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La Raza Promotes Washington Post Guide On Where People Can Vote Without An ID

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posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 11:01 AM

La Raza Promotes Washington Post Guide On Where People Can Vote Without An ID

The pro-amnesty Hispanic activist organization the National Council of La Raza helpfully promoted a Washington Post article explaining which states people can vote in without having to use a photo ID.

Why else promote this unless you intend to illegally vote?

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: raymundoko

La Raza Promotes Washington Post Guide On Where People Can Vote Without An ID

The pro-amnesty Hispanic activist organization the National Council of La Raza helpfully promoted a Washington Post article explaining which states people can vote in without having to use a photo ID.

Why else promote this unless you intend to illegally vote?

That is exactly why.

But um.. voter fraud is almost nonexistent, remember?

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 11:21 AM
They did not "promote" it. They simply retweeted it on their twitter account.

This is not even newsworthy.

+5 more 
posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: sheepslayer247

They promoted it by re-tweeting it. And yes it is newsworthy even if only to further illustrate how backwards and nonsensical our laws and election process have become.

You need an ID for darn near everything nowadays. Heck, you can't even buy cold medicine, spray paint, or epoxy glue without showing a picture ID. If someone can't show proof of citizenship to at least get a state ID if they don't/can't drive, how can they be allowed to vote? At the same time there are people who hit hard times, fell behind in child support, and are now felons who've lost their rights to vote.

La Raza retweeting it to their nearly 40,000 followers PROMOTED the information of which states illegals could vote in without having to show ID.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 12:28 PM
We all know illegals vote.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: Night Star

There are so many non-violent, American citizen felons that lost their right to vote, they have to get the registration numbers back up somehow, I guess.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: Night Star

How many non-citizens participate in U.S. elections? More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote. Furthermore, some of these non-citizens voted. Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010.

Of course, this is based on those "non-citizens" that actually admit to being illegally registered and voting - what the actual number is, I can't say - but the study goes on to say Voter-ID doesn't help much, because most illegals already have fraudulent id's.

A sampling:

Ehh, too much trouble to embed the Google search string - just search for "document mills", "mica", "where to get fake driver's licenses", "green cards", etc.

Realistically, while there's little doubt in *my* mind that there are hundreds of thousands, even millions of illegal votes cast, I think you have more to worry about from organized efforts centered around absentee ballots than illegal aliens voting (though that's a problem, too.) When you show up in-person to vote, there's a slight risk of exposure.

Send in 100 or 1,000 fraudulent absentee votes? Hardly any risk at all.

To get fraud-free elections, you'd need a far more intrusive system, like using biometrics to verify identity, and no mail-in voting. (it should actually be pretty easy to accommodate military members, since they already have two-factor id cards.)

When people say "There's no voter fraud", what they're really saying is "There's no voter fraud (we can easily prevent.)"

edit on 29-10-2014 by squittles because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-10-2014 by squittles because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: halfpint0701
a reply to: sheepslayer247

They promoted it by re-tweeting it. And yes it is newsworthy even if only to further illustrate how backwards and nonsensical our laws and election process have become.

You need an ID for darn near everything nowadays. Heck, you can't even buy cold medicine, spray paint, or epoxy glue without showing a picture ID. If someone can't show proof of citizenship to at least get a state ID if they don't/can't drive, how can they be allowed to vote? At the same time there are people who hit hard times, fell behind in child support, and are now felons who've lost their rights to vote.

La Raza retweeting it to their nearly 40,000 followers PROMOTED the information of which states illegals could vote in without having to show ID.

The Chicago chapter of Asian Americans Advancing Justice tweeted Blake’s article with the message, “Reminder — #Illinois does NOT require #voterID to cast a ballot,” along with the pro-Democrat hashtag #TurnOutForWhat. The tweet was helpfully retweeted by the National Council of La Raza.

So are the asians also advocating voter fraud as well?

Anyway, there have been studies conducted and voter fraud is a very rare occurrence. Most problems lay within the computer systems themselves. In-person voter fraud is not a problem whatsoever.

The only reason this is an issue is because a certain political party/ideology wants to make more government bureaucracy to inconvenience certain groups of people.

This entire issue has been blown out of proportion and too many people have fallen for the propaganda. It's quite sad.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: sheepslayer247

You want to guess what the second largest group of illegal immigrants in the US is? After that, take a gander at how many immigrants of Asian decent are here in the US, but not eligible to vote as they are only visa holders.
edit on 29-10-2014 by raymundoko because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: sheepslayer247

I never once said anything about voter fraud such as the type you're implying. In fact, I never even used the phrase voter fraud. Although technically, I am talking about the voting fraud that stems from the ability of illegal or non-US citizens to vote.

Have you watched the video Night Star posted just a couple posts above yours? Combine the information uncovered in it with the fact that nearly 3/4 of the illegals in this country are Latino or Hispanic and it's quite hard not to make a correlation between illegals voting and La Raza spreading the knowledge of which states allow voting without identification.

As for the Asian Americans Advancing Justice, they did also promote the message. However, based on the number of illegal aliens from Asian countries and the reputation of that organization, their promotion of it doesn't have the same type of negative connotation attached to it. It's not fair, but it's true.

Ultimately, I am firmly against the idea of any non-citizen (illegal or not) having voting rights, especially when there is such a large segment of actual citizens who lost that right due to non-violent felonies, such as they keyed someone's car (yes, that is a felony is some states). The people in Washington who represent us should not be determined by those whose citizenship lies with another country. If you think that's a non-issue, read this published on the Washington Post site just this week that includes this tidbit:

Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) won election in 2008 with a victory margin of 312 votes. Votes cast by just 0.65 percent of Minnesota non-citizens could account for this margin. It is also possible that non-citizen votes were responsible for Obama’s 2008 victory in North Carolina. Obama won the state by 14,177 votes, so a turnout by 5.1 percent of North Carolina’s adult non-citizens would have provided this victory margin.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: sheepslayer247
In-person voter fraud is not a problem whatsoever.

The only reason this is an issue is because a certain political party/ideology wants to make more government bureaucracy to inconvenience certain groups of people.

Ignorant. Simply one of THE most ignorant things I've read concerning voter fraud...sadly, I read crap like this a lot.

Melowese Richardson was sentenced to five years in prison on four counts of voter fraud on Wednesday. She worked as a poll worker for 14 years before pleading no contest to the charges in May.

Prosecutors dropped four other charges in exchange for the no contest plea. Richardson, 58, could have received up to 12 years in prison if she had been found guilty on all counts.

Richardson said she voted several times for her sister, who has been in a coma since 2003, and a grandchild.

And this is just one example from my own backyard. Do you have access to Google or Bing? There are plenty more out there if you're not too lazy to research. And she is just one who happened to get caught--these 'studies' you discuss are irrelevant because you can't study what hasn't been found. Just because someone isn't prosecuted or caught doesn't mean it's a non-issue. Just the simple fact that there exists myriad opportunities to commit voter fraud in multiple ways should be enough for any intelligent person to want to limit those possibilities.

But, of course, people like you call us racists for being logical, so there you go. It's like arguing with my 11-year-old son.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 03:08 PM
As the ideals continue to shatter.

These exposures strike nerves.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 03:23 PM
So, just to be clear, because we have no evidence that something exists, we should therefore believe that it does exist?

Yeah, that's wingnut logic for you.

A recent study (Washington Post) showed that non-citizens were only around 0.8 to 1% of a very small sample.

Of that small sample, 48/32800 claimed to be registered to vote in 2008 and 69/55400 claimed to be registered to vote in 2010. By the way, these people had photo IDs.

From the article:

In a forthcoming article in the journal Electoral Studies, we bring real data from big social science survey datasets to bear on the question of whether, to what extent, and for whom non-citizens vote in U.S. elections. Most non-citizens do not register, let alone vote.

We also find that one of the favorite policies advocated by conservatives to prevent voter fraud appears strikingly ineffective. Nearly three quarters of the non-citizens who indicated they were asked to provide photo identification at the polls claimed to have subsequently voted.

Finally, extrapolation to specific state-level or district-level election outcomes is fraught with substantial uncertainty. It is obviously possible that non-citizens in California are more likely to vote than non-citizens in North Carolina, or vice versa.

It's quite a flawed study, as I pointed out elsewhere, but it sure beats assuming that something exists BECAUSE we can't prove it.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: sheepslayer247

It's more than sad.

We have a whole swatch of Americans who are foaming at the mouth for ... something to be done! ... based on absolutely no evidence.

IN fact, the very absence of evidence is their best proof that illegals are registering and voting in massive numbers!

But instead of getting behind their own concept of new photo IDs, AND making sure that every American citizen who wants one can get one and every citizen that wants to vote can vote ... they'd rather fear-monger and cry about something that not only hasn't but can't be proven.

What hypocrites.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: SlapMonkey

Ignorant. Simply one of THE most ignorant things I've read concerning voter fraud...sadly, I read crap like this a lot.

Is it not one side of the political spectrum (republicans) that have made an issue out of this, and are trying to force a new government mandate that people must have a government-issued ID to vote? That's not ignorant, that's fact.

And this is just one example from my own backyard.

It appears that she was not an illegal immigrant, nor would proper identification stopped the fraud from taking place. Fraud does occur, in very rare cases, and I fail to see how your example applies to the current discussion.

these 'studies' you discuss are irrelevant because you can't study what hasn't been found. Just because someone isn't prosecuted or caught doesn't mean it's a non-issue.

I believe this argument is a logical fallacy. I used my google/bing skills and found this:

Argument from ignorance (Latin: argumentum ad ignorantiam), also known as appeal to ignorance (in which ignorance stands for "lack of evidence to the contrary"), is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false (or vice versa). This represents a type of false dichotomy in that it excludes a third option, which is that there is insufficient investigation and therefore insufficient information to prove the proposition satisfactorily to be either true or false.


I would expand on that more, but it appears another member has already done so.

Just the simple fact that there exists myriad opportunities to commit voter fraud in multiple ways should be enough for any intelligent person to want to limit those possibilities

Interesting argument. So you would support more government regulations and interventions in to our democratic process?

But, of course, people like you call us racists for being logical

Well, I have already pointed-out the lack of logic in your statement. But I'd like to know what you mean by "people like me". I don't believe you and I have ever conversed before on the site. Are you lumping me into a specific group of people based on your incredible ability to generalize and assume? You know what they say about assuming......

It's like arguing with my 11-year-old son.

I truly hope this is not how you talk to your son.
edit on 10/29/2014 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: halfpint0701
a reply to: Night Star

There are so many non-violent, American citizen felons that lost their right to vote, they have to get the registration numbers back up somehow, I guess.

That's what they want. They want as many people out of the system as possible. Easier to control.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 05:26 PM
I'm going to quote a few interesting snippets from the Brennan Center for Justice's piece, The truth about voter fraud.

The most common example of the harm wrought by imprecise and inflated claims of “voter fraud” is the
call for in-person photo identification requirements. Such photo ID laws are effective only in preventing
individuals from impersonating other voters at the polls — an occurrence more rare than getting struck by
By throwing all sorts of election anomalies under the “voter fraud” umbrella, however, advocates for such
laws artificially inflate the apparent need for these restrictions and undermine the urgency of other reforms.
Moreover, as with all restrictions on voters, photo identification requirements have a predictable detrimental
impact on eligible citizens. Such laws are only potentially worthwhile if they clearly prevent more problems
than they create

Royal Masset, the former political director for the Republican party of Texas, concisely tied all of these strands together in a 2007 Houston Chronicle article concerning a highly controversial battle over photo identification legislation in Texas. Masset connected the inflated furor over voter fraud to photo identification laws and their expected impact on legitimate voters:

Among Republicans it is an “article of religious faith that voter fraud is causing us to lose elections,”
Masset said. He doesn’t agree with that, but does believe that requiring photo IDs could cause
enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent to the Republican vote.17

This remarkably candid observation underscores why it is so critical to get the facts straight on voter fraud.
The voter fraud phantom drives policy that disenfranchises actual legitimate voters, without a corresponding
actual benefit. Virtuous public policy should stand on more reliable supports.

Could it be that the republicans know ID laws would disenfranchise some legal voters and that is exactly their intent because it could mean a gain in their favor?

But this is all about the fraud....right?

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: sheepslayer247

That premise is rediculous.

It's common sense that if we check the identity of anything it should be voting. Our voting process should be under massive scrutiny. My god where is the common sense?

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 05:37 PM
Just a general comment: I have never seen anyone, anywhere, of any political persuasion suggest that we not require identification in order to vote.

Can someone point me to someone who wants to just open the doors to voting and have no registration, no poll check-in, no crossing off the precinct's roll ... just open the doors turn the machines on and have at it.

Please provide that link.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: raymundoko

Thanks for the thread. Bumped as deserved.
I always thought that inciting to commit fraud
was of itself a felony... but I don't expect any
self destructive action from DOJ anytime soon.
Fraud turned out to be the cornerstone of the
whole failing business model called UNITED STATES.

It isn't even concealed anymore. Evil is normal.
Next stop-- Rod Serling's ashtray.

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