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Hat man thread

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posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 05:59 PM
You have probably heard about hat man before. A black figure with a fedora-type hat, sometimes with red glowing eyes. I thought of creating a thread so people share their hat man experiences and also, if you have made your mind about it, what you think it is. I have seen it 4 times that I can remember, but I think I used to see him/them when I was younger, because I remember I was very afraid of sleeping alone because "they would come".

My experiences: Of those 4 times, one had red glowing eyes and his face was also a shadow, I saw the faces of the other 3. One of them was laughing at me, like an evil creepy laugh; the other 2 were starring at me and I could feel the hate that came from them, really intense. All of them wore the black trench-coat like cape and hats.

What I think they are: fallen angels.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 06:02 PM
I'd sign up to be one...I love hats!

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 06:18 PM
Never saw the ones wearing hats but I've seen ones that are smoky silhouettes of thin, bald men.

Ran towards me and bumped into me, knocking me 2 feet before I regained my balance. They terrorized the family for months before my mother died. True story, believe it or not, we all know what we saw.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 06:37 PM
Hey ive seen them as well, red eyes black hair and hats with coats. Although for me the whole experience was diffirent this thing has been around me since birth and still is, just by looking at him you can feel the hate seeping through its existance. Only thing is it is not directed at me as a matter of fact it helped me quite alot and says hes my brother (dont have one nor shouldve had one). I dont know if theyre demons, most likely not because if he were to be my brother than whatd that make me?

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: Emma3's a nice fez for your budding hat collection
"wearing it makes me feel much more slender"

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 06:46 PM
This must be another E.T experiment. They tryin to control your body functions like moving, talking,feelin and seeing. This is what the human would call, DEMONIC POSESSION. There have been cases where people go to the doctor and ask them to cut off parts of their body because it moves and acts on it's own. Some report that they hear voices talking to them. Some just commit suicide. Some get committed. Some get labeled schitzo, some babble strange languages and some just cut it off. It sounds strange, but your body is just a vassle or a living shell controlled by your soul and it's of energy. The bad entities want control of you and to this day constantly test different species to find out how to hack, so to speak ,the species for complete control. You brain gives off all kinds of electrical signals for your bodily functions. They just want to control that, so you do what they want you to do. To them, you are just a ROBOT out of control. BAD DOG, BAD DOG. Down. Sit. Roll over. Beg.
edit on 6-10-2014 by cloaked4u because: spell

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 07:16 PM
years ago I was exploring an old abandoned place and got this in a pic.

I did a thread on it too but I can't find it right now.
not saying it's a fedora man, just odd.

personally, I believe they are not a good thing. they seem to attach themselves to 'dark' people. IMO
edit on 072014Mon, 06 Oct 2014 19:17:59 -050059America/ChicagopMondaypm14 by horseplay because: typo

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 07:31 PM
I grew up in a house where I saw the Hatman on weekly basis. It happened so often, I stopped thinking about it. He always reminded me of the Hamburgler from McDonalds.

I lost my job and moved back to my parents house. I saw the Hatman again, often.

My dad passed away in April, and I haven't seen the Hatman since.
edit on 6-10-2014 by BerenstEiner because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: Emma3

As a kid I used to see this man as often as every other day and never knew it was a shared experience until recently.
Never heard anything from him, just would see him at the top of stairs and lurking around corners. Wasn't restricted to one place either, it followed me until about age 15.
I didn't get an evil vibe from it, but definitely it bothered me. I had other issues that I wonder now are related. I also saw small red elf-like devil things, they acted much like cherubs. Again they didn't really bother me, both these and the man just looked like they wanted me to know they were watching me for some reason. At one point I was touched on the hand in bed, that rattled me for weeks but it only happened once.
I really haven't thought much about this in years and have come to no conclusions. They don't present themselves anymore.
Now though I occasionally see shadow people and they do send me a very negative vibe. I can feel the hollow, empty hatred they possess when I get close it's like a black hole sucking the positive right out of thin air. Luckily I have to go somewhere to find them, they stay well clear of my home - they know better then to mess with me now.
As for what they are, I have no clue. I've even wondered if they were a part of me, displaced in the spirit world. So many weird unexplainable things I have seen in my short life, they just remain on the list as ?

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 07:36 PM
I've never seen the hat man, but I have seen shadowy figures. When I was a little kid I saw what seemed to be midgets wearing teddy bear suits walking in the dark. I've also seen a shadow cat and short figures wearing hooded robes.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 07:41 PM
This is one of those subjects that really freaks me out. Even having had a few paranormal experiences throughout my life, I am most definitely NOT comfortable with it. It still scares me. I sometimes get afraid just thinking about my own experiences, even though they were nothing compared to what some experience. My brother got married a few years ago, and I'm not very close to my sister-in-law, but a few weeks ago we were talking about paranormal experiences, and she mentioned the apparition this thread is devoted to. She didn't even like talking about the experiences.

It turns out that her little sister started seeing this figure when she was still a child, and nobody believed her. And then one night my sister-in-law saw it as well, and obviously she was afraid. I told her that there have likely been thousands of people who have seen the exact same thing, which she was not aware of. Perhaps that offered her some consolation, but I could not make that determination, and I didn't press the topic anymore considering she seemed uncomfortable with it. I remember her saying the same thing about it feeling evil. I consider myself lucky that none of my paranormal experiences have been with anything that emanated an evil feeling, as I do not want to even imagine such an experience. Of course this begs a question...Do people get this evil feeling because it is being projected by this entity, or is this feeling the result of the figure's appearance alone, meaning that the evil feeling is a project of the human mind as it assigns an emotion to what it is seeing?

I will not go so far to say that the sightings themselves are a product of the mind, as this is so unlikely as to be highly improbable. Even in the case I mentioned regarding my sister-in-law, two individuals witnessed the exact same thing. Hallucinations are rare, no matter what anybody says, especially if the witness has never had a history of such visual phenomena. Most people go through their lives without ever having hallucinated, especially not when fully awake and aware of their surroundings. I say this for those who like to claim sleep paralysis for any paranormal encounter that occurs while someone is lying in bed.

The "sleep paralysis" incident I described in another thread, an occurrence that was related to me by my grandmother, happened as soon as she laid down to go to sleep. I mean immediately after. She felt something scratching on the side of the bed, and there was nothing in the house like animals that could have done that...So she was going to sit up and reach over to feel what it was, and as soon as she started to sit up something hit her in the chest and pinned her to the bed. She could not move, and I think she said she prayed and it went away. Her brother made fun of her after she told him about it the next day, and after that we had come back home, as we were staying at her brother's house. He called her a while later, and in a very serious tone, told her that the exact same thing happened to him, in the same house. Many strange things occurred in that house, and it is responsible for the majority of paranormal experiences in my family.

Anyway, the "hat man" entity cannot be attributed to sleep paralysis, and my sister-in-law and her sister are not the only multi-party witnesses to this particular entity. So neither hallucinations nor sleep paralysis are adequate explanations for eyewitness accounts. I cannot say I blame people for not believing in certain things, things that have not been proven to exist. I think that if I had never had any paranormal experiences I would likely still have believed, due to experiences that have been related to me by family members and friends that I trust. I don't believe in UFO's being alien visitors, but I have learned enough to realize that so many encounter reports cannot be explained by mundane occurrences, thus why I entertain the possibility. The only other "strange" encounter I've had in my life was with what was obviously a bigfoot. Going back and seeing all of the sighting reports after my experience really hit home the fact that when there are thousands and even tens of thousands of reports detailing a certain thing, people should pay attention.

That sighting along changed my views on eyewitness testimonies. Of course a handful of reports detailing an encounter are nothing. They are statistically insignificant. But when the reports start getting into the thousands, I think people should really pay attention. They need not believe since the thing is still unproven, but they should not be illogical and fallacious by claiming the possibility is not there. So I do not ask that non-believers admit that ghosts or bigfoot exists, or anything else, because without proof and without their own experiences they should not believe wholeheartedly. But I cannot stress enough that they should not claim such things are definitely not occurring. It would be a fallacy for me to say to someone "prove it doesn't exist," but it would also be fallacious for someone to say to me "it has not been proven to exist, therefore it cannot or does not exist."

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: Emma3

Post deleted.

(I normally have a client-practitioner privacy policy I follow and my story is a bit too close to breaching my own ethics. While the person in question was not knowingly a "client" per se, the case is specific enough to make me uncomfortable.

Instead, I'll just say that they are real and a bit of a mystery to me as to why they have "hats".
edit on 6-10-2014 by Cuervo because: deleted post due to ethical adherence

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: AnteBellum
a reply to: Emma3
Now though I occasionally see shadow people and they do send me a very negative vibe. I can feel the hollow, empty hatred they possess when I get close it's like a black hole sucking the positive right out of thin air.

once we had a party on the farm here and my husband let his sons invite friends to stay the night, we invited the neighbor's kids, etc. it was a little crazy seeing as they were teenagers. my husband's nephew - well I never liked the kid. he had a black aura. I don't see aura's on everyone, but I sure did on that guy. black and just wrong. during the evening, these 2 girls ran up to me crying that they had seen a shadow on my barn. described it as a hat man to a tee. I was disappointed I didn't see it myself, but I was and still am sure it was attached to that nephew with the black aura.
never did like that kid.
edit on 082014Mon, 06 Oct 2014 20:07:50 -050050America/ChicagopMondaypm14 by horseplay because: (no reason given)

edit on 082014Mon, 06 Oct 2014 20:10:34 -050034America/ChicagopMondaypm14 by horseplay because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: horseplay

A spray is put into the air. The air will smell like a Smoke to you humans. The smoke or smell of consists of water molecules and tiny microscopic trills. They enter the body thru your eyes and mouth when you breathe. The more you breath in, the more of them get into your system and the more they can control your bodily functions. They travel wherever your blood goes in your system and connect to the nerves that connect to your brain. The more of them that get in, the more connections that are made and you become Possessed or controlled. You humans call this DEMONIC POSSESSION. My advice to you is when you smell the smoke like smell. Stop breathing and get out of the area FAST. Most people who have been controlled will tell you that at some point they encountered a strange smoke smell when there was no fires around. These entities spray this stuff. It smells like smoke and that throws you off thinking something is burning and you investigate the smell. Don't fall for it. Get out of the area fast.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: AnteBellum

That hollow empty feeling you feel, is what they are, They are robots. They have no feelings, they only take orders.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: cloaked4u

wow. really?
I had to read that several times.

and if I am 'you humans' then what are you? just curious.

I have never heard that theory but I will keep it in mind. I do live in the country and on occasion unexpected fire smells can be alarming.
So I will keep that in mind if nothing else.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: skunkape23

Some shadow figures are bad entities that want to control you, the others are not, they are just souls trapped in between. There is bad and there is good. You are an entity and when you die, you pass on and hopefully you pass onto the other side. As an entity ,No tellin what an entity will do. Some play tricks,some roam around and follow you, some try to enter into you, some try to move onto the other side. Some entities are not what you think they are, They were once not human. They have no feelings, they only do what they are told to do.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: horseplay

You allude to a good point, sometimes PEOPLE are haunted, not places.
I learned this the hard way, for I am one of them. I don't know what it means but I act as an amplifier to anything paranormal. Anyone who is sensitive can feel it in me and at times I drain energy from people or things around me, not on purpose. . . well sometimes anyway.
I had to learn how to take control of it at an early age before it took control of me. Now I can suck the life out of a demon, though I'll probably go to hell when I die! Lol

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: AnteBellum
a reply to: horseplay

You allude to a good point, sometimes PEOPLE are haunted, not places.
I learned this the hard way, for I am one of them. I don't know what it means but I act as an amplifier to anything paranormal. Anyone who is sensitive can feel it in me and at times I drain energy from people or things around me, not on purpose. . . well sometimes anyway.
I had to learn how to take control of it at an early age before it took control of me. Now I can suck the life out of a demon, though I'll probably go to hell when I die! Lol

Ditto. I feel you. I had to move several times and lose relationships before I figured this out.
There are a few who won't be around me because they think I am evil.

posted on Oct, 6 2014 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: Emma3

When I was young I'd encountered the hat man on my way to the bathroom one night. I was around 6 or 7 years of age. I had just started to turn the corner from my room into the hallway leading to the bathroom, when I caught a glimps of something in the corner of my eye. I turned to look and there he was. He stood about 6 feet tall because he totally covered the opposing door to my parents room. Totally, dressed in black, no face at all, fedora, black cape and black gloves that hung off his fingers. I almost peed myself right there. Everything about him exuded pure evil to me, It was terrifying, yet I couldn't scream. His arm was extended and he was pointing at me. Some sort of communication came from him, how I don't know, but I definitely felt I was "marked" by him, as if he was letting me know my butt was going to be his. Then something flashed to the right of me and I turned my head to see what it was, (heaven forbid there be more like him!) but nothing was there. As, I quickly turned my attention back to the hat man he pulled his cape up and made a turn and disappeared right in front of me!

Strangely, I did not remember the encounter until 7 years later. Then, every terrifying detail just flooded into my mind all at once. That's what I don't get. Perhaps, it was just too terrifying for me to remember. But, it was real. I now know that he is real because other people have seen it too, thank goodness! I've read all the theories regarding what the hat man is. Some say he's got something to do with the government, is a "watcher" of sorts. I've heard that there may be a connection if you've had family members that have worked for the government also. Shortly after the encounter, life became very unpleasant on many levels. So, I'm inclined to believe the hat man is definitely evil. A demon? maybe, I'm not sure. Maybe he's a male version of the legendary Banshee. I have yet to determine exactly what the hat man is. It would be nice for someone to do a research study on the matter, maybe then we'd understand where he fits in the grand scheme of things.

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