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Israel police say Jewish settlers stone US consular officials during West Bank visit

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+2 more 
posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 11:54 PM
Israel police say Jewish settlers stone US consular officials during West Bank visit

Jewish settlers attacked American consular officials Friday during a visit the officials made to the West Bank as part of an investigation into claims of damage to Palestinian agricultural property, Israeli police and Palestinian witnesses say. The incident is likely to further chill relations between Israel and the United States, already tense over American criticisms of Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, and Israeli perceptions that President Barack Obama is only lukewarm in his support of Israeli diplomatic and security policies. Settlers have often spoken against what they call foreign interference in their affairs, but this is the first known physical attack against diplomatic personnel.

This should be the final straw. Our officials were investigating a complaint about settlers damaging Palestinian property and these settlers attack them with rocks, axes and clubs. We placed sanctions against North Korea and no one was hurt over that but this an actual attack on our personnel. All diplomatic ties should be cut with Israel and sanctions placed on them as well. But this will never happen because our sold out government bows to Israel. We need a government that will treat these savages just like the terrorist they act like.

"There were six security guards from the consulate riding in two cars," Abu Samra said. "When they got out of the cars they were attacked by young settlers from the outpost who were carrying clubs and axes. They struck the cars with clubs but the security guards did not respond with their weapons."

How much you want to bet had these people been Palestinian those guards would have opened fire.

posted on Jan, 2 2015 @ 11:59 PM
Remember the Liberty
this will go the same way and be brushed under the rug , stop the 3 billion a year and free weapons

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: douglas5

You guys are amazing. The last first, the "Liberty". Do some research before commenting. That was an LBJ 'false flag' that Israel bought into, stupidly.

Ah, the savages, eh? The 'current' administration 'investigates' Israel and gives passes to Hamas and Co.. NEVER, has a U.S. administration been so anti-Israel.

Personally, I'd have used rotten tomatoes instead of stones....

+3 more 
posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 12:41 AM
Too bad they didnt give the israelis a taste of their own medicine by opening fire and calling in an airstrike ...

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 12:45 AM
The amount of Palestinian youths and children who have been shot for this exact reason just goes to show what the Zionist agenda is.

The Depopulation of Palestine.

& I bet we won't hear the same fools who appear in every thread relevant to this topic who say "well if you throw stones it's a deadly weapon" condemning this.

Zionism should be treated as a Terror Organisation much the same as ISIS...
Doesn't matter where they are in the World, if they're associated or affiliated with the Zionist Movement they should be treated as the Terrorist sympathisers & supporters that they are.
edit on 3-1-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: buster2010

What a bunch of hype. A "small group of young settlers" translates a few kids tossing rocks. No one was injured. Oh the humanity.

+4 more 
posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 01:36 AM

originally posted by: Logarock
a reply to: buster2010

What a bunch of hype. A "small group of young settlers" translates a few kids tossing rocks. No one was injured. Oh the humanity.

Guess you missed israels memo .. according to them rocks are deadly weapons and kids who throw them are terrorists .. oh.. wait thats only if palestinian kids throw rocks .. forgot the "chosen" ones can do any damn thing they want without any repurcussions ..

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: nwtrucker

I will wait to see if the law recently passed by Israel about getting 15-20 years for throwing stones will apply to them

Israeli ministers pass bill jailing stone throwers for 20 years

If Israeli courts can prove that someone threw a stone with the intent of causing serious bodily harm, they may be able to impose a jail sentence of 20 years.

The USS Liberty Incident was a combined air and sea attack by Israel's Defense Forces, during the Six Day War,#

Phil Tourney's book "What I saw that day" pulls no punches when he describes how the crew was treated by Admiral Isaac Kidd, with threats of court-martial and imprisonment "or worse" if they told anyone what they saw.[4] "From a first-hand account the author brings forth the viciousness of the attack on a ship that had a large American flag displayed, the carnage inflicted on her crew and the tremendous damage done, which included over 820 bullet and shrapnel holes and areas burned by napalm and a torpedo hole the size of a house."

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: Expat888

Thus deal about pulling up ancient tradition over there. Maybe the planting of these trees was a provocative act in itself.

Anyway sorry boys the Jews are back and you may as well get over it. The Palestinians are simply a bunch of squatters.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 02:10 AM

originally posted by: nwtrucker
a reply to: douglas5

You guys are amazing. The last first, the "Liberty". Do some research before commenting. That was an LBJ 'false flag' that Israel bought into, stupidly.

Ah, the savages, eh? The 'current' administration 'investigates' Israel and gives passes to Hamas and Co.. NEVER, has a U.S. administration been so anti-Israel.

Personally, I'd have used rotten tomatoes instead of stones....

I covered the Liberty"incident" as everybody puts it, I put quotation marks around incident because it was an outright act of war and shouldn't be demoted to an incident, a couple months back in this thread

You should really research it and educate yourself before making such ignorant posts.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 03:28 AM

originally posted by: Logarock
jews are back and you may as well get over it.

Put away your EGO. A real and decent
man up holds ETHICS and TRUTH, not ego.
It is Immature minds that point fingers, and
pit one against others.
The truth is that,
the deluge/flood was the equalizer;
Meaning that we are ALL family.
SO STOP THE HATING ! AND DIVIDING, and grow up already ! ! !

. . . . . .

edit on 3/1/15 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 07:19 AM
Israel can do what ever it like and you won't see any crimes commited because they control the international banks who can cripple a country or bribe the politicians.

"Give me control over a nations money and i care not who writes the laws"

400 nukes and god knows what in the fridge and the Samson option does not make a good mix.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: nwtrucker

The last first, the "Liberty". Do some research before commenting. That was an LBJ 'false flag' that Israel bought into, stupidly.

Talk about buying the Israeli propaganda. Israel buzzed that ship for three days before attacking and threatened the pilots with arrest if they didn't attack. Like you suggested do some research before commenting.

The 'current' administration 'investigates' Israel and gives passes to Hamas and Co.. NEVER, has a U.S. administration been so anti-Israel.

Hamas is following the rights they are given by international law that says they have the right to fight hostile occupiers in their land. Also seeing how the current Admin has already give almost a extra billion last year over the usual amount not to mention allowing Israel to raid the stockpile of weapons we had their just shows your "this administration is anti-Israel" comment is laughable.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: buster2010

We placed sanctions against North Korea and no one was hurt over that but this an actual attack on our personnel. All diplomatic ties should be cut with Israel and sanctions placed on them as well.

Let's be honest, this should have already been done decades ago.

I'd love to know exactly what hold the Israelis have over the USA and how they are able to make successive US governments dance to the Israeli tune...whether it's the nuclear threat of the 'Samson Option' (or the successor of the Samson Option) or something else entirely, whatever it is it's clear the Israelis are the pulling the US's strings and have done for a long time.

But i agree...writing them off as the violent, scheming nutjobs they are is the least the US should do.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: Logarock

Anyway sorry boys the Jews are back and you may as well get over it. The Palestinians are simply a bunch of squatters.

Your are wrong on a couple of things here. The majority of these people are Jews in name only in reality they are Zionist because if they were to follow Jewish law then Israel wouldn't be doing the things they are doing. Also the Europeans and Americans moving there are the squatters. It is the Palestinians that have been there for generations whereas the Europeans and Americans have no blood-ties to the land whatsoever.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: MysterX

I'd love to know exactly what hold the Israelis have over the USA and how they are able to make successive US governments dance to the Israeli tune.

It's because they buy our politicians. Also if they can't buy them they will blackmail and even frame the politicians that speak out against them. Not to mention they will spend all the money it takes to elect the person that running against a politician that doesn't support Israel. Look into a guy named James Traficant he was framed because he saved a man from being hanged by Israel.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: buster2010

The International court? That August body of fair-minded and objective individuals who ignore the Charters of Palestine and Hamas that call for the destruction of Israel? Really?

That charged a U.S. federal judge with crimes against humanity for sentencing a convicted murder to death and doesn't apply the same criteria to the rest of the world?

Sure. Israel may have buzzed the Liberty for three days. How does that refute a false flag operation that was LBJ based?

The U.S. had naval assets nearby and were moving to intervene when 'ordered' to withdraw. Per the then JOC who stated as much after he retired.

I do admit, Israel will act in it's own self-interest. My 'trust' is limited. LOL.

Having said that. I don't see any 'Great Satan' rhetoric from Israel. No avowed goal to see the U.S. destroyed from Israel.
I do see it from Isis, et al.

You do not comment on Palestinian stone throwing yet call Israel 'savages' and spew 'the last straw' when Israelis do.

They feel as justified as people trying to create a new life as the Palestinians do.

No nation's gov't is without sins. They're the problem, gov'ts! Not some misdirection to some "Zionist" group that even if they exist, have no further goal, that I can see, than the survival of Israel as a nation.

Failing an honest agreement between the two sides, then there is going to be a 'winner' and a 'loser'. I see mosques in Israel. I do not see synagogues in the Muslim world. I don't see Israelis beheading anyone, oppressing women, running a slave trade or fighting each other...The Israelis make the desert bloom. Leave them alone and they'll leave you alone. Just ask Egypt...

Who is the saner?

We shall have to agree to disagree.

edit on 3-1-2015 by nwtrucker because: spelling error

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: buster2010

Again, one-sided. If the Palestinians, et al, followed the Koran, they also wouldn't be doing what they're doing. So they can't call themselves Muslim????

How myopic..

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: douglas5

I rechecked some of my understandings of the event. Threats of court-martial and imprisonment or worse to U.S. personnel leaves an unanswered question.

Is it some Israeli hold over the U.S. OR is it the U.S. itself avoiding at all costs a deeper investigation that shows high level co-conspirators acting with Israel??

The BBC version shows an immediate launch of aircraft with nuclear weapons destined for Egypt. Protocols do not allow for that kind of response! Pre-planned by the U.S. as well?

I don't know.

The consensus, understandably as Israel did the act and either way they are fully culpable, is Israel acted alone.

Every instinctive alarm bell I have screams not. LBJ, McNamara, slime balls that proved out in the Vietnam War, says to me their hands are dirty as well.

posted on Jan, 3 2015 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: Logarock
a reply to: Expat888

Thus deal about pulling up ancient tradition over there. Maybe the planting of these trees was a provocative act in itself.

Anyway sorry boys the Jews are back and you may as well get over it. The Palestinians are simply a bunch of squatters.

If you have squatted anywhere as long as they have been own it.

What i would like to see is a blood test on every individual Palestinian and Israeli and see whom is the more Jewish.

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