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Cold reading and telling your future for free

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posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 02:42 PM
i would like to see what you can see, i am in...cap "i" stopped working, only on "i", not good.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 02:44 PM
Yes bring it on if you wouldn't mind? I'd like to try, only out of curiosity though, perhaps you could be the one to change my beliefs on this subject

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 02:47 PM
Too late to join?
I would love to try it also, so be my guest and ask away!
edit on 19-11-2014 by WhiteHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 02:47 PM
I am astonished at the responses


One at a time if thats ok

I prefer most of the answers posted here
I prefer open honesty

If it hits a nerve and we need to u2u.. I trust you will use your own best judgement. If I feel anything really bad I will communicate with you

Remember your the man in the ring (you to ladies)

Let me go to the first response and I will go from there

Please understand this is my world view of the issues

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 03:06 PM
Ok...the voodoo chicken is in da house.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 03:12 PM
I'm game for it......a reply to: ripcontrol

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: dragonlover12
a reply to: ripcontrol

I`m willing to give it a try!

What`s next?

Lets walk through the con part first

I will ramble and it will be unorganised
I get no credit for the rambling
Its me revving my engines

Financial part-
I wanted to say stable but I had doubts creep in when I am trying to type..

I hate that when I start out

I get flashes of my mother in law
Please note I do not like the woman my self
(this isnt against you its just my responses.. I add them to it because I want to clear stray thoughts out

For some reason I have to pee
arms want to shake

Worried about interference and accuracy

any way con part
The dogs are probably what influenced this
my mind goes to the deck part of the avatar

the breed of dog is known to have health problems

I am assuming I may be wrong but you love animals
I see bills associated with them

For our cats we went expensive and got blue mountain

With the other little part if its true your in Arizona

New economy growing near their
Construction in certain parts
Water issues but I dont feel it for you

A nice yard
make sure you keep pest out of it and are careful with how it is treated
The dogs and other animals have sensitivities..

I have no clue where this one jumps in at
Survivor type person (tv show silly)
maybe the view???
Sex and the city

Remember not everyone who is out to get you is because its personal
business is different then friendship
Dont lose friendships over it.. stay out of business with friends unless they have the wall of friends is one thing business is another

I am stopping here because I am getting nose want to itch and run on my left side and teeth achin
I am unfairly AOL ing you with my mother in law

My hate (because dislike is too PC) for her will cloud this

She should have gotten involved in my ex-father in laws business it would have stopped them being screwed over
the Analytical overlay is getting loud
The IRS thing they had

And other poasers stuff is jumping out at me
(that fluffy purple thing of the next poster)

That is the garbage my mind generated with you based soley on con crap

(forgive usage of words but I am using part of the mess to clear out garbage)

The three questions for the con

with out consideration of money

1)would you if the cost where the same prefer to
Lease a car or own the car
Rent a house or Buy a house
(cant ask this one ouch.. skip it)
adopt or foster children or animals

When you were younger did you deny you did something or try to reason out why you did it?
now that your older?

If I was going to exile you on a planet in a galaxy far far away
what is the one thing that you must have

Thank you very much for participating
I will respond with an answer once you have responded

I hope everyone understands I can only do so many in a day
It gets tiring on me because of the ramble part
I will be trying on more part maybe two a day

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: ripcontrol

question 1,own the car,buy the house,adopt animals
question 2, only relationships
question 3, my tools to make miniatures with

Does that help?
edit on 19-11-2014 by dragonlover12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: the owlbear

I was out side smoking

Your inner child love to come outsid eand play
you hate the real world

But I got interrupt with a much more important thing

I should be writing down everything on paper
the using the CRV methodology to eliminate noise

I am jumping off your read to post this

ill come back I promise a lot of noise and I cant not answer this

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: ripcontrol

originally posted by: dragonlover12
a reply to: ripcontrol

I`m willing to give it a try!

What`s next?

If I was going to exile you on a planet in a galaxy far far away
what is the one thing that you must have

You mean, like, no humans at war with themselves?

I'll have a Pepsi!

edit on 19-11-2014 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: ripcontrol

1. Lease a car, buy a house, adopt an animal
2. Yes and yes
3. Avocados

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 03:46 PM
I could use some help.

Anyone want to offer my future, PLEASE DO!

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: ripcontrol

I'm in please and thank you! xx

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: Annee
I could use some help.

Anyone want to offer my future, PLEASE DO!

Your future is whatever you *wish* it to be. Just be mindful of emotions they seem to be akin to land mines protecting *ego*. Don't look out, look in. Good luck.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate

originally posted by: Annee
I could use some help.

Anyone want to offer my future, PLEASE DO!

Your future is whatever you *wish* it to be. Just be mindful of emotions they seem to be akin to land mines protecting *ego*. Don't look out, look in. Good luck.


But, no option for emotions or ego at this time.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 04:02 PM
I am in as well! I have been wanting a reading for a long time. I live in the Bible Belt and it's hard to find people that do it here... At least publicly.

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 04:06 PM

If your in a dark place
your enemies have you surrounded
lifes little BS's have broken the horses back

Get help
You are not alone

I will share what part of what I have been through

I went through hell a few years before I joined ATS
I got my ASS handed to me.. litterally

Everything gone
Stabbed in the back
left in the cold like an abandoned kitten

I am still here
new GF
New car
About to buy a house
In the process of starting a business
working on my writing

The reason is two fold and its old fashioned hard headed advice
Keep in mind the hard headed part and it may not apply to you

The hardest damn part to accept , but the most personally empowering part of it

I had got myself in the mess
Everything that had happened, regardless of being set up, lied to and given the big green weenie

My fault
No excuses..
Not an ounce of they F$%^ed me

All on me because I am the captain of my ship

It hurt (like a 9 inch nail in your bare feet)
and I tried to wiggle out of this
god did I

This idea of responsibility saved my ASS

You see if it is my mess

Their is a corollary that becomes important here
I can clean it up
I can fix it

I can also guarantee next time this comes around I will not be in the same position and will not play the cards the same way

They made a mistake when they screwed with me
I am still alive
I may be insane but my body is warm and my bowels work
Everything , and I mean everything else is only temporary

A few months ago I ran into some one who was in the same boat I was in
the differences were day and night

You see he blamed everyone else for the outrageous fortunes that hit him
He was out on release from jail again

We had a heart to heart and I saw the problem
He ended up trying to run for it and is sitting in jail

Same conversation with a neighbor who was on the other side of the law so I asked him
He said nope, my fault

Guess what
he is walking free and has two jobs
a new apartment and new Gf himself

I knew the second he answered the question that way
he was fine as a sweet red wine

So keep this in mind it is only temporary and requires only a temporary solution

If you are near the edge
pick up that phone and call a loved one
call a professional
make sure your id is protected but do nt give into the dying of the light

all it is is the goddess sending murphy to visit you
Reality check

Keep your nose to the grindstone
get help if it is required

I am sorry I high jacked this thread for this but it came glaring out to me

and it falls under loud signal coming through

I have to cleanse
I am going to let my inner lesbian leave you with her choice of music
She listens to this for the music

In closing your magic word is perseverance

the single mother who gets up and raises two children by herself
The soldier on the battle field who doesnt fail because his buddy next to him is counting on him
The old grandfather who should be dead but swore he was going to see his grandbaby get across the alter
MMA fighter still on his feet because he refuses to fall to the ground

Thats your magic word


posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 04:11 PM
go for it would be interesting

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 04:55 PM
OK let's do this

posted on Nov, 19 2014 @ 05:10 PM
I'll take a try. As long as the questions don't pertain to a credit card number, the three digit number on the back of the card, and my social security number.

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