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Ideology is poison

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posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 06:30 AM
Is the struggle of the various ideologies important to me? Not in the slightest, but when they trample all over everyone, and everything in their crusade, over some belief and not in implicit fact it does. So we can say: What about the facts or science, that a particular someone says quite often, when it comes to policy? Science has it's fanatical adherents as well, as I've seen quite a few argue theory as fact, simply because it is the best up to date info, that fits all the criteria, more than another theory does. They are just as happy, to kill off all of the "ignorant" masses, that do not accept science's best explanation, that they feel are polluting the planet with idiots. So yeah, even science can be an ideology, that causes just as much cognitive clamor in society.

An idea births a concept, and that idea, when well developed; turns into an ideology. If the ideology makes logical and rational sense to someone, they are apt to take the belief as fact... and this is when a simple idea carried too far, becomes very dangerous and very controlling, especially when; a government body takes hold of ideologies to shape public and world policy by what is supposed to be the majority's desire. This has occurred so much so, that in the US political parties, have turned into religions that; push their ideologies on the masses.

Back in the early history of civilization, kings/leaders/ and governments, used the regional religions ideologies, as a tool help control the masses, so society ran smoothly when serving their prescribed purpose, and in doing so, they were able to extract, whatever they wanted too... to aid their own perpetuation of rule.

Power corrupts, and ideals are; a desire to live as one wants to live, with the idea that; if everyone else lived the same ideologies, the world would be a pretty peachy place. So here's the problem: Just like communism it works on paper... add people to an ideology and well shtf every time. The problem that has been growing out of control, is people are becoming; so fervent in their ideologies, that any tolerance and understanding, flies right out the window, and discrimination and hate rides the rails straight into town, disrupting society on a whole.

In a true democratic society, the majority vote decides what it wants... we in the US are pretty well duped, into believing we have control over the ideologies... if we just manage, to stick someone into office that; shares a majority of the same ideologies as ourself. As it would serve our own interests, but with the overwhelming corruption, and allowing corporations to come in, and act like it's a person instead of the entity it is, then the power shifts from whats good for actual people, to what's good for the corporation.

This is in my opinion, what is bringing so much animosity into politics and among the populace, both sides feel they are not being heard and that the government is not working for them... and since money rules politics; 4 billion is all it took to crumble democracy, in the mid term elections. Meaning neither party actually won, but those that bought the election did, and whatever ideologies they want to push on those who had their voice stolen. The reason, the whole country is not up in arms and fighting over this atrocity, is because it rode the coat tails of the republican party, and anyone that voted republican feels that they won... soon enough perhaps they too will discover that; we all actually lost.

If the policy, that is about to come down the pipes from all of this, was labeled the corporate interest party policy perhaps the three, ideological sports team fans would be up in arms, instead of just the two... and there would be revolution to oust the corrupt corporate cronies ruling society and the political process... but since the wolf wore the republican sheep clothing, this go around, instead of the democratic, like the last go around... there's a lot of people feeling they actually won in the mid terms, because of the clothing it was disguised in... and are simply co-conspirators ignorant of the fact.

Does anyone think that; they do not use data metrics, when deciding what clothing to disguise the wolf as? To make us; feel like we have a voice, and the process is still working for us? Sure lets get tossed a bone or two, of scraps that the majority of society wants, like the controversial cannabis policy to make it appear we still have a voice, or going from a streak of gay rights wins; and then after mid terms... gay rights loses to help distract, divide and conquer even more... Why? Because it gives people someone else to shake a fist at, and blame those instead of those corrupt in government, whom are directly impeding the will of the people, for purchased and paid for ideologies, that are not our own.

The sad part is; people are claiming a victory in the mid terms as their own, when in my personal opinion... we all just lost, and I seriously doubt... I am alone in this opinion.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Your conclusion presupposes that "we" were winning, would have continued to win and that there was no ideology at work during the winning.

edit on 16-11-2014 by Logarock because: n

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

S & F.

Yes, the purpose of an ideology, or an ideology-laced political party or religion
(the lines blur between those categories),

is to abstract away reality, until a perfect control mechanism is created,
to ensure the leaders of said control mechanism can do pretty much anything
they want, scoop up most of the power, and steal the public blind, once
the control mechanism is large enough and obfuscating enough.

Yes, there can be popular uprisings based upon 'doing good for the people',
but they are always infiltrated by 'control mechanism types' quickly
enough and/or marginalized and kept alive for other purposes
(look how fair we are! we allow that crippled little party/religion
to exist!).

To even argue about Republican this, or Democrat that, is to pretty
much demonstrate ignorance of reality right out of the gate.. to be
a good little prisoner of the 'control mechanism' and to play one of
the assigned roles.

The entire system is rotten, has always been rotten, going back
to the very early days of the country.


posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Anytime two or more people are pitted against each other for democratic approval to assume representation of a given group they are at least forced to expose themselves. This exposer is later to be determined as to its real nature be it lie, truth or some mixture. This approved person can then be extended representative capacity or have it taken away.

You are never going to get that out of monarchs and one party political systems of any sort.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: Logarock
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Anytime two or more people are pitted against each other for democratic approval to assume representation of a given group they are at least forced to expose themselves. This exposer is later to be determined as to its real nature be it lie, truth or some mixture. This approved person can then be extended representative capacity or have it taken away.

You are never going to get that out of monarchs and one party political systems of any sort.

You are assuming that 'one party' has some honesty or virtue, so that there is
an actual choice for the voter. Ultimately in the USA anyway, on the national
level anyway, the voter can make any 'apparent choice' they want.. but it
doesn't accomplish anything. The same monied interests are in control
either way.

It's all political theater.. not a representative democracy.


posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Ummm, you are supposing that the midterms were the embracing of an ideology rather than the rejection of one. As far as I can tell, there was no ideology at work rather than we won't do what's being done now. So if there was an ideology at stake it was the one currently being used to run the country.

Now, will the so-called winners of the midterm govern with an ideology? Possibly, but they are still working against the ideology of the president and his party.

So, did an ideology "win" or did an ideology "lose?" Or was there another message entirely? I don't know, but I think you are making some major assumptions based on your own ideology because, oops, we all have our own.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 08:09 AM
Focused Ideologies like organized religion are essential tools of the state. Essentially they are belief systems representative of large groups of people that just believe in this or that frivolous notion. They can be molded to sway this way or that with the media breeze.

At the apex sit the mass mind manipulators. A terrible clamor can be generated by simply uttering a few phrases that direct the most people into patriotic, nationalistic and religious fervor.

They have desecrated our ideals, they will pay.

They need to be brought around to our way of life.

After all God, a flag and Superman are on our side.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 08:09 AM
Maybe ideology is the glue that holds society together. Eleven football players thinking independently will not do well against eleven players striving for the same goal.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: Logarock

What it is really implying is the mid term was a bought out farce and ZERO democratic process took place save in the mind of the voters... and no one is doing anything about it, people are gloating about it in the media too. Very sorry to imply that the citizens have ever won anything, even the revolutionary and civil wars were started from corrupt influences. So have we the people ever really been in power or just tptb? Easy to answer, and my apologies it seemed otherwise. I once believed that we could use the system to change the system from the bottom up. But our voice is being stolen at every level in politics, and the mid-terms being flat out bought and no one really is blinking twice about it, sealed the deal for me.

Wanna know who won the mid term in my state? The Koch brothers, no one else... what they want? I cannot say because I do not know, but whatever it is and the others that we should be demanding be brought to justice, instead of some gloating and being pissed off, thinking democracy actually took place.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 08:22 AM
I would also point out that when I think of diversity, I think of people of differing ideologies learning to live together in a framework loose enough to allow it.

Someone who has a different ideology will think about and approach problems differently than you will, and you might consider their angle from time to time. They might have a better way of doing it. The problem lies in becoming so convinced that your ideology is the only way to do things that you ride roughshod over all the others.

Or there is a quote from Patton to the effect that if everyone is thinking the same then somebody isn't thinking.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

And the Kochs are different from Soros ... how?

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

There is no assumption of honesty or integrity there. Its all in your mind.

The Marxist types and the vaporous dreamers are always out after a republican advantage crying about it.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Ideologies always win, but the reason they are poison is they are nothing more than a mere belief, people latching onto ideologies as fact and a way of life can do no wrong in their own and other believers eyes, and with which these one size fits all ideologies are used to control policy foreign and domestic, since our voice is now blatantly being stolen and no one is doing anything about it seals the deal for our eventual collapse into a story even George Orwell would be surprised by. These ideologies are dividing us as a people, and when used in politics, erode the constitution into a worthless interpretational idea, that once protected the rights of the individual, for one of an ideology of public health, public safety etc. like we are one gelatinous mass that must bend our personal will to live a particular ideology you do not want or face fines and incarceration, be put on lists, watched for subversion, and called a terrorist and all 100% legal because they also make the laws, that give themselves the authority to royally bend us over.

Fine and dandy like cotton candy if the ideologies they represent or pretend too(my opinion) floats your boat right? But it does not apply across the board. If you have money, influence, or power you baby bird... are the one that gets fed, and allowed to push others out of the nest without being subjected to the same laws as the common people are.

Forcing adults to the position of child, by eroding personal freedoms, is the beginning of the end the next step will be subservient animal that must submit or be put down. Seems the police force is ahead of the game a bit, on that practice already.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: Hoosierdaddy71

Tell that to Micheal Jordan in the 90's, honorable mention went to the assist... and the rest of the team who were they again? Were they even there?

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Same thing to me, I just don't feel like name dropping every single bastard that bought out our elections. Feel free to do so if you wish.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

exactly, and this was the intent of the OP to get across. Taking an ideology to either extreme, is what is poisoning the well. There's no room for tolerance and understanding, compassion or empathy for the any ideology or people that are not at the extreme with them.
edit on 16-11-2014 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 09:06 AM

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
a reply to: Hoosierdaddy71

Tell that to Micheal Jordan in the 90's, honorable mention went to the assist... and the rest of the team who were they again? Were they even there?

Like pippen and kukoc and rodman?
Oh and the coach phil jackson?

People remember the names of the players and the team but not the teams they beat.

Who did Reagan beat in his reelection?
Who did Roosevelt beat in his third term?
No one remembers or cares.

Bark all you want about ideology being poison, but it wins elections. Multiple people striving for a single goal is more powerful than a loners single voice. As long as that is true you will have ideology.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: Logarock

I suppose you feel your ideologies are finally gonna get some representation? Whooo whoo, all aboard the you train and screw everyone else right?

Suppose, you are in the picture of your avatar... are you more comfortable being the position of the person standing or sitting or perhaps on your knees yet to be shown? I am not a stereotype as your post suggests, I don't care what anyone's ideology is, I do not have to agree with it, to fight with you for your right to have you ideology, as long as it does not impede on anothers right to have their own ideology polar to yours, there is room for way more than one ideology with tolerance and minding ones own business.

If I have somehow mistaken your position, then please ignore the above.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: Hoosierdaddy71

So now I'm barking, apparently you have reduced me to the level of a dog, in your estimation of my character. I have no qualms with your ideologies whatever they may be or anyone else's. I am saying when people stop having tolerance for differing ideologies, then any idea's of real freedom have flown the coup.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
a reply to: Logarock

I suppose you feel your ideologies are finally gonna get some representation? Whooo whoo, all aboard the you train and screw everyone else right?

Suppose, you are in the picture of your avatar... are you more comfortable being the position of the person standing or sitting or perhaps on your knees yet to be shown? I am not a stereotype as your post suggests, I don't care what anyone's ideology is, I do not have to agree with it, to fight with you for your right to have you ideology, as long as it does not impede on anothers right to have their own ideology polar to yours, there is room for way more than one ideology with tolerance and minding ones own business.

If I have somehow mistaken your position, then please ignore the above.

His avatar is an episode of the twilight zone called the obsolete man.
He was a librarian and deemed obsolete by a society that didn't like critical thinking.
Kind of fitting to your

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