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Lunar Wave (Hologram?) Confirmed By Two Additional Videos!

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posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 01:21 AM
Here's his video from a year ago which shows the wave much better; it really needs to be seen on a large screen.

Youtube but refuses to embed:


and here's the confirmatory German video:


and here: YT3
edit on 3733111amThursdayf33Thu, 13 Nov 2014 01:33:37 -0600America/Chicago by signalfire because: can't embed video

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: signalfire

the scanning line he saw rising along the surface of the moon image COULDN'T be a video artifact because when it started on the bottom, he quickly panned up

At what time stamp does he do this?

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 04:46 AM
From what i can see the OP never mentions the Moon is hollow, the hologram is only a defense against direct sight in the form of a illusion. Our sun could be a blackhole with the hologram of a Sun and we wouldn't know the difference.

Whats interesting to me is where you see the camera actually move around while the distortion wave / Screen tear / heat shimmer is happening out of view and seconds later in full view and it doesn't look like he is re-filming his own material.
Heat shimmers are all over the place and do not produce a clean 'screen tear' like wave we see here.
Have to go with 'screen tearing' as the wave is identical to it, and if true would make every moon video have it, which is not the case. Still enjoy the thought, thanks for sharing!

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 04:53 AM
I think you found Aliice!

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: Aldakoopa

The main glitch I could see in your Far Cry AMD graphic error was some banding along the bottom third of the screen. I know AMD breaks up its rendering into different sections to improve its performance and stitches it all together at the end, so problems with one of these rendering cores it what first comes to mind. Nothing like what is being discussed with this thread.

With some of the other videos that have popped up in this thread it does deepen the mystery. In some ways it would of been reassuring to have the cause being some kind of atmospheric or technical glitch. Stories of the military working on cloaking and invisibility devices have been going on for a while now. To consider that the state of the art is capable of masking the surface of the moon is quite daunting, why would they do that?

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 05:35 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: TheDon

Why are you trying so hard to defend an obvious hoax?

This "hoax" as you put it has a rather large underground following and a massive amount of shill energy being used to shut down people who promote it.
surely if it was al hullabaloo the shill war machine would pass them by.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: PLAYERONE01

This "hoax" as you put it has a rather large underground following and a massive amount of shill energy being used to shut down people who promote it.

Just exactly how large is this underground following? Is it large enough to signal a massive effort n the part of the con men who are promoting it? Towards what end are they deceiving people, and what is wrong with our educational system that so many people lack basic critical thinking skills?

surely if it was al hullabaloo the shill war machine would pass them by.

Don't you think it should be the opposite? If there were a grain of truth in it, intelligent people would be flocking to investigate it. It's because it is transparent flim-flam that critical thinkers are trying to encourage the credulous to use their common sense and reasoning skills. Why have so few people seen it? Why is it only visible on CCD devices, not to the naked eye or conventional photography? Why is this being posted to YouTube with opening credits and dramatic music instead of being discussed on an astronomy forum where there may be others who can verify the "observations?"

Oh, and congratulations on using the expression "shill" twice in one post. Technically, it is the person in the audience who pretends to be cured by the snake oil who is called a shill.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
Just exactly how large is this underground following? Is it large enough to signal a massive effort n the part of the con men who are promoting it? Towards what end are they deceiving people, and what is wrong with our educational system that so many people lack basic critical thinking skills?

A very good question. If the hoaxers were really interested in finding out what caused it they would have shown the video to astronomers etc, instead of just posting it on youtube with added music and crap.

Don't you think it should be the opposite? If there were a grain of truth in it, intelligent people would be flocking to investigate it. It's because it is transparent flim-flam that critical thinkers are trying to encourage the credulous to use their common sense and reasoning skills. Why have so few people seen it? Why is it only visible on CCD devices, not to the naked eye or conventional photography? Why is this being posted to YouTube with opening credits and dramatic music instead of being discussed on an astronomy forum where there may be others who can verify the "observations?"

Well, if they posted it on astronomy forums there goes their hoax. They would have been told what it really was.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: signalfire

Some great points you brought up there and excactly what I was talking about.

I think, as I mentioned in my OP, it is worth investigating, and if people actually looked at ALL the claims made and watched the videos, not everything is so easy to explain away.


posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: TheDon

I think, as I mentioned in my OP, it is worth investigating, and if people actually looked at ALL the claims made and watched the videos, not everything is so easy to explain away.

Please be specific. Is there any phenomenon they have recorded that cannot be explained by atmospheric effects and imaging equipment artifacts? If so, please link to an example that does not contain opening credits, mood music, or a narration that extends beyond a statement of date, time and equipment used.

Edit to add: What, exactly, do you mean by "investigating?" Are you going to buy similar equipment and make your own observations, or are you just going to keep clicking on Crrow's YouTube channel? The latter is not investigating.
edit on 13-11-2014 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: Misinformation

In President Bill Clinton’s 2004 autobiography, he wonders whether a carpenter he met in Arkansas who believed the Apollo 11 moon landing was faked wasn’t “ahead of his time.”

while neither of these "devil people" have outright said anything solid
clintons mufflings would seem to carry more weight than the ancient aliens guy


but about this sky thing..
a few weeks back i happened to watch a star slowly move into (and OVER) the black part of the half moon
it did eventually become obscured
but i don't think that's part of some elaborate hologram
i think it's some kinda weird atmospheric distortion thing i just don't understand..

a bit like how a ghost image rises off tree foliage, lifts up, floats away & fades
it looks like when wind makes a pool surface ripple

or how if you look at clouds through telegraph-cables on sultry, humid days, they will buckle & distort

..all perfectly normal stuff in the 21st century

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: signalfire

Youtube but refuses to embed:

Is this the one that refuses to embed?

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 09:00 AM
If it is Fake... then how did we land on it and bring back some cool rocks??

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: DenyObfuscation

Thanks, I couldn't get any of them to work, the usual ATS way of deleting the YT address to the left of the = sign wasn't working, there were two of them in the address and neither did the trick. Whatever you did, thanks, I was getting too sleepy last night to deal with it.

Now, to everyone who responded; the Crow Youtuber is begging for an explanation of the phenomenon. He's quite sure it's not his camera, can't be shimmer (let's face it, anyone who looks at the moon through a large Celestron for thousands of hours isn't going to be stymied by that) and the wave he's seen usually comes in pairs and not all the time. If it was some kind of video effect, it would be continuous. One of the videos shows that it's not absolutely horizontal as you would expect with a technical glitch, but is bowed somewhat towards the center of the lunar surface.

This is the perfect weird question for ATS'ers to dig their teeth into, and no amount of shouting 'hoax' is going to figure it out. That's the kind of reaction I'd expect from the adolescents over at the JREF forum.

I'm thinking if you HAD the technology to apply a holographic image on top of the real moon image, you'd use it to hide goings-on on the earth facing side as needed, not all the time.

Since it's historical FACT that NASA did a study on 'Transient Lunar Phenomena' way back before Apollo ever got off the ground, we know that there's lights, smoke and dust-like explosions, black things skirting along the surface, all sorts of reports of stuff going back to the first telescope days. NASA has cataloged hundreds of them, and they can't all be meteorite impacts. Maybe there's an increased need now to hide whatever it is from the legions of amateur and professional astronomers.

It's far more likely it's a technical glitch of some kind but you'd need to reproduce it at will to show what it was, good work for a debunker.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: DogMeat

The hologram could be covering the real moon in order to keep us from seeing what's going on.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: DJW001

originally posted by: TheDon
a reply to: DJW001

3 that we know off correct?, a pretty big jump to say that it has not been reported by others.
The fact is we have 3 that are reporting it.


The fact is, Crrrow is a known hoaxer.

Does you publicly stating he's a "known hoaxer" make him a known hoaxer? Is there a piece of evidence you could link instead of just attempting to derail the thread with name-calling? If he's not a proven hoaxer then it's name calling.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: signalfire

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: signalfire
a reply to: DenyObfuscation

One of the videos shows that it's not absolutely horizontal as you would expect with a technical glitch, but is bowed somewhat towards the center of the lunar surface.

I'm not sure it is curved, it could be an optical illusion. I tried holding a straight edge next to it and follow the "wave". It seemed straight to me, but someone with better eyes should verify that.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: TheDon

This is the same effect that happens when heat causes ripples on the sidewalk during a hot summer's day. Atmospheric distrotion, not a hologram.

Besides that, the fact that our Oceans have waves tends to prove otherwise.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: Dimens
Our sun could be a blackhole with the hologram of a Sun and we wouldn't know the difference.

I suppose you are right on that one. I mean since nobody would be alive on what would be a dead planet...

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