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War for oil?

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posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 12:21 PM
I keep seeing people say that this is the war for oil. I'm genuinely interested if people have links showing that we are taking oil from the iraqis. I understand we control most of the oil fields now, but I have yet to see where we are profiting from this? Wouldn't our gas prices be going down if we were? Or am I missing something? I don't want to be flamed for this, so keep any rude comments to yourselves if you have them. I'm genuinely interested in finding out more info about this.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 12:36 PM
Something alot of people don't get when things like that this war is for oil are talked about.

Long term planning.

Most people only think about the effect of what the war is doing now or in the next few years.

Politicians don't see in years, they see in decades and even longer terms.
Read "The Grand Chessboard" by Zbigniev Brazinski(sp?) you'll see what kind of planning the politicians do and what incredible timespans they use.

Controll over the oil fields is something that the US will benefit from in the long run, securing the Iraqi oil fields and limiting the output of those fields will result in them sitting on one of the largest taps that they'll be able to exploit when the rest is slowly running out of oil.

The Afghani war on the other hand had rather instant effects, the opium crops were emediatly restarted, and Rummsfeld's old company got the contract to build the pipeline from one of the ex USSR country's(Kazachstan?) trough Afghanistan. This contract was given to some South American company before Afghanistan was invaded by the US and right afterward given to a US company where Rummsfeld was on the board before.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 12:37 PM
There are no links. Its nothing that you would find written somplace as it would be a scandal. But it is true. Its always been about the oil. And military bases/access.

There may never be an obvious link between this war and oil, but it will be there. Wether its a direct oil for cash type of arrangement, or something more indirect, but it will exist.

I would speculate that no oil is being taken/prifitted from right now, but its absolutly the plan for the future.

There are dictators and rulers all over this planet that pose the same. or greater threat than Saddam ever did. But they dont have oil. Where is the gain for an attack? Not there, no war.

Us Americans like our SUV's and disposable plastics to much. We need the oil. And its easier/cheaper to take it than replace it as a fundamental neccesity.

Its just too bad that people in the positions of power think this way. But thats the way it is...

What business what Dubya in again? Oil? Who is he in deep with? The Saudi's? Mmmmm....

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 12:45 PM
Ok, my next question then is: Why would the world stand for it? Why would the U.N. stand for it? If everyone KNOWS that oil is what this is about, why isn't anyone calling us on it? I mean, I know we are going to profit from the oil, I've never doubted that, but I don't think we are going to hoard it. If anything, it will still be distributed throughout the world, the Iraqis will profit the most from it, and at best, we're going to get a huge "discount" since we're the ones who freed them up, which I believe we would deserve. Would it not help our country to import a buttload more oil than we are now? Honestly, I don't care what private company (if any) makes a profit, as long as I'm getting a good deal out of it too...along with the rest of the country. Not to mention, it'd be in our best interest for the Iraqis to make a huge profit on their oil, that's less money we have to spend to rebuild the country.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by thematrix
Long term planning.
Controll over the oil fields is something that the US will benefit from in the long run, securing the Iraqi oil fields and limiting the output of those fields will result in them sitting on one of the largest taps that they'll be able to exploit when the rest is slowly running out of oil.

Excellent assessment. I've often wondered at the U.S. inability to control the insurgents who carry out attacks on the pipelines in Iraq. I don't want to pop any egos that are rooting for the insurgents, but look at how swift the U.S. was in stomping out Saddam, and now look at the snail's pace they are moving at now.

Also if you look back to the initial invasion you'll see that special forces were dropped into sensitive areas to protect the pipelines, but once the initial threat was gone, random acts of violence on the oil production seems to be the norm. The stupid blundering U.S..... but wait! Many of the classic chess moves involve making your opponent think your guard is down and that you are weaker than you are.

Yep, the're saving the supply for tough times. That and they got tired of seeing the U.N. and a few European nations making all the profits off the oil there.

[edit on 8-12-2004 by dbates]

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 12:53 PM
Perform a search for order # 39 and Iraq, which was intended to facilitate the corporate takeover of much of Iraq's economy by American corps. See the following article for instance:

I know that it reserves mineral rights to the government of Iraq, but the state oil company would still have to contract much of the goods and services through these newly acquired companies.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 12:59 PM
Want the absolute truth Jaruseleh?

Because the US can get away with it. The rest of the world works the same way, the superpowers do anyways. They all need oil. But not all nations have the means to get it this way. Some nations deal for it, some swindle for it, the US fights for it. The US gets away with it because we can. Not because its right or wrong but because it has the guns.

Ugly huh? Well it is. Let me speculate some more..

You think that any other nation in the world in the US's position wouldnt do the same? Of course they would. I know you are balking at that idea as soon as you read it here, But its true. See, you must take into account the US as a whole. A rich nation with a huge populace that demands, absolutly demands, a certain standard of living. Well this standard is based on oil (like all nations). Lots and lots of oil, more than we can produce ourselves.

So, when you have a nation that has a population that DEMANDS the by products of oil, and that nations is wealthy and powerfull, you are going to have a nation that will use its rescources to get the oil it needs. I.e. war if needed, or at the very least intimidation.

Its not fun, its bleak as heck. But its the cold hard fact.

And the world wont do anything about it because they need it too. And they will benifit from the US securing that oil

Oil. Thats it.

[edit on 8-12-2004 by skippytjc]

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 01:00 PM
Here is a little history: back in 1914 I think it was Americans and British oil companies gained the rights to develop Iraqi oil fields for 75 years. Shortly after the 75 years with Americas urging Iraq invaded Kuwait. A dozen years later when Iraq was in the process or was giving out the development rights to its oil fields to the French, Chinese and the Russians the Americans decided to invade. Now British and American oil companies are in charge once again of developing the oil fields. So the oil companies make the profits from Iraqi oil. Most contracts are 50/50. %50 for the Iraqis and %50 for the oil companies. The big money in oil is in the refinery end so the oil companies now have plenty of oil to refine. The British and the American governments receive money by the taxes they collect from the oil as well and much more important the control over the oil. All industrialized economies survive on oil. The cheaper the oil the better they tend to do. If the US and Britain control the oil they in effect control other countries economies. The reason nobody does anything about it is because they are too weak militarily to confront the US and Britain.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 01:10 PM
No offense folks, but I've seen 1 person post a link with any information. I already know everyone has their opinion on this subject. You may be right, and you may be wrong, but you don't know for sure. I'm looking for names and numbers here...I appreciate the replies, but I'm not looking for opinions.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 01:12 PM

Not many links out there with anything more the opinion and speculation I am afraid. Youre not going to find this written down anywhere as an official document. Its all opnion, even if you have a "source".

Im certain if we searched this we could find mountains of "source" data, but none of it will be anything but outsiders opinions of whats going on.

[edit on 8-12-2004 by skippytjc]

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 01:14 PM
Read this book and you will understand what is going on with oil.

A Century Of War : Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Jaruseleh
I keep seeing people say that this is the war for oil. I'm genuinely interested if people have links showing that we are taking oil from the iraqis. I understand we control most of the oil fields now, but I have yet to see where we are profiting from this? Wouldn't our gas prices be going down if we were? Or am I missing something?

One of the best websites explaining all of this would be Here Mike Ruppert explains that Peak Oil is the reason why we invaded Iraq because of oil. What is Peak Oil? Peak oil is the point in time when extraction of oil from the earth reaches its highest point and then begins to decline. That time has come and now the oil is declining. The United States is determine to secure all the worlds oil before it completely runs out. That's why we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Not because of terrorism. That was an excuse.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 01:25 PM
thanks for the links, I will look into them.

One other question I have is this: If you're an american, why wouldn't you want to have control of the oil? Ultimately, it benefits our country. I understand that having to kill for it isn't the most moral way to go about it, but it's for the good of the whole. I guess I just think differently on this subject than a lot of people, but I'm happy to benefit from the control of oil.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 01:33 PM
As americans we really do not benifit at all. American tax payers have spent billions for the military to take and to protect the oil assets of oil companies who make the profits not American citizens. The oil cartel is holding up investments and the eventual change over to other renewable energy sources. The american treasurey and lives are being lost so that a few can make a profit IMO.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Jaruseleh
thanks for the links, I will look into them.

One other question I have is this: If you're an american, why wouldn't you want to have control of the oil? Ultimately, it benefits our country. I understand that having to kill for it isn't the most moral way to go about it, but it's for the good of the whole. I guess I just think differently on this subject than a lot of people, but I'm happy to benefit from the control of oil.

It depends on what you mean by benefit. Financially only the rich and powerful benefit. The only way it benefits me is it fills up my gas tank which takes $30.00 out of my pocket while putting millions into gas company executives pockets. I believe there are alternatives to oil btw.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 01:39 PM
well, the military is going to need billions thrown at it no matter what it's doing. That's not going to change...ever. As far as americans not benfiting from it, I don't think you realize how much we DO benefit from it. Imagine what things would be like without oil. Yes, large corporations benefit more than anyone, but we DO need these corporations...or rather, we are benefited by them. I personally don't have a problem with large corporations...I mean, any entreprenour's goal is to make money. The more business you get, the more you grow, and the more money you make. so even if we could somehow do away with large corporations, more would spring up just due to demand.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 02:07 PM
well, the military is going to need billions thrown at it no matter what it's doing.

If we were to eliminate all of our bases and military costs associated with oil we could most likelly scale back the military bugdet by at least 300 billion per year. If we then used that money on research and development instead we would be creating enormous amounts of wealth, jobs for americans and benifits to the human race instead of preparing for and waging war for oil. The use of oil is harmfull to the environment as well so there would be environmental benifits as well.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by cryptorsa1001
If we then used that money on research and development instead we would be creating enormous amounts of wealth, jobs for americans and benifits to the human race instead of preparing for and waging war for oil. The use of oil is harmfull to the environment as well so there would be environmental benifits as well.

1) R&D is almost 90% coming from military funding. Almost all technology comes from former military research and Development. Also, Oil is alot more important that you think to your very fabric of life. The Clothes you wear, the shoes you wear, the chair your sitting in right now. These are just a few of litterally hundreds of thousands of products that have oil byproducts within it to make it what it is.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 02:17 PM
We have already scaled back bases in europe, and in the middle east...those aren't where the majority of our money is going. Most goes into homeland defense. If we were puting more of an emphasis on our overseas bases, there'd be no need for deployment in situations like this. We'd already be there.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 02:27 PM
here is a link with info and links ......stategic control of corridors for the transporting of petrolium products..... now the u.s. has a presence in iraq, and will for many years...another corridor for transporting oil from the caspien area...........just something to think about

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