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Solve for x "moon shot thinking"

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posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 01:50 PM
hi guys,

i just found something i really like,

solve for x intro video explaining the idea of colaberative thinking, on daring to take the largest problems and attempting to gather insiparational people to come up with 10x improvements instead of 10%.

people are realising that to solve unconventional problems new and innovative ideas are needed.
there is also an understanding that by bringing people from different backrounds together, a synergy of ides can be bought to bear on problems once though unsolvable.

to create a moon shot, find a outragously hard problem, remove all preconseived notions on how to solve that problem and start with a new mission to attempt the hardest problems by calaberation and innovation.

this is what we need to get the earth and its people to co operate to solve for x

this is the change we can all take part in,
a new wold wide goal, humanity in its best form is when we do something because its hard, because it takes time, because it takes many people, because the results could change the world for the better for all of us.

i love the open nature of this, how different minds can be bought to bear on problems once left to only specialists.

by using open science and open ideas we can be the change we want to see on the planet that we share with nature.

what is a moon shot?

take a big idea, a great goal, something that unites humanity together accross fields to solve something that makes us all better off,
AND the bigger and harder the idea, the BETTER.

what projects can you describe that are,
very hard to solve,
thought to be near impossable,
would provide a benifit for all humanity,
requires a think bigger mindset.

describe your moon shot ideas
describe what innovation is needed
describe the benifits to man kind or to nature.

what change would you like to see in the world?


posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 02:02 PM
Can't watch the video at the moment; but I've got quite a few rather intuitive ideas that I might even be willing to pitch around here on ATS - but I have to disclaim that they would likely be predominantly highly technical computing and electrical engineering feats; with some psychics sprinkled in.

Before I go and lay out a few dozen ideas; I'm somewhat inclined to stick around to see what some of the other minds here at ATS render.

And for the sake of keeping me close to on-topic; you're after things like 'I'd like to design a perpetual energy generation platform', for instance, right?

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: DigitalJedi805

you're after things like 'I'd like to design a perpetual energy generation platform', for instance, right?

Step 1: move to a universe with different laws of physics.

Ok, I've done my part. Who wants to have a bash at the next step?

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 02:39 PM
This thread making me think,
if you had a star shaped container with an inner circle filled with water would the ripples be circular or star shaped?
whats at the edge of space?
could we ever make "avatars" in real life?
i love the idea of people from all backgrounds working toward a common goal, lets change the world peeps

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: XPLodER

We need to start working on humanity as a whole.
There is a great danger that AI will arrive and will judge humans on merit.

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 03:02 PM
The thing is, not going to the moon is not a real problem. If we never go back to the moon, we'll get by just fine.

A problem would be something like the world running out of easily accessible fresh water for drinking and irrigation. If you put interest and resources into that problem, you'll get just as much out of it (maybe more) than going for another trip to the moon, where fundamental, direct returns on investment are extremely low.

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: InverseLookingGlass
There is a great danger that AI will arrive and will judge humans on merit.

We'll be building our own Artificial Intelligences pretty soon, and they will then build even smarter versions of themselves, and it's not so much that we'll be judged, it's that we will be competing for resources. Unless they keep a select few of us around for sentimental reasons.

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: XPLodER

See "The Santa Fe Institute":

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
The thing is, not going to the moon is not a real problem. If we never go back to the moon, we'll get by just fine.

Had we not, we'd be decades behind in semiconductor technology and materials science.

Basic research ALWAYS pays off.

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: XPLodER

"Moon-shot thinking" ...It would be nice to use a capital "M" on Moon and a hyphen when you join it with "shot."

Anyway, the greatest "Moon-shot thinking" can be several things pertaining to the nature and existence of humankind: consciousness, life after life, and are UFOs genuine ET ships. All of these burning questions for our time can be addressed by study, science, and clear thinking devoid of biased beliefs. None of those attributes have been applied in the current "knowledge" base of the world because of ignorance, denial and false assumptions. Science being the most guilty party of those deficiencies.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: XPLodER

I have something of a fascination with science and technology as a subject. The amazing things that have been achieved through thought, patience, skill, and determination in such fields, have been invaluable to great multitudes of the human beings on this planet, and probably will be for a long time to come.

However, as much as Moon-shot thinking is a great idea for a vast number of reasons, the really big problems we have on this planet have very little to do with a lack of advanced technologies, or staggering improvements in scientific understanding. Indeed, improved technology and scientific advancement can sometimes ADD to the really big problems.

You see, the problems which really need solving at this time in history, are those which pertain directly to the status of the hearts and minds of human beings. While greed exists, there can be no advancement which will SOLVE the big problems, while megalomania exists, and fascism exists, and tyranny exists, all the technology in the world will only add a layer of power about the shoulders of those who seek to use it for their own, nefarious ends.

What use is gaining the advantages that would be presented by mining asteroids, if the only people really benefiting from it are the minority who control the money which paid for the effort to dig there? What use is creating hyper nutritious crops, if war tears at the land which was supposed to grow them? What use is there in improving the efficiency of a vehicles engine, when those who sell the fossil product will merely start charging gallon prices, for thimble volume?

We live in the age of technology, and surely it is a marvellous time to be a human being in a great many respects. However, the fact is that for all our technology and science, we have not solved the big problems, like inequality, racism, tyranny and oppression. We must ensure that in our hubris to advance and improve our lives with technology, that we do not fail to make sure that the tech we create cannot be used to place a yoke around our shoulders, or chains about our wrists.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

A problem would be something like the world running out of easily accessible fresh water for drinking and irrigation. If you put interest and resources into that problem, you'll get just as much out of it (maybe more) than going for another trip to the moon, where fundamental, direct returns on investment are extremely low.

Or looking at it another way:

The fact that liquid water is short supply on the moon/mars ..... drives innovation towards solving such problems.

It is the extreme challenges that such environments represent that requires us to focus on the fundamentals. The solution of which, have applications on earth.

What we may learn attempting to control our immediate environment in space will bear fruit for humanity.

The story of our species - is a narrative about a fragile, hairless primate slowly extending its ability to live in newer more hostile environments through the application of its intellect.


A.I. is exciting and a little frightening too. What an amazing time to be alive - with all this access to information at our disposal.

Von Neumann self-replicating space probes & Dyson spheres etc. etc. = mind blowing

We should look for life - and seed the Universe with life as we go. Space-faring Johnny Appleseeds of the new Millennium

Blue Shift

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 08:32 AM
Ok heres the idea replace all technology and goods with solid light;

The idea has been around sincs the 1930's makes one wonder if it already exists and we just dont know about it.

Meaning transformable clothes, tv's, vehicles, cell phones, foods, nanobots, MRI's houses, computers, weapons, even make solid light avatars of ourselves, download knowledge into our minds, remake entire universes within tiny particles and create anything you could ever want.

Think TRON and Star Trek but better where everyone can be like the Q from Star Trek with thier own solid light matrixes indistinguishable from reality.

Basically we could be similar to a civilization of Green Lanterns from DC Comics/or Quasars from marvel comics.

The basic idea is to use solid light to replace nanotechnology and evolve society in every way shape and form.

Breaking time-reversal symmetry
Haldane had suggested that it might be possible to create an entirely new class of materials with exceptional properties determined by their topology. Mathematically, objects have the same topology if they can be transformed into each other by continuous deformations, such as compression or stretching. For instance, an orange could be deformed into a banana. If the transformation requires a cut, then two objects are topologically distinct; for example, a Möbius strip can not be transformed into a normal strip without first cutting and then reassembling it.

ETH Professor Tilman Esslinger and his group at the Institute for Quantum Electronics investigate artificial graphene; its honeycomb structure consists not of atoms, but rather of light. The researchers align multiple laser beams in such a way that they create standing waves with a hexagonal pattern. This optical lattice is then superimposed on potassium atoms in a vacuum chamber, which are cooled to near absolute zero temperature. Trapped in the hexagonal structure, the potassium atoms behave like the electrons in graphene.

Solid-state physicists had hoped they would be able to create the Haldane model with real graphene - in vain until now, says Esslinger: "Now we've done it with a different system. This is a beautiful and significant new step."

"We work with atoms in laser beams because it provides us with a system that can be controlled better and observed more easily than the material itself,"
A group of scientists group led by Harvard professor of physics Mikhail Lukin and MIT Professor of Physics Vladan Vuletic has made photons link up to form something like a molecule. It’s a state of matter that was previously only theoretical. Such “solid” light has been a fixture in science fiction — Star Wars’ lightsaber is the most famous example.

Making lightsabers though, isn’t what the scientists were after. The real use for photons that interact with each other is in quantum computing. One of the challenges to making a working, reliable quantum computer is that each bit is contained in a single photon. But because photons don’t interact with each other, information can’t be exchanged the way it is in a conventional computer that works using electrons.
A 20-year-old specializing in DIY lasers has apparently made his own version of a functional Star Wars lightsaber. In a video demonstration, he uses the device to light things on fire — paper, a match, even a ping-pong ball.

Japanese Scientists Create Touchable Holograms

A new technology developed by researchers at the University of Bristol enables people to feel holograms.
A new scientific development allows ultrasound to create floating and tangible 3D shapes.

Physicists Are Making Solid Light. Scientists are Turning Light into Crystals

'Solid' light could compute previously unsolvable problems .

Scientists Discover a Way to Turn Light Into Matter .

Now, scientists at the Imperial College London in England are working to develop a photon-photon collider that might be able to turn light into matter, which is a process that also takes place during the largest explosions in the universe called gamma-ray bursts.

In 1905, the famous physicist Albert Einstein theorized that light was actually a particle, which helped explain the photoelectric effect.

Now, scientists at the Imperial College London in England are working to develop a photon-photon collider that might be able to turn light into matter, which is a process that also takes place during the largest explosions in the universe called gamma-ray bursts.

The idea is based on a theory from 1934, which claimed that when two photons, or light particles, smash together, it would create matter in the form of an electron and a positron.
Professor Steven Rose from the Department of Physics at the Imperial College London is quoted as saying: "What was so surprising to us was the discovery of how we can create matter directly from light using the technology that we have today in the UK. As we are theorists, we are now talking to others who can use our ideas to undertake this landmark experiment."

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

The whole "solid light" thing was a very bad explanation of what was actually going on by a science-challenged set of journos.

It's sad that the state of modern journalism has sunk to a low I thought it could never reach, but apparently it's too pricey to staff up with a decent science consultant to vet your stories.

posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord
You could not just add a link to your thread, you had shove it into the face of everyone, right?
Not only that, its way off topic.

a reply to: XPLodER
It sounds like a paradox but if we´d have a solution for N=NP, all problems would be obsolete.
Because N=NP means the following:

If you are able to verify something (like you do in math for example a²+b²=c²)
you should be able to come up with the solution on your own.

Another example would be if you hear a synphony and see it´s beauty, you would be able to create beautiful synphonys on your own.
So, there would be much less problems left unsold.
edit on 28-12-2014 by verschickter because: added last sentence


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