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What is happening to SETI@home?

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posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 11:54 PM
I just got through reading and it says something about BONIC software. What is BONIC software and what is happening to SETI@home? They aren�t shutting it down are they? They can�t do that...


posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 01:35 AM
BOINC is the new framework software that will provide many distributing computing projects such as Seti@home, ClimatePrediction, Predictor@home, etc. This new software will download the required project software (.exe file, etc.) BOINC will eventually replace the current Seti@home (Classic). Seti@home on BOINC goes something like this: You sign up, or convert your account, which just transfers the amount of workunits you completed so far, account settings like email address, etc. You could always go back to Seti@home Classic and still get credit for the workunits you've completed. When S@H Classic is shut down probably sometime next year, there will be one last transfer of workunits completed to the new S@H on BOINC stats page. Once you've signed up, you download the BOINC software and install it. When you run it, you first attach to the project that you signed up for. For example, you signed up for Seti@home (on BOINC), so then it downloads the new Seti@home software for BOINC. The credit system is new in BOINC. He uses the Cobblestone credit system. You get credit for how much work your computer(s) have done and not how many workunits you've completed. BOINC will automatically download new versions of the Seti@home application and you can cache workunits now. BOINC is the future in distributed computing projects. Many projects are switching over to BOINC. Don't worry though about S@H Classic, I think there's some time left before it's shut down. I estimate a couple months, so you could finish plenty of workunits by then.

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 04:13 PM
Thanks for the reply!

Many projects are switching over to BOINC. Don't worry though about S@H Classic, I think there's some time left before it's shut down. I estimate a couple months, so you could finish plenty of workunits by then.

Ok, so in a few months I will have to download this BONIC software to run SETI@home and at that time I will be able to transfer my 150+ completed work units?
When I switch to BONIC I will still be calculating the info from the antenna that the original SETI@home is working off of?

To sum it all up in a few months time I need to download newer software that looks different then SETI@home but does the exact same thing and will let me transfer my current stats?!...


posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 06:02 PM
When Seti@home Classic shuts down, you'll be forced to switch to BOINC to continue Seti@home. They already switched everyone's account over, so you don't need to sign up again (for Seti@home on BOINC), all you have to do is activate it. In May they took a snapshot of the stats and these stats are shown on the Seti@home (on BOINC) stats. If you switch to BOINC now, the stats from S@H Classic will remain the same, but don't worry, you're still getting credit from the workunits you've completed in S@H Classic. There will be another snapshot right before the server shuts down. S@H Classic and S@H (on BOINC) is doing the same exact work. Not only could you run S@H, but you could run other projects like climateprediction, all using the same program (BOINC).

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