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Iran Hangs Woman for Killing 'Alleged' Rapist

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posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: buster2010

Just because a woman has become a head of state in a Muslim country does not mean that "normal" women in that country are treated in any way that resembles equality. Moving away from the elites, where dynastic progression has elevated at least two Muslim women to office (Benazir Bhutto and Sheikh Hasina), we find that all Muslim nations treat women poorly and certainly unequally, with little participation in public life. I am sure that there's an exception to the rule, but I am still trying to find it!

> Gender inequality
> Women's rights compared

I suppose the big test is whether a woman, or girl, in a Muslim country is free to chose to wear whatever she likes without repercussions. That's a bit of a namby pamby example, but try equal access to the job market, education and (er) the law.


edit on 26/10/2014 by paraphi because: fix link

posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: Trueman

We perfectly know it's silly to ask for evidence of such a criminal act in those countries, where rapists are usually declared the victims. Can't you guess what would happen if you ask the authorities for evidence?.... oh come on

here is a little info on how iran treats all sex offense. it's serious business for them. hardly any one for any thing they deem a sex crime get away scott free.

warning some of the videos and images are graphic.

first a wiki, cause like a always say, it's fast.

Adultery (zina-e-mohsen) is punishable by 100 lashes for unmarried people and by death on the fourth offense. It is punishable by death by stoning (under moratorium since 2002, officially replaced in 2012 by an unspecified punishment) for married people and in all cases of incest. If an unmarried non-Muslim male has sexual relations with a Muslim female, the non-Muslim male will be put to death. Four witnesses (rather than two witnesses) are required to prove adultery, the person must confess four times, or they must be convicted by judge's knowledge (through definite circumstantial evidence). If the person confesses twice and is "repentant" or the victim's family forgives the adulterer, the judge can give a tazir sentence of 99 lashes instead, or imprisonment. Convictions and executions for this crime are extremely rare, usually only carried out in the case of death and rare even then. Between 1979 and 2002, 40-76 adultery/incest executions (by stoning) were recorded for both men and women.[27] After 2002, allegedly eight men were stoned to death[28] and one woman hanged.[29] Even if the actual numbers are higher, the punishment is nonetheless very rare especially in proportion to confirmed cases of adultery. The punishment is given mostly in aggravated circumstances when the four witnesses or a confession is available and the spouse died. Most adulterers go unpunished, or receive a lighter sentence. Divorce is usually the most common method in dealing with adultery.
Rape (zina-be-onf) is related to adultery, has the same proof requirements, and is punishable by death by hanging. In Iran, for most part, convictions are made either by confession or "judge's knowledge", rather than witnesses. 10-15% of executions in Iran are for rape. [citation needed] In many cases the rape victim settles the case by accepting compensation. Normally the rapist still faces tazir penalties, such as 100 lashes and jail time for immoral acts, and often faces further penalties for other crimes committed alongside the rape, such as kidnapping, assault, and disruption of public order. (jirah) in exchange for withdrawing the charges or forgiving the rapist. This is similar to diyyeh, but equal to a woman's dowry. A woman can also receive diyya for injuries sustained. Normally the rapist still faces tazir penalties, such as 100 lashes and jail time for immoral acts, and often faces further penalties for other crimes committed alongside the rape, such as kidnapping, assault, and disruption of public order.
1.4.1 Adultery/sex crimes (zina)

did you notice, even if the woman agrees to compensation, the rapist still doesn't go unpunished by the state.

again some of the videos, and images are graphic. also look at how many people turn out for these public hangings, the folks here in the U.S. used to do that but i don't think i ever saw any numbers in the picture that you see in these.
Photos: Four convicted rapists hanged in public in Khomeinishahr, Iran

this is a facebook link that doesn't require you to log in, if it did i couldn't have posted it. i think this might be the same as the above not sure. i see some tables that look the same.
4 mens hanged till death for gang raped IN IRAN

Execution of a rapist by hanging in Iran Read more at

Rapist hanged in public in the town of Pakdasht

Man is hung in public for kidnapping and raping a pregnant girl in Iran

now to be fair, YES iran does have some backwards ways, and treats women victims just as bad as the Convicted.

my point is that YES, there is a lot of " a lot of cheap talk here". and most are speaking from their emotion and not from facts.

edit on 26-10-2014 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

YES iran does have some backwards ways

Pretty modest.

posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: Trueman
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

YES iran does have some backwards ways

Pretty modest.

maybe in words, but in reality it's the truth. and i bet if you go over there and tell some of them they are backwards, i bet you'd have a real fight on your hands. also i'm not speaking from emotion. do i like the way they treat people over there, in some instances no, in some yes. in this case there is no mention of any investigation of the man and knowing that they take rape very serious over there, you would have to think they looked into it. i mean look it is said that 10 to 15% of the executions are for rape. in the west, just being convicted of rape does not get you the death plenty.

point i'm trying to make is stereo typing every thing is not always right when you don't look at what is the truth or at least what is said to be or shown to be first.

posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 03:31 PM
This is why Islamophobia is such a false premise.

It's not a phobia if it's a rational fear.

posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: SoldierCarryingHashbrowns
This is why Islamophobia is such a false premise.

It's not a phobia if it's a rational fear.

No it is not a rational fear. To paint a whole religion based on what a few of them do is just ignorance. If people fear Islam for what extremist do then they should also fear Christians because priests enjoy using kids as sex toys.

posted on Oct, 26 2014 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Ive read that she was working for another intelligence agency.... You never know whats really going on... Ill not judge.

posted on Oct, 27 2014 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: buster2010

To be fair, people should fear Christians as well. All organized religions for that matter.

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