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Do darkness and light truly coexist - are we divided by a "false light"?

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posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 03:09 AM
When we create an artificial light, the signal is a set of 1's and 0's - on and off.

Could it be that, our belief in dark vs. light is major facet of the "prison" that we experience here, because really, we are not exposed to the true light that coexists with darkness - thus we are divided by an "artificial light"?

Could it be, if/when we escape, we discover that the true universe considers dark and light to be yin and yang, and that, beings that we call "benevolent" (light) coexist with beings we call "malevolent" (dark) and that there are many shades between?

If we were to witness beings that we praise being peaceful and friendly coexisting with beings that we despise, would it cause us a problem to our primitive consciousness?

Perhaps, beings from the other-side must agree to be divided as malevolent and benevolent in order to keep the illusion alive? Otherwise we would panic as most of what we have been led to believe about good vs. evil has been crushed?

I believe that light shines properly through the medium of pure darkness, and that, there is a "false light" that isolates the lower-spectrums, keeping us on a "high" and also creating a division.

For example, could you imagine that the "Federation of Light" are allies with the "Brothers of Darkness" - however, to reveal such would maim the human psyche?

Can you see them as evolved beings, having went through all the stages of evolution, they've "been there done that" and are all mature adults, that have no qualms about their lower natures, because, they have at all at one stage been animals themselves?

Can you see that we are a juvenile species that has been given a "head start" and as such we have "skipped" the primitive development stages, have the bodies of evolved beings, however, are still immature?

Does the light nourish the darkness - does the darkness love the light?

Are we only programmed to like the "Pledians" (for example) because we find their appearance to be beautiful, are we programmed against the "Draconians" (for example) because we would find their appearance to be disgusting?

Primitive as we are - "pretty" = good and "ugly" = bad?

Finally, could it also be, that, they can appear as both dark and light, if they so chose?

Are we really just afraid of the dark, when darkness is just a profound and beautiful "emptiness" that gives purpose for light to shine?

Can you see them dancing with each other, having coffee etc.?
edit on 12-11-2014 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2014 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 06:06 AM
You pretty much answer your own thread.
In order for light to exist, there has to be darkness and viceversa.
Ying and Yang, light and dark, the light has some dark and the dark has some light.

They really coexist.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 06:30 AM
While light is a real "thing",darkness is not.

Darkness only describes the absence of light.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: Silcone Synapse
While light is a real "thing",darkness is not.

Darkness only describes the absence of light.

What we will get if we said the sentence the other way around? Light is the absence of dark.

Darkness and light exist at the same time, one cannot exist without the other.
A black hole in space is full of light (due to the extreme gravitational force even light cannot escape), yet it is black. The vacuum of space although colorless, looks black.

As light is something, dark is also something. Light is not light without dark and dark is not dark without light. They need each other to exist.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: Abednego
I see what you mean,but light cannot exist without photons,whereas darkness needs nothing to exist.
Its an odd one though.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 09:36 AM
We are all equal in the eyes of the Creator. All things exist in perfect balance. Light and dark bring purpose to one another, without one, the other is all and has no purpose. If your reality exists purely in one dimension with nothing to counteract it, that's simply how things are and nothing more. I don't really like the theory you suggest however. If both are two sides of the same coin, that would imply that either good or evil would be an option on the same path. In some ways, I believe this can be applied; death is often frowned upon because well... it's death. Death is not inherently bad however, since it allows us to move on from this world. Just as many 'bad' things can be seen as positive, many positive things can also be negative.

That being said, I do believe that we are often mislead by the things out there we don't fully understand or comprehend. There are beings that have existed far longer than we have, demons, angels, whatever labels we assign them. It's interesting you mention a 'false-light' as Lucifer (the light bearer) is often referred to as a false light and often poses as something beautiful, when it is wicked. We see such false light on a daily basis; things we think are good, when they are actually malevolent. An example would be assisted suicide, or 'mercy' killing. We see it as simply helping a person eliminate suffering from their life, but what have we really done for them? You cut short the gift of life. The same goes for abortions; we see it as conveniently ending a problem for someone when in reality we have ended a human life for the sake of convenience.

In our complacent society where anything goes, we forget to show restraint. I believe this is the false light you refer to. Like moths to a bright flame, we are drawn in and burned to ashes. I believe there is inherent good and inherent evil; things that are good or bad no matter where you come from or how long you live. I recall a fellow who recounted his afterlife experience years ago. He said he felt weightless and encountered the usual bright warming light where he felt welcome, but he turned away from it for some reason and slowly moved away from it. As he turned, he saw and felt a great blackness, but it was not space. It was a blackness, loneliness... away from all life like eternal isolation. I don't think this is something anyone wishes to partake in, IE an inherent evil.

I believe there is far more to the issue that you surmise though, and far more than we can likely figure out at this time. The unseen world and it's population as a whole is still such a mystery to us.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 09:55 AM
light will always cast a shadow. and some things, like stars, are brightest in the dark. which is why if we must manufacture darkness, we will. and we have.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 09:58 AM
It doesnt matter. IT IS ALL FAKE HOLOGRAM. Like shrinking or sending in a tiny portion of your mind, imagination, into a movie. Fake! All of it!!!

What does matter is simple deduction. It takes repressing and shrinking awareness, understanding and empathy to harm anyone. Consciousness is your Spirit, your Infinite Eternal Self and Intelligence. So shrinking it and growing smaller, more distortion, more AI but less YOU is not = to growing your awareness and empathy and consciousness.

There is ONLY LOVE INFINITELY BEYOND, and its simple deduction.

And evil is a shrinking soul orb.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 10:00 AM
Another deduction and possibility may be, if this fake realm is a box, and people are all mixed up here with their awareness levels, but there are other boxes lower and higher, ie less awareness boxes and more awareness boxes, by growing your awareness, you overgrow the box and move up to better places no matter who is running this neck of the woods.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: SystemResistor

Or, maybe every time we have a spiritual experience they turn up the lights in order to condition us so that way someday they can just kick on the lights and claim what we are seeing is the truth? If the universe really was created from nothing (creatio ex nihlo), then nothing really exists. Everything else is an illusion held in place by a master sorcerer. ;p

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: Silcone Synapse
a reply to: Abednego
I see what you mean,but light cannot exist without photons,whereas darkness needs nothing to exist.
Its an odd one though.

"Quantum field theory requires for consistency reasons that every charged particle has its antiparticle. It also tells you what properties will the anti-particle have: it will have the same characteristic from the point of view of space-time, which means equal mass and spin. And it will have all charges of opposite sign than a matter particle."
Quantum theory.

So we can say that a photon has an anti-photon. If the photon emits light, the anti-photon emits the opposite.

Interesting enough.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 10:16 PM
As an addition, there is also the reference to ones soul or being, being "dark" or "light", thus causing such beings to appear differently to us.

I have read somewhere that the "darkness" invaded the universe, that was filled with complete light - and the "dark beings" took over and have "enslaved" us - I don't know what to make of such theory, however, I guess if your home planet was in the neighbourhood of many bright stars, there might not be much darkness in space, however, a world on the fringe of the galaxy would experience much darkness. You could say that beings whom are dark resonate on "lower" frequencies, and the goal is (supposedly) to "raise" ones frequencies in order to chase them away.

This is perplexing as another goal is to see through "duality" however, the belief in light being opposed to darkness is a duality as well.

In respect to this, how does one's frequency affect their judgement or behaviours, it is just a different state of energy, and it so happens that the lower emotions are strongest at the "lower" frequencies.

The idea is that we would "ascend" when we gather enough "light" to reach the "higher" planes - perhaps really we must be a unity of both in order "qualify" for release.
edit on 12-11-2014 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: SystemResistor
The light is always where you are!! How could the scenery that is seen appear if there was no light here? The light is here. All that appears is the light.
Life is a light show that appears to be seen. Nothing can appear outside the light because that which appears is the light.

edit on 13-11-2014 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:55 AM
Darkness is a concept humans came up with to explain why our sensory organs weren't able to work without the narrow strip of the spectrum we use to get around.

There is no darkness. Anywhere. The only thing that changes is our ability to sense.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: AgentShillington

I understand, different perspectives offer light in different frequencies.

We can't ever always see "everything" otherwise we would be blinded, there would be no shade or texture or differentiation of objects without the absence of light or darkness to define their perimeters.

edit on 14-11-2014 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 05:19 AM
a reply to: SystemResistor

They do say that in the absence of light, darkness prevails. Darkness is most lightly(Pun intended) the ultimate fate of our universe once it diminishes to a state in which it has no thermodynamic free energy. Nothing to concern ourselves with at present considering by the time that happens Humanity will be long gone.

edit on 14-11-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

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