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Don't seek a doctor, seek someone who has lived with it. (anti-WebMD)

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posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 10:03 PM
DontTreadOnMe posted this in this forum: Health and Wellness forum: Medical Disclaimer.:

The contents of's Health & Wellness forum is contributed in part or in whole, by nonprofessionals.
No warranty whatsoever is made that any of the posts on this forum are accurate. There no assurance that any statement contained or cited in any thread touching on medical matters is true, correct, precise, or up-to-date. Even if a statement made about medicine is accurate, it may not apply to you or your symptoms.

The Health & Wellness forum is not a substitute for the advice of a medical professional.

None of the members, moderators, developers, sponsors of this forum nor anyone else connected to can take any responsibility for the results or consequences of any attempt to use or adopt any of the information presented on this web site.
Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of Content found on this forum.
If you have a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.

If you have a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.

The last part I wanted to talk about. Reminded me of 'WebMD'. As a 23 year old, unless you need definite surgery or medication, don't go to a doctor, either wait it out or research for remedies you can make and take at home. If you got a head ache don't even take tylenol, just drink a coke and wait it out. Hospitals are like insurance agencies and the like, they ONLY WANT YOUR MONEY. (from experience I believe there are a few who truly care, especially the nurses

I work in manufacturing doctor's tools and implants (quality is utmost). One thing I've found out about doctors, greed. Last time I had a physical exam, 5 years ago for the Marines. (i'm not a Marine
i backed out (glad i did)) Last time i been to a doctor, 2 years ago, broken ankle, 5 screws, 2 plates. After my rant i'm feeling like going to the doctor for a broken ankle is a bit feminine. Ahhhh, again there are good doctors out there.

If i'm not mistaken every article in Web-MD asks you to seek a doctor. ....# these haters and # these hoes ninja, that's how i feel.

Ha, looks like this turned out to be a bit of rant, MODS, i know you don't need my permission to move, but Rant forum please?
edit on 2-10-2014 by thirdcoast because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 11:31 PM
Some things you do need a doctor for. Most of the things people go to a doctor for are from eating the wrong food or not eating the right food. The information given out by the health industry is not right though, if you eat the way they say, half the people will get sick a different way. But this is complex and it is not easy to figure out.

There are a lot of people in the medical and pharmaceutical industry that need jobs. There are also many companies producing and selling supplies to the medical industry. These people need paychecks. I don't agree with the direction we have gone with medical being such a big part of the economy, but that is what we have. Now I do not wish to be part of that so I research a lot and am trying to backwards engineer the medicines to find their basis. Most have natural products and even food preparation techniques that could replace them. Much of it is a deception like the rest of this reality.

To me, preventing a disease or condition to express itself is better than treating the symptoms after it occurs. I think that they know the reasons for our susceptibilities to many diseases but neglect telling us. It would not be beneficial to loose customers. This applies to most big businesses. Medicine is a business.

If you take a medicine to normalize an enzyme or chemical in the body, it is important not to make too many changes in diet or use supplements or herbs without talking to your doctor first. Many drugs you have to be weened off of also, doing so without a doctor can cause a lot of problems sometimes.

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: thirdcoast

Haha. So DTOM's disclaimer post set you off on a rant, lol? Poor DTom. I hope he can sleep tonight.

Just teasing. Seriously I know about this stuff, as I worked on medical web sites for a few years.

All medical web sites and forums offer a disclaimer for two main reasons. First, they do not want to be sued for something found on their site that if followed, or interpreted in unintended ways, could harm someone. In other words, if you get bad advice it isn't their fault. It's a necessary legal protection thing, so they must advise to call 9-11 or see a doctor.

Secondly, web sites even large medical ones are not run by doctors, but by project developers/marketers/sales people/techs/content admins and consumer support people. So they are usually in no position to judge whether advice given is good or bad or sometimes even dangerous. There is usually at least one doctor in a consultative position. However those guys are out to make a buck and they charge for their services. Or they can be part owners of a site, or investors, etc. I worked for a couple of large med sites since the internet came into being, saw a few of them go in the dot com bust too. Very interesting times. I agree that there is lots and lots of greed out there. Medical advice on the Web given by doctors is usually general information and advice, not personal, since no medical examination or direct patient contact or observation has taken place. That is changing slowly with web-conferencing, with webcams and links between hospitals in remote and urban areas.

The best advice I've found is that people should be alert and aware of their own body. Monitor what you ingest because your body reacts to food and liquid directly. Be sensitive and watch for changes and note them. Some are minor and with slight dietary changes a situation can really be improved. It's fine to ask advice of those who have lived through a situation, but their situation is not necessarily the next person's. So use wisdom if you can rather than have a hard and fast stance.

A doctor's most used tool is his prescription pad, imo. I have studied and seen a lot of side effects of medication, so unless one needs it for a specific reason I tend to believe in foods to reverse the situation. Like you I have not been to a doctor since Adam was a baby.

edit on 2-10-2014 by aboutface because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: rickymouse
a reply to: aboutface

I believe you two have summed up my thoughts nicely, and far better than I could have. Nice.

Anyone disagree with us i'll punch you.... through the computer... >.>

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 01:12 AM
Western medicine =

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 11:54 AM
You'd be amazed at how many people I've seen, including myself, who wrap black electrical tape on cuts

I've used duck tape on a sprained ankle. I know, I know, It's redneck territory, but that's okay. I might be a redneck.

I have used WebMD before, but I check a lot of other sites too.

posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: thirdcoast

I'd be careful about giving advice like this...

While it's good to seek out other people that share your medical conditions or forums that are directly about your condition, not going to a doctor can be dangerous and potentially deadly.

This Monday I almost lost my life. Without being too specific I hadn't been feeling good and called my doctors office to make an appointment. They transferred me to an RN from the appointment center, she recommended I go to the ER. Honestly, I didn't think I needed to, my husband thankfully disagreed with me and listed to the advice of the nurse. Turns out my potassium was a 2.6L, that's life threatening levels a 2.5 can be deadly. I was .1 off from death.

Had I sought the advice of others with my medical condition do you think they would have referred me to the ER???

If you don't feel good call your doctor or 911 or go to the nearest emergency room!!!

edit on 3-10-2014 by Jennyfrenzy because: eta

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: Jennyfrenzy
strange that your body didn't tell you to eat something with potassium in.
I've read the first two things you try are K and I as in potassium and iodine.

and I don't think anyone would prescribe anything for an emergency situation unless its something like a heart attack then you are much safer just using capsicum in a paste applied directly to the heart this has a much higher survival rate than any hospital or paramedic could give you 85% over the 33% in a hospital

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: jinni73

2.6L is life threatening levels, meaning had it dropped .1 lower my heart could have stopped beating because there was not enough potassium to keep the muscle pumping.

and I don't think anyone would prescribe anything for an emergency situation unless its something like a heart attack then you are much safer just using capsicum in a paste applied directly to the heart this has a much higher survival rate than any hospital or paramedic could give you 85% over the 33% in a hospital

Capsicum paste will do nothing for low levels of potassium, other than making the person using it think it's helping to raise their levels when in fact it's not and then their heart stops beating, for good.

Low levels of potassium can cause the heart to stop beating. That's exactly what happened to me in 2003 when I almost died, well I did die had a NDE and was resuscitated with a defibrillator because there was not enough potassium in my body to keep my heart beating.

If you have life threatening levels Dr's will prescribe you a potassium tablet (similar to alka seltzer) that you drop in water, I had to drink 2 per day for 3 days along with eating food high in potassium. So yes, there is something an emergency room can do in an emergency situation like low potassium levels. They could also do a potassium infusion through IV, I've had that before. There's also a nasty beverage for high levels of potassium, I've had that before too. In fact all of that was done in the ER.

My body also hadn't been able to hold anything down, so the food cravings wouldn't have helped.

This is why it's bad to get advice over the internet, see a doctor, in emergencies go to the ER and if you have no way of getting to the ER dial 911
edit on 20-10-2014 by Jennyfrenzy because: eta

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: Jennyfrenzy

I feel for you Jenny frenzy, a shame you had to live through it. But glad you came out okay. Yes, if it's an emergency, see a specialist of course. One night, I broke my ankle, thought it was just a sprain, parents talked me into emergency hospital and now i got 5 screws and 2 plates in my ankle.

But even more odd, in my opinion, like jinni73 said, "strange that your body didn't tell you to eat something with potassium in it"
Maybe becuase i'm quite young, my body lets me know if it needs something. I dunno. Just tryin to add to conversation.

The whole thread was kind of a rant for people who can't afford to see a doctor. And maybe try out a home remedy from the internets.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: Jennyfrenzy

yep I didn't say capsicum would help you I was just using it as an exception to the rule especially while you are waiting for the ambulance to arrive the capsicum opens the ventricles around your heart after a heart attack.

do you research stuff yourself about the problems you have got jenny?
as there are things that doctors don't know about seeing they only get one line of training and don't understand that natural cures are far more safe and effective in lots of cases

edit on 20-10-2014 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 11:16 PM

originally posted by: thirdcoast
a reply to: Jennyfrenzy

I feel for you Jenny frenzy, a shame you had to live through it. But glad you came out okay. Yes, if it's an emergency, see a specialist of course. One night, I broke my ankle, thought it was just a sprain, parents talked me into emergency hospital and now i got 5 screws and 2 plates in my ankle.

But even more odd, in my opinion, like jinni73 said, "strange that your body didn't tell you to eat something with potassium in it"
Maybe becuase i'm quite young, my body lets me know if it needs something. I dunno. Just tryin to add to conversation.

The whole thread was kind of a rant for people who can't afford to see a doctor. And maybe try out a home remedy from the internets.

If people educated themselves they pretty much wouldn't need hospitals take borax the medical industry would want you to think it was toxic and even poisonous well it is if you are under 9 months old. yet take 30mg of borax every day with some magnesium and it would reduce hospital admissions by about 30% as it increases the strength of your bones by a huge amount it also regulates your hormones amongst lots of other things.

posted on Oct, 20 2014 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: jinni73

Yeah, I pretty much understand how my medical condition effects me and the medications I require in an emergency, and why I need them. I have Addison's Disease, it's rare, and not having had health insurance for almost 2 years and then being stuck with medi-cal that doctors don't like, had me all messed up. I've had to tell doctors what to do before, they had no idea what to do with me, lol.

Natural remedies may work for some conditions, they don't work for all of them. Natural remedies scare me, my sister in law was trying to get me off the medication I take for Addison's Disease (the medication that if I do not take I will die) and replace it with a natural remedy that turned out to be a weight loss supplement. My husband started taking that stuff and lost 25lbs in one month and he had zero energy. She's always pushing natural remedies to her mom (she lives in Texas and we all live in California) and I'm the one who has to swoop in and get my mother in law to her to the doctor. Without being too specific, natural remedies will not help with what she's dealing with and when she takes them she doesn't think she needs to be seen by a doctor.

I'm all for natural remedies used in conjunction with seeing an MD. For years I was getting acupuncture for chronic pain, my MD referred me. He's the head of the alternative medicine department at that hospital. It was helping quite a bit, not only with the pain but was easing the emotional stress that comes along with chronic pain. It was like a peaceful meditation session, just with needles sticking out of your skin here and there. Haven't been in a few years but have been thinking about it. All the while I was still being seen by him.

I just worry that when people start taking natural remedies, they stop seeing their doctor. I've seen it happen with my mother in law. I'm in no way against them, they should be used in conjunction with seeing an MD.

posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: Jennyfrenzy

OK Jenny I see where your coming from it can't be good to be told there isn't a cure the thing is people don't research far enough into it they read a herb book and then think if they put this or that into there body it will be enough when it isn't,

They say there isn't a cure for diabetes but if you stop putting sugar into your body your cells reverts to using fat as the energy source and you don't need insulin to take the sugar into the cell this is why I distrust doctors so much I know there are cures for cancer and virtually all other forms of illness which is why when someone tells me there isn't a cure it sets alarm bells ringing.

You could be right in that there isn't a cure pharma medicine works much better with natural medicine but pharma medicine normally only works on the symptom.
have you removed the toxins out of your life? like microwave ovens, tap water and dairy products

posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 10:48 PM
Bad advice I think. It's good in some situations maybe like when a doctor can't help you or figure out what's wrong with you, but in general turning to others and going online for diagnosis could get you killed. A year ago that almost got me killed and I will never be so stupid again.

I was having hot flashes occasionally, pains, tingling etc. Talking to others and using online symptom checkers all came up with menopause. I'm a few years young for that but the symptoms matched. Not menopause it turned out when I ended up in emergency hours from death. A raving staph infection throughout my system. Why I didn't have a regular fever or regular symptoms I will never know. When I looked back on all the symptoms I brushed off as other things I realised I had been sick for months. On top of the infection was severely low magnesium which was causing other symptoms that were brushed off as stress because of the "learning" I got online.

Sorry I just have to disagree with you. Seek medical help first and if they dont have answers see if you can find answers on your own. Sometimes you just need antibiotics.

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