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Is the USA now fundamentally broken after being changed?

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posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: grandmakdw

The slow death of the Republic began under Lincoln and has slowly progressed ever since then.

edit on 10-10-2014 by guitarplayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: guitarplayer

When the constitution was passed without a bill of rights, all liberty died on that day. It has been a process of tyranny and renewal ever since. Just look at how bad things could have been after Jackson, or after 1913, or after the great depression or after Hoover (FBI), but we've come back each time. This time could be no different. The fire of virtue could spread to become the dominant governing philosophy again. Liberty, Justice and Wisdom could return to our courthouses. There's no reason to give up on this country yet. It was supposed to be the new Alexandria for crying out loud. We only have 50 states, we're not even halfway there yet.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 07:55 PM
Over half of income in the US comes in the form of government handouts or government paychecks.
All others are seen as the enemy by the government.

End of story.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: Nechash

Freedom died with the death of the founding fathers. When they began to interpret the constitution as a living document is when it died. Lincoln was a student of Hamilton and Hamilton was an enemy of the state.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: guitarplayer

Freedom is a virtue that cannot be given or taken away. I still have freedom, although I would fight and die for conditions that would foster the growth and legality of freedom within the hearts and lives of others. A black and white visage of reality is rarely true and almost never useful. Don't limit yourself to such a small cage, my friend.

posted on Oct, 10 2014 @ 08:54 PM
My very serious question here is when was the US not broken?

I think serious replies will be interesting.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: Nechash
a reply to: grandmakdw

OMG yes! This is an extremely virulent disease that has killed millions of people! Not a single person in Africa remains that hasn't already lost a loved one to it. There are entire villages of orphaned children living in the shadow of it, and the Catholic Church, which is supposed to be protecting these people is teaching them it is a plague sent by God to punish them and that if they were just good enough they wouldn't be dying from it.

Oh, I'm sorry, that's AIDS, it's been here for decades and no one is remotely upset about it. My bad.

You must have been too young to be around when the AIDS epidemic started in the US. I was and there was a bigger outcry from the people and the government than you are seeing today.
The US immediately began research.
Today with proper care an AIDS patient can live more than 20 years or more after diagnosis, AIDS is no longer a killer.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: guitarplayer
a reply to: grandmakdw

The slow death of the Republic began under Lincoln and has slowly progressed ever since then.

The question of the day is

Why then has no one, absolutely no party, no one stepped up to try and fix it

if it is your opinion it began so long ago.

Why has it gotten worse and worse under all administrations, including Carter, Clinton and Obama? as well as the Republicans you pointed out?

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
My very serious question here is when was the US not broken?

I think serious replies will be interesting.

I remember the Reagan years. From my perspective, especially after what we went through with Carter the Reagan years were golden years for the country.

It was during those years the economy boomed, the US was a great superpower, people could start businesses without a governmental regulation noose around their necks. I saw race relations greatly improve, much better than they are today for sure.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: grandmakdw

I think both the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street did try to fix things in their own ways just recently. All the couch surfers content to reelect corrupt incumbents prevented that change from manifesting itself into reality. Had we had an American Spring and marched on our capitals together, we'd be living in a different world right now, perhaps a better one.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: grandmakdw

I remember the Reagan years. From my perspective, especially after what we went through with Carter the Reagan years were golden years for the country.

It was during those years the economy boomed, the US was a great superpower, people could start businesses without a governmental regulation noose around their necks. I saw race relations greatly improve, much better than they are today for sure.

The Reagan years was during the Iran Contra Affair and the CIA was smuggling coc ain into the US to fund covert ops. That is also when crack became a huge problem and prisons started filling up to maximum capacity.

That wasn't good for race relations. On one hand you had Nancy pushing just say no on the other you had Ronald giving the OK to Oliver North to flood the US with hard drugs in poorer areas. If you look back to that time employment rates continued to decline for minorities as well.

That was the start of voodoo economics or trickle down economics it marked the beginning of wage disparity that we see now. The economy did recover because we spent money we didn't have on the military industrial complex which did end the cold war but also trained what would later become the taliban.

I can understand if you thought that was the golden years from your perspective but the country was certainly broken then in fact it was being broken further.

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: Nechash
a reply to: grandmakdw

I think both the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street did try to fix things in their own ways just recently. All the couch surfers content to reelect corrupt incumbents prevented that change from manifesting itself into reality. Had we had an American Spring and marched on our capitals together, we'd be living in a different world right now, perhaps a better one.

Perhaps, too bad the media was in the pocket of the government and destroyed the credibility of the Tea Party.

We really do need a new "party".

I've been thinking about a "Common Sense Party"
Platform: No stand on:
things best left to the states
illegal drugs

Abolish and leave to the states:
Department of Education and all federal school programs; divide the money spent per student and give to the states to give to the schools on a per student basis
Bureau of Tobacco, Alcohol and Firearms; and Drug Enforcement Agencies; divide the money spent per capita and give to the states to handle each issue as they find is best for their state

Change tax structure:
Abolish income tax completely for people and companies
Institute a national sales tax
(Allowing for people under a certain income to apply for a refund of sales taxes paid, based on proof of all legally obtained income)

Change the way regulations are created.
Abolish ALL federal regulations that have the force of law behind them that were not approved directly by a Congressional vote.
Allow agencies to submit in the form of bills, new regulations to replace the ones abolished to be voted on by Congress after a 30 day public posting waiting period.

Abolish all law enforcement branches of agencies that are not designed or designated as law enforcement agencies.

Consolidate the NSA, TSA, Border Patrol and Homeland Security into one agency. Limit what they can do to American Citizens without obtaining a warrant.

Limit the power of FEMA to disaster relief and disallow purchases not directly related to disaster relief, close all facilities not directly related to disaster relief or preparedness.

Create laws that severely punish Politicians and Journalists who are proven to have knowingly lied to the American public for any reason other than those directly and severely affecting national security and the military, or FBI, or CIA.

Make the FDA approve all medical drugs and procedures that are approved for use in European Union countries, within 6 months of approval in European Union countries or show cause to congress as to why it has not been done.

Allow interstate sale of everything, including insurance policies without restriction on the sale. Insurance policies would have to meet the regulations of the state they are selling in. No company will be restricted in any way from selling the same product to any state, except to meet the regulations of that particular state.

Abolish Obamacare, allowing the current exchanges to stand and people enrolled to be grandfathered into the policies.
Write new legislation with the bill striking down the ACA, disallowing an insurance company from denying coverage to a current enrollee for a pre-existing condition, keeping family coverage to age 26. (The interstate sale of policies will drive the prices down significantly). Keep Medicaid for the impoverished and lower the threshold for enrollment into Medicaid. Limit medical malpractice awards to cost of care for life plus average US annual individual income for life,(put into an annunity with no ability to transfer payments), in the case of death a maximum of cost of care plus $1million.

Exempt start up companies from sending any taxes collected to the federal government for a period of two years from date of startup.

Term limits on all federal political offices. A limit of 12 maximum total years spent in each office held. However, a congressman could serve for 12 years and then become a senator for 12 years and then become President for 12 years.

Term limits on all federal employee upper level management positions held. A limit of 10 years spent in each position above GS 15 or it's equivalent.

Give the United Nations 5 years to move its headquarters to another country and then limit US contributions to the UN based on what all the other countries are donating per capita.

What would you add? To try and fix our broken government with a new party? If we get enough good suggestions maybe I can write up a platform and try a new thread.

If everyone agrees the government is totally and completely broken, what's the fix?

edit on 10Sat, 11 Oct 2014 10:02:17 -0500am101110amk116 by grandmakdw because: addition

posted on Oct, 11 2014 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: grandmakdw

A new constitutional convention of states? The dissolution of the Republic, turning America into something more similar to Europe? A little bit of hope and a lot of mutual respect and love? Organization? Getting off our duffs and making things happen? Change seems impossible until it happens and then it seems like the most natural thing that could possibly occur.

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