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Signs of "Connected Consciousness" Detected on Global Scale

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posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 03:00 PM
This is very important research because it shows that thought can cause a random system to behave in a non random way. This isn't hyperbole, wishful thinking or woo, it's an OBSERVED PHENOMENA.

There should be even more research into finding why this is the case.

Science is about finding an explanation for observed phenomena and there needs to be a lot more research into this. I'm sitting here now looking at my Mind Lamp. My friends love this because they come by to visit and just with there thought they can cause the lamp to behave in a non random way.

Like I said, this isn't magic or woo, it has to do with things like quantum tunneling and random number generators.

Now what's going on with the Mind Lamp?

A lot is happening inside the Mind Lamp. What seems to be a simple color-changing process is actually the result of sensitive circuitry that uses a process called electron tunneling to measure quantum-scale probabilistic events—the kind of events shown to be subject to the influence of the mind.

In electron tunneling, electrons encounter a potential energy barrier. Depending on its wave function, each electron has a certain probability of staying on one side of the barrier, or suddenly appearing on the other. At the heart of the Mind Lamp is a device called a random event generator (REG) that utilizes this phenomenon to create a digital output.

According to quantum theory, the digital outputs of the REG are intrinsically random. A microprocessor inside the Mind Lamp monitors the statistical characteristics of the REG's output, looking for statistical patterns. These patterns are used to adjust the red, green, blue, and white color balances of a set of high-power LEDs.

But the most interesting feature of the Mind Lamp, is the significant evidence that probabilistic systems (like its internal REG) can be influenced by the human mind. In other words, that our minds (our intention, thought, emotion, and the subconscious processes) can influence the colors of the lamp. This concept is explored in greater detail in the research section.

Is this something just made up out of the blue? Of course not. It comes from years of study at places like PEAR at Princeton.

Sadly, these things are blindly dismissed. Some people can't even entertain the thought because it runs counter to everything they believe in. So forget the facts, my believe says this can't happen so it's just woo and pseudoscience.

This brings us to "Connected Consciousness."

Our individual minds, though distinct and uniquely ours, may also join with others in a kind of mental symphony that now and then becomes audible against a prevailing background of static. That's a conclusion suggested by the Global Consciousness Project (GCP), which got its start at Princeton University in 1998 and now operates as an international collaboration.

After 16 years of monitoring more than 480 world events, researchers report strong evidence of some kind of transpersonal mentality that seems to emerge when many people share a common concern or experience. At such times, a global network of devices employing quantum tunneling has found weak but definite signs of coherence arising out of background "noise" or randomness.

Although the evidence has been known by specialists for years, it has grown so strong it now warrants public attention. And it comes at a time when the materialistic assumptions of traditional science, particularly physics, are being challenged.

The measured effect, though faint and fickle, is statistically significant to an extremely high degree, according to the researchers. It shows up during times of crisis or celebration, such as an earthquake or New Year's Eve, when millions of people focus on the same thing at the same time.

Although far from final and definitive, the research suggests that our minds may not be bounded by our heads but somehow extend out into the world and commingle, at least at times. "What we can interpret from our experiments is that we really are interconnected," says Roger Nelson, GCP's Director. "Human beings are simply not isolated islands of consciousness."

Very important stuff. Is it woo? no. Is it psuedoscience? no. It's just science and science doesn't tell us what the answers can or cannot be before scientific exploration even starts. These Scientist are even saying these things are far from definitive and final.

Scientist looking into these areas are no different than Scientist looking into things like Inflation, parallel universes, string theory or Hawking radiation.

Here's more:

Why Is It News Now?

Results of the GCP studies have been published on many occasions over the past 16 years, but never widely noted by the general media. Now may be the time to start paying attention.

Why? For one thing, the statistical certainty has mounted to the point that it's hard to ignore. Toward the end of 1998, the odds against chance started exceeding one in 20, an acceptable level in many disciplines. Then, with added studies, the level of certainty began to zoom. By the year 2000, the odds against chance exceeded one in 1,000; and in 2006, they broke through the one in a million level; they're now more than one in a trillion with no upper limit in sight.

This far exceeds the bar for statistical significance used in many fields, such as medicine and weather forecasting. Odds against chance ranging from 20-to-one to 100-to-one are commonly considered sufficient. The certainty level is set unusually high for the Higgs Boson; data for validating its existence are considered acceptable if they exceed one in 3.5 million. The GCP level of statistical certainty is now more than 285,000 times greater than that.


This signal that shows thought can cause a random system to behave in a non random way is 285,000 times greater than the certainty level set for the Higgs Boson. They even went up to a 5.9 Sigma level which would say there's a 1 in 300 million chance that they weren't looking at the Higgs Boson. With this signal, it's 1 IN A TRILLION.

I personally think this is just more evidence that points to a Quantum Mind and it shows that Consciousness and information could be the very foundation of all there is. This would mean:


You have Scientist saying, the wave function is a non physical reality that can transmit information from point A to point B without a physical medium. You have other Scientist like Professor Seth Lloyd saying the universe is a Quantum Computer and all is information as well as Vlatko Vedral in his book Decoding Reality: The Universe as Quantum Information.

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

I know from personal experience minds can connect to one another. When I become really comfortable with one another, it is almost as if we share a "we." Our moods effect each other inexplicably, we know what the others are thinking without understanding how, and we can sense each other. I knew beyond a doubt when my grandmother died, I began crying immediately. I refused to participate in school until they let me call my mom, and sure enough, when I called, she had passed. Also, I've communicated with others like me both online and in real life and felt them sorting around my mind, although when they do it in my company it is much more intense as an experience.

I don't know if the average person walks around connected to anyone else much of the time or if we have some shared subconsciousness, although I would suspect on some level we do. Just think about this, all the things you dream about come from somewhere. You can either take the arrogant approach and assume that your mind is so great that it creates all of that detail from nothing, or you can assume that you are tapped into something shared, beyond what we understand presently.

If my mind is truly capable of creating detailed worlds with unique people and settings, clothing, fragrances, music, languages, colors that are far more intense than real life etc, then why am I not more creative in my waking life? What happens to the people I dream about when I wake up? Do they realize they are just figments of my imagination? Do I commit mass genocide six or seven times a night? How irresponsible!

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 03:16 PM
The GCP is bad science:

See an existing thread on the topic:

As for "Mind Lamp"... Jeez, makes me want to get into the quack game and lighten the wallets of the credulous.

Edit: fixed link
edit on 18-10-2014 by GetHyped because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 03:19 PM
The one that has the ability to control this consciousness structures reality. Who is the new controller of this consciousness. The torch is being passed

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 03:43 PM
Remove your shoes and earth it.


posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

Sounds like an updated version of the mood ring of the seventies.

Pendulums can be controled by thought - or are they controled by subconscous micro movements????

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: FyreByrd

Pendulums can be controled by thought - or are they controled by subconscous micro movements????

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 05:08 PM
interesting stuff really but it would be better this lamp was cheaper, I mean 250$ freaking ridiculous.
edit on 18 10 2014 by Vamana because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

A few things, first ... A global consciousness is nothing new. It is basically a hive mentality, that many civilizations display. Its the foundation behind "individual vs collective" as some people are individuals, while others only exist within their collective.

Its an ongoing debate ... But things like the mood ring, mood stone or mind lamp ... Is just ridiculing legitimate reseRch.

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

There is no controller. It's an aggregate of individual thought.

In other words the more people that move past hate and tribal/national/religious identities the closer we get to utopia

I keep trying to say this to people but so few actually understand this great truth.

Hopefully they can prove this in a showier way to help people get it, since our society of narrow minded skepticism isn't getting us very far.

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

This is so interesting, it's something my husband and I have been discussing a lot lately. We have been together almost half of our lives and basically all of our adult lives. What had been happening lately is that just as he is about to say something, I start doing what he was going to ask me to do, and vice versa.

It's so odd, we are completely able to finish each other sentences when having conversation with other people, with the message of both our intentions, that are usually the same. The longer we are together, the more it happens. Especially during the peak times of our relationship.

Its like we are all connected to en energy field and thoughts can be transmitted to other people who share a close bond. Bizarre stuff but so awesome.

Our individual minds, though distinct and uniquely ours, may also join with others in a kind of mental symphony that now and then becomes audible against a prevailing background of static. That's a conclusion suggested by the Global Consciousness Project (GCP), which got its start at Princeton University in 1998 and now operates as an international collaboration.

Many people would rather follow blindly and hold on to traditions rather then actually taking a look around and realize there is so much more to life then we can possibly imagine.

Sadly, these things are blindly dismissed. Some people can't even entertain the thought because it runs counter to everything they believe in. So forget the facts, my believe says this can't happen so it's just woo and pseudoscience.

Awesome thread!

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

This is great...reminds me of the double slit is a link to 10 mind boggling experiments with the double slit being in there as well.

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: GetHyped
The GCP is bad science:

See an existing thread on the topic:

As for "Mind Lamp"... Jeez, makes me want to get into the quack game and lighten the wallets of the credulous.

Edit: fixed link

Let's get together and build a line of confirmation bias appliances. I think the next one should be the "Magic Number Clock", which, through the mystery of neuro-quantum connectivity, will cause you to see times like 11:11 MORE OFTEN THAN OTHER CLOCKS! And it's only $249.99!

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 07:24 PM
a reply to: neoholographic

So, does this lamp just sit there in a colorless state until someone comes over to it and starts thinking into it? Or is it constantly changing colors?

In other words, how do you know it's actually responding to your mental state?


posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 07:25 PM
there is no doubt that our brains act like conductors....just look at DR Masaru Emoto's work on how moods affect water,our bodies are what 70% or so water...the read stuff like "the secret life of plants" and again our moods affect plants and trees too...the whole earth is connected in some way or another...

how many times have you been sitting in a room full of people and when someone new comes in and is projecting a certain mood how it affects everyone in the room.....

this stuff has been known about in certain circles for quite some time it is slowly now becoming more mainstreamed

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: DexterRiley
a reply to: neoholographic

So, does this lamp just sit there in a colorless state until someone comes over to it and starts thinking into it? Or is it constantly changing colors?

In other words, how do you know it's actually responding to your mental state?


It randomly changes colors. But it's got the power of confirmation bias! So whatever randomly happens after you decide to "change the colors" is something YOU did! See how it works? It's mind magic!

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
there is no doubt that our brains act like conductors...

Well, they really don't, you know. Nerves aren't wires.

.just look at DR Masaru Emoto's work on how moods affect water...

A classic in confirmation bias and pathological science.

how many times have you been sitting in a room full of people and when someone new comes in and is projecting a certain mood how it affects everyone in the room.....

That's what you'd call an anecdote. And the plural of anecdote is not data. You want to convert that to science, you'd have some way to measure 'mood', and introduce the test person in such a way that they cannot be seen or smelled. When you do, you'll find no changes in 'mood'. People are social. They OBVIOUSLY react to someone coming in. Lacking social input like expression, posture, possibly pheromonal cues and the like, you will get no reaction.

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: GetHyped

originally posted by: FyreByrd

Pendulums can be controled by thought - or are they controled by subconscous micro movements????

Thank You...

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: jazz10
Remove your shoes and earth it.


Why? Are you carrying a net charge that's a problem for some reason? I often have to do this handling front end FETS for comm circuits, they don't have protection diodes to keep the capacitance low.

posted on Oct, 18 2014 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

It randomly changes colors. But it's got the power of confirmation bias! So whatever randomly happens after you decide to "change the colors" is something YOU did! See how it works? It's mind magic!

Yeah, I got that part.

I'm more interested in how the OP perceives its functionality. I think, for this discussion, that's the rest of this story.

I like to keep an open mind about these things. I don't think everything that we experience can be reduced to a simple mathematical expression, or established behavioral theory.

So, the question is: If citizen neoholographic were to demonstrate this device to me, what would I witness that could convince me of it validity?

Now, having said that, I have a large burden of proof for me to convince myself of its validity. I would have to observe the device's behavior in a Faraday cage over time. Then introduce various biological elements of increasing complexity to determine if there are measurable responses to their biological presence. Finally, introduce a set of one or more humans into the test apparatus in varying degrees of activity with the device. The device is constantly monitored and all state changes are mapped.

That should pretty much tease out any true functionality if it exists.

On the other hand, I believe, that if the OP believes it works for does.


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