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Illuminati 101: Getting the masses to poke out their third eye with the ego, and swallow their own t

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posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 09:24 AM
People willingly follow what they are told due to brainwashing techniques designed to both silence and blind the masses from speaking out against authority. Third eye opening techniques are one method they use. What better way to make people blind than encouraging them pushing our their third eye with their ego. Another deplorable tactic is encouraging people to swallow their own tongue and suppress and ridicule the individual with something unique to say. Thereby encouraging a society of automatons who do not entertain anything except what is acceptable by those dictating the parameters of their group think. Not just in terms of topics or content of speech. I mean in everyway. The society that exists at the moment is every evil genuises wet dream. An endless supply of automatons who are willing to do their bidding for peanuts.


posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

In this C2M interview with Mike Adams, go forward to the 57:00 mark and listen for just a couple minutes. He
concurs with you 100%,

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa


you will see plenty of "self censoring" pretty common because most people have average intelligence. It works, till one day it doesn't.

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: funkadeliaaaa
People willingly follow what they are told due to brainwashing techniques designed to both silence and blind the masses from speaking out against authority. Third eye opening techniques are one method they use. What better way to make people blind than encouraging them pushing our their third eye with their ego. Another deplorable tactic is encouraging people to swallow their own tongue and suppress and ridicule the individual with something unique to say. Thereby encouraging a society of automatons who do not entertain anything except what is acceptable by those dictating the parameters of their group think. Not just in terms of topics or content of speech. I mean in everyway. The society that exists at the moment is every evil genuises wet dream. An endless supply of automatons who are willing to do their bidding for peanuts.


I'm a bit confused... Who is "THEY" again? What are "THEY", and where are "THEY". I only ask so I can avoid "THEM" and de-program the vital Organs they are tampering with..

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: scattergun

What? You want list?
A list wont help you. Its everyone anyway... Group think can be enforced by anyone anywhere, and it will stick unless they are made the outcasts, instead forcing other people who don't conform to feel like outcasts. The sad thing is many are subservient to group think, and the continual cultivation of their conscience is completely forsaken. This is so common, its unfortunate how you fail to perceive and understand.

heres your list..not that it will help you
political commentators
public servents
blog writers
religious followers
crowded spaces of thinkers
policy makers
members of cults
secret agents
secret informants
gm scientists
sports personalities
public figures

feel free to add any

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: funkadeliaaaa
a reply to: scattergun

What? You want list?
A list wont help you. Its everyone anyway... Group think can be enforced by anyone anywhere, and it will stick unless they are made the outcasts, instead forcing other people who don't conform to feel like outcasts. The sad thing is many are subservient to group think, and the continual cultivation of their conscience is completely forsaken. This is so common, its unfortunate how you fail to perceive and understand.

heres your list..not that it will help you
political commentators
public servents
blog writers
religious followers
crowded spaces of thinkers
policy makers
members of cults
secret agents
secret informants
gm scientists
sports personalities
public figures

feel free to add any

Thanks for the enlightenment bud. Now that I fully understand who "THEY" are I can avoid being caught up in the whole brainwashing group think thingy...

However I would ask if YOU are on that list?

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: scattergun

Why would you think that i am?

Anyway its not relavent to what im saying, its just a list of labels... No use really.

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: scattergun

You're on that list, the OP is on that list, I am, everybody is.

No one is free from the influence of the structure in place. Not only have they prevented many from opening their third eyes they've also inculcated us with smug self-satisfaction, ego and intelligence based off of "absorbing and reciting facts when told". And I read how people are waking up, they're out there with the Guy Fawkes masks and thinking rebellion is something to be gained from listening to state-funded music and acting foolish.

No mass enlightenment happening, the awakening is as manufactured as the crises they create to divide us.

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: scattergun
I'm a bit confused... Who is "THEY" again? What are "THEY", and where are "THEY".

"They" are the world’s biggest crime organization.

It is nothing more than a gang of Satanists and mass murderers that rule our planet.

They have infiltrated and subverted most governments and religions.

They are also a cult and just like all other cults, they are 100% out of touch with reality.

"We cannot understand the world until we appreciate that most leaders are traitors and that mankind is victim of a diabolical conspiracy on an unspeakable scale. It's time we stopped fighting each other and addressed the real enemy." ~ Henry Makow

"Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand." -- Benjamin Disraeli; Prime Minister of England

"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the fields of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

- Woodrow Wilson, former President of the United States

“A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various powerful interests, combined in one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in banks.” – John C. Calhoun, Vice President (1825-1832)

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”— Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States

Tim Weiner, author of The Blank Check: The Pentagon's Black Budget, writes “There are two governments in the United States today. One is visible. The other is invisible. The first is the government that citizens read about in their newspapers and children study about in their civics books.” The second is highly secretive, interlocking agencies that carry out hidden agendas.

For the Order wishes to be secret, and to work in silence, for thus it is better secured from the oppression of the ruling powers, and because this secrecy gives a greater zest to the whole. ~ Adam Weishaupt

The Secret Team is the name of “a powerful, brutally violent and treacherous international team”, says Prouty, 'with operatives in the academic world (scholars), in intelligence agencies (spies), in the military (both officers and enlisted personnel), in private industry (businessmen & women), in the world of corporate and public sector high finance (bankers, financiers and stock brokers), in the news media (electronic & print journalists), in the publishing industry in the United States and abroad (book publishers).''

It has powerful connections in dozens of countries all over the world. According to Prouty, the Secret Team overthrows and influences governments almost at will, all over the globe. At the core of the Secret Team are members of the CIA, the National Security Council, and various and sundry other military and civilian officials, intelligence operatives, business people and academics.

The Secret Team is "the real power structure" which Prouty compares to “a sprawling octopus”. It has the world and the United States in its deadly grasp. The Secret Team

"I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifer, Prince of Demons, that each year I will bring unto him a human soul to do with as as it may please him, and in return Lucifer promises to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and fulfil my every desire for the length of my natural life. If I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be forfeit to him. Signed..... [ Invocant signs pact with his own blood ]" -- The Secret Teachings of All Ages, page CIV, Manly Hall (33rd)

Lucifer Rising
Who is at the very top of the NWO?
How the Illuminati was established
The missing link that connects all conspiracy theories together
The Illuminati goes clear back to the Garden

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

escaping mind control is escaping society.. It means you are all alone. No clothes, no food, no tools. Being completely free is doing everything for yourself. No friends.

There are other options.

Hijack the operating system.

Create culture.

I quite like mind control, I use it as a tool. I control my mind. Happy music makes me happy.

In fact the control of the human group has been shifting to younger and more people in general. When I was a kid I had to listen to the radio to hear music, or by a CD or Tape... These only came from certain sources. Certain people who were allowed on the radio and who got signed. Now I can just hear whoever I want and never turn on the radio..

Someone is always making new things.. Culture is always changing.. Information flow is growing.
So In fact I think now is the easiest time we've ever had of making our own minds up.

The internet was a mistake a big double edged sword. Any would be controllers would and do need to try to reign that in somehow while they have time, otherwise everyone is at the head of the beast that controls your future.

I'm along for the ride. I love watching this crazy play we are all in. In this play there are Actors, and Re-Actors. Choose your part.
edit on 29-11-2014 by KnightLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: Yeahkeepwatchingme
No mass enlightenment happening, the awakening is as manufactured as the crises they create to divide us.

And yet it is such a very effective trap because most are just as gullible as Charlie Brown and his "great pumpkin"...

New Age "spirituality" is just another TRAP set by the elite and inventors of religion, for the purpose of social control. People who aren't buying mainstream religion are in danger of finding true unified consciousness, which is exactly what the elite don't want, so they created New Age religion to keep people trapped in the matrix of CONTROL. It's like a last ditch effort to hold people down, to keep the ones who are "getting away" from escaping their control.

They're buying into bull# and believing in these mythic deities in the total and complete ABSENCE OF ALL EVIDENCE just the SAME as mainstream religious folks. Believing in fairy tales, myths and legends isn’t called being “enlightened” it’s called being gullible and living in the dark.

"New Age" Religion/Spirituality: Just more HYPOCRISY and MIND CONTROL

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid

People like to think they're starting to see through the falsities when they're just playing right into their hands. If people think some great reset will happen and the people will be victorious they're wrong. A reset will most likely happen, but the major events that occur as well as the results, will be as scripted as our current events.

posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

You believe that every human on Earth is a "they".

To you, the ego is bad and speaking out means you are believing what "they" tell you to believe.

Hate to break the news to you, but we are primates. We are social creatures that are an amalgamation of all of the people we have socialized with throughout our lifetime. There is no "they", there is only "I" and the people "I" associate with. Your ego is not evil, but it has been developed by the social experiences you have come into contact within your short life span.

You distrust all groups of people who congregate and form opinions. You distrust those who become leaders and those that choose to admire those leaders. You don't have the ability to tell the difference between that which has made us intelligent as a species and that which harms us. Socializing is not the root of all evil. Neither is coming together to form an idea which we agree on. Group think isn't always bad, but group control always is. If as you put it so disrespectfully(you obviously don't talk to people on an individual basis enough to respect them an ounce) these "automatons" choose to follow a particular thought or choice of action, it is not your place to choose for them how to use their own unit of human capitol.

The true evil is in the desire taught by birth to control other people against their will.

That is all.
edit on 29-11-2014 by OrphanApology because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 03:01 AM
a reply to: scattergun

Everyone of any value is on that list. The problem isn't that groupthink exists, it's that people let themselves be guided by it. I've had several of these discussions with classmates of mine, it's something of a challenge I like to give people (I find it works easiest in politics). Listen to both sides rhetoric on an issue, and now without using any of their talking points come up with your own solution, including the details as to why your solution will work. I do this all the time, I've met a few who can do it and a few that can't.

Groupthink is fine, humans need it on some level but it also needs people who recognize it to be able to stand up and challenge it.

As far as the whole third eye thing goes I don't know about that, I'm not a very spiritual person. I have psychic experiences at times but I can't control them and my views tend to be the same as those of a person that has achieved enlightenment though I'll leave it to others to decide if I am.

originally posted by: OrphanApology
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

You believe that every human on Earth is a "they".

To you, the ego is bad and speaking out means you are believing what "they" tell you to believe.

Hate to break the news to you, but we are primates. We are social creatures that are an amalgamation of all of the people we have socialized with throughout our lifetime. There is no "they", there is only "I" and the people "I" associate with. Your ego is not evil, but it has been developed by the social experiences you have come into contact within your short life span.

You distrust all groups of people who congregate and form opinions. You distrust those who become leaders and those that choose to admire those leaders. You don't have the ability to tell the difference between that which has made us intelligent as a species and that which harms us. Socializing is not the root of all evil. Neither is coming together to form an idea which we agree on. Group think isn't always bad, but group control always is. If as you put it so disrespectfully(you obviously don't talk to people on an individual basis enough to respect them an ounce) these "automatons" choose to follow a particular thought or choice of action, it is not your place to choose for them how to use their own unit of human capitol.

The true evil is in the desire taught by birth to control other people against their will.

That is all.

The world is nothing but lies, groupthink is just one lie among many. Nearly everything we do in life involves lies, from the little ones to make work life go smoother. to "Does this dress make me look fat?", to more substantive lies like the ones every marketer has ever told you in order to make you buy a product. Then there's the lies from the politicians that are supposed to lead us. If you live in a culture where everything is a lie, you will also turn everything you do into a lie. The solution to this isn't in receding from civilization, but rather in recognizing this flaw and challenging it, or even doing research. By doing so you can create solutions.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 06:37 AM

originally posted by: OrphanApology
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

You believe that every human on Earth is a "they".
No that isn't true but you can beleive what the hell ever you want about me, i don't give a rats.

To you, the ego is bad and speaking out means you are believing what "they" tell you to believe.
By this you must be trying to say its this imaginary "they" you pulled out of a magicians hat that has told me to beleive ego is bad. First of all, they by my defintion do not exist, it can involve a "they", but it can also be occur on an individual level. What exists is "group think" (the absence of an individual conscience), and it can flicker on and off like a light bulb in someones mind. For some however, its the only light they allow themselves to see by. If it goes off, they become blind and scared, because they have spent so long relying on the false light of group think that they no longer have the ability to see the world with their own inner light, the light of their own conscience, because it is inhibited during group think (looking out the window), and any time it is used it is only used to justify or explain problems of the world within the strict parameters of that group think. No one has told me to beleive any of this, i see it as clear as day in people with my own eyes. Some people grow out of it, and become healthy again, other people grow out of it and but are still scarred by it, many people never grow out of it, usually because they have been given esteemed roles in society that rely heavily on group think modalites, for example politicians and journalists. Some people evolve within it an usurp it with brute personality. The lauging SamyakSamBuddhas of group thought.

Hate to break the news to you, but we are primates.
This is not news this is an attempt to belittle an individual with opinions that do not conform to you picture of life. You can stoop this low but you'll only end up with mud in your face.

We are social creatures that are an amalgamation of all of the people we have socialized with throughout our lifetime.
We are sociable, thats true, but we also have the capacity to think independently of that social conditioning.

There is no "they", there is only "I" and the people "I" associate with.
wow you put the "they" back in the magicians hat and pulled out an "i", you have really cunning skills
You must be a member of the magic circle.
Anyway, your cheap distractions aside, none of that is relevent to the topic of GroupThink. There is very much a they, and yes your I probably exists somewhere among them, lol, but you are too blind to notice what we who see groupthink in action notice. By you logic, there is no media, there is no house of commons, no house of lords, no teachers union, no "they" except "i" ......Stop trolling.

Our ego is not evil, but it has been developed by the social experiences you have come into contact within your short life span.
Here's some advice. Stop trying to define what you clearly dont understand. Ego is the self centred part of us, that causes human being to act out their self centred fantasies, which by nature do not involve the reality of pain and the reality of other people because they are by nature fantasies and by nature self centred. Ego is the root of all evil.

You distrust all groups of people who congregate and form opinions.
Not necessarily.

You distrust those who become leaders and those that choose to admire those leaders.
Not necessarily.

You don't have the ability to tell the difference between that which has made us intelligent as a species and that which harms us.
Youre getting way too personal, for my tastes pie face.

Following ones conscience makes us intelligent. Not following it harms us. Other people can inform our consicence, and they can insult it, as you have tried to but not having the ability to question that information is the absence of a conscience. That is what this whole thread is about.

Socializing is not the root of all evil. Neither is coming together to form an idea which we agree on.
I never said it was. Youre just pulling these ludicrous accusations out of thin air.

Group think isn't always bad, but group control always is.
I dont think you and I mean the same thing when we talk about group think. "GroupThink" as i refer to it is a phrase from the book 1984 by George Orwell, used to describe the conformity of the masses in a dystopian future that is not so dissimilar to the one we have today. I highly recommend reading it.

If as you put it so disrespectfully(you obviously don't talk to people on an individual basis enough to respect them an ounce) these "automatons" choose to follow a particular thought or choice of action, it is not your place to choose for them how to use their own unit of human capitol.
Well, it is not how i put it actually, its how you put it. I said there is no choice involved, except "obey". That choice after a while becomes barely a choice either, but a compunction. They really are automatons. You think i dont know automatons on an individual level? You dont know me! My own older brother is an automaton! It doesn't get much closer to home than that! Btw nothing i have said is more insulting than reducing human value to "a unit of human capital" as you have just done.

That is all.


edit on fu11kam30America/ChicagoSunday55am by funkadeliaaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

Why would you think that i am?

I would say because of what you posted in your OP.

Anyway its not relavent to what im saying, its just a list of labels... No use really.

From your point of view maybe,


Others see and believe differently.

This is not news this is an attempt to belittle an individual with opinions that do not conform to you picture of life. You can stoop this low but you'll only end up with mud in your face.

So humans are not primates or you are not human, which is it?

We are sociable, thats true, but we also have the capacity to think independently of that social conditioning.

And what do you think talk of 3rd eye stimulation and what not is, you thinking individually or expanding on your own social programming?

There is very much a they, and yes your I probably exists somewhere among them, lol, but you are too blind to notice what we who see groupthink in action notice.

What was that about belittling you said?

Here's some advice. Stop trying to define what you clearly dont understand. Ego is the self centred part of us, that causes human being to act out their self centred fantasies, which by nature do not involve the reality of pain and the reality of other people because they are by nature fantasies and by nature self centred. Ego is the root of all evil.

Yes I sense your is.

Following ones conscience makes us intelligent. Not following it harms us.

Yeah but not if its been programmed by your "they" or "them" right?

Youre just pulling these ludicrous accusations out of thin air.

You mean like the first sentence in your OP?

I said there is no choice involved, except "obey". That choice after a while becomes barely a choice either, but a compunction. They really are automatons. You think i dont know automatons on an individual level?

I think you do, experience gives ones knowledge of the things they wish pass on.

You dont know me! My own older brother is an automaton! It doesn't get much closer to home than that!

I think its much closer than you realize, you said another was blind, maybe take your blinders off and look at yourself.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

How about about i put it to you that instead of being brsinwashed automaton conformists without an individual conscience, that groupthinkers are lazy. How do you feel about that? Laaaazzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeieiiyieiyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I bet you've used that word before. "People are lazy", right? Thats a socially acceptable observation to you isnt it? Even though it gives you a one dimensional understanding, and not much of an insight, you would probably agree to the notion that people are on the whole suffering from laziness. Too lazy to vote, too lazy to be healthy, too lazy to walk, too lazy to cook, too lazy to speak out against injustice, too lazy to do their own research, too lazy to form an individual opinion, too lazy to not be enslaved, too lazy to not conform, too lazy to be individuals, too lazy to question authority, etc. That would be okay, but when i use the words brainwashing, automaton, and conformity im crossing the line? Well ive got news for you, there are a billion more opening pots where that one came from, so get used to it.
If you had bothered to read the rest of the thread you would have found my opening post barely scratches the surface. If you dont like threads like this you better find a different website.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

too lazy to question authority, etc. That would be okay, but when i use the words brainwashing, automaton, and conformity im crossing the line?

No, why would ask that?

Are you not posting on the greatest alternative web site where a majority of posters say they are free thinkers?

If you had bothered to read the rest of the thread

Your thread is only few posts long and I quoted you from each of your posts.

How exactly didn't I read It?

If you dont like threads like this you better find a different website.

Thank you for your suggestion,

I could say that if you don't like replies you read you could do the same, however I'm not that much of child to play such games or say such things when I have nothing of substance to say.

Here let me use some of your words which now is even clearer to me that you need some introspect and self realization.

its unfortunate how you fail to perceive and understand.

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

both silence and blind the masses from speaking out against authority. Third eye opening techniques are one method they use. What better way to make people blind than encouraging them pushing our their third eye with their ego.

Why would they encourage third eye opening when the seeker who opens the third eye breaks away from the Matrix?

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: Murgatroid


"New Age" Religion/Spirituality: Just more HYPOCRISY and MIND CONTROL
"People who aren't buying mainstream religion are in danger of finding true unified consciousness, which is exactly what the elite don't want, so they created New Age religion to keep people trapped in the matrix of CONTROL."

Thats why I dumped the abrahamiac religions, petty jealous jehovah blah blah. What do you lump together into "new age"
Think of it this way jehovah subsumed the caananite baal.

edit on 30-11-2014 by TheConstruKctionofLight because: spelling

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