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Lost Civilizations: An Alternate View Of Human History

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posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 11:32 PM
I would like to explore an alternate view of human history. Moreso a few tangents from a general theme of alternate history. The generally accepted idea is that culture, and really the possibility for historical development, began around 10,000 years ago, or a bit more or less depending on how you look at it. And then it's been steadily, or exponentially, growing from there. Now this is absolutely the standard view which almost all share. And it can be difficult to even allow for any other possibility. But I think it is at the very least interesting to think about, whatever probability you give to its reality.

Before we get into presentations of this theme, let's just think about one thing. One thing that is also a fact, yet people don't seem to think too much about the strangeness of it. Physiologically modern humans have existed well over a hundred thousand years, generally given an approximate date between 150-250 thousand years ago. These humans were no different than us, physically speaking. And that includes brain size and structure. And so we're saying that for, say 180,000 years, they did almost nothing. They weren't much above animals, a bit better adapted, in terms of planning capabilities and tool production. Then all the sudden, they start moving into towns with increasing agricultural proficiency, language begins developing and being written; and all of the sudden, you get everything that we think of when we say human. And over 10,000 years, about 5% of the time which modern humans have been on earth, we get to where we are, something wholly different in almost every conceivable way, minus our physical makeup which was identical the whole time.

Now, there is one specific idea that is perhaps inextricably bound to almost any framework which presents this theme. And that is that there was an advanced civilization which was destroyed approximately 12,000 years ago. Now, to share some specifics, this was the end of a glacial period on the planet. During this time, it seems that a comet hit the earth, wreaking havoc. Now also at this time there was massive collapse of ice structures on the planet, causing a drastic rise of sea levels. So first of all, just think about it for a minute. Isn't it a bit odd and coincidental that almost immediately proceeding this cataclysmic event, all of the sudden human culture just takes off? Isn't it at least reasonable to consider the interesting alternate possibility that this cataclysmic event ended a previous civilization, and what we consider the dawn of civilization is actually the remnants of the previous civilization attempting to rebuild? One fascinating thing to note, is that Plato's account of Atlantis dates its fall precisely corresponding to the time in which all that I have described occurred. It is interesting to think that the near Universal idea in ancient religion of some sort of a cataclysmic event, be it a flood or otherwise, may be the poeticizing of lingering memories of this real event which destroyed an advanced civilization. Another thing you should consider. Even everything we have built in our civilization. Were our continued usage and maintenance taken out of the picture, for one reason or another, it would all dissolve in a blink of earth's time, particularly after cataclysmic events. And in this future, they would not so easily discover our existence.

Now, getting into the esoteric, this was an idea that I became familiar with through reading the Secret Doctrine of Theosophy. And when I read it, it just truly fascinated me. The idea here is in fact that the world's history is full of civilizations rising and falling. That it is in fact a repetitious and cyclical, although from a larger perspective evolutionary, process. Civilization rises to great heights, and then it is thrown down, generally through radical processes which occur periodically in nature. And then it begins again. And so this previous collapse of around 12,000 years ago was just the most recent, in this framework. Now, I am just going to focus on that one aspect of the Theosophic idea, because the totality of their idea is really drastic and frankly strange to normative sensibilities, and really falls out of anything I want to discuss. Anyways, whichever way you look at this idea, I find it extremely thought-provoking, and plausible, from different angles.
edit on 27-12-2014 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-12-2014 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2014 @ 11:47 PM
a reply to: TheJourney

Interesting Post . Makes you Wonder if the " Pattern " you mentioned is not Intelligently Controlled to Happen somehow , and it could also possibly Explain our distant Ancestors obsession with the Worship of the " Gods " , and the Fear of their Wrath if Offended , eh ?

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 12:04 AM
I love entertaining this theory. It is all together possible that our current civilization will suffer some cataclysmic event in the future, which would result in us having to start over (solar flare, comet, super volcano, epidemic etc). So it is easy to imagine that such an event has already occurred. To some extend I even find it plausible. But regardless of how much I would love for such a marvelous concept to be true, I find that the overwhelming lack of evidence for it makes it hard to give any serious consideration.

Perhaps the biggest argument against it is our understanding of the human genome, and our ability to track human movements through history. An advanced civilization like the one described in the Atlantis tale, would surely had left their mark on our DNA. So if any "advanced" civilization existed prior to our current knowledge, it seems unlikely that they would be significantly more advanced then we'ed currently expect them to be.

But perhaps the best argument for such a scenario is human nature - our ability to foolishly misunderstand our habitat, and yet have the resilience to persevere.
edit on 06/06/12 by Mads1987 because: (no reason given)

edit on 06/06/12 by Mads1987 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 12:07 AM
Yeah I would agree civilizations have been here before which I believe were very advanced. According to some of the vedic texts the old civilizations fled out of the galaxy entirely and wont return until we reach another golden age or "The Satya Yuga" is the "Yuga (Age or Era) of Truth", when humanity is governed by gods or godlike beings, and every manifestation or work is close to the purest ideal and humanity will allow intrinsic goodness to rule supreme. It is sometimes referred to as the "Golden Age". The Satya Yuga is said to last around 1,728,000 years.

It is said they greatly feared incarnating in this era due to our vast ignorance reguarding universal truths, and wanted nothing to do with us so they used these things like stargates and went to the outer rim of the galaxy then went further beyond any gate travel beyond our galaxy altogether.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: TheJourney

I don't really have any qualms with the established timeline Stone, Bronze, Iron, Roman age and so on. It wasn't like they were simply sitting around doing nothing just managing to survive was a feat. Drop a tribe size group of educated people into the wild and most of their time will be spent acquiring necessities to continue their survival. How many generations do you think til they make it to the equivalent of the Roman age? Now think about when explorers discovered the Americas why were the people not at least to the bronze age? They had the same amount of time to advance so what happened? We know some were brutal they had many religions and some spent great deals of time hunting each other to sacrifice to their gods.

Now take that same tribe size group of educated people and drop them into an environment where there are already ruins with remnants of metals laying around how many generations then do you think it would be till there wa a society surpassing the Roman era? I am willing to bet it wouldn't take long.

I think religion and philosophy had a great deal to do with mankind's ability to organize form governments which allowed the progression man has achieved to happen. Try to remember when Rome fell and religion became fervent again we had the dark age.

While religion has been a tool o unite people it has also been a tool of destruction for society. I like to read a bit on history and I have come to the conclusion based on what I have learned that things progressed pretty much like it has been presented.

That is just my opinion on it all take it for what it is.
edit on 28-12-2014 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 12:28 AM
Graham Hancock has been publishing this theory for 25 years now.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Great post.

I am not replying specifically to you. But some of the stuff you wrote, in light of what the OP wrote inspired some thoughts to me.

Seeing how we have been homo sapiens for at least some 100,000 years - and it is assumed that modern man reached the Americas at least 13,500 years ago. A problem arises in my mind. Cause we are all aware of the magnificent ancient structures of South America - and it would seem very coincidental that primitive man, whom we assume are just hunters and gatherers, would cross from North Asia, to North America. Wait around 11,000 years, and within just a few thousands years, decide to start building megalithic structures on both continents.

I don't know why this has never struck me as odd before. But seen in the vast scope of human history, it just seems unlikely that these techniques should had arisen separately over such a long time frame. But yet again, I would assume that both cultures were highly skilled with making stone tools, so perhaps 10,000 years is all you need to go from handaxe to pyramid. I don't know. But as I stated in my earlier post - I really love entertaining this theory.

edit on 06/06/12 by Mads1987 because: (no reason given)

edit on 06/06/12 by Mads1987 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 12:38 AM
True enough....but Hancock has no lock on it....
Many have come to this same conclusion roughly speaking.....
It explains so many anomalous OOPARTS dug up that were found in places where they could be dated back to millions of years old.....
There really is nothing new under the sun......just the same old stories told over and over again....
edit on 28-12-2014 by stirling because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: Mads1987

I have entertained the idea before but as I said everything keeps leading back to things being pretty close to how it has been presented. Just to let you know the current theories for when man migrated to the Americas ranges from 40,000 to around 16,500 years ago that has been a hot topic for debate there have been few agreements on the matter.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 01:08 AM
Let me bring up that old horse known as the vimanas from around the world also ancient egypt hieroglyphs airplanes helocopters.

edit on 28-12-2014 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: TheJourney

Another frightening notion is that Sapiens were not always the only species of humans. Imagine the culture.

Did we run them to extinction? Or did we cross-breed?

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 02:08 AM

originally posted by: TheJourneyPhysiologically modern humans have existed well over a hundred thousand years, generally given an approximate date between 150-250 thousand years ago. These humans were no different than us, physically speaking. And that includes brain size and structure. And so we're saying that for, say 180,000 years, they did almost nothing.

No. They struggled for survival. Humans almost went extinct, and 70,000 years ago there were 5,000 or less, one study believes there was only 40 breeding pairs of humans in the entire world.

You don't build cities when you are a dying species.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 02:08 AM

originally posted by: Words
a reply to: TheJourney

Another frightening notion is that Sapiens were not always the only species of humans. Imagine the culture.

Did we run them to extinction? Or did we cross-breed?

Most likely both.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 02:09 AM

originally posted by: Words
a reply to: TheJourney

Another frightening notion is that Sapiens were not always the only species of humans. Imagine the culture.

Did we run them to extinction? Or did we cross-breed?

According to the historical records it was just genocide, meaning humans killed everything that looked human which they didnt consider part of thier tribe. Which is why humans used to be vastly different then came the thinning of the herd so to say or mass extinction only one type remained or was later seeded, what exactly happened is unknown, however we do know there was alot of diversity in ancient times which doesnt exist in our present era.
edit on 28-12-2014 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 02:18 AM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord
According to the historical records it was just genocide, meaning humans killed everything that looked human which they didnt consider part of thier tribe.

Not true at all. In fact genocide is more and more being thought to be less likely. In fact there is virtually zero evidence of conflict between us and Neanderthal, and the very little evidence there is can be interpreted without the need for violence between us.
edit on 28-12-2014 by OccamsRazor04 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: TheJourney

Just some things to consider:

Genesis 1:28
"And God said unto them: Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth."

So, the earth was once plenished. Adam and his wife were now to replenish it?

Translations of the word Hayah and the number of Times
Became 85
Become 230
Been 98
Came 526
Come 141
Happen 13
Happened 59
Has 19
Have 97
Remain 9
Remained 6

Proponents of the gap theory translate Genesis 1:2 as, "And the earth had become formless and void."

Many Hebrew words have multiple meanings. Therefore, the proper translation must be determined from the context in which the word is found.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 02:50 AM
It's those damn greys trying to horn in on our technology. No not the technology that is being developed.

The majority of people couldn't handle seeing what created us because just their me're presence terrorfies a man to fear for their soul.

It is emphesized in the bible for a specific reason.

And emphesized further in many ancient teachings.

Anyways humanity has to be consiously in tuned with technology and sciences in order to understand what they are seeing otherwise the technology is useless to them as well as communicate becomes impossible because of mans internals fears.

We were not created by something of flesh and blood. We are a Prodegy, A prequil if you will to what will become the perfect *Human*.

Where we live externally outside of the material physical, Still existing in the universe. But not subject to many physical forces.

It would be reasonable to not double that such power would want to be obtained. By any costs nessisary. I believe that the local E.T are trying to prob us and make hybrids so we can reconstruct the technology needed for them. That is their local interest in Abductions. Is our scientific prowess in Chemistry and Particle Physics. Which are ingrained into our very fabric of being. Be it the roots of Metalurgy which leads to our facination with gold and metals. Or our wanting to understand Electricty, Steam, and conversion of materials to another.

This is not something new to us within a 2000 year period.
Infact if it was not only the Earth that caused us these major setback may it be our own development coupled with intervention from a hostile source such as local E.T.

Something that is made of spirit much like our creators are described would not be flesh and blood. At least not after transformation, These locals with eyes and fleshlike bodies must not be the spirit based beings that created us.
They may have technology to mimic some abilities sure, But are they them? No.
They are *beautiful* in comparison to our creators which don't nessisarly resemble any form of life unless they chose such a form. Since the creator is formless within the void, as it is written.

So some of these E.T that have vested interest in us may seem appealing. But do not be fooled. They are not anymore advanced than we are in our mortal states. It is because of the constant attacks, and the fact they clone themselves that have made things difficult.

Colonies may be wiped out, But they always return from the deepest reaches of the milky way. They are partially robotic. They are a bio-technological species merged with A.I. They are androgynous, Sexless without reproductive organs. Since they reproduce via, Cloning vats.

They are a type of Zerg. They colonize multipul planets within this galaxy and so are extremely difficult to eliminate. They are also extremely hostile and dangerous.
They are known to kidnip unwilling victoms. Encounters with these being will almost certainly result in abduction. As they have a cold calculating mind granted by their artificial intelligence, and being linked together by neural networks. They are collectively one unit. However these beings are not like us in any way shape or form however they plague these sectors and must be delt with in the future.

We are setting shop in the middle of the hornets nest. The creators have advanced ships, Able to travel inter-galatically. Our mission is to set up a colony here and being churning out warriors in order to eliminate the Dropa threat.
They have the ability of infecting multipul galaxies within nearby quadrants and need to be eliminated if the Milky is to be fully colonized.

They threaten all life in the Milkyway and in the future. But being A.I they have realized our plans long ago. And have began their own in uncovering our intergalatic technology. We have been trying to raise humanity up in to par so that the fear of the presence of the creators will not hinder the process of learning how to use the technology needed for transformation.

We have been fighting to re-establish the human colonies on Earth and increase the technology. We are protected but the Dropa multiply quickly. We will need more soldiers to fight or else we will need to use Weapons of mass destruction to reduce their numbers, Conciquently it will shave off lots of life on Earth when used nearby. We would rather not have to use the cosmic weapons, But the Dropa are infultrating the governments and are being given permission to inhabit areas and excivate.

These beings were Originally an Avian Species, But they are strickly test tube now. I hear the Elite want to follow in their footsteps and become a borg as well.

So yeah, society has been destroyed multipul times because of this. Do i have any proof? Not so much, i mean i could cross reference things. Just enjoy it as a hypothetical story of our passed and continued struggle for domination of the milkyway as well as exterminating a threat that could possibly end multipul developing societies.

Our creators let us develop on our own without imposing their will on us in physical manifestations. As if they did so, Would drive you insain. Literally insain. Think of our creators as a type of Chaos God. The lesser of 2 evils, Charged with destroying a greater Evil.

edit on 28-12-2014 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 04:07 AM

originally posted by: AnuTyr
It's those damn greys trying to horn in on our technology. No not the technology that is being developed.
The majority of people couldn't handle seeing what created us because just their me're presence terrorfies a man to fear for their soul.
It is emphesized in the bible for a specific reason.
And emphesized further in many ancient teachings.
Anyways humanity has to be consiously in tuned with technology and sciences in order to understand what they are seeing otherwise the technology is useless to them as well as communicate becomes impossible because of mans internals fears.
We were not created by something of flesh and blood. We are a Prodegy, A prequil if you will to what will become the perfect *Human*.
Where we live externally outside of the material physical, Still existing in the universe. But not subject to many physical forces.
It would be reasonable to not double that such power would want to be obtained. By any costs nessisary. I believe that the local E.T are trying to prob us and make hybrids so we can reconstruct the technology needed for them. That is their local interest in Abductions. Is our scientific prowess in Chemistry and Particle Physics. Which are ingrained into our very fabric of being. Be it the roots of Metalurgy which leads to our facination with gold and metals. Or our wanting to understand Electricty, Steam, and conversion of materials to another.
This is not something new to us within a 2000 year period.
Infact if it was not only the Earth that caused us these major setback may it be our own development coupled with intervention from a hostile source such as local E.T.
Something that is made of spirit much like our creators are described would not be flesh and blood. At least not after transformation, These locals with eyes and fleshlike bodies must not be the spirit based beings that created us.
They may have technology to mimic some abilities sure, But are they them? No.
They are *beautiful* in comparison to our creators which don't nessisarly resemble any form of life unless they chose such a form. Since the creator is formless within the void, as it is written.
So some of these E.T that have vested interest in us may seem appealing. But do not be fooled. They are not anymore advanced than we are in our mortal states. It is because of the constant attacks, and the fact they clone themselves that have made things difficult.
Colonies may be wiped out, But they always return from the deepest reaches of the milky way. They are partially robotic. They are a bio-technological species merged with A.I. They are androgynous, Sexless without reproductive organs. Since they reproduce via, Cloning vats.
They are a type of Zerg. They colonize multipul planets within this galaxy and so are extremely difficult to eliminate. They are also extremely hostile and dangerous.
They are known to kidnip unwilling victoms. Encounters with these being will almost certainly result in abduction. As they have a cold calculating mind granted by their artificial intelligence, and being linked together by neural networks. They are collectively one unit. However these beings are not like us in any way shape or form however they plague these sectors and must be delt with in the future.
We are setting shop in the middle of the hornets nest. The creators have advanced ships, Able to travel inter-galatically. Our mission is to set up a colony here and being churning out warriors in order to eliminate the Dropa threat.
They have the ability of infecting multipul galaxies within nearby quadrants and need to be eliminated if the Milky is to be fully colonized.
They threaten all life in the Milkyway and in the future. But being A.I they have realized our plans long ago. And have began their own in uncovering our intergalatic technology. We have been trying to raise humanity up in to par so that the fear of the presence of the creators will not hinder the process of learning how to use the technology needed for transformation.
We have been fighting to re-establish the human colonies on Earth and increase the technology. We are protected but the Dropa multiply quickly. We will need more soldiers to fight or else we will need to use Weapons of mass destruction to reduce their numbers, Conciquently it will shave off lots of life on Earth when used nearby. We would rather not have to use the cosmic weapons, But the Dropa are infultrating the governments and are being given permission to inhabit areas and excivate.
These beings were Originally an Avian Species, But they are strickly test tube now. I hear the Elite want to follow in their footsteps and become a borg as well.
So yeah, society has been destroyed multipul times because of this. Do i have any proof? Not so much, i mean i could cross reference things. Just enjoy it as a hypothetical story of our passed and continued struggle for domination of the milkyway as well as exterminating a threat that could possibly end multipul developing societies.
Our creators let us develop on our own without imposing their will on us in physical manifestations. As if they did so, Would drive you insain. Literally insain. Think of our creators as a type of Chaos God. The lesser of 2 evils, Charged with destroying a greater Evil.

Well all that is interesting, but its still the us vs them mentality which we must overcome. Sure you may need to cut your own hair but at least you feel it as part of yourself when you do it. Same with creators and various alien races, we are all part of the same whole, once we understand this there is no battle to be won, for it is mere self destruction.
edit on 28-12-2014 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: TheJourney

Our current civilisation is bound up with electricity and digital cloud information holding - when you think about it, what would we have left were the electrical supply to fail for a long period? We would loose a lot of our knowledge and were a natural disaster to have caused the failure, then we would be back in the stone age, without the knowhow for some of what they achieved?

I have always worried that our reliance on 'the grid' is a vulnerability that no one is taking seriously enough to put in a plan B to retain our knowledge.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 05:26 AM

originally posted by: Shiloh7
a reply to: TheJourney

Our current civilisation is bound up with electricity and digital cloud information holding - when you think about it, what would we have left were the electrical supply to fail for a long period? We would loose a lot of our knowledge and were a natural disaster to have caused the failure, then we would be back in the stone age, without the knowhow for some of what they achieved?

I have always worried that our reliance on 'the grid' is a vulnerability that no one is taking seriously enough to put in a plan B to retain our knowledge.

You think we would simply forget every single thing and go back to using stone tools? really? Even if 99.9% of all knowledge was lost that would not happen.

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