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To calm the community should Police have a coordinated "Blue Flu" all over the US

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posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:14 AM
The left and protesters are calling for getting rid of the police.

Should the police "give in" and have the "Blue Flu" for a solid week.

I know that they are forbidden by law from striking, but they are not forbidden from coming to work when they have the flu.

Make it a coordinated effort throughout the US and advertise it in advance? Or just in every city that has had protests asking for the end to the police? Since the left is saying the police are the biggest racial problem in the US right now, many on the far right are saying the police are too militarized and should back down.

I would suggest the week of MLK day to placate the groups calling for getting rid of police.

I'll get back after a number of pages to see your ideas.

This is a chance for you to rant either way, looking forward to seeing your response.

edit on 11Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:17:20 -0600am122312amk232 by grandmakdw because: addition

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: grandmakdw

My response isn't very helpful. But I bought a BMW last month with an M package and would really like to open it up on the highway without having to worry about losing my license.

I've always wondered what it would be like if we went a day, a week, a month without law enforcement. We are such a destructive society though. While I would mind my business and do silly things, other people would be looting, killing, going absolutely bananas.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: alishainwonderland
a reply to: grandmakdw

My response isn't very helpful. But I bought a BMW last month with an M package and would really like to open it up on the highway without having to worry about losing my license.

I've always wondered what it would be like if we went a day, a week, a month without law enforcement. We are such a destructive society though. While I would mind my business and do silly things, other people would be looting, killing, going absolutely bananas.

Isn't that a racist statement?

Isn't that a racist fear?

That is what black leaders are telling us.

If the problem is the police, wouldn't there really be no change in crime with the "blue flu"

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: grandmakdw

curious why would you suggest the week of MLK day??

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: grandmakdw

& what about all the tax payers who aren't protesting to end the police?

Would you advocate this in your state, if hypothetically, there were similar protests there?

How about the Police do their job properly and arrest the bad ones?

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 12:05 PM
Sounds like the purge movie.
Good question though If all the police went on strike wouldn't they have to get the national guard in or would people just go nuts? I think it depends where you are.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

If what you suggest happened,there would be militias and criminal gangs "defending" their territories within hours..
That would probably result in the government declaring martial law,and you would end up with a worse situation than we see at present.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

I think that is a brilliant idea. Blue Flu for a week and citizens would take to the streets at the same time. The paramilitary PDs and the provocateurs from alphabet agencies would take the week off.

The reality of this. The pure truth to power would be shocking to some. Shocking to some people that a vast majority of people of different colors and socioeconomic status are perfectly willing to keep it "within the lines" in terms of the law without the constant oppression. They would respond positively to this new mutual responsibility. They might question their need for the police state on a fundamental basis.

It is for that reason, the Fascist paramilitary PD's and the alphabet agencies will never allow it to happen.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 12:22 PM
I am actually living in a supposed first world country that
allows its police to kill civilians by the thousands per year,
does not even properly keep up with how many they kill and
when called to task for that being a really bad thing, they
act like children and threaten war and calling in sick to
really teach us a lesson by instilling fear in us until we
capitulate. WOW.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

Sure why not. Give all the protestors, comfy middle class kids, handed everything to me generation a taste of their own medicine. Sure, call for the death of police? Fine, when the looters come to smash your Lexus or Jetta call a crackhead.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

What protesters are calling for is an end to police brutality and a justice system that protects everyone equally regardless of whom violates the law.

Are you okay with police being above the law?

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: bloodreviara

That is what I was thinking.

Here are the choices we are being offered - either let the police kill whoever they want, even children, or live without police protection.

Excuse me - I am not seeing a whole lot of difference here. Either the gangs kill us or the police do. Oh wait - there is a very big difference. I don't have to pay the gangs to shoot me, they do it for free!

Tired of Control Freaks

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: bloodreviara

A lot of them are children. They act above the law, condescending, rude. People have had enough of their insanity.

But still, I want to see all the protesters try to survive in a neighborhood where the police no longer exist. Yup, no more police brutality, profiling, hassling the kids. More looting, thievery, and Toecutter.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

The statute of limitations on, I assume, all crimes committed would not be over by the time the LEOs came back on duty, so nearly every crime where someone was caught on camera or video would still be able to be prosecuted.

But, investigating kidnappings and murders a week after they occurred would do absolutely zero for society, the victims, their families, or, really, anybody, because the people who would be willing to commit these crimes would still be on the loose and much harder to find. Plus, it's nearly an open invitation to commit these crimes when one may not have done so before.

If some people out here think that ridding the miniscule percentage of officers who enforce laws with a heavy--and sometimes illegal--hand for a week outweighs the negatives of not having LEOs around for those who truly need it, they are part of the problem, and this proposal is such an immature "solution" that whomever proposes something like this probably has an IQ bordering on the Forrest Gump level. (that was not directed at you, grandmakdw)

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

How about the police just stay at the station and come only when they are called. Like firemen do. But then again, there are a lot of volunteer firemen out there because they aren't making money arresting and processing people for petty crimes. Maybe police should work pro bono.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 02:14 PM
Well, afterwards we could look at the attendance records of all of the cops and know which were good cops worth keeping and which were bad cops that we can do without....wouldn't we?

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 02:23 PM
I don't think it would be as bad as "The Purge," honestly. But I think to presume that nobody would take advantage of the situation is silly and wildly blind to human nature.

I don't really see how this would benefit anybody. By and large the protestors are calling for change. Not an end to law enforcement altogether, but a change in law enforcement. As jacked as it may be, I prefer the nature of current LE work to the idea of no LE at all. But, I also recognize the need for change.

Telling people "well we're just gonna take our ball and go home for a day or two" isn't really going to fix the problem, when the problem will simply return after whatever the duration of "blue flu" is.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 02:49 PM
Wait you can't honestly be naive enough to think this is a good idea right?

All the criminals, lowlifes, cowards, gangs, rapists , murderers, thieves of the country support your decision.
All the selfish drunk or inhibited drivers support you.
All the tough guys, bullies and other violent people support you.

Explain to me how you expect to balance the equation of a safe society when you remove the police but not the criminal element.

Even better yet, come drive around the badlands of any major city where the police are already stretched too thin and see how long it takes for a violent crime to happen to you.

I know it was a theoretical question but their is exactly a 0% you could make it work and not have chaos ensue.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: grandmakdw

originally posted by: alishainwonderland
a reply to: grandmakdw

My response isn't very helpful. But I bought a BMW last month with an M package and would really like to open it up on the highway without having to worry about losing my license.

I've always wondered what it would be like if we went a day, a week, a month without law enforcement. We are such a destructive society though. While I would mind my business and do silly things, other people would be looting, killing, going absolutely bananas.

Isn't that a racist statement?

Isn't that a racist fear?

That is what black leaders are telling us.

If the problem is the police, wouldn't there really be no change in crime with the "blue flu"

It's been my experience that he having a conversation with someone, the people who use the word "racist", are the racists. They just refuse to admit it.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 06:06 PM
For the record, the solution isn't easy. There are some out there who say that ridding ourselves of police will eliminate the police state, and with no one to rebel against, society as a whole would be calmer. This presents a problem in that if that were the case, utopias would exist in the real world for people to flow to in order to avoid the oppression. As far as I'm aware, even Buddhist nations like Sri Lanka are not without their violence from authority figures.

Buddhism and Violence

Then there are those who suggest that by taking the police out of the equation and hiring the very protestors causing the uproar will solve the problem by putting "the right kind of person behind a badge". This has been tried time and time again, with failing results every time. As a military man, I got to see well-intentioned men sign up to be a part of the Iraqi Defense Force (IDF). They were trained, and when released out into public started being bribed, and being coerced until they were just as bad as those who were replaced. This phenomena has been studied, with a slightly different angle in the "Stanford Experiment.

Stanford Experiment

The results showed that those put in power, regardless of their prior intentions and motivations, all "fell in line" with the role they were playing. This is not to say that it predetermines an authority figure to step beyond the lines of decency, but it does suggest that the solution isn't as simple as putting all of the protestors behind a badge and suddenly everything would be all better.

There are some, as this thread suggests, whom feel that the solution is to have a "Blue Flu" week or period of time in which the police catch up on training, clean all of their stations, wax all of their cars, and catch up on all of their paperwork, while essentially ignoring what's going on in the streets. This would provide opportunity to those who were already premeditating violence or breaking the law. Turning a blind eye to the problem is not the same as properly addressing the problem.

I don't think it was John Lennon who said it, but it was someone from that generation, whom said, "The people who should be police officers are those who never once turn in an application for the position." I think the police department ought to be staffed with people in a similar manner as being chosen for jury duty. Do I think this would solve all of the police violence? No. That will never happen so long that criminals exist whom are determined to cause violence to others. I do think it would be wise to reduce the amount of alpha-male police officers, by including a lot of people from different walks of life.

I would also like to put forth this proposition for you all to consider. How would you feel if a State were selected as a pilot program (it can be any state, but ideally one currently having issues with law enforcement) where the State hires college graduates for a period of four years (to begin upon completion of a police academy) during which the graduate would serve as a police officer and the state would pitch in to reduce the graduates student loans? This would benefit the people by providing college graduates from all walks of life to the police force, eliminate existing hiring practices, and provide the people with law enforcement less likely to be combative (Stanford experiment not withstanding). Young, educated people being police for four years? Would that improve things beyond a possible blue flu? What say you?

As for this whole race card issue, I'm not going to play into that diversionary tactic. People need to focus on what unites us, not on what divides us.

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