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Ferguson officer Darren Wilson in talks to resign from police force, sources say

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posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 01:37 AM
People are being told to accept, as fact, that police do not do wrong. It will not be changing since they are not doing anything wrong.

The police officials have made this quite clear through words and action.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: ThePublicEnemyNo1

Oh I absolutely respect your opinion and in no way feel hostile to it and you. We do know that he in fact went for his gun though as we have heard leaked testimony and facts from the case that the gun was discharged in the officers car and that fact added up wi Willsons story that the kid went for his gun. The coroner said that the only way that wound could be inflicted was if he reached into the car and went for the gun. Also why was the officers blood and the kids blood IN the car? The only reason I can think of is that he attacked the officer got shot in his his hand in the car while he was going for the gun then broke the officers nose attacking him and the officer opened fire. I don't think he should've killed him though....I believe he could've wounded him instead. And as far as trayvon goes, I know Zimmerman wasn't an officer and he was a wanna be cop, but a court of law proved that the kid did in fact attack him first, bash his head and face in and according to florida law stand your ground is completely legal. Which brings me to Missouri and this case, the kid should've never attacked a cop like that in the first place.

I was also the victim of a home invasion, but I took my assailants gun from him and shot him twice and was shot once in the foot as well, but I would've killed him if I could've aimed higher, it was just that he was 6'5" and had me on my knees. So I definately get where you're coming from, but you had options, I didn't and I have a feeling this officer didn't either. I mean a guy that size after me.....I'd be scared too.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: ThePublicEnemyNo1

Its not an opinion. I know people that live by them.By the way,they are black as well,so this isn't a whitey being mean to a black family thing. These people said he was a thug that terrorized the neighborhood. I don't live there so it isn't me that said it. But having grown up there and seen the poor decent people having to put up with the thugs,yeah.I can tell you that yes the cops there have an attitude,I have run into it as well. They use it on EVERYONE there. And my brother in law is a former cop,retired now. If a cop feels they are in a life or death situation,they are to pull their gun and SHOOT TO KILL,not maim,not warn,no firing in the air which is stupid. No "stop or I'll shoot". You get that nonsense from movies and tv shows,that is not how they are trained in real life. In a life or death situation you have mere seconds to respond,hopefully with your training you will respond in a correct way.But sometimes things just go from bad to worse and you have to deal with it how you can.

Now I don't know where you father was working,but this neighborhood is BAD NEWS. There have been many murders there.People don't discuss something if they disagree,they just shoot each other pretty much. There are a 'few' decent people left there,but not many.If you want to try to use 'common sense' while someone is trying to run you off the road because you are the wrong color,be my guest. It happened to me. I have lived and worked around blacks and many many were decent hard working people. But not in this neighborhood. I have posted multiple posts on this and shown pictures of how bad the neighborhood is. You have to be there and live through it to know it.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: Dimithae

I agree with your assessment. I believe this guy was a bad bad apple and did something that sealed his fate. You don't attack cops and expect to get away with it Scott free. These cops where you are familiar with have even more reason to react with deadly force and they are justified using it. If people don't like it maybe they should change the mentality of the police and the laws. From what I've seen so far these people that live in ferguson have no problem rioting, destroying, stealing, beating their own Towns people. Kinda obvious that people like that don't give a crap about this case and just use it as an excuse to cause anarchy. If they cared they wouldn't be destroying the place they live. The horrible people that cause all that crime are just looking for any reason to act out, just like a little child.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: LDragonFireI had always though that if the grand jury finds him innocent, he would leave Ferguson, MO. I am sure there are other police departments that would hire him. Moving would help keep his family safe, as well as himself.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 06:29 AM

originally posted by: Dimithae
a reply to: LDragonFire

He might as well resign,he would be a target on the street that people would be gunning for.And as far as Mike Brown's family,I hope they move into a really nice white neighborhood.Let the whites put up with all their hate and nonsense and you can see why people didn't like they're kid. Knowing people who lived next to them,yeah they had nothing nice to say about the whole family. So let them move into some bleeding hearts neighborhood and see what kind of trouble they cause there.

I would give you more stars if I could.. well said

Since there is already so much attention from the DHS and the worries of further riots Im sure the officer is going to be proven not guilty. and rightfully so.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: LDragonFire

Not to be a Pessimistic Peter or anything, but even if both Wilson and the Chief resign, it still won't be enough for these riot-hungry people in Ferguson. Riots and protests will still happen, regardless of what resignations take place or what the GJ decision will be.

On a side note, I'm so tired of hearing the garbage spewed by Ferguson people that if the GJ decides there's not enough evidence to indict Wilson, that this means Brown will never get justice. That is justice--our court system only exists to try people if the evidence exists that a crime was committed, and that's the GJ's job to determine.

This is why I have my pessimistic/realistic view of what will happen--regardless of the outcome, there will be a way to spin it to--in their minds, at least--justify more protests and probably riots. It's a pathetic show of human idiocy. But, as long as nothing gets violent or destructive or illegal, I'm all for them protesting if they want to, regardless of the lack of logic behind it.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 08:01 AM
I notice "karma" is thrown around a lot and it's usually aimed at the Cop.

Ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, the magical "karma" finally caught up with the guy that was shot?

I am not defending the cop by any means. I have been beaten, robbed, and framed by the DPD on numerous occasions. The first time they left me a bloody mess in an alley after a boot party I was 13.

It just happens sometimes that the Devil gets his due.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: Ceeker63

I highly doubt Wilson will ever work in law enforcement again. If he does, he is stupid.

1. He will always be a target.

2. There is no guarantee he would never be in a similar situation again. Any police officer could be in his shoes and have their entire life turned upside down. Even if what they did was just and legal.

3. Why put on a uniform and serve any community when mass amounts of people do nothing but spit in your face and threaten you with physical harm?

Mark my words, vast majorities of "good" police officers are, or will be leaving the career. They are over everything. Police departments are scraping the bottom of the barrel to find people to fill the empty positions. The results will not be pretty and in the end the citizens who blanketly hate and refuse to participate in bridging the gaps that exist between a lot of law enforcement and the communities can share in the blame with the "bad" officers who are guilty of the same.

edit on 21-11-2014 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: ThePublicEnemyNo1

I guess you don't believe in self defense?

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: ThePublicEnemyNo1

I personally think he and other LEO regardless of skin color needs to be in front of a court anytime they shoot an unarmed human being.

He wasn't unarmed. When you use your fists as a weapon, you are armed. It's like with a car, you don't have a gun but you have a car you can use to run people over and kill, thus you are armed with a weapon.

Self defense is self defense, whether its with a gun or a hedge trimmer. Brown knew well before hand that Wilson was a cop armed with a gun, and chose to do what he did, prompting a self defense response.

Regardless of how it started, it ended with Brown charging the guy, punching him and being threatening in general.

The evidence supports that, but a lot of you want to crucify this man.

edit on 21-11-2014 by IntroduceALittleIrony because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: ThePublicEnemyNo1
That young man posed no threat to that officer over 25 plus feet away for him to shoot and kill him and take several head shots.

I am curious as to where you got all your information. As far as I know, all that isn't out in the public domain yet. I have not heard the whole story of officer Wilson's side yet. And I don't think the official autopsy reports are public knowledge yet either.

I get that you want the cop to be guilty, just like all the folks in Furgeson and around the world, but damn, we built an entire justice system, based on innocent until proven guilty, and you just ignore that totally.

I'll wait for the facts before we hang the cop.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: ThePublicEnemyNo1

Apparently you miss the lighthearted sarcasm. At any rate it doesn't warrant personal attacks from you. It just reveals how polarized you are on this issue. I wasn't trying to step on toes, trust me if I was inclined that wouldn't be hard.

This has turned into more of a circus sideshow than anything else. The bystanders have their own axes to grind and will do just that. Meanwhile I have better things to do.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 02:50 PM
Just gonna point out that a grand jury IS "regular court" and IS part of the court process. It's not some special tribunal or something.

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