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Could this confirm the real possibility of DUMB's in NM?

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posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 01:37 PM

originally posted by: Habit4ming
...first atomic device was tested at 5:29:45 am Mountain WAR time... Huh? I have never heard of Mountain WAR time or any other WAR time!!! (Or am I misreading what it says? I just had cataract surgery 5 days ago!) I did use a magnifying glass to re-read that line, fwiw.

During World War II, Congress enacted the War Time Act (56 Stat. 9) on January 20, 1942. Year-round DST was reinstated in the United States on February 9, 1942, again as a wartime measure to conserve energy resources.[5] This remained in effect until after the end of the war. The Amendment to the War Time Act (59 Stat. 537), enacted September 25, 1945, ended DST as of September 30, 1945. During this period, the official designation War Time was used for year-round DST. For example, Eastern War Time (EWT) would be the equivalent of Eastern Daylight Time during this period.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 06:49 PM
The three sites are Los Alamos National Lab, Sandia National Lab, and the Trinity Site.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: kkrattiger
Yes, good observation...3257142119

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: Char-Lee
Easy now not to far away.

But wow what a great post, thx

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 07:47 PM
Wow...some clever people in here... :-)

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: nataylor

Entry to the underworld, imagine what's going on there today.......... Those locations seem correct

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
My grandfather was a physicist involved with the Manhattan project. I know...this is where people start yelling, "Bull#"... Its ok, I am used to it and ignore it quite handily.

He was one of those guys that cracked jokes only Einstein would laugh at. When I saw this thread it reminded me of something he used to say quite frequently. "The shortest distance between two points is a straight line - or in our case, two straight lines." Then he would snicker and look like he was waiting for an answer that never came. He would just smile and continue on with whatever he was doing. I am sure it is just coincidence but it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this thread.

I asked him what he meant on more than one occasion and his response was the same every single time. He would tap me on the side of my head and say, "Don't ask me, look in here - then tell me when you find it."

I hope to figure that out some day...

Oh really. I guess you know what happened on the ship then. One question. Did he explain why some of the metals turned to liquid ? Nice TRY. There is ALWAYS someone on A.T.S who was there , known someone, affilliated with, happened to them and so on so that they claim what they say is truth and you beleive what they say. I'M calling you a HOAX. Like all the others on here.

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel
Yes lots for you to look over about your question....Enjoy

posted on Jan, 5 2015 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: cloaked4u

AHH the first negative least you carry your true avatar

Please contribute some input on this subject here in this thread.

posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: WanDash
My bad... The map is labeling the southeastern-most New Mexico DUMB as Carlsbad.
...Carry On.

posted on Jan, 6 2015 @ 06:32 PM
Here is an excellent site filled with tons of interesting images and data on this subject
and even contains another MAP confirming the 3 dots in NM and more.......thanks Beyond News!

This adds so Much more to this thread!!

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: OPUFO3257142119
Here is an excellent site filled with tons of interesting images and data on this subject
and even contains another MAP confirming the 3 dots in NM and more.......thanks Beyond News!

This adds so Much more to this thread!!

Yeah, I'd recommend taking anything from thelivingmoon with a wheelbarrow full of salt...But that's just me....

posted on Jan, 9 2015 @ 12:14 AM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance
Maybe but it adds interesting views on the already unprovable, thx for the post!

posted on Jan, 18 2015 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: cloaked4u

You know absolutely NOTHING about me or my family, yet you still seem inclined to talk at great length about them. YOU are the hoax. Or more appropriately, a troll. Its very easy to troll people, especially when you have no idea what you are talking about. All you have to do is bait them and wait for a response. Its the weapon of choice for the vapid moron. And you have quite an arsenal.

If you know so much about so many...why don't you just answer all the questions yourself? Because you cant. You know nothing. And you feel inferior. So you have to bring everyone down to your level for a sense or normality because elevating yourself to their level has eluded you your entire sad pathetic little life.

Read a book.

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