the government to create laws to prohibit the freedoms of others?

It isn't hard to understand the meaning of freedom, unless your a selfish, narcissistic individual who loves to push your opinions on others by using legislation to do so?

I think that most of us adults should be able to think about the above statements and realize that quite possibly, it isn't the government so much that is the problem, but those of us who are so "thin skinned" that every time we are offended by someone whom has different beliefs than we do, that we scream out like spoiled children for the government to create more laws to protect our "fragile minds"?

And yet we wonder why things have become the way they are?

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: nullafides

I ask you, Honorable Sir, please do something about the fact that water........


FFS, do you even HAVE a point? Do you have something you could state in, oh, 20 words or less?

Wow, I want my freaking time back. It was ENTIRELY wasted reading your silly bit of drivel.


You actually sacrificed your time reading the whole thing? Why? No one forced you to read it all, you could have just went back to My ATS and clicked on something else.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: WarminIndy

Gotta love the hypocrisy of those who scream out for "Freedom" but yet beg the government to create laws to prohibit the freedoms of others?

It isn't hard to understand the meaning of freedom, unless your a selfish, narcissistic individual who loves to push your opinions on others by using legislation to do so?

I think that most of us adults should be able to think about the above statements and realize that quite possibly, it isn't the government so much that is the problem, but those of us who are so "thin skinned" that every time we are offended by someone whom has different beliefs than we do, that we scream out like spoiled children for the government to create more laws to protect our "fragile minds"?

And yet we wonder why things have become the way they are?

We have the most privileged young populace on the planet.
They just don't realize how good they have it in this country. Yes, there are poor people here, yes, there is a widening gap, but that widening gap between poor and wealth, I have heard it my entire life.

But overall, we have a young people so privileged they can go to college wherever they want, they can play sports and video games all they want, they can eat wherever they want, they can even drink when they come of age.

They don't have it so bad here, so it makes me wonder why they can't see what is going on elsewhere in the world.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: WarminIndy

Color me dense, but, I kind of THOUGHT there might be some point in there, somewhere. Lots of folks seem to be incapable of coming to a point. Often though, here at least, many can. Silly points, laughable ones, serious ones.

But at least to a point.

Yours is the first that I've ever actually put my damned foot down and demanded my time back.


posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: nullafides
a reply to: WarminIndy

Color me dense, but, I kind of THOUGHT there might be some point in there, somewhere. Lots of folks seem to be incapable of coming to a point. Often though, here at least, many can. Silly points, laughable ones, serious ones.

But at least to a point.

Yours is the first that I've ever actually put my damned foot down and demanded my time back.


You were expecting a point, when in the post script I said you can take it as sarcasm?

The point is, if you want to leave this country, leave, no one should force you to stay if you don't want to.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: WarminIndy

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: WarminIndy

Gotta love the hypocrisy of those who scream out for "Freedom" but yet beg the government to create laws to prohibit the freedoms of others?

It isn't hard to understand the meaning of freedom, unless your a selfish, narcissistic individual who loves to push your opinions on others by using legislation to do so?

I think that most of us adults should be able to think about the above statements and realize that quite possibly, it isn't the government so much that is the problem, but those of us who are so "thin skinned" that every time we are offended by someone whom has different beliefs than we do, that we scream out like spoiled children for the government to create more laws to protect our "fragile minds"?

And yet we wonder why things have become the way they are?

We have the most privileged young populace on the planet.
They just don't realize how good they have it in this country. Yes, there are poor people here, yes, there is a widening gap, but that widening gap between poor and wealth, I have heard it my entire life.

But overall, we have a young people so privileged they can go to college wherever they want, they can play sports and video games all they want, they can eat wherever they want, they can even drink when they come of age.

They don't have it so bad here, so it makes me wonder why they can't see what is going on elsewhere in the world.

Our youth have been conditioned by the same government that you addressed to allow those whom are not religious to leave the country?

All I can simply say is, what does your freedom mean to you, and think about that before you decide your freedom is more important than someone else!

Our fore fathers addressed this very well in the Constitution and to this day it amazes me how so many people "PRETEND" they actually knows what it means.......
edit on 18-1-2015 by seeker1963 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: WarminIndy

"But overall, we have a young people so privileged they can go to college wherever they want, they can play sports and video games all they want, they can eat wherever they want, they can even drink when they come of age."

" They don't have it so bad here, so it makes me wonder why they can't see what is going on elsewhere in the world."

Your'e joking or said the above, so why would they give a crap about the rest of the world? When they can do anything they want right here. Why?

You answered why.

And your thread is pointless because you're addressing a out-going president would wont do or care to do anything in a year. You asked the wrong person, at the wrong time.

And if you think people should have the right...where are you? They already have that choice. So your whole thread is a non-issue pleading to a out-going politician.

That friend...puts you at a point that isn't one...begging (p-lease!)..a 4-8 yr-term citizen who happens to currently be the prez.

PS On the plus do have a flair for writing I think.

edit on 07-31-2014 by mysterioustranger because: ps

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: WarminIndy

May I respectfully remind you, Honorable Sir, that the Declaration of Independence does not imply separation of church and state, therefore, the populace cannot extricate itself from its duty to guarantee religious freedom or freedom from religion for the populace.

Because the Declaration of Independence isn't the supreme law of the United States, the Constitution is.

As we have a plethora of religious world views abiding for the most part peacefully in this nation, then some attempt should be made for the allowance of those desiring no religion to be allowed to move away. I am not asking that you deport them or expel them, just allow them to diplomatically leave and enter into nations that have no religions.

Why should atheists, agnostics, the non-religious, etc. have to leave the United States? A separation of church and state is inherent in the intent and function of the First Amendment and Article VI explicitly allows for atheists, agnostics, the non-religious, etc. to hold public office.

But, Honorable Sir, there are those who by conscience choose to live without religion, but the demands of forcing all religion from this nation so far has not led to any major conflicts, has caused young people to not only question their own rights and privileges in this nation, but those of others.

In what way are atheists, agnostics, the non-religious, etc. "forcing all religion from this nation"? Churches still stand. You are free to worship in the manner you choose. They're just asking that the government not show preference to one religion over another, or to religion over a lack of religion.

Your sense of entitlement resulting from being in the majority is laughable.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:34 PM
I'm sure the President would love to alienate a large percentage of his Party's demographic by telling them he has diplomatically discussed their emigration with another Nation!

That's a real vote winner among constituents!

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963

originally posted by: WarminIndy

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: WarminIndy

Gotta love the hypocrisy of those who scream out for "Freedom" but yet beg the government to create laws to prohibit the freedoms of others?

It isn't hard to understand the meaning of freedom, unless your a selfish, narcissistic individual who loves to push your opinions on others by using legislation to do so?

I think that most of us adults should be able to think about the above statements and realize that quite possibly, it isn't the government so much that is the problem, but those of us who are so "thin skinned" that every time we are offended by someone whom has different beliefs than we do, that we scream out like spoiled children for the government to create more laws to protect our "fragile minds"?

And yet we wonder why things have become the way they are?

We have the most privileged young populace on the planet.
They just don't realize how good they have it in this country. Yes, there are poor people here, yes, there is a widening gap, but that widening gap between poor and wealth, I have heard it my entire life.

But overall, we have a young people so privileged they can go to college wherever they want, they can play sports and video games all they want, they can eat wherever they want, they can even drink when they come of age.

They don't have it so bad here, so it makes me wonder why they can't see what is going on elsewhere in the world.

Are youth have been conditioned by the same government that you addressed to allow those whom are not religious to leave the country?

All I can simply say is, what does your freedom mean to you, and think about that before you decide your freedom is more important than someone else!

Our fore fathers addressed this very well in the Constitution and to this day it amazes me how so many people "PRETEND" they actually knows what it means.......

We all have freedoms in this country. The only thing we do not have freedom to do is harm someone else.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, found in the Declaration, are the foundation for the Constitution. I allow them to have life, the liberty to go where they want without being checked at every point, and their pursuit of happiness cannot infringe on someone else's pursuit.

But if the pursuit of happiness means that we must address the government to require more laws for tolerance, then it becomes intolerance when they have to force certain things onto others.

For instance, gay people should be allowed to be gay if that is what they want, no one should take from them those fundamental rights, but it is also intolerance to ask the government to enforce onto others a world view that is not acceptable to them.

Certainly, I am not of Westboro Baptist, but people seem to think all religious people are like that.

But notice, I didn't say they all have to leave, simply that they should be allowed to go if they wish. But since we are all in this boat together, then we should recognize the rights of everybody and if a religious world view offends, then so be it, say it offends but recognize their right to say it.

Sure, I am offended by a lot of things, but I can only say why it offends.

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: WarminIndy

"But overall, we have a young people so privileged they can go to college wherever they want, they can play sports and video games all they want, they can eat wherever they want, they can even drink when they come of age."

" They don't have it so bad here, so it makes me wonder why they can't see what is going on elsewhere in the world."

Your'e joking or said the above, so why would they give a crap about the rest of the world? When they can do anything they want right here. Why?

You answered why.

And your thread is pointless because you're addressing a out-going president would wont do or care to do anything in a year. You asked the wrong person, at the wrong time.

And if you think people should have the right...where are you? They already have that choice. So your whole thread is a non-issue pleading to a out-going politician.

That friend...puts you at a point that isn't one...begging (p-lease!)..a 4-8 yr-term citizen who happens to currently be the prez.

PS On the plus do have a flair for writing I think.

Notice that I did not say Obama, so it will apply to the next president, unless the next president is Hillary Clinton. Would I then change it to madame? I have heard some things.....

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
I'm sure the President would love to alienate a large percentage of his Party's demographic by telling them he has diplomatically discussed their emigration with another Nation!

That's a real vote winner among constituents!

True, true. I do agree with that.

But considering there aren't many good candidates yet....

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 06:43 PM
I'm not going to get in depth on this, so wikipedia will do.

Expatriation Act of 1868

I would suggest to do research into any particular subject first.

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