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West (Rainforest) Coast Survival Preparation

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posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 03:10 PM
I'm new to the whole survival/prepping world. Every couple of months the newspapers and shows start talking about earthquake preparedness because we're on the subduction zone and with some of the stuff going in the world, I realized that if something happened I'm not ready at all. I've started getting some basic tools together like flint, waterproof/strike anywhere matches, hatchet, compass, fruit leather and the such.

My concern is that I live in the Lower Mainland on a rainforest coast and we only get about 4 or 5 months of good weather before it starts raining heavily and constantly. I need ideas of specific prep items for getting by in a rainy weather. I mean, one good thing is that as long as I have a tarp or some kind of catching material, I'm not likely to be out of water. If the Lower Mainland becomes unlivable, my plan is to bike into the interior where I have a friend who lives in a small town with hunters and people who live off the land.

posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: MonkeyFishFrog

But MonkeyFishFrog - you don't get the amount of snow and dreaded minus temperatures. You have edible foods everywhere: fungus, mushrooms, moss, pine trees, etc, etc. Ha, ha - and here one of my plans is to GO to the coast.

Yes, tarp for sure that you can protect yourself from the elements and cold. Good wool socks are a must. An absolute must. Fishing line. Good for you for starting. It all begins with basics. I found it very overwhelming but it's coming together and I feel at peace now. Just started huge time this month but have always had a basic plan in mind.

I think you have a good plan - going to where like minded people will be and they will have those with hunting abilities, etc.

May I suggest checking out prepping and survivalist forums. You will get a good feel and awesome ideas there.

This thread has good bug out plan ideas:
edit on 26/10/14 by ccseagull because: added link but forgot link

posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: ccseagull

The thing I'm finding about other people's threads and forums is people are prepping regionally, that is why my concern is on items that would specifically help in the kind of environment that I live in.

Yeah, we definitely do not get much snow but the past couple of winters we've had harsher temperatures than normal.

See, you have a plan for foraging on the coast. Do you have any sites or books on West Coast flora so that I know what is edible, inedible, poisonous or medicinal? That is knowledge I can definitely use.

I calculated the trip and figured if I rode 6 hours twice a day I would be able to get to my friend in about half a week. Week if my mom is with my brother and I. My brother has already stated that he wants to go south to Oregon for more temperate weather but I would like to try and stay in Canada for bugging out if it is possible.

posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: MonkeyFishFrog

Here is one:

Lots of bookstores, online sites provide edible plant info. There are some awesome First Nations books/sites about healing plans and edible plants as well. I highly recommend something along these lines.

I'm very familiar with Canada's west coast having lived there for many years. You must be lower rather than higher. The forest is alive with food although it can take work which may deplete your energy stores. Watch the animals as well and they will show you what they eat. Look for squirrel storage sites.

You sound young, no offence. I can put together some info for you if you wish. Just heading out for now but will be back in a few hours and I'll do that for you. You can always send me a private email if you wish.

posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: MonkeyFishFrog

I live in the lower mainland as well and my plan in the event of an emergency is to hunker down and stay put in my home if at all possible. That's where the non-perishable food and the MREs I've stored for myself and my family are. It's also where my means of self protection will be when something happens. I'm confident that I can defend my home and have enough supplies to survive with my family for many months if necessary. However, that may not be possible so I have tried to make an alternate plan in case we have to leave our home. It involves a boat, a few bug out bags, a good tent and a few guns.

The rain isn't that hard to deal with if you have the right gear and a dry place to sleep. A high quality tent and waterproof outerwear is a must for your SHTF survival bag. With those things and a way to feed yourself you could survive for a long time out in the BC wilderness.

There is a really good book I purchased called 'Edible & Medicinal Plants of Canada' that you might find interesting. It has detailed descriptions and photos and you've be amazed at how much there is to eat in your own backyard. I highly recommend anyone interested in survival get their hands on a good book like this for the region they live in.

posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: MonkeyFishFrog

I have posted this before and copy/pasted it from another thread, but here are some things to consider in general with some rain things also included :

- Ibuprofen, it`s good against infections also

- Fish Mox

- Get No.36 Bank Line, much better as Paracord and much lighter Link, and get this one, lots of crappy ones also on the market

- "Emergency Mylar Blankets", only get the ones with orange side, or much better get reusable ones, can be used as shelter cover as well Link

- Trapping cost much less energy, lots of options there, but the No.36 Bank Line is very good to use for it, Conibear #110 4/6 pieces, get anise oil for luring most animals, about 6 to 12 speedhook(s) for fishing + different PowerBait, Trot Line (you can make them yourself with hooks (get plenty of them) + Bank Line + normal Fish Line (also get plenty)

- Tool Sharpeners

- First Aid Kit

- A Garmin Handheld GPS which you can upload maps to it and which uses lithium (very important) batteries and put a good map on it

- Headlight(s), Petzl has some good ones, and again uses lithium (very important) batteries

- Lots of socks, sound silly, put having dry socks is more important (Trench Feet) as to having clean underwear

- Dry Bags (always important, but with rain even more)

- Fiskars X7 axe, not the X5 to short, not enough leverage

- Ear plugs for when you need to sleep under a tarp, you will get crazy with rain because of the noise

- Mosquito net

Added :

- Compact shuffle, if it rains you may need to dig small trenches around the camp site

- Vitamins

- Get more as one small/light edible plant book (3) for cross referencing pictures (no need for books with lots of plants, only the right 60/100 plants should be in it, and it should have good pictures)

- Small peanut butter cups as bait for squirrels

- And I forgot to get add copper wire for small game

- Pull alarm(s) which can be set at night around camp site

- Hiking Gaiters

- Pocket shower with light weight synthetic towels (fast drying). You can make a "comfortable" shower with a tarp and heat it with stones who have been left in a fire for some time when it`s cold (also handy to remember you can heat your shelter that way if needed, but be careful, rocks can explode in fire if there`s moist in them)

- Get the right technical clothes (synthetic which dries fast and read up on layering)

- Ordinary disposables lighters are the best for making fires. Inner tire tubing is great for starting fires if it`s wet (works also when wet)

- (Optional : game calls)

- And remember to have something for your bum to sit on so it wont get wet, piece of foam or plastic

posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: MonkeyFishFrog

I also wanted to mention what I found to be a great resource for finding emergency preparedness gear, It's where I got a lot of my stuff from my C Crane crank radio to my Lifestraws and plenty more. It's also nice to have first hand reviews to read from people who have actually bought and used the stuff.

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