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From Ghana: Ebola is not real and the only people who have gotten sick are those who got shots from

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posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 06:22 AM
I've just seen this pop up on a friend's fb and thought I would share on ATS to see what you guys think of it.

Nana Kwame wrote:
People in the Western World need to know what’s happening here in West Africa. THEY ARE LYING!!! “Ebola” as a virus does NOT Exist and is NOT “Spread”. The Red Cross has brought a disease to 4 specific countries for 4 specific reasons and it is only contracted by those who receive treatments and injections from the Red Cross. That is why Liberians and Nigerians have begun kicking the Red Cross out of their countries and reporting in the news the truth. Now bear with me:

Most people jump to “depopulation” which is no doubt always on the mind of the West when it comes to Africa. But I assure you Africa can NEVER be depopulated by killing 160 people a day when thousands are born per day. So the real reasons are much more tangible.

Reason 1: This vaccine implemented sickness being “called” Ebola was introduced into West Africa for the end goal of getting troops on the ground in Nigeria, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. If you remember America was just trying to get into Nigeria for “Boko Haram” #BULL# but that fell apart when Nigerians started telling the truth. There ARE NO GIRLS MISSING. Global support fell through the floor, and a new reason was needed to get troops into Nigeria and steal the new oil reserves they have discovered.

Reason 2: Sierra Leone is the World’s Largest Supplier of Diamonds. For the past 4 months they have been on strike, refusing to provide diamonds due to horrible working conditions and slave pay. The West will not pay a fair wage for the resources because the idea is to keep these people surviving on rice bags and foreign aid so that they remain a source of cheap slave labor forever. A reason was also needed to get troops on the ground in Sierra Leone to force an end to the diamond miners strikes. This is not the first time this has been done. When miners refuse to work troops are sent in and even if they have to kill and replace them all, the only desire is to get diamonds back flowing out of the country.

Reason 3: In addition to stealing Nigerian oil, and forcing Sierra Leone back to mining, troops have also been sent in to FORCE vaccinations (Deadly “Ebola” Poison) onto those Africans who are not foolish enough to take them willingly.

Reason 4: Last but not least, the APPEARANCE of this Ebola “pandemic” (should Americans not catch on) will be used to scare the countless millions into taking an “Ebola vaccine” which in reality is the pandemic.

Ask yourself: If Ebola really was spread from person to person, instead of controlled spread through vaccination – then WHY would the CDC and the US Government continue to allow flights in and out of these countries with absolutely no regulation, Or At All?

I haven't quoted the whole thing so please follow link and read it all.

I'm not a medical person and I've not really kept up to par with this Ebola thing, but it has rather puzzled me that our governments are dragging their heels alarmingly with regard to trying to contain it if it indeed poses such a threat as they lead us to believe, it doesn't make sense unless it's true that there is some sort of conspiracy going on.

What does ATS think?

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

4 specific countries for 4 specific reasons....

Brings to mind the 4 horsemen and the warnings of the Apocalypse.

Definitely a believable story, but needs more evidence or testimony.

Nice find. S&F


posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 06:35 AM
Africans are distrustful of their government, and rightfully so, half of them rose to power as warlords and become dictators and the only reason they made it to power is because the US funded their war efforts and they beat the Russian effort and eventually dropped in Shell/Exxon/etc to rape their natural resources. Never mind the World Bank and IMF loans that sunk every nation into a ridiculous amount of debt (which a lot of it is hoarded by corrupt officials) so the rest of their resources or national products are exported on the cheap to pay back interest.

Whew, gulp of air.

The problem though is that this is just distrustful thinking by those unaffected by the disease. Now that there is a large media campaign and efforts by the government (pushed by the CDC and WHO after they took control) people who haven't experienced it first hand don't believe it.

Mind you the WHO and CDC were slow to act on the crisis, it was the missionaries and charities like doctors without borders et al, who raised the alarm on the issue and demanded that something be done about it.

To see how Africans don't believe watch this:

But this is the standard level of ignorance in Africa. They also have the highest population of HIV in the world. DO you really want to take their advice on infectious diseases?

VICE went back to Africa months later by the way, and for some reason the sentiment that Ebola doesn't exist had disappeared, and turned to "my family members are dying, vomiting and explosive diarrhoea."

But nah, don't worry. Ebola is made up, voodoo magic. Just sprinkle some monkey pee on your head and dance in a counter clockwise circle, you will be fine...

Ghana hasnt been hit by Ebola yet, by the way, and while Archbishop Duncan-Williams tells Ghanians to simply pay pray to god to avert a disaster, (so no monkey pee?) Northeastern University is not so optimistic citing Ghana as the next major outbreak location.

He said while the church would pray against what he described as “evil Ebola virus”, it was important for the security services to do their job to prevent the epidemic from spreading to Ghana.

The research, conducted by the Northeastern University, USA, says countries with the largest probability of seeing the arrival of Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) cases before the end of October 2014 are Ghana, the United States, France, Senegal and Cote d’Ivoire.

The report was compiled before Senegal, Nigeria and the United States recorded any case and was published on October 6, 2014.

Other countries stated in the report are the United Kingdom, Nigeria, Belgium, Mali, The Gambia, Morocco, South Africa, Kenya, Lebanon and Germany.

According to the report, the short-term projection for the international spread of the EVD showed a small probability for countries outside Africa, with the exception of a few European countries.

It said the probability of international spread would have increased, particularly in Europe and the Americas, if the Nigerian outbreak had not been contained.

edit on 14-10-2014 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 06:40 AM
I don't think there is any doubt that some of his points are real, except for the Ebola one, that's a bit over the top.

I can't get the link to work, don't know if the page crashed or what ?

Edit: Link working.
edit on 14-10-2014 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: Mianeye
There is also this vid on YT
Edit - I posted the YT vid as it is a narration of what is in the OP, but just saw your edit that yoy got the link working lol.

edit on 14-10-2014 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

Thanks, got the link to work though.

If they are kicking Red cross out of there we should see a decline in Ebola infections soon, if what he say's is true, i doubt that very much though.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 07:22 AM
Next would be "HIV is not real, too!" - well, that would be.. interesting.
As several million people all over Africa are suffering from it.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 07:24 AM
Another Ebola conspiracy, how refreshing.

The truth is the Governments of the World appear clueless with regards to dealing with this outbreak or maybe just too damn greedy because of the financial implications when closing borders. Or maybe, just maybe the lack of urgency speaks the truth.

Just over 8000 + people have been diagnosed with Ebola to date, which when you consider the population of the areas affected, it's quite a small proportion.

Sure it's not nice, but look at the conditions people are living in, in these areas. Close proximity, poor sanitation, poor diets, lack of drugs, the list goes on.

We know the West have raped the natural resources in these countries and will continue to do so, that is out of our control. Sure we can raise awareness of this, but so many countries have a vested interest in this, it will fall on deaf ears.

The MSM are loving this, they love to inflict fear upon us, it keeps us reliant on our Governments for answers. When all along they don't have any, because there is never a genuine question.

edit on 14/10/14 by Cobaltic1978 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 07:36 AM
I posted a link last night to this and I agree. Diamonds and Oil! Also further destablization of the economy and whatever other boogie men they can bring in to accomplish their fascist state.

Doesn't have the same symptoms either. And those symptoms are partly for TB, also malaria, and of course some of its just the cold and flu. However we had a flu that went around, and I got small white sores on my tongue. Aside from stomach nausea and really aching back, the sore mouth bothered me. But Ipbrofun took it away. And it wasn't the kind of flu that puts you on the couch unable to walk to the bathroom easily. Had to drive all over the place.

So I looked up those tiny rice sized spots and they are a part of measles. And looked up 2014 and it had measle outbreaks surprising doctors in N America.

This made me realize they could put out anything and get a huge hype going.

Poisoning wells, and different strains of virus's that especially in Africa have a mortality rate, and then mistreating them in the medical centers, can have a body count.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: boncho

This this kind of careless disbelief that is CAUSING Ebola to spread so quickly in Africa in the first place.. they ignore the warnings because they distrust ... therefore they get infected, spread it on to others.. and die

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

I'll pass on the kool-aid

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Your 8,000 number is the number of laboratory confirmed cases, the estimated case total is considerably higher than that.. and the infection rate is increasing, not decreasing..

WHO estimates that at the current rate, the number of confirmed cases could rise to 10,000 PER WEEK within 2 months. (emphasis on could) .. in September they estimated that by end of year it could be a total of 1.4 million

The mortality rate is also going up.. it was hovering around 60% but has risen now to 70%

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

They also believe having sex with a baby cures them of aids, and that witches are real. No disrespect meant, but I'd take anything coming from mother Africa with a grain of salt. I like your story and is plausible, but as SOTLOO said, needs more evidence and/or testimony.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 08:55 AM
Whether this is true or not, I haven't fallen for the recent pandemic scare. It'll be over with and forgotten in a few weeks when a new threat to humanity will make its appearance.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

I star and flagged this.

You'll never see me get Ebola Vaccine. EVER

Not to mention in 2010 US already had cure for Ebola, they never mess with something unless they have a cure.

Ebola cure thread is in Medical Conspiracy Forum. It tells you how to get it, it provides a study, the whole shebang

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 09:18 AM
This makes me want to punch a dolphin. The ignorance is beyond frustration.
If you live in the first world your likely to have no worries about it, most people are right not to worry. To catch it you have to literally lick a person's boily fluids. You are also ok because we have clean water and soap. Good hygiene kills it. Africa and the rest of the third world lack basic hygiene. Of course it's gonna spread if you're bribing public officials to get back the contagious corpse of a loved one.
Ebola has existed for many many years and this isn't the first outbreak. To get your conspiracy bone tingling over possibly vaccines years ago is stupid, it has existed years ago and something nasty and infection warrenty investigation.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: miniatus
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Your 8,000 number is the number of laboratory confirmed cases, the estimated case total is considerably higher than that.. and the infection rate is increasing, not decreasing..

WHO estimates that at the current rate, the number of confirmed cases could rise to 10,000 PER WEEK within 2 months. (emphasis on could) .. in September they estimated that by end of year it could be a total of 1.4 million

The mortality rate is also going up.. it was hovering around 60% but has risen now to 70%

The mortality rate is less than 50% according to WHO.

There have been 8,914 cases confirmed resulting in 4,447 deaths, so that's just below 50%.

Unless you can provide figures to contradict this, then your 70% mortality rate is, I would suggest scaremongering.

As I said in my earlier post, you have to consider the environment where these people live. I am not suggesting that we are all going to be alright, but we need to apply some perspective.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 09:32 AM

edit on 14-10-2014 by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)
moved to new topic
edit on 14-10-2014 by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: miniatus
a reply to: boncho

This this kind of careless disbelief that is CAUSING Ebola to spread so quickly in Africa in the first place.. they ignore the warnings because they distrust ... therefore they get infected, spread it on to others.. and die

Whats rather funny/sad/scary is in the first video which was a few months ago a little ways away from anything, the african guy is saying how he doesn't fear bushmeat, or ebola, and the narrative is talking about the different strains of HIV and Ebola carried in the bushmeat (bush animals) and just as the narrative is saying how disease transmission can happen when preparing bushmeat as food if someone has an open wound and it touches diseased animal flesh, the African guy's wife cuts her finger pretty deep while cutting up some bush rodent/bat/monkey, whatever, and it's like, "oh hey so thats how HIV started..." "ebola..." "..MERS" "god knows what else disease..."

When animals in your forests/jungles carry the most deadly $### in the world, I think its time to stop eating them.

posted on Oct, 14 2014 @ 10:00 AM
I'm really torn on this issue. Back in the 90's I was watching for global pandemics to break out after reading the book "The Coming Plague". All the avian and swine flus seemed to have the potential but never really got out of hand. Perhaps I've become jaded on the subject after expecting it for too long.
Ebola is nothing to mess with, that's a given. But if one were to decide the truth based on our government's reaction to this then there can only be 2 reasons for their lack of response - 1) Ebola is real, they have a cure but they want to cull the population of the US or at a minimum cause a public health crisis or - 2) This is a fear mongering campaign designed to make us all rush out and demand a vaccine to save us.
Given our government's track record I'm more inclined to believe they're lying to us as usual than simply telling the truth about it while meantime doing practically nothing to stop the spread of it. Even the elites don't want to catch some horrible disease that brings on a painful death so it's hard to imagine them allowing something this dangerous to run amok.
Lest anyone think my attitude is flippant I can tell you I have 6 months worth of food stocked up just in case something like this should happen. For now, I'll just wait and see. If it does turn out to be spreading in the US I won't be coming out of house until next summer.

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