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A question about Astral Projection

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posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 12:13 AM
Ok, first of all, I haven't told anyone about this at all. Last night, I kept finding myself in a hypnagogic state of consciousness. I felt like my whole body was vibrating and I couldn't move. I tried to move my limbs, and I felt like I was tumbling in so very many directions, and I tried to open my eyes to see but I couldn't see anything - everything was black.

I also felt a very strong "presence", and I felt like whatever the presence was, it was attempting to communicate with me. Again, I was in a hypnagocic state of sleep. I asked it, telepathecially, I assume, what it was. Then a very clear voice said "Isthmus" and even spelled the word for me. I had no idea what this word meant - and thought it was whatever this presence was, I thought it was its name. The presence I felt was just observing me. I became scared and asked it to leave, and it just laughed. I then woke completely up.

I decided to look up the word "isthmus" (a word I have never used before, and did not know the definition of). The definition of the word "isthmus" is a narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land. It is like a "bridge". The immediate thought I had, was whatever the presence was, it was trying to let me know that the state of consciousness I was in, was like I was on an "isthmus" between two worlds.

Any thoughts? advice?

I have never been able to consciously have an Astral Projection. I have, over the course of my life, been in numerous hypnagocic states of sleep where my entire body is vibrating and I cannot move. I haven't been able to move to the next level.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: GeisterFahrer

Next time it happens, just wiggle your toes or fingers, or both.

That should snap you out of it.

Always works for me when I have sleep paralysis.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: TheArrow

sounds like an astral projection for sure. I had a very similar experience when I first started astral projecting. I put myself into a trance and felt my consciousness drop out of my body down through the floor and into the earth. I tired to open my eyes but everything was black. There were two voices talking to each other that sounded like Smeagle from lord of the rings. I was spinning and falling in blackness and one of the voices said "you again". That was one of the stranger experiences out of body i've had.

Sometimes when I find myself spinning in that weird 3d blackness it feels like i can't open my eyes. I usually try to stable the spinning out and feel for ground to stand on or something to hold. Then i try really hard to open my eyes. I used to open my physical eyes by accident which would snap me out of it. With practice I was able to open my astral eyes and carry on the OBE. I haven't had the opening my eyes problem in a long time now.

Its weird but sometimes you have to try really really hard to open your eyes.

Another thing you can do when your spinning around in the 3d blackness. Sometimes i will increase the spin as fast as i can, and fly away from my body. I then usually can open my eyes for some reason and I will be in a random weird dreamscape land. Sometimes i will be fully conscious, in an astral projection, and get bored of my environment. I'l close my eyes and spin really fast and enter the 3d blackness, then stable myself out, open my eyes and my surroundings are completely different, then I go explore that dreamscape.

I would consider what you experienced a success in astral projection. The more you experience that state of mind the more comfortable you will feel.

Another thing, don't be afraid. If your afraid your mind will create an experience for you to be afraid of. You have to understand while astral projecting, you are in control of everything, what you think is what you get. Nothing can hurt you, you have power over everything your mind is experiencing.

On a side note, its really amazing how many people are starting to astral project lately. I think the 100th monkey effect is starting to take place...

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 01:45 AM
Oh and next time your in the state where your body is vibrating, just try to increase the vibrations. You will hear a high pitch sound in your head, increase the pitch of that sound and increase the vibrations to the point where it feels really intense, like your violently shaking and you will just pop out of your body fully conscious. It feels very physical but it is not, don't worry your physical body is fast asleep.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 01:46 AM
The voice I heard was a very low, gruff and "whispery" voice. It confirmed several times that it was "Isthmus". The voice I was projecting was also very low, snarling and gruff (not my voice). The more fearful I became, the more the voice I projected became my own. That was when the presence I felt started to laugh.

It was weird for sure.

Thanks for your replies.
edit on 12-1-2015 by GeisterFahrer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: GeisterFahrer

This makes entire sense, it is very interesting. The Isthmus is a narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land. One of them is the physical world, and the other is the spirit world.

When you are vibrating, that is the transition period between being in the physical world and astral projecting. When I say this, I mean in the manuals I read on astral projection, it mentions achieving this being a sign that you are about to project.

I used to practice astral projection, but I would stop at the vibrating part because it would freak me the hell out. I never did astral project, not yet, but I started vibrating a few times. There are steps to take to get there, I don't remember them at the moment.

Very interesting how much sense this makes. Does that help?
edit on 12amMon, 12 Jan 2015 06:54:20 -0600kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

edit on 12amMon, 12 Jan 2015 06:55:30 -0600kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: darkbake
a reply to: GeisterFahrer

This makes entire sense, it is very interesting. The Isthmus is a narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land. One of them is the physical world, and the other is the spirit world.

When you are vibrating, that is the transition period between being in the physical world and astral projecting. When I say this, I mean in the manuals I read on astral projection, it mentions achieving this being a sign that you are about to project.

I used to practice astral projection, but I would stop at the vibrating part because it would freak me the hell out. I never did astral project, not yet, but I started vibrating a few times. There are steps to take to get there, I don't remember them at the moment.

Very interesting how much sense this makes. Does that help?

Yes, it makes sense, and after reading the definition of the word "Isthmus" that was the thought that immediately entered my mind as well. It was uncanny that the word "isthmus" was repeated over and over, and even spelled for me (when I wasn't sure what was being said). Couple that with I didn't even know what the word meant, and didn't recognize it. I had to look it up.

After reading the definition, I immediately recognized the "deeper meaning" of the message that was conveyed.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: GeisterFahrer

I felt like my whole body was vibrating and I couldn't move. I tried to move my limbs, and I felt like I was tumbling in so very many directions, and I tried to open my eyes to see but I couldn't see anything - everything was black.

These are the exact sensations that occur before astral projection happens.

If you can relax, concentrate on your breathing, visualize weightlessness, and the image of floating above your body--you will succeed in full immersion.

Just a warning:

Some of the sensations can be very intense. If you like roller coasters then you won't mind, but I think people should be aware of what they are going to feel so it doesn't blind-side them.

When your consciousness actually begins to leave, it can feel either like you are sinking down or floating up. There will be a ripping sensation felt throughout your entire body that reminds me of static electricity.

When you actually leave your body it will shock you. The force is akin to feeling like you were just shot out of a cannon that was loaded with an atomic bomb. It can be unpleasant. Once you arrive on the "other side" though, everything calms down--for the most part.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: GeiterFahrer

Questions. ...send me on a pm u2u. ..will not discuss on-post ...will explain.. ..mysterioustranger

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 11:03 PM
u2u sent ... not sure If I am doing this correctly.

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