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GOP senator blocks veterans' suicide prevention bill

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posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: Bilk22


Coburn is not against vets at all. He is against yet another bill to throw some money at something which ISNT the real problem!!

Far too many democrats think the solution to any problem involves passing a bill and allocating money. As if money itself will transform into some magical Golem and fix the actual cause of the problem.

I remember an old saying "2 hands hard at work, accomplish more than 1000 hands clasped in prayer". This could easily be said of congress as well. GO FIX THE DAMN PROBLEM, don't just wave your magic money-shooting wand at it!!

posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: ladyinwaiting Senator Coburn is the Senator that publishes a huge list of wasteful government spending each year. This VA thing is just one of many he found this year. Here is a pdf link to the ones for 2014.

posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: 8675309jenny
a reply to: Bilk22


Coburn is not against vets at all. He is against yet another bill to throw some money at something which ISNT the real problem!!

Far too many democrats think the solution to any problem involves passing a bill and allocating money. As if money itself will transform into some magical Golem and fix the actual cause of the problem.

I remember an old saying "2 hands hard at work, accomplish more than 1000 hands clasped in prayer". This could easily be said of congress as well. GO FIX THE DAMN PROBLEM, don't just wave your magic money-shooting wand at it!!
Common sense, a good work ethic and accepting responsibility have gone the way of the Dodo.

"We need a committee to study that." "We need to pass a Bill to fix it." "If we had more money we could address it." It's been said that Congress hasn't been doing their job because less Bills and laws have been passed/enacted in the last 6 years. Man how many laws and Bills do we need? They can't even follow up and enforce what we have so they pass new laws and enact new Bills to cover those they cannot enforce or make work. It's mindless and idiotic. We don't need new laws and Bills. We need more common sense and less waste of resources!

posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

Funny you say democrats think its all about money when the GOP always is trying to cut taxes for the rich

Is that money or corn liqueur their cutting

posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: ladyinwaiting

They love to start wars, be cheerleaders for wars, they just don't want to fight in them or pay for the vets when they come home.

posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 05:38 PM
It is interesting that the GOP treats veterans like crap and they are the chief war mongers.

I think it’s just their natural hatred for anything that may cause their God (rich people) any kind of stress or problems.

Also their natural aversion to the poor and middle class of America who they dupe, some how, to ALWAYS vote for them against their own interest.

Its as if the white poor and middle class of America are masochists; that they would always vote in the GOP who has not an iota of concern for ANY of their issues!

What a strange phenomenon…

I think it’s the King/Queen, serfs loving the elite as if their gods that goes way back to Europe…its deeply imbedded in people to love their oppressors

edit on 20-12-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
It is interesting that the GOP treats veterans like crap and they are the chief war mongers.

I think it’s just their natural hatred for anything that may cause their God (rich people) any kind of stress or problems.

Also their natural aversion to the poor and middle class of America who they dupe, some how, to ALWAYS vote for them against their own interest.

Its as if the white poor and middle class of America are masochists; that they would always vote in the GOP who has not an iota of concern for ANY of their issues!

What a strange phenomenon…

I think it’s the King/Queen, serfs loving the elite as if their gods that goes way back to Europe…its deeply imbedded in people to love their oppressors

Chill with the partisan rant there dude.

Senator Coburn said himself the VA is seriously screwed up and needs fixing, but he feels this bill will do nothing to fix the problems with the VA and won't help do anything more to prevent suicides than is already done.

I happen to agree with him. You wanna stop vet suicides? Let's get the VA fixed properly.

So if you believe the VA need an overhaul, then Coburn is on your side.

We as a nation need to stop with the 2party bullsh't already. The GOP warmonger stereotype... well Ron Paul is Republican (technically) and he's about the most anti-warmonger guy in the nation.

posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: Willtell

I keep thinking of the movie Braveheart, where the king orders the archers to shoot his own men along with the Scottish, and when a commander questions his orders, he replies, "Arrows cost money, the dead cost nothing".
edit on 20-12-2014 by openminded2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 10:34 AM
Dear Mr. Coburn,

I understand you like to save money, but recently you also stated that a VA hospital should not be a “Taj Majal”. Actually, it really should be exactly that.

Taj Majal. Yes, honor these warriors with a place of peace and rest and community when they return. No nation, whether victor or vanquished, is the same after war ends. No person is the same either. Warfare is meant to inflict damage; nations are damaged, people are damaged.

Big Pharma would have you believe that they have solved problems with drugs. Soldiers have always found a way to find relief through chemicals. Self medication with alcohol and drugs. But chemicals are not healing; chemicals can cover up symptoms, but the brokenness remains, the deep pain is left to fester.

When a nation sends its soldiers into battle, it cannot simply allow them to walk off the battlefield, believing the war, for them, has ended. No amount of parades, waving flags, and ceremonies can end the war fought repeatedly in the mind and soul.

We are all changed by events both big and small in our lives. It should be obvious to everyone that war changes us greatly, but it is not. Perhaps we do understand but do not wish to accept it. Perhaps we are frightened and wish to deny it. But we are changed.

If we choose to go to war, then part of the price we pay should be to build a Taj Majal for those who fight and return. To do less is dishonorable.


posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

Just look at the record and see I speak the truth not propaganda.

I always deal with issues not parties.

You think the GOP aren’t what I said they were then just LOOK at the record

Your speaking out of desire and dogma( 2 party system sucks) not truth

Sure it sucks because one party is anti-human

Those are the facts

Sure the dems aren’t perfect but at least they have some idea of treating ALL people alike and giving the people something like universal health care and a decent living



Not your wishful thinking

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 12:42 PM
Whoever is running against him in the next election
has one hell of an angle.
Are you a Veteran on the fence ?
Well my opponent is pro-suicide vs not.

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 01:30 PM
After reading the reason for the GOP senator to be against this bill and the reasons why, vs. the reasons for such a bill and how it will help keeping the VA accountable for the VA and DOD mental health care and suicide prevention programs. I will say that the GOP senator is full of crap and I wonder who he is benefiting while opposing this bill.

I believe that it was the lack of oversight and government accountability that caused the VA latest scandal when it comes to the lack of care for veterans.

posted on Dec, 22 2014 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: desert

Very moving, desert. I wish Senator Colburn would actually read that. To be honest, I don't even think they are that worried about money. I think they are only worried about money not going to the places where congressmen stand to get more of it..........

Thank you for posting.

posted on Dec, 23 2014 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Willtell
star that.
and like George Bushes " new kissin cousin " Hitlary,
its funny how many of the republicans' rich cronies that get helped are democrats.....

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