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A Giant 3-D Printer Builds Ten Houses in One Day

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posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 08:01 AM
a fine theory
a reply to: Yeahkeepwatchingme

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 08:15 AM
I love the fact that the Concrete Printer home looks'
Cold War sturdy. That's the way houses should be built.
Like at any moment... kablooey ! Mannequins melting...
But the house still stands.
10 houses a day at a cost of 5k each ? Some quick math...
That means GE or Exxon could take the profit from one quarter and
provide ...carry the one...about 2.2 million homes ? What?!
With just lousy 3 months of oil and nuclear gravy sales ?
Boy, those are some jerks at the top.
edit on 10-9-2014 by UnderKingsPeak because: Grammar

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 08:26 AM
originally posted by: randomtangentsrme
a reply to: LewsTherinThelamon

I mean, could you imagine a world where technology can create hyper-abundant resources? Why pay for dinner, when dinner is so abundant that the entire concept of payment is ludicrous?

The first thing you have to realize is that 3-D printers do not produce anything, they utilize resources that are fed into them.

Huh, what an amazing thing. I think that, if you actually read what I posted, you would notice that I stated technology like 3D-printing is a step in the right direction (hint: we are not entirely there yet).

Like any other technology, it will improve. We have the Model-T. Just wait until we get the Bugatti Veyron.

And if craftmenship is so important, why wouldn't people learn to become craftsmen just for the fun of it? Is that not what artists do?

After training artists and artisans for close to 2 decades, the majority of them go into it because they think it easy (or more specifically the higher education part of it is easy).

What's your point? I was merely indicating that, no matter what happens, craftmenship will never be lost.

Does anyone charge you to breathe? No? Why? Because the atmoshpere is too plentiful and people would laugh at you if you tried to charge them for breathing.

People are already trying to charge people for the air they breath

I highlighted that keyword in your sentencing. You would have to be pretty daft to give someone money for breathing. And no, no one advertises the sale of atmosphere, and I am pretty sure there wouldn't be any buyers, anyway.

, just as they already do for water we drink and bathe in. What you are belittling is already happen.

Water has to be cleaned and distributed. Those are services that someone provides, hence the cost.

Never had the atmosphere cleaned and pumped to me before. If you pay someone a quarter for every breath you take, you're probably an idiot.

If no one is buying anything, the monetary system crumbles. On the surface this does look like a negative thing, but it's really not. Each advancement in technology is just one step closer to a resource-based economy.

If you had most/all the resources would you give them away for free? The current structure of society doesn't prove this at all.

I don't give people atmosphere (even with our current structure). Look at all those lazy people just breathing for free. Even the homeless get in on it.

Maybe you should try charging people one quarter per breath. See how far it gets you.
edit on 10-9-2014 by LewsTherinThelamon because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-9-2014 by LewsTherinThelamon because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-9-2014 by LewsTherinThelamon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: MarlinGrace
a reply to: LewsTherinThelamon

This is usually the answer from someone who wants everything for freeeeeee.

Interesting. Your powers of deduction border on that of pure, psychic power. I believe, last I checked, I was making a prediction on the impact that technology will eventually have on our civilizations (from, of course, my perception of where our technology is heading). I don't remember sprinkling my own desires into my prediction. Are you incapable of looking at things without the filters of your own biases? Most thinking-people can.

Who has no responsibility

I don't? There's those God-like powers again. How did you deduce this from my post? Please teach me, this seems like an extremely nifty skill.

Or, is this what you meant:

I don't like what you said cause it makes me insecure and uncomfortable so I attack you now with strawmen, red herrings, and ad hominems

that isn't interested in earning anything and having pride in ownership.

More attacks on my personal character based upon my analysis of where I see technology taking us.

You are quite the thinking-man, Socrates.

For whatever your belief system is let me say it this way, earning your way through life has been a concept since day 2 and you or I will never see this crazy concept in our lifetimes.

What is that? Is that an Appeal to Common Practice, or an Appeal to Tradition? Appended with your own insecurities, no less.

For whatever your belief system is, let me say it this way, activity X has been a concept since day 2, and whether it's rational or irrational, people will continue to engage in activity X cause I don't like's scary. And we'll never see your scary concept in our lifetime, cause I know how old you are and how long you'll live and stuff (God-like powers); and I don't like yer scary words, so they CAN'T happen. Nanner, nanner.

As you can see, I am paraphrasing your amazing use of logic and reason.

But hey what do I know I am just a old guy that has worked since I was 14 to have everything I have, and am proud to say so.

But hey, just imply that I don't enjoy working. Thanks old guy that never thought to study logic at any point in his life.

I am glad that I was able to make you feel threatened. Discomfort is the only way we grow as people.

I don't need to go into detail randomtangetsrme did a pretty good job.

I am just guessing here, but from what I have witnessed, going into detail doesn't seem to be your forte.
edit on 10-9-2014 by LewsTherinThelamon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: cloaked4u

$5000 - even I can afford it

It uses concrete and other materials

posted on Sep, 10 2014 @ 03:52 PM
Like a highly sophisticated cementing machine.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 04:24 AM

originally posted by: cleverhans
I think it's time to change the name, 3D printer doesn't do justice for something like this.

Maybe I'm old fashioned but the first thing that came to mind when I saw this title was REPLICATORS!

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

We are creating machines to replace human workers, of course this will reduce the number of people required to complete said projects or tasks. Look at the impact robotic engineering on the production line has had regarding the automotive industries, it does not bode well for the workforce I'm afraid.

Its not like "They" are going to utilise technology such as this for the betterment of the Human race, they wont build the people that become unemployed due to technology such as this new homes any more than they will find them alternative employment i imagine.
edit on 11-9-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: LewsTherinThelamon

"Interesting. Your powers of deduction border on that of pure, psychic power. I believe, last I checked, I was making a prediction on the impact that technology will eventually have on our civilizations (from, of course, my perception of where our technology is heading). I don't remember sprinkling my own desires into my prediction. Are you incapable of looking at things without the filters of your own biases? Most thinking-people can."

Well then why don't you enlighten the ATS members as to your life's experiences to have made these inclusive predictions. Tell us oh great Carnac what brings you to these conclusions of technology being the answer to society and everything is free. There will be no need for money and a monetary system. Please... I am just an old guy who has owned several business and been self employed for 35 years with many of lifes experiences Including homes, employees, assets.

"I don't like what you said cause it makes me insecure and uncomfortable so I attack you now with strawmen, red herrings, and ad hominems"

Me insecure? You're are not going to upset me, as clearly you are, now who is attacking? I won't give you or anyone else the power to do that. This is where your immaturity shows through. You are obviously young, impulsive, without children and completely clueless unto the ways of the world. Raise one kid without the knowledge and experience of never earning anything and having everything given to them, and you will end up with varying degrees of a Charlie Sheen. To have no type of monetary system to speak of will mean everything is valueless. A rock will be the same value as a car, your efforts will have the same value as anyone elses.

"As you can see, I am paraphrasing your amazing use of logic and reason."
Actually I am very logical I can program several different types of PLC's, and have been building and working on motor control systems my entire life. Logic is easy for me always has been.

"I am glad that I was able to make you feel threatened. Discomfort is the only way we grow as people."
Oh yeah some knucklehead on a computer over the net pushes my boundaries of security. If this is a war between the top and the bottom you have spent too much time on the bottom and have lived a life of excuses for your inadequacies.

You need to quit pretending the answer to your problems is everyone else, and take responsibility for yourself. Having everything for free is a utopia that will never exist. We have thousands of years of history to prove that.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 11:36 AM
I remembered seeing something like this and I have dug back and found a few blogs that talk about it but where I saw it first was the technology blog Gizmodo.

If this can be utilised to replace houses using the rubble of houses in areas ravaged by the likes of earthquakes; then I am all for it. This could actually be a way of recovering quicker from a devastating disaster. For many parts of the world though, the space it such a premium that this would have to be able to effectively create sound, multiple-story buildings as well though.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: lostbook

Great find... and application.

Just imagine when we'll be able to re-arrange on a molecular level and create an accurate, working copy of any mechanical device... or anything, really, including food and perhaps lower biological organisms, in minutes.

I have a cynical side that wonders if those at the helm will allow the plebeians this freedom from want... as want is a great controller... but one can hope.

Tech really can solve many of the world's problems... though we'll still be left with our damaged psyches... but I have a feeling tech will (or can) already manipulate our minds... though I'm sure I'd rather not have just anyone messing around in there... but that's getting even further off topic...

so neat article and thanks for bringing it here.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

No, it doesn't bode well for the work force... and good... as part of said "workforce" I can attest to it being a frequently horrible mode of existence.

Imagine a world where money loses it's "oomph." Where material goods are a button away.

What would the now mostly economically useless masses do? They would live, laugh, raise children, create art, improve tech and knowledge and explore the universe.

Better than lifting bricks, washing dishes or rotting in a cubicle, imo.

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

"What would the now mostly economically useless masses do? They would live, laugh, raise children, create art, improve tech and knowledge and explore the universe."

We have all the abilities to do the above and have been doing so for best part of recorded history(aside from exploring the universe). Without the goals and tasks of everyday life, what we call the working day, that inspires and motivates our race humanity would ether stagnant or find new and interesting ways of destroying ourselves I imagine.
edit on 12-9-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: Shuye
a reply to: lostbook

I'm so waiting for 3D printers to finally make a real impact in our lives, it has the potential to be the biggest revolution humans have ever known.

Finally a society of real abundance where the only limitation really exists in our minds, where the word printed would replace the world manufactured. It's gonna take so many people out of work and will give us no other way but to evolve out of the old ways of living.

Just like the internet, you cannot stop what's coming.

I've been saying this exact, EXACT same thing since I first heard of 3d printing, about 3 years ago. IT is funny you compared it to the internet too, because that is the EXACT same technology I use to compare the huge impact 3d printing will have. You are definitely right my friend!

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 10:36 AM
Others have pointed this out but let me also. There isn't a house being "3D printed" in the video. Just panels and beams, that sort of stuff. That part might be costing $5,000 but then you still need land, a foundation, electrical, plumbing, windows, doors, appliances, duct work and a thousand other things that cost a lot of money. And have to pay the people to do all of the work and make it look like a home, not a concrete bunker.

We already have "pre-fab houses" built in a factory, shipped to the site and assembled.

BUT - it is very cool that they are making what they are with the 3d printers!

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: RedParrotHead

One big difference between these and prefab homes. These will not be tornado magnets.

Another thing is when I watched all the different animation videos on these and what they envisioned the machines will be pouring the foundation some videos even had them laying reinforcements and doing plumbing as well as electrical but even if they stick to foundations walls and roofs that is still pretty cool.

I had just seen another thread last night on 3D printed cars. I believe they are electric drives and one animation video had people pluging their car into the 3d printed house as a battery backup.
edit on 12-9-2014 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 11:12 AM
I have said for a while that 3D printers will be one of the biggest changes we see in our lifetime. The impact it will have will change the way we do everything in our lives.

They are even being used to prepare food in some videos I have seen on youtube.

At some point the next version of piratebay will host 3D CADS to create branded goods of all kinds such as door handles, buttons, clothes, bags and all the way up to full scale machines. We will all have one in our house like the majority that have TV's. Very exciting!

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: gazzerman

I just had an idea. Who wants to store all the stuff needed for 3-d printing? Nobody wants to devote a room to raw materials.

I'm going to start a new utility service much like water and electricity...except mine will pump raw materials into every household for the 3-D printers! I'll supply both plastics and metals for phase one. I'll also be creating a new vocation for repair and installation. Bonus!

Once I have a monopoly on that I'll move on to phase 2 - supplying organic materials to print out food...and new body parts in case you need a liver or kidney.

Who is in? I need investors! I envision a 3-d printer in every room of every house by 2030!

edit on 9/12/2014 by RedParrotHead because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2014 @ 05:13 PM
It use to be America that was on the cutting edge. The leader of novel Ideas and thought.

We are venturing into a new world.

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: ArmyOfNobunaga

It use to be America that was on the cutting edge. The leader of novel Ideas and thought.

We are venturing into a new world.

Used to be. This is what I hinted at in one of the posts. While this is a wonderful advancement, it's not the West leading the charge with 3-d printing it's the Chinese. The Chinese are working at a blinding pace to uproot the US as the innovators of the World.

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