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The Great Pyramid And Sphinx, The Lies And Deceptions

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posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:05 PM
Let us for a moment put aside all that we have been told about the Great Pyramid and look at all the facts that can be proven and come to a logical conclusion.


What we now consider to be boundaries of Egypt and Jerusalem were not the boundaries thousands of years ago. The current boundaries are a deception perpetrated by the Master Of All Deception Satan, who in an effort to hide from us the proof of God's Plan made in stone on the Giza Plateau.

The Great Pyramid is not a Tomb and it is not Egyptian:

Egyptologists suggest that the Kings chamber was the final resting place of Khufu, yet not the slightest evidence suggests that a corpse had ever been in the coffer or in the Kings chamber. Nor have any embalming materials, any fragments of any article, or any clues whatsoever been found in the chamber or anywhere else in the entire pyramid that in any way indicates that Khufu (or anyone else) was ever buried there. Furthermore, the passageway leading from the Grand Gallery to the main chamber is too narrow to allow the movement of the coffer; the coffer was placed in the Kings chamber as the pyramid was being built, contrary to the normal burial custom practiced by the Egyptians for three thousand years.

The foolishness of the common assumption, that the Giza plateau pyramids were built and utilized by fourth Dynasty kings as funerary structures, cannot be overstated. It is a matter of archaeological fact that none of the fourth Dynasty kings put their names on the pyramids supposedly constructed in their times, yet from the fifth Dynasty onwards, the other pyramids had hundreds of official inscriptions, leaving us no doubt about which kings built them. The mathematical complexity, engineering requirements, and sheer size of the Giza plateau pyramids represent an enormous, seemingly impossible leap in abilities over the third dynasty buildings. Contemporary Egypt logical explanation cannot account for this leap, nor can they account for the clear decline in mathematics, engineering and size of the constructions of the fifth dynasty

The attribution to Khufu of the Great Pyramid is founded solely upon three very circumstantial pieces of "evidence":
* the legends told to and reported by Herodotus who visited the pyramids in 443 BC
* the funerary complex near the Great Pyramid with inscriptions citing Cheops/Khufu as the reigning pharaoh
* in the pyramid itself, on a granite slab above the ceiling of the main chamber, some small, roughly scribbled chalk marks that have a slight resemblance to a hieroglyphic symbol for the name of Khufu. Further, these marks or scribbling have been suggested to be forgeries by their discoverer, Richard Howard Vyse
There are no other hieroglyphics to be found anywhere inside the Great.

One of the greatest questions concerning the Great Pyramid being a Tomb and one we need to ponder is this:
WHERE IS THE BODY ? Why would anyone go through all the effort necessary in building the Great as a Tomb and not BURY anyone in it ?
Another problem that cannot be answered is this: How could the Egyptians or anyone else know where the �EXACT� center of the land mass of the Earth was located ? How could they know the �EXACT� diameter of the Earth ? This information had to be �REVEALED�


Although the Egyptians have no record whatsoever of how the Great Pyramid was built and who did the building, there is a �WRITTEN RECORD� of exactly how it was built, who built it, why it was built, why it became desolate and the lifestyle of the people who lived on the Giza Plateau.
The written record is in the Bible and the Great Pyramid and The Sphinx confirms it in the �MATH�

�GOD� answers all of the mystery surrounding the Great Pyramid and The Sphinx
For a certainty God knows the �MATH� encoded in the Great and he knows the diameter and exact center of the landmass of the Earth. He could have easily revealed this information to whomever he choose to. Is it a coincidence that the Great is in the same area that the people of God have been in since the beginning of time ?

Who Built The Great Pyramid ?
Why of course, It was KING SOLOMON, the Wisest Man that ever Lived. Who would be better suited to build such a structure other than he ?

He had the manpower, the resources, the associates necessary, the skilled craftsmen, the abundance of diamonds necessary for the saws they used to cut the stone blocks. He had the ability and know-how to move the blocks over great distances. He used axle carts to transport the blocks and also the �Tens of Thousands of Tons� of Gold, Silver, Brass and Iron King Solomon possessed, that went into the building of the Giza Plateau Structures. He used the wood from the trees of Lebanon to build the carts, the ships and other equipment necessary to complete this Great Project. It is clear from the Bible that he built other �CITIES� also throughout the land of Egypt.
He had tens of thousands of Chariots and Horsemen that would bring people up from lower Egypt to �Behold� the �MAGNIFICENT CITY OF GOD AND GOD�S HOUSE, THE GREAT PYRAMID�

King Solomon Built �HEAVEN ON EARTH� Silver was as stones on the ground in this Great City.
All of this is recorded in the Bible.

The Giza Plateau was a Earthly representation and foreshadow of the �New Jerusalem� that we see coming down from Heaven to the Earth in the Book Of Revelations

Rev 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that "Great City", the Holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto �A Stone� most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal; And the City had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:

And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel. And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass.

To get an Idea of the Grandeur of this City, the Bible tells the story of one particular visitor and her visit to the Giza Plateau for the first time.

The Queen of Sheba had heard about this Great City and the House King Solomon had built unto the Lord. The stories she had heard of the city were so fascinating that they were unbelievable. She decided to take the long journey to Jerusalem to see for herself. She brought with her as a gift to the King, �SIX TONS� of Gold along with an abundance of precious stones and materials. Upon her arrival she was �AWE STRUCK� and �FAINTED�
After she was revived she made these comments: This City far exceeds all that was told unto me and actually, the Half was not told The exceeding Glory of this City is truly astounding..

The Great Pyramid is 481 feet high which equals 288 Cubits, which is 2 x 144 Cubits
The Sphinx is 240 feet long which equals 144 Cubits. 240 feet also represents 6 x 40, Forty Years Israel wandered in the wilderness before they went into the land flowing with milk and honey which was the Giza Plateau. 6 is also the number of man and is also encoded in the structures.
The Sphinx is 66 feet high

The 144,000 is the number of the 12 Tribes of Israel, that have the "Everlasting Gospel To Preach To The World befor the setting up of the "Eternal Kingdom" of the last days, each tribe contains 12,000 Men.

As shown earlier, within the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid there is a �Coffer� the measurements of the coffer are 51 inches long by 31 inches high, this equals 2 1/2 Cubits by 1 1/2 Cubit, this is the �Exact� same size as the �ARK OF THE COVENANT�
The width of the Kings Chamber is 34 feet or 20 Cubits.
King Solomon had a pair of Golden Cherubim's made and placed in a inner room of God�s House (The Great Pyramid) The Wings of these Cherubim touched from one wall to the other wall in this inner room. The Wingspan of the two Cherubim combined side by side equaled �EXACTLY� TWENTY CUBITS or 34 feet, the same as the width of the Kings Chamber.

Another Point:
The Sphinx faces east, towards the rising of the Sun, the dawn of day. WHY ?

It is awaiting the �DAWN OF A NEW DAY� in which the Giza Plateau will be transformed into a �GREATER GLORY� than that of the Days of King Solomon.
The Day that the �NEW JERUSALEM� will come down form Heaven and the KINGDOM OF GOD� will be established on Earth �FOREVER�

I have much more proof to offer which I will provide as questions are asked, the post would be too long to provide it all here. LDP

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:11 PM
What we do know is that the pyramid was not meant as a burial mummy has ever been found in one....the ancient Egyptians had tombs for their dead....even Pharaohs. Less know is that there are writings that Khufu did not have the Pyramid built, but had it "restored" to the rest of your theory...I dunno about all that...

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:13 PM
Weren't the pyramids built well after the sphinx, like centuries after?

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by knobby_roerr
Weren't the pyramids built well after the sphinx, like centuries after? has been discovered now that the Sphinx has water corrosion at it's it was there when the desert was covered in water...a very, very long time ago!

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:26 PM
Lastday Prophet..I have read this before...please provide links.....

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:36 PM
i liked the first part but about the king salomon theory really dont know .

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 04:24 PM
Heh, god hasn't even been proven to exist, so it can't be a fact that the pyramids were built because god said so.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 04:33 PM
Um..... haven't you posted the exact same idea before? I could be wrong, especially since I haven't had coffee yet, but this is a little too familiar...

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 04:35 PM

The width of the Kings Chamber is 34 feet or 20 Cubits.

It is 34.4 feet wide or 20 cubits yes. Which means that 1 cubit equals 1.7 feet. Which approximates to the royal cubit as being 20.4 inches. Using the 1.7feet then as the equivalency:

The Great Pyramid is 481 feet high which equals 288 Cubits, which is 2 x 144 Cubits
It would equal 282.94 cubits, not 288.

The Sphinx is 240 feet long which equals 144 Cubits.
It makes that 240 feet, 141.17 cubits, not 144. However, the 240 is incorrect, the length of each side was originally 754 feet, Or 443.53 cubits using your measurement.

there is a �Coffer� the measurements of the coffer are 51 inches long by 31 inches high, this equals 2 1/2 Cubits by 1 1/2 Cubit, this is the �Exact� same size as the �ARK OF THE COVENANT�
These measurements agree to the 1.7 foot conversion. However, the external length is actually 88.5 inches not 51, (4.35 cubits), and the internal is 77.11 inches not 51, (3.78 cubits). The height is 40.8 ins external and 33.86 internal, not 31. Or 2 and 1.66 cubits respectively. Since these are converted to the Egyptian royal cubit, we will try it in the Jewish cubit which is 21 inches, just to be fair. The lengths then are 4.21 and 3.672 cubits respectively. The height is 1.942 and 1.612 cubits respectively.

King Solomon had a pair of Golden Cherubim's made and placed in a inner room of God�s House (The Great Pyramid) The Wings of these Cherubim touched from one wall to the other wall in this inner room. The Wingspan of the two Cherubim combined side by side equaled �EXACTLY� TWENTY CUBITS or 34 feet, the same as the width of the Kings Chamber.

Solomon made two cherubs one on each side of the mercy seat and facing each other with their wings covering said seat, which was 2.5 cubits in length.
He placed the ark in a court 100x50x5 or 170ft x85ft x8.5ft. a tad large for the Kings chamber.
Therefore the comparison of the Ark of the Covenant to the great pyramid is not correct. But ido agree on one thing at least, the pyramid did serve as an alter and temple.

The Queen of Sheba had heard about this Great City and the House King Solomon had built unto the Lord. The stories she had heard of the city were so fascinating that they were unbelievable. She decided to take the long journey to Jerusalem to see for herself. She brought with her as a gift to the King, �SIX TONS� of Gold along with an abundance of precious stones and materials. Upon her arrival she was �AWE STRUCK� and �FAINTED�
After she was revived she made these comments: This City far exceeds all that was told unto me and actually, the Half was not told The exceeding Glory of this City is truly astounding..
I suppose the words; �and there was no more spirit in her� is taken to mean she fainted. She said nothing of the sort about the city, she expressed sentiments to Solomon about his acts and wisdom, and that she had not believed what she had heard about him, and claimed what she heard amounted to only half of his wisdom and prosperity she saw for herself.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:02 PM
Somewhere, you know as well as I that there are a few different measurements of a cubit. If you use a 20. inch cubit my measurements are correct. The numbers are too close to be coincidence. You can argue over which cubit was used, but the fact remains that if you use a cubit measurement of 20 inches the numbers are exact.

Second point, the measurements you quoted of the outer court, refer to a different temple that King Solomon Built.

God's House or as it is refered to in the bible, "The Great And Wonderful House"
had a "Great Throne" and 26 "Lions" (Sphinx) in front of it, so we are clearly not talking about the same Temple.

The Great and Wonderful House along with the two other Pyramids took 153,000 workers 20 Years to build, the little Temple you refer to would not take that type of workforce and would not take twenty years to build.

You did not address the fact that the SPHINX "IS" 66 feet tall and 240 feet long
the 240 is 6 (the number of man) times the "Forty" Year Period Israel spent wandering in the dessert before they entered the Land Flowing with Milk and Honey ( The Giza Plateau ) , no coincidence.

King Solomon recieved a tribute of 666 "TONS" of Gold Yearly, again we see the multiples of the number 6.

Another Fact, using what has been recently called the "Pyramid Inch" , if you start at a certian point inside the Great Pyramid, you will find a timeline that shows the Flood Of Noah, The Exodus, The Birth Of Christ, The Death Of Christ, and other significant Historical Dates.

Someone asked did I do a similar post before, yes but I did not at the time have the matching numbers of the Sphinx, which I discovered recently.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 08:05 PM
Wasn't Melchizedek one of the Sheperd Kings who invaded Egypt and supposedly built the Great Pyramid? And once again its measurements indicate the length of the year, the weight of the Earth, and the distance to the Sun.

The famous Abraham gave the King of Salem, Melchizedek a tenth of everything he had.

Genesis 15:18-20
"And Melchizedek King of Salem brought forth bread and wine; and he was the priest of the most high God. And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all."

Some suggest that King Melchizedek was in fact Shem, a son of Noah. Shem would have been around 550 years old when Abram consulted him. Melchizedek was the only person to act as King and Priest to God in the eyes of the Jews. The Messiah was to act in this way as well.

Does Jerusalem mean New Salem?

[edit on 7-12-2004 by lostinspace]

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 09:56 PM
No it was King Solomon that built the Great Pyramid.
The whole story is written in Chronicles.

There are area's below the Great Pyramid and Sphinx, this is why the Egyptian Goverment will no longer allow current testing equipment that would verify this.

The Sphinx itself is not an Earthly Creature, it is a statue of a Heavenly Creature, more than likely a Cherubim.
King Solomon had carvings of Cherubim on walls and post's throughout the City, it is natural that there would be statues also.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
Somewhere, you know as well as I that there are a few different measurements of a cubit.
Yes, I do in fact they range from 18 point something up to 25 point something. If you are going to choose one to make your case, then be sure to choose the Egyptian royal cubit which you did, and that is between 20.4 and 20.64 inches. when you are talking 400 or 754 feet, rounding it down to a solid 20 is playing with the numbers to build a false premise for your case, because that translates into a lost 25.13-40.21 feet. Likewise, be sure that you are operating on the correct measurements to begin with before you make your conversions. There is a 544 foot differential between your length and the actual length, hardly a small margin wouldn't you agree?

So no, I do not agree with your 20ins/cu, since even then the only measurement you would have correctly converted is the width of the king's chamber. That leaves you wrong on both the actual dimensions and the conversion rate applied by yourself:

The height being 481ft, or 282.94cu not 288cu, a differential of 8.6 feet.

Sphinx length 240 ft or 141.17cu, not 144cu, a differential of 4.81 feet.

Coffer length using the inner measurement to assist you: 77.1 ins not 51 as you state, a differential of 2feet 2 ins.

Coffer height with using inner to assist you: 33.86ins not 31, a differenial of 2 ins.

Considering the exactness of the measurements of the pyramid itself, your horseshoes haven't even landed in the sandpit.

Aside from the incorrect measurements you provide, you have indulged yourself in the concocting of numbers to what you wish to believe by converting method of measurement known by the Egyptians and Jews; that of the cubit, to modern day linear measurement, as though these people somehow knew that these measurements would one day be measured in inches and feet. Further, you have adapted same to suit only that which you know, bypassing the metric system. Of the 6 measurements you provided, only one was correct, and let us not forget the most brazen difference of all, the length.

Now I say to you, if the Egyptians or whomever you wish to believe built these mammoths in order of biblical numerology, then certainly they would have incorporated their own measurement; the cubit, to reflect same and at least made them all exactly divisible by 12.

Second point, the measurements you quoted of the outer court, refer to a different temple that King Solomon Built.

Well let us see now. The court measurements I provided were those given to Moses in Exodus, correct? So let's peek at Solomon's temple then:

Temple proper; 60x20x30, the holy place itself: 40x20x30, where he placed teh ark was 20x20x20 Those give us: 102x34x51feet; 68x34x51feet and 34x34x34. do you see any of your numbers yet?

What about if we try Zerrubbabel's dimensions for you? height 60 width 60 who knows the length? that makes it height and width both 102cubits. is that near your dimensions?

Want to discuss Herod's now? 60x20x40 that is 102x34x68

God's House or as it is refered to in the bible, "The Great And Wonderful House" had a "Great Throne" and 26 "Lions" (Sphinx) in front of it, so we are clearly not talking about the same Temple.
Well unless you know of another of Solomon's temples and the plans, then please provide it. For if it is anything like his first, it has windows, winding stairs, chambers all around.Okay, let me see if I can find where this throne fits in your scenario as I dissect the statistics:

It was made of Ivory---not the outside of either the pyramid or sphinx.
Overlaid with gold-----not the outside of either the pyramid or sphinx.
Beside the stays of the throne were two lions;
Twelve lions stood at the sides, (I'll give you 24).

Now this is the temple which you claim to be representative of either the sphinx or pyramid. So far, the dimensions are too far out of whack to be given credence. There is no ivory or 26 lions on the outside of the sphinx or pyramid, or inside the pyramid. So then, now that the pyramid does not fit your scenario, how do you wish to make the sphinx become the temple?

You did not address the fact that the SPHINX "IS" 66 feet tall and 240 feet long the 240 is 6 (the number of man) times the "Forty" Year Period Israel spent wandering in the dessert before they entered the Land Flowing with Milk and Honey ( The Giza Plateau ) , no coincidence.

Correct, There is no coincidence. The structure is 65-66 feet high and 240 feet long, easily divisible by 6. Doing some numerology then and leaving out zero and 1, we have 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. to work with. The dimensions are divisible by 2, 3 and 6 and 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8, respectively. Numbers are fun, aren't they?

King Solomon recieved a tribute of 666 "TONS" of Gold Yearly, again we see the multiples of the number 6.
Yes so? decide which way you are going here. Is it the temple of God or the mark of the beast?

Another Fact, using what has been recently called the "Pyramid Inch" , if you start at a certian point inside the Great Pyramid, you will find a timeline that shows the Flood Of Noah, The Exodus, The Birth Of Christ, The Death Of Christ, and other significant Historical Dates.
Really now? You know, I could find dimensions in my house to do the same. I must be living in Solomon's temple.

Your hypothesis is full of holes made worse by incorect data. It requires the wildest stretch of the imagination to be worthy of merit.

[edit on 12/7/04 by SomewhereinBetween]

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
No it was King Solomon that built the Great Pyramid.
The whole story is written in Chronicles.
Chapter and verse please. I have never, ever, heard of the great pyramid's building being mentioned in the bible!

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by LadyV

Originally posted by knobby_roerr
Weren't the pyramids built well after the sphinx, like centuries after? has been discovered now that the Sphinx has water corrosion at it's it was there when the desert was covered in water...a very, very long time ago!

The water erosion was caused by the rainwater flowing over the livestone, not standing water.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder

The water erosion was caused by the rainwater flowing over the livestone, not standing water.

Right...but either makes it much, much older than believed.......

Egypt experienced torrential rainfall in the time period of a post-glacial shift to the north of the temperate zone rainbelt. This period lasted in general from around 10,000 to 5000 BCE. West believed that the flooding from this period was what caused the water erosion on the Sphinx complex. If this were true, the Sphinx must have been constructed either during or before this transition.

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 11:12 PM
Somewhere, you either lack wisdom or are a deciever, probably both.

Firstly the numbers are to close to be a coincidence.
The Pyramid is all about numbers that are confirmed over and over.
To correct some of your earlier statement in which you tried to decieve the people.

The Sphinx is 240 ft. long. 240 x 12 inches = 2880 inches which by the way is 2 x 1440. even in the inches we still see the Number 144.

If we take the 2880 and divide it by 20.0 a Cubit it equals "Exactly" 144 , I am sure with all your wisdom you would consider this a "Coincidence" , I don't think so.

The Great Pyramid is approx. 480 ft. tall. 480 x 12 inches = 5760 inches. If you divide 5760 by 4 it equals 1440, again we see the 144 even in the inches of the height of the Great..

If you take the height of the Great Pryamid in inches(5760) and divide it using a 20.0 in cubit you get 288 or 2 x 144. Both ways, inches or cubits, you will still come up with 144 or a multiple of 144. Also if you add the numbers in the height of the Great Pyramid 5760, 5+7+6+0 = 18 which is 3 x 6 which is three 6's or 666. The 2880 also adds up to 18 2+8+8 = 18, But again I am sure you in your vast wisdom would say it is a coincidence.

More Fact:
The "Coffer" was the only object found in the King's Chamber, just as the "Ark Of The Covenant" was the single sacred object to be found in the Holy of Holies, in the Temple Of God. Also the laver, or basin, that the priests used to wash their feet had the identical cubit dimensions.

In addition, the cubit dimensions of the inner chamber of the Temple Of God, the Holy of Holies, are precisely identical in size to the King's Chamber in the Pyramid and the same volume as the molten sea of water on the Temple Mount as prepared by King Solomon. There is no natural explanation for the phenomenon of both structures having identical volume measurements.

There are were 144,000 highly polished casing stones covering the Great Pyramid, when it was first built, they have long since been removed and were said to have had writings on them.

There are 36 ceiling stones in the roof of the Grand Gallery. (6 x 6 =36 )

Red Granite appears in the pyramid apparently to mark special events in conjunction with prophetic events related to the Jews.
The red granite located in The Great Pyramid is fairly rare and identical with that of Mt. Sinai, the mountain on which Moses is said to have received the Ten Commandments.

The empty coffer in the King's Chamber is made of this same rare red granite. A portion of the floor in the Antechamber to the King's Chamber is red granite also.

The word "pharaoh" is from the Hebrew interpretation of the Egyptian "per aa", originally meaning "the great house". (The Great And Wonderful House)
The word "pyramid" is composed of the Greek words "pyra" meaning fire, light, or visible, and the word "midos" meaning measures.

This easily translates into �The Visible Measurements Of The Great And Wonderful House�

The pyramid inch and sacred cubit are found as raised images on a red granite plaque at the entrance to the Antechamber of King's room.

The length of the diagonals of the floor of the Antechamber are 666 pyramid inches, again we see the 666.

I have further info on the workforce, the materials used, the location of the Great Pyramid recorded in the bible and other info, but let us deal with this info first.

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 11:38 PM
Your pyramid length was wring by hundreds of feet. Close that is not.

Your coffer dimensions were all wrong by several feet. For a coffer, that is not close.

Some of your conversions using your own rate, were wrong, that is not close.

These close differentials were. 8.6 feet; 4.81 feet; 2.16 feet; and 2 ins. Along with a 544 foot pyramid base error.

None of the 3 temples match with your configurations.

You were correct one none of them. You forget they knew nothing about the inch, wouldn�t care less about that which they knew nothing of or was not yet invented. If you convert the real dimensions to metric, then as far as those nations which use metric are concerned, the pyramid has nothing to do with your 666 or whatever else you associate same with.

And I am the one that is a deceiver? My dimensions and calculations are easily checked by any who wishes to do so. And if your pyramid dimensions are incorrect then the rest whether they are or not, is of no consequence. So I won�t even bother looking at those.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 12:11 AM
Lastday Prophet: You keep referring to the number 144.
What is the significance of that specific number??

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 09:01 AM

These close differentials were. 8.6 feet; 4.81 feet; 2.16 feet; and 2 ins. Along with a 544 foot pyramid base error. ( could you please paste for me where I used the base of the Pyramid for any of my measurements ? This shows how you add your words and try to make it seem that it is something I said, you are a deciever and a Liar )
None of the 3 temples match with your configurations.

You were correct one none of them. You forget they knew nothing about the inch, wouldn�t care less about that which they knew nothing of or was not yet invented. If you convert the real dimensions to metric, then as far as those nations which use metric are concerned, the pyramid has nothing to do with your 666 or whatever else you associate same with.

Again we see how you lack insight and wisdom. The reason the numbers are expressed in cubits and feet/inches is so that those building the Pyramid would understand the math and those today would understand the math. The Great Pyramid stands as a warning of God's past Judgment on a people that forsook him, and it points to a coming judgment that the 144,000 will proclaim during the tribulation period.

Somewhere, you are going nowhere, your lies have been exposed and I have provided even more data to support my theory. Apparently you don't read too well or is it that you lack comprehension of what you read ? The 240 ft. is the length of the Sphinx, not the base of the Pyramid. I am sure you were aware of this, but it was an effort on your behalf to decieve the people.

Somewhere, I invite you to continue to try to disprove my theory, for as I present more facts it will become quite clear to all how foolish you are.

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