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Marysville Police Were Scheduled to run a SWAT Training Exercise

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posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 07:11 PM
So I leave my computer for a few hours, come back to ATS and see another shooting on school grounds:

I check my email and find this from a friend.

School Shooting or SWAT Training? By Lori Price, 24 Oct 2014 CNN host Brooke Baldwin, covering breaking news of the school shooting in Marysville, Washington, announces that she has a live update regarding the events. Baldwin said she's been just handed a paper with new information, which she will read on the air.

She asks for viewers to "bear with her," as she reads it "cold." She reads: "Marysville Police Department will be holding a SWAT training --" Baldwin then interrupts herself. "Oh. This is from yesterday." Later, she adds: "Initially, students thought this was a fire drill." Via Google search, the vestiges of an archived message from the 23 October can be seen:

Marysville School District October 23, 2014: Local law enforcement under the direction of the Marysville Police Department will be holding a SWAT training in the large fenced parking... That bulletin has been stripped from the Marysville School District website, but here is the screen shoot from Google, showing yesterday's announcement of SWAT training for Marysville Police.

When Googling the SWAT drill in Marysville, the official school district website is the first result. But when you click on this link, it's changed:

October 24, 2014: The Marysville Pilchuck High School is currently in lock down due to an emergency situation. Police and emergency services have responded. The Marysville School District lock down procedures will remain in effect at Pilchuck until further notice from law enforcement. We will continue to forward communication in cooperation with law enforcement.

Students who attend MPHS campus are being relocated to the Shoultes Community Church at the corner of 116th and 51st Street. Buses will take students home from there. Those parents in the area wanting to pick up their child will need to go to the church location and sign out their child out with school administrator or law enforcement. All after-school activities across the district are canceled today.


Just in time for a new round of gun control debates?

UPDATE 1: There are controversial gun control measures on the ballot in Washington state to be voted on in less than 2 weeks -

And just an hour away another Active Shooter Drill:
UPDATE 2: A high school just north of Marysville held an "active shooter" exercise involving multiple agencies yesterday as well -

FERNDALE — Expect lots of police at Ferndale High School on Thursday morning, Oct. 23, as law enforcement and school district staff practice how they would handle a shooter on campus.

The drill from 8 to 11 a.m. is being coordinated between the Ferndale School District and the Ferndale Police Department. It will prepare school district personnel and law enforcement to respond to an armed gunman in a school or work environment and ensure all agencies, including federal border agencies and the Whatcom County Sheriff’s Office, coordinate response and communication effectively. Read more here:

I'm lost here. We have seen a lot of coincidental training exercises. (I won't mention 9/11 drills or 7/7 drills)
So is this how we know to look for something coming? Wherever SWAT is training, duck your head and get your ass out of there?

Or is it all just a coincidence?


edit on 24-10-2014 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-10-2014 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 07:20 PM
Normally, I tend to roll my eyes every time someone starts with false flag claims/the government did it, but in this case, I won't, because I actually was thinking the same thing when I watched the news. It happened about a mile from where I work in the mornings. They had mentioned the S.W.A.T. team exercise there in the school the day before, and called it "Tragic Irony". That made me roll my eyes.

And yes, we do have two measures getting ready to be voted on, I591 and I594. In a nutshell, 594 is pro gun-control, 591 against. I think 591 is sort of a hopeful measure to take the teeth out of 594 should it pass. But I was thinking about the gun control issues coming up. Marysville had a shooting involving cops last week.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 07:25 PM
link 24 Oct 2014 CNN host Brooke Baldwin, covering breaking news of the school shooting in Marysville, Washington, announces that she has a live update regarding the events. Baldwin said she's been just handed a paper with new information, which she will read on the air.

She asks for viewers to "bear with her," as she reads it "cold." She reads: "Marysville Police Department will be holding a SWAT training --" Baldwin then interrupts herself. "Oh. This is from yesterday." Later, she adds: "Initially, students thought this was a fire drill." Via Google search, the vestiges of an archived message from the 23 October can be seen:


All part of the plan.

Controlled opposition.

The "wrong" paper was *intentionally* "handed" to her.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 07:27 PM

originally posted by: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Normally, I tend to roll my eyes every time someone starts with false flag claims/the government did it, but in this case, I won't, because I actually was thinking the same thing when I watched the news. It happened about a mile from where I work in the mornings. They had mentioned the S.W.A.T. team exercise there in the school the day before, and called it "Tragic Irony". That made me roll my eyes.

And yes, we do have two measures getting ready to be voted on, I591 and I594. In a nutshell, 594 is pro gun-control, 591 against. I think 591 is sort of a hopeful measure to take the teeth out of 594 should it pass. But I was thinking about the gun control issues coming up. Marysville had a shooting involving cops last week.

To tell the truth, I also eye roll a lot on these suspicions but this time I just decided to follow a few links from my friend and found what I needed to make some sense.

All checks out so far. Don't get me wrong because I would love to have it prove to be garbage.


posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: jude11

Oh man, if it was a drill, what's to keep them from saying just that? In the meantime the press runs with it and no one knows just what to think. Can you complete the blank about the fenced parking lot? Was it the same school?

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 07:33 PM
Nice catch.

Someone's looking for a big rug to sweep it under.

It's not the gov. that's transparent, it's the rug torn to shreds...

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Exactly, I figure whether ff or not this will surely be added into the campaign for the initiative. I posted a thread on it and the counter initiative, with that learned that I594 is overwhelmingly supported. Counter initiative I591 which protects against illegal search and seizure, brings up the point,

"It obviously concerns me when very wealthy people try to buy an election," he said. -the chairman of Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Alan Gottlieb

“Whoever gets to frame the issue usually wins,” he said, noting that right now “the other side has the money to frame the issue.”

CBS Seattle

and more -wagunrights

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: dreamingawake
a reply to: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Exactly, I figure whether ff or not this will surely be added into the campaign for the initiative. I posted a thread on it and the counter initiative, with that learned that I594 is overwhelmingly supported. Counter initiative I591 which protects against illegal search and seizure, brings up the point,

"It obviously concerns me when very wealthy people try to buy an election," he said. -the chairman of Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Alan Gottlieb

“Whoever gets to frame the issue usually wins,” he said, noting that right now “the other side has the money to frame the issue.”

CBS Seattle

and more -wagunrights

Not even trying to hide much anymore are they?


posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen 24 Oct 2014 CNN host Brooke Baldwin, covering breaking news of the school shooting in Marysville, Washington, announces that she has a live update regarding the events. Baldwin said she's been just handed a paper with new information, which she will read on the air.

She asks for viewers to "bear with her," as she reads it "cold." She reads: "Marysville Police Department will be holding a SWAT training --" Baldwin then interrupts herself. "Oh. This is from yesterday." Later, she adds: "Initially, students thought this was a fire drill." Via Google search, the vestiges of an archived message from the 23 October can be seen:


All part of the plan.

Controlled opposition.

The "wrong" paper was *intentionally* "handed" to her.

I guess only a few will catch this and those that don't will refuse to listen to the "crazies"

pssstt...That's us BTW...


posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: jude11

Here's an article from the North County Outlook about Arlington school district drills, it says the state (of Washington) requires schools to hold 8 or 9 drills a year..

The state requires schools to practice eight or nine drills each year; three lock-downs, three fire drills, one "shelter in place" drill, and another which Arlington High School usually designates as an earthquake drill.

Marysville gets a brief mention..

"He was a really good resource for us," Heinz said of Kinney. "He was really good with the kids, and I think that was a really good plus. We were lucky enough to have Seth and a SWAT team leader in Marysville come and talk to us about active shooter situations. He's been really good about setting stuff like that up and answering our questions about active shooter situations, or drugs, or things like that."

I think it's safe to assume that the Marysville school has a similar arrangement, since it's a requirement of the state to hold such drills 8 or 9 times a year.

My bet is the gunman chose to do it during or near the times of one of their drills, to add to the confusion. Either way, it seems that the drill = false flag theory is bunk.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 07:55 PM
Here's the legislation about it.

Paragraph 6

(6) Schools shall conduct no less than one safety-related drill each month that school is in session. Schools shall complete no less than one drill using the school mapping information system, three drills for lockdowns, one drill for shelter-in-place, three drills for fire evacuation in accordance with the state fire code, and one other safety-related drill to be determined by the school. Schools should consider drills for earthquakes, tsunamis, or other high-risk local events. Schools shall document the date and time of such drills. This subsection is intended to satisfy all federal requirements for comprehensive school emergency drills and evacuations.

edit on 24/10/14 by Chadwickus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: jude11

originally posted by: dreamingawake
a reply to: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Exactly, I figure whether ff or not this will surely be added into the campaign for the initiative. I posted a thread on it and the counter initiative, with that learned that I594 is overwhelmingly supported. Counter initiative I591 which protects against illegal search and seizure, brings up the point,

"It obviously concerns me when very wealthy people try to buy an election," he said. -the chairman of Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Alan Gottlieb

“Whoever gets to frame the issue usually wins,” he said, noting that right now “the other side has the money to frame the issue.”

CBS Seattle

and more -wagunrights

Not even trying to hide much anymore are they?


Yes. I594 does seem to have a lot of support. They have been plugging away TV Ads in favor of it every day. It's supposed to close loopholes concerning background checks at gun shows and private dealers, but also has some other hinky crap written into it I'm not cool with. Normally, I argue with a lot of conservatives I know up where I work on a lot of things, but one thing I always agree with is gun rights. Gun control just doesn't work. I've seen it. I grew up in California, a high crime state with a very high level of gun control. I knew a lot of people when I lived in West Seattle who would have never gotten a gun with a background check, yet had small arsenals they stole or bought through some black market means. If people want guns, they will get them. If people want to kill you, they will find some way to kill you.

The nice thing about Washington state is that despite it leaning left on a number of issues, it has a pretty relaxed attitude towards guns. Hell, even hippies in Seattle are starting to pack. I know a lot of gays have been increasingly carrying firearms around Capital Hill due to a rash of gay bashings. Traditionally, until now, just about every gun control measure has failed popular and legislative votes. This would be rarity if it did. I just hope I591 passes.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: Chadwickus

Either way, it seems that the drill = false flag theory is bunk.

Or not.

Too many other instances to not look further. I hope you're right tho. I just have a difficult time believing in coincidence lately.

Have a read:

Terror Drills Gone Live


posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: dreamingawake

That's exactly what it is doing. The media has really been going overboard locally in the gun scare tactics.

Besides, last time I went to a gun show, both my guns were held until they ran a background check. I had to pick them up at the store that sold them. When I recently went online, most places required background checks, unless they were out of state.

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
a reply to: dreamingawake

That's exactly what it is doing. The media has really been going overboard locally in the gun scare tactics.

Besides, last time I went to a gun show, both my guns were held until they ran a background check. I had to pick them up at the store that sold them. When I recently went online, most places required background checks, unless they were out of state.

You need to shop closer to the street...

Nu fuss, no muss, no check, no wait!

But unfortunately, no refunds either.


posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: jude11

The legislation states that schools hold a drill once a month.

Are you saying there's a false flag every month at every Washington State school?

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: jude11

The legislation states that schools hold a drill once a month.

Are you saying there's a false flag every month at every Washington State school?

Really? That's what you took from my post?

It's so far off base that it's almost impossible to reply.

Please look again, follow the link, see why I have a hard time believing ANYTHING when it comes to what is put in front of us and then come back. This is only one POSSIBLE FF in a long list of ACTUAL FF events and it fits the profile so to question it is only logical IMO.


posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: jude11

I have looked at it..

The article gives 11 examples of drills that went 'live'

One school in Washington state holds up to 9 a year, how many schools in Washington state? Over 2000!

So in Washington state alone there are more than 18,000 drills held.

And you're trying to tell me there's a link between drills and real events?

I think it would be safe to say that there would be several million drills held in the US in the last, what 20 years?

And 11 went live...

Sure dude, there is definately something to it!

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: jude11

I have looked at it..

The article gives 11 examples of drills that went 'live'

One school in Washington state holds up to 9 a year, how many schools in Washington state? Over 2000!

So in Washington state alone there are more than 18,000 drills held.

And you're trying to tell me there's a link between drills and real events?

I think it would be safe to say that there would be several million drills held in the US in the last, what 20 years?

And 11 went live...

Sure dude, there is definately something to it!

9/11, 7/7, Boston, Oklahoma, Newtown....more? Sorry, you can do your own homework.

You win.

You have an agenda. I get it.

Even tho I CLEARLY stated that I hope it's not true and CLEARLY asked if this is a coincidence, you CLEARLY are still going to distort the message. Interesting that I think you actually get it but you just have a bone to pick...with anyone.

I give up.

Carry on...because even more so I couldn't care less what you think now that I get it.


edit on 24-10-2014 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2014 @ 09:05 PM
I wouldnt necessarily conclude that there is nothing strange about gunmen incidentally picking these dates

Because come to think of it, the theory of the gunmen choosing the date because there was a drill, doesnt make much sense at all, leaving only coincidence to account for these cases

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