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If we are at War against Terror, Why Support Israel? GRAPHIC PICTURES WARNING

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posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 09:02 AM
The hypocrisy in supporting Israel in our war against terrorism, to me, is disgusting. You can call me anti-semitic if you like, but I don't tend to support any nationality that engages in wanton murder and state funded terrorism, and choose to believe or not, Israel is no exception. Our unilateral support for the Israeli nation has cost the US untold billions and tens of thousands of lives. Yes the grass is stained with blood on both sides of the fence, and the Pallestinians are no better, yet the western world tends to sanctify Israel, ignore the fact that they have violated more UN resolutions than any nation on earth, and they continue to engage in terror. Mossad's motto is "By deception shalt thou wage War." I'm bloody well sick of it. Want to see some of the sanctified actions of the Israeli nation?

WARNING!!!!Extremely Graphic Stuff here...

Folks as bad as these pics are, this is reality. The Nation of Israel gets away with this kind of thing every day, yet we dump money in their laps and ignore it, while invading third world nations for the exact same crap. Somebody want to explain this favoritism to me?

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 09:09 AM
I wish I hadn't clicked that link, but my morbid curiosity got the btter of me...

I agree though, why should people and nations around the world be punished for other crimes against Humanity, but the Israeli's get away with murder, literally. if the british did this to the Irish during the troubles, there would be hell to pay!

The Palestinians aren't any better, and don't help, but Israel should lead by example and do everything it can to prevent terrorism, not provoke it.

note: there is a distinction here about being against Israel but not being anti-semitic. It is the usual defence of Israelis when you criticise them, that you hate Jews, do not fall for this, as there is a big difference!

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 09:24 AM
Thats just a properganda site to fuel hatred of Israel.Both sides are to blame and frankly the world would be a better place if the middle east was nuked of the planet.
The one photo of the guy`s head being held l remeber wasn`t as a result of Israely soliders killing him but he was the left overs from the bomb he was carring around his waist. And you have to ask the question why and what were all these people doin when just before there deaths.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 09:28 AM
twitchy, i have not clicked on your link as i get the drift. I agree with a lot of your P.O.V.'s.
I would like to say though, it was very wise to provide a warning in both title and post rather than
upload the images. Respect.


posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 09:31 AM
Exactly, they are all as bad as each other and really should just get an effing grip! What are they fighting over anyway? A strip of dusty desert? If it is the promised land for the Jews, then he didn't promise them much!

Not that many Jews alive today could claim that land at all, as most aren't even decended from the Jews in the bible, but there are threads on that already!

But then the Palestinians need to understand that blowing up women and children will not really solve anything and just repeat the cycle of violence.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 09:33 AM
Because the American Government is controlled by the Zionists. They create terrorism to have a reason to slaughter Muslims and eventually establish what they call the "Great Israel."

Don't believe it? Research it.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 09:39 AM
I know of this Greater Israel, they claim most of the Middle East.

Don't know where they got the idea from, as even in Biblical times, most of the Middle East was controlled by Babylon/Assyria etc etc, so they never owned it in the first place!

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 09:58 AM
Spewage....plain outright anti-Israel spewage within this thread. I'm sure it won't be long before some reckless soul decides to bring into play the "10 times debunked" Protocols of the Learned Elders and 'world domination' too, eh?
Keep fueling the flames fella's...all in the name of "don't believe it, research it," k? Cause if the Israelis wanted to "slaughter" Muslims and create a "greater Israel" they would have already done so.


posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:03 AM
Seekerof, I wish I could vote you for way above

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:06 AM
Aha, my point exactly, whenever anyone criticises Israel, you are automatically branded with the anti-semitic iron.

Where have I spoke out against Jews? Did I say I believed the story of Greater Israel? I merely confirmed I have heard of it.

I have stuck to the fence on this one and said both sides are at fault. I have always said (and you can check that if you like) that they should follow the lead of UK/IRA and sort their differences out. Blowing each other up solves nothing, and Israel should know better (considering the history) and lead by example.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:18 AM
Branded" must be a relative term also, Stumason?
I "branded" no one nor even insinuated or mentioned that anyone who 'countered or criticised Israel was "anti-semitic'.

I stated what I did because of the direction and trend that the existing comments were taking.
Btw, the old adage of "lead by example" is also relative right? I mean geez, the Tibetian's who have never once been offered a 'nation' nor have had the luxury of turning down a statehood, as the Palestinian's have been offered on numerous occassions, are not recruiting nor executing suicide or martyr runs against the Chinese "occupation", are they? The Israelis are not exemplary in action, but as long as the Palestinians continue to use the methods they do to gain a "statehood", the Israelis will continue to use the methods they do to combat such acts. So, in reality, who really needs to be leading by example? To me, both.


[edit on 12-12-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:21 AM
I looked at those images through a flood of tears. Where is the god "in which we trust"? How will you stop this evil madness? Nuke the entire middle east? what can we do from the comfort of our western homes?
while you kiss your child as you leave for work this morning, someone is holding the shattered remains of their child, and crying heavenward.
so easy to sit at the keyboard and disseminate about politics, sipping your coffee and listening the birds outside.
Its a world away. Surely the horror and madness must come to an end, but how? when? Does it matter anymore who's right? or who's wrong? This is the heighth of mans inhumanity to man. Why are we the free world doing nothing? And where is George bush on his big white horse, freeing the people from evil? Where are the UN? the peacekeepers?
We take the oil but pretend we dont see? (we being all of the free world)

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by jukyu
Seekerof, I wish I could vote you for way above

How do I vote for the opposite? Seekerof's hypocrisy in this case is way below top secret. It's damn obvious.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:29 AM
Coming from you Indigo_Child, "hypocrisy" is a compliment, especially since you use it and embody it with relative elegance. Thank you.


posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:30 AM
Thanks to God, Israel has not been successful, and America will continue to suffer, wasting billions, while they have poor education creating mindless consumers to continue eating, getting fat, and purchasing more and more. Even Christmas has become all about buying things. Most of the people celebrating it don't even really pay attention to the point of it.

People like Fieth, and Fox News/Weekly Standard Zionists all say that Iraq and Afghanistan is just the beginning. People like Bill Kristol and all the Democrat and Republican 'Bergs who are behind all these proposals, who want Syria, Iran, and everything else.

In the words of W., "Bring it on!" The Middle East could be destroyed, the attacks on America will never stop, until a complete and total withdrawal from the Mideast. Since that will never happen, due to the Zionists/Oil Drinkers, there will never be peace. You can nuke every Mideast country right off the planet, there will never be peace.

The whole world hates America for a very good reason. And it's not jealousy, it's disgust. If the world's most powerful nation (for now) was a kind and giving nation, instead of a greedy, arrogant nation, no one would hate America.

The easy way to prove that it is not jealousy is just to look at your approval ratings in other countries over the years. It used to be very high. Now that you have gotten completely out of control, it is very low, and with good reason. Continue to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by instar
... Why are we the free world doing nothing? And where is George bush on his big white horse, freeing the people from evil? Where are the UN? the peacekeepers?
We take the oil but pretend we dont see? (we being all of the free world)

The world tried, have a look how many times the US vetoed any "anti-Israel" resolutions:

It's not a coincidence that Bin Laden targeted the US.


posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:38 AM
I guess you failed to research the US's reasoning behind those 'votes against', eh blobber?


posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Cause if the Israelis wanted to "slaughter" Muslims and create a "greater Israel" they would have already done so.


Do not confuse what they want with what they can and are allowed by the rest of the world to do.

There are still many in israel, especially in the settlements that still wish for a greater israel

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
I guess you failed to research the US's reasoning behind those 'votes against', eh blobber?


I don't have to. The world is always wrong, the US is always right- no matter what.


posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 10:43 AM
The Gong Show was a pretty cool show back in my days, but if I could, I would hit the 'gong', cause that is the wrong answer.


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