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Report says 60,000 veterans get triple benefits

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posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 07:57 AM

Nearly 60,000 veterans were triple dippers last year, drawing a total of $3.5 billion in military retirement pay plus veterans and Social Security disability benefits at the same time, congressional auditors report.

It's all legal.

The average payment was about $59,000, but about 2,300 veterans, or 4 percent of the total, received concurrent payments of $100,000 or more, the Government Accountability Office said.

The highest payment was to a veteran who received $208,757 in combined payments in 2013.

Report says 60,000 veterans get triple benefits

I'm a retired Vet and have often thought to myself that triple dipping was wrong. Yes, those Vets did pay into the system. But receiving a retirement pension, plus VA disability AND Social Security just seems a tad bit greedy to me.

But I try to look at the other side as well. Most of these people are over 60. And if they are truly disabled, probably won't be with us much longer. Also being 100% disabled can be pricey, especially if they are in a nursing home. (Which can be a scam as well)

I will admit that I guess I would be termed a double dipper myself. I receive my pension and VA disability of 50%. Without that, I wouldn't be able to afford day to day expenses and medical bills, of which are piling up.

The VA does not take care of everything, just service related injuries and the follow up treatment.

But I still think that $100,000 and above is just a bit excessive for some Vets.

What say you ATS? I'm still on the fence on this one.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: TDawgRex

I read this article ...being a disabled vet myself..i dont draw all 3 but I dont see any reason why they shouldn't be able to....they get the pension for honorable service and disability because they are #ed up from that far as social security I agree with the article talking about removing the health insurance part if you make over 13,000...but that doesnt even matter since most vets 50% or higher get full health care through the VA which can be good or bad at go ahead and take wont matter.

The more they go after our vets and heroes the more they are that much closer to cutting out the cancer we call our government...this is one group they don't want to # with.
edit on 2-11-2014 by rockpaperhammock because: (no reason given)

also you say 100,000 or above is accessive....think what most people make in retirement...there are many ceo's etc....the guys making 100k were high ranking officers most likely...just like ceo's high level managers who take home 100k a year in is that any different...if i remember right the article mentions one guy is taking home over of all the disabled vets the biggest money maker is 200k? thats actually sad considering all the civilians that are taking home millions a year as ceo's...or senators taking home that much after only a several years of are top guy makes a 1/10 of the upper level civilians
edit on 2-11-2014 by rockpaperhammock because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:05 AM
It's legal. They earned it. But now someone will probably take it away. Probably the same idiots who made all this necessary.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:08 AM
My dad gets a 90% military disability for his hearing loss. He does not recieve a pension though because he was only in for three years as a draftee. He gets social security from working after that so he gets 2 out of 3.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: ~Lucidity

They have been eyeing our benefits for a long ass time.....stuff like this floats around constantly...but this creative politician put a nice evil spin on it to gain support. Take my benefits....and I'll be much obliged to take it back from them personally.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:11 AM
They are still underpaid. How is VA now? I remember it being a hack shop back in the day. If soldiers are pawns in a political chess game, the kings need to compensate them accordingly.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: TDawgRex

It's legal and should stay that way and more should be being done to get all vets their due benefits and health care. It's absurd that so many elected and campaigning politicians spend so much time on the no brainer crap that they do and barely talk about streamlining the VA.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:12 AM
and from what I deduce, most of these triple-dippers are not in a enviable physical condition
they do not spend their time jetting off to Vegas or Hawaii on weekend jaunts, with all that cash

...but let me read this thread and any posts so far...just voicing what I think from reading the article yesterday...before it made it as a ATS thread


I do want to point out that not all VA Disabiliy payments are what they seem...
some VA Disability payments are only compensation for money spent out-of-pocket on health care goods/services,

So 'it' is not a windfall bonus or payment...a VA disability type of benefit is only to reimburse the cash strapped Vet so they don't fall into absolute poverty in paying for their healthcare which is not available to them within the VA system

the VA knows that various kinds of disabilities require, unique to that persons limitations, special technologies/ the other type of 'rated disability' provides a minimum floor of monetary payment for that ongoing & permanent disabled injury

FYI lots of government workers are on the double-dipping payrolls as well... 20 even 30 years as a gov't worker then a 10 year stint on the SocialSecurity covered job force, entitles them to double dip

biased, hateful article--- but it gives the opposite side a chance to explain the issue in a counter article
edit on nd30141493913102382014 by St Udio because: spell ck

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:13 AM

originally posted by: rockpaperhammock
a reply to: TDawgRex

I read this article ...being a disabled vet myself..i don't draw all 3 but I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be able to....they get the pension for honorable service and disability because they are #ed up from that far as social security I agree with the article talking about removing the health insurance part if you make over 13,000...but that doesn't even matter since most vets 50% or higher get full health care through the VA which can be good or bad at go ahead and take wont matter.

The more they go after our vets and heroes the more they are that much closer to cutting out the cancer we call our government...this is one group they don't want to # with.

I'm 50% and don't receive full medical coverage from the VA. I only receive care for the injuries I incurred while in the service and some age related issues as well, such as a upcoming Colonoscopy (Gee! Thanks!

I do have Tri-Care Standard though, so there is that, but there are still bills associated with that coverage.

I think my line of thoughts concerning this stems from people I know who have openly bragged that they are scamming the system. PTSD and/or TBI are almost a automatic 50%. I've tried alerting the VA to these individuals and was basically told to mind my own business.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: rockpaperhammock

I have always thought that the va hospitals should be closed down. Give vets free healthcare at any hospital they choose to go to. Somebody needing a doctor should not have to drive 80 miles to a va hospital when there is a regular hospital in the town they live in.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: TDawgRex

Yes , I actually was never going to file mine because I kept seeing men and women missing limbs when I worked on a medical military base...I just felt so not worthy. Then one day in a bar someone was bragging about they got something like 10% legitimately but kept saying it was getting worse and he got it up to 50%.....I myself am way above 50 and probably deserve 100 on some days haha. I agree ...just like anything there are people abusing it...i can't stand the people that do that.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:19 AM
Any all benefits to veterans is a small price to pay them for what they been through.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: TDawgRex

When I see all of these commercials from groups such as "Wounded Warriors" asking for donations to help wounded veterans and such, I really don't have an issue with it. As a matter of fact, I find it very sad, that private organizations are having to be formed to even take care of wounded Vets! If I was an elected official, I would be ashamed that "I" knew they were being used but yet not being taken care of. But I think most of us already know why it is impossible for a government official to feel shame unless of course they get caught doing something.....

They served and were injured. Considering the hoops that a wounded veteran is required to jump thru to just get VA disability shows how the corrupt government speaks highly about them in the public face, but in private, consider them expendable animals to further their agenda of power.

My best friend passed away from complications of "Gulf War Syndrome" about 5 months ago. They flew him to 2 different hospitals I know of so they could do tests and study him because he was sick, but no one could explain why. Anyhow, he fought the VA for 5 years and finally got his disability!

We have so many other forms of government waste that to me this is a small drop in the bucket! Hell, the bank bailout is a huge example of the Feds pissing money away.

BTW, if $53k was the average, isn't that considered "middle class"? To me it would make me feel wealthy, but compared to the money government officials make? pfffffft

If Washington DC cannot afford to take care of wounded Vets, then Washington DC needs to stop finding excuses to go to War/Conflict in places that don't have a damn thing to do with "defending" our nation.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: St Udio
and from what I deduce, most of these triple-dippers are not in a enviable physical condition
they do not spend their time jetting off to Vegas or Hawaii on weekend jaunts, with all that cash

...but let me read this thread and any posts so far

just voicing what I think from reading the article yesterday...before it made it as a ATS thread

I think that you are right. Sure, that Vet receives a bunch of money, but they are really not in condition to enjoy it. I would even wager that their quality of life pretty much sucks.

But I would still like to see the GAO or some one look into it just to see if they're scamming the system or not. Out of 60,000 people, I guarantee that there are a few who are.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: Hoosierdaddy71

I personally find the VA healthcare decent...however I have only needed them for my is a pain in the ass driving across state to make your appointment but most places offer a free bus or shuttle ride over from a closer town...and they do reimburse you for your drive if you drive yourself. Definitely not perfect but something I can live with. I'm not happy to have what I have but I did sign the dotted line and they never intentionally wanted me to end up like this....So I have no gripes...they are doing what they can...but when they take away what i've earned...then I have no choice but to take it back.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:22 AM
I'm OK with it.

Hopefully the abuse of the system as mentioned in above posts is low...

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: seeker1963

Great post...a lot of the fundraising too goes to the family for things like the Fisher House. When the vet is wounded and sent somewhere for medical care the fisher house supports the family coming to visit...boards em up so to speak. Its nice to know there are people helping with stuff like that. Although the family of the vet isn't the governments responsibility those projects really do help tremendously and thanks to all who have donated to any of those things.

I was in the middle east and they had some adopt a soldier program. One of our guys got adopted by an old retired couple. They would send a massive care package every week and our guy would split it all with us...from things like clothes to candy, clean wipes, cookies, etc. We all wrote the couple a letter saying thanks...i couldn't believe someone would do something for a complete stranger..and every week! The vets of any country...of all armies...even my enemies...I have the greatest respect for...maybe we need our own island.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: seeker1963

I wish I was "average". I get a pension (26 years and retired as an E-7), along with my 50% VA. Mind you, I'm not complaining, I'm fine with that. There are others who are a hell of a lot worse off than me.

I'm not fine with Coburn's reasoning either. I just think that with so many people being employed by the Gov't, that some of them could look into possible scammers.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: rockpaperhammock

They are finally building a Fisher House here in Cleveland. When I heard that, it brought a smile to my face.

posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:35 AM
Ridiculing 60 thousand people that earned these benefit's, how low do they go .

I guess now that the mid terms are about over, all is fare game. So how many people on welfare and disability ( poor me, I have PTSD because I can't get a damn job ) are there out there ??????????????

No doubt it would stagger the mind, any REAL journalists out there willing to take a stab at it...???????????

edit on 2-11-2014 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

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