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I'm Not Falling for It

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posted on Sep, 22 2014 @ 11:52 PM

originally posted by: wwe9112
Is there something special in Syria the US could want? Why/how did this group become to "large" or are we making them out to be more than they are?

The US has been trying to get into Iran for quite some time now, and Syria is pretty much their last ally in the region. Once the country is taken out, the way to an all out attack on Iran is free.
Other than that the fighting there helps to destabilize the whole region and is a nice little excuse for a little bombing raid here and there, usually to fight off some evil boogeymen... erh terrorists and dictators.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: OptimusCrime
Dude, you said not to blame the US for wrongdoing here. IS never would have grown to their level if we had helped Assad rather than arming the very people you are against.

You say dont fall for their propaganda, while falling for western propaganda. No one believes IS is good, except IS. But them being evil doesnt make America innocent.

Western propaganda makes IS out to be this huge scary threat. Hell the Canadian military alone could wipe them out.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: Ridhya
a reply to: OptimusCrime
Dude, you said not to blame the US for wrongdoing here. IS never would have grown to their level if we had helped Assad rather than arming the very people you are against.

You say dont fall for their propaganda, while falling for western propaganda. No one believes IS is good, except IS. But them being evil doesnt make America innocent.

Western propaganda makes IS out to be this huge scary threat. Hell the Canadian military alone could wipe them out.

If any military is needed to wipe a group of nuts off the Earth, than it's a pretty big threat. Stop downplaying the situation.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 07:18 AM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA

That sounds more like Jews than the Muslims. I live around a huge Muslim population. Every one of them would gladly invite me in for a meal and conversation. Jews on the other hand, hate me and want no association with me. Try and stop any of their political advances and it is the end of your career.

They are lying , muslims are sneaks with two faces.They act tolerant when they are weak.When they are stronger or outnumbered opponent then Sharia law its implemented and real face of Islam is coming out.

Watch 1:04:48

edit on 23-9-2014 by xavi1000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: douglas5
You know what they say about a picture saying a thousand words .

all will become clear in time young one

LOL, using the Pike Manzini hoax will just make you look foolish. Don't be that guy.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: OptimusCrime
a reply to: all2human

Don't get upset, it's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. If you don't like it I suggest you find something else to occupy your time and not ATS, or any message board for that matter.

Just like all2human gave theirs.

So why are you upset?

Why cant you discuss issues instead of asking opposing opinions to leave?

I hate to tell you but Muslims have been marching in certain parts of the U.S. and the U.K. and anyone who tries to stop them or protest around them gets assaulted with things or told they should die an infidels death.

Videos have already been posted on ats to prove that.

No I bet you would love to advertise that just to try and balance out the horrors shown when videos are leaked from military choppers or air strikes killing civilians and blowing children to bits.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: InhaleExhale

originally posted by: OptimusCrime
a reply to: all2human

Don't get upset, it's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. If you don't like it I suggest you find something else to occupy your time and not ATS, or any message board for that matter.

Just like all2human gave theirs.

So why are you upset?

Why cant you discuss issues instead of asking opposing opinions to leave?

I hate to tell you but Muslims have been marching in certain parts of the U.S. and the U.K. and anyone who tries to stop them or protest around them gets assaulted with things or told they should die an infidels death.

Videos have already been posted on ats to prove that.

No I bet you would love to advertise that just to try and balance out the horrors shown when videos are leaked from military choppers or air strikes killing civilians and blowing children to bits.

When I'm told my opinion is a "giant load of BS" then you get the response you deserve. Hate to tell you. Now, on to your next point, if you can call it that. First off, Muslims, most of them, meet adversity with acts of destruction and terror. I'm not advertising anything, it's already been advertised and most of the civilized world are catching on.

E2A: Go to any Muslim ran country that follows strict law and try this:

Iran's Happy Dancers Sentenced to 91 Lashes

You can do that in a Christian, or any other country that's not dominated by Islam and it would be fine without fearing for your life.

Tell me more.
edit on 9/23/2014 by OptimusCrime because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/23/2014 by OptimusCrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: douglas5

I think we should clarify it a bit, right now. The devil is in the details.
edit on 23-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: xavi1000

Who is lying? Islamists? Christians? Judaism?

The answer is all three of them.

Why is it, that we turn a blind eye to the hundreds of books and videos trashing Islam? More so, look at the hundreds of books and videos denouncing and trashing Christianity?

Yet, any skeptical eye turned towards Judaism, is generally shunned, video creators defamed, authors claimed to be antisemites, careers ended, and even sometimes retailers are pressured to ban books critical of it from sale, and the really nasty ones, are pulled down. Hmmm.

Seriously. The double standard employed is transparent for ANYONE who takes 5 minutes to objectively research that question. After events in Gaza recently, I think it is time to turn a highly skeptical eye (think eye of sauron) towards the last remaining Abrahamic based religion whom somehow has wiggled out of such skepticism and treatment.

It needs to be scoured through and investigated with just as brutal and thoroughly of an objective lens as the other two Abrahamic religions have been. An investigation, just as deep and unpleasant as what has already been done to Islam and Christianity, and shared with the same fervor and general acceptance as the anti-Isamic material you just posted above.

You know. Keeping in tune with that whole treat thy neighbor as thyself thing. It's only fair.

Religion is being used against you. It is making you play off each other. Quite frankly, NONE of them have the moral high ground. None are more tolerant than the rest. Ecclesiastical law would be re-instated in "Christian" nations immediately, if the popular support was there. You know, the same set of laws that oppressed people like Galileo?

How quickly we forget.

A true modern secular society should be in process of rejecting all three of these "faiths."
edit on 23-9-2014 by Not Authorized because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: wwe9112

My thoughts are that the whole Middle East has been turned upside down deliberately and methodically. The original military involvement in Iraq was a public relations disaster so another way had to be found. Create hell on earth and make a situation where the state beneficiaries (allies sounds more amenable) can be seen to be the good guys come to save the Arabs from themselves.

It is too awful to comprehend the grimness of this scenario. Congrats on your sharpness of observation.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: wwe9112

Muslims that don't go after Isreal?
In countries that don't allow the Bank of England?
I'll buy that for a dollar!

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: OptimusCrime

Muslims, most of them, meet adversity with acts of destruction and terror.

Most would be what over 50% at least wouldn't it?

Most could be considered 70% or more, that's quite a few Muslims.

Or is that just in your small perceived view and not most Muslims as that is well over half a billion people you are saying do this.

I'm not advertising anything, it's already been advertised and most of the civilized world are catching on.

What the military strikes by western alliances or the Billions of Muslims causing terror in the streets as you say most.

E2A: Go to any Muslim ran country that follows strict law and try this:

Sure I will give my pay pal account and you can supply the funds for travel?

Can I do my own dance or must I copy others, follow the heard?

Why do you allow to fear to dictate your life, choices and beliefs?

You can do that in a Christian, or any other country that's not dominated by Islam and it would be fine without fearing for your life.

Well deg nammit, If I can dance in a Christian country I think that is all I need to hate Islam and paint all Muslims with the same brush, Thank you a 1000 time for enlightening me with such love and joy and teaching me how to hate because someone can or cant dance.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

Fear doesn't dictate anything in my life. I'm just telling you how it is. If you don't want to admit it, that's your problem. The rest of your babble is sarcasm so I'm not responding to it.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: OptimusCrime

The rest of your babble is sarcasm so I'm not responding to it.

easy way to dismiss and walk of with your tail between your legs all at the same time trying to say how it is.

Yes I have seen all the videos before, all the hate spread by all sides.

Admit to a lie from my personal experience, NO I wont admit to your reality, it has too much hate and fear that you cannot disguise or deny because I experienced these destructive emotions for too long and discovered the manipulation in wanting expose this dark reality is a way to infect and help it grow.

All sides have helped in the escalation of events and to push more of the same divide and conquer just doesn't do it for me, Its a game I finished playing a while ago.

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

I don't know why you continue to respond to me with the same garbage you have already put out. Will you come up with some facts to show any other RELIGION, not COUNTRY, OR PERSON, are more hostile than Islam and MUSLIMS. When you can, then I'll listen to you. Here's the kicker, whatever you come up with, there will be 100 more examples I'll come back with that prove you wrong.

I'm not a hater, and I'm not running with my tail between my legs but you're not making any sense. You have no facts, nothing. All you have is words coming from your head. Get your game up or get off the field.

E2A: I'm actually going to let you defend your point all on your own because I'm done wasting my time with this topic as it's been behead . . . I mean beaten like a dead horse. I've already said what I need to say and the facts are there. Feel free to rant on all you want, I will not respond to anything else you have to say.
edit on 9/23/2014 by OptimusCrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2014 @ 09:09 PM
I really didn't mean to start an argument; honestly I didn't. Many of you brought up great points and shared your opinions and gave logical explanations. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Much of the things discussed I never heard of, or even thought about, and that is what learning is all about.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: wwe9112>>> You're dead on. They want Assad out and ISIS was concocted to be a boogeyman. They are completely over hyped as to their threat level, although they are as bad as Al Queda. They seem to want a hot war over there and a larger cold war. I think its to create a smoke screen for a coming banking collapse and an economic downturn that will make 2008 look like a bull market.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 01:40 PM
We're ia reply to: Dutchowl

We're in for a global economic recession. The military has known this would happen, and has been making contingency plans. I've read the forecasts from 10+ years ago showing their predictions. I don't have the info at hand ATM, but they did predict a downturn in the global economy back in 1996, with a "global recession of 2018"...

edit on 24-9-2014 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 02:15 PM
I've been telling everyone I know since last year that Obama will use ISIS as an excuse to get back in to Syria.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: OptimusCrime

How can we allow a secularist sub-society to live within the United Kingdom?
We are not racist or bigots, we welcome all ethnic minorities and cultures - none of which we have a problem with.
But when activism of this level is being broadcast on our streets from a society that lacks a backbone of common sense, why is this type of sub-culture tolerated?
It is against the nature of a multi-cultural society, it is against the fundamentalism of the United Kingdom and it is down right offensive that some people will pick and choose what laws to obey - in our land and theirs.

watch the void.
edit on 24/9/2014 by L.A.B because: (no reason given)

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