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Teen Tackled/Arrested/Suspended at School by Police for using Cell Phone...Teens now protest.

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+38 more 
posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 02:44 PM
This type of thing just burns me to the core ...THERE IS NO REASON POLICE SHOULD BE ENFORCING SCHOOL POLICY! As we all know whenever police are involved they tend to take it too far.

I understand why the Police should be there...but arresting a girl for not giving up her cell phone leaves me at a loss for words.

I'm very glad that these students have the balls to go out and protest for their friend and their rights! I really hope they make some sort of change....That whole sign your rights away thing for students in my opinion is pretty dang scary.

News Article

Perez’ mother, Gladys Santos, has kidney problems and receives dialysis treatment, reports Click2Houston. Perez’ father had sent a text to the 10th grader, worried when he couldn’t locate her mother.

“I didn’t want to let go of my phone so they like, pinned me down to the floor. One of them was behind me, like on my legs and trying to put the handcuffs on. It hurt a lot. And the other cop has his knee on my head, all his weight on me, and I was screaming because it hurt so much. I was crying because I thought I was going to get in trouble with my mom.”
Perez is currently suspended until Friday and her mother is looking to move her to another school.

Many critics of having police in schools point to the fact that there has been a surge of children arrested and charged with misdemeanours for things such as truancy, chewing gum

Does this bother you as much as it does me?
edit on 5-9-2014 by cavedweller88 because: (no reason given)

edit on Sat Sep 13 2014 by DontTreadOnMe because: trimmed long quote IMPORTANT: Using Content From Other Websites on ATS

+5 more 
posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 02:51 PM
It really does. Were you aware the no tolerance policy had to be revoked because it was negatively effecting minorities?

Another interesting fact is schools routinely have children under the age of 18 sign documents they hold them leegally accountable to.

Why are schools getting away with doing illegal things? The purpose of school resource officers is officially to help PR between the public and LEO. Its a failure.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 02:56 PM
I remember seeing this on tumblr and thought something did not add up about that. Honestly I thought it was all just ridiculous. First of all it really did not need three officers for that one girl and wondering if perhaps they are just using that as a way to detain people from even thinking about "breaking" rules. School these days is hard enough already Doing things like this is just going to make it harder for them. Glad to see classmates standing up for her though and protesting.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: cavedweller88

According to Texas Appleseed, a group working to end to school-to-prison pipeline, officers based in schools write up to 300,000 misdemeanor tickets each year

Looks like all is going according to plan.

Get the "Names" on record for future reference.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

The parents need to speak up. I had to routinely call and write notes that my children couldn't sign anything. The school was asking my youngest child to sign papers he couldn't read!! That's good practice isn't it?

Schools like the police presence because when there's an issue they blame the LEO. However, my experience had been the school requests the LEO to be involved.

Someone needs to catch up on the no tolerance policy being obesolete and get the LEO out of schools.

And why didn't they have a female officer at that school? There's girls there too!

edit on 5-9-2014 by Iamthatbish because: predict a text totally winning

+7 more 
posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 03:20 PM
The citizens are allowing an ever growing police state. Get use to it. It won't be changing.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: Iamthatbish


The parents are too lax.

But many parents are scared to death also.

Many who "speak up" get attacked as well.

The people with vested interests are in control.

And they're in control with lots of anonymity.

Scapegoats everywhere.

Not good.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 03:37 PM
Most of us have seen the school policeman beating up a student with disabilities because the student ignored an order. This is more OTT Orwellian stuff. The schools act just as badly, in other cases where parents protest at PTA meetings, they get arrested for speaking out. I would not want my child to be at such schools no matter how academically competent the school is. Would you look at the state of them, three cops on one small girl..that's a fecking assault.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

I know. I had an LEO in my face over my kids. I am willing to be arrested for my children. I'm not a fan of LEO and I certainly don't like the trickery they use that can ruin a child's life.

I however made it clear in my family, my children don't speak to LEO.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 03:57 PM

three cops on one small girl..that's a fecking assault.

People are to respect and believe in these men? 600 lbs of police officer to needlessly restrain a kid?
edit on 9/5/2014 by roadgravel because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: Iamthatbish
a reply to: xuenchen

I know. I had an LEO in my face over my kids. I am willing to be arrested for my children. I'm not a fan of LEO and I certainly don't like the trickery they use that can ruin a child's life.

I however made it clear in my family, my children don't speak to LEO.

It's good to take a correct stance.

But do be very careful.

Many people "in control" are jealous and hold grudges.

Sometimes their livelihoods depend on it.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 04:01 PM
If that was my daughter, the school district and the cop would be paying her way through college (including beer money) and buying her first car.

The officer would also be cuffing his next perp with a pair of bloody stumps.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: roadgravel
The citizens are allowing an ever growing police state. Get use to it. It won't be changing.

There are forces pushing for a show down but its not going to happen.

Don't mistake a lack of action for apathy. I believe we are truly seeing the end of an age. The dark side had their turn to help us learn through suffering.

People are not fighting back with violence because it would only extend the era of the dark side beyond the time granted by heaven.

Something big is coming and it won't involve the masses rising up in the classic sense with torches, pitchforks and semi auto AKs. (I have one and sometimes think about how sweet it would be...Nope. Notta chance.)

EF You Kay the NSA!

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: roadgravel

three cops on one small girl..that's a fecking assault.

People are to respect and believe in these men? 600 lbs of police officer to needlessly restrain restrain a kid?

No way, IMO should not be in the school, but outside where they belong.
The case I refer to involved an officer who at one time shot his ex-wife's new husband to death with 24 bullets in front of children, and got off with a suspension as self defense was accepted. Can you believe that? He's in gaol now for another brutal attack on a woman.
How in the name of Jesus, does someone like that get to be a cop, and even more in the name of Jesus, does someone like that get to be in a school?
I wasn't going to post that video because I thought it would take away from the OP's post, I now realise I should have for the sake of any concerned parents here. And yes, we all need to be concerned,

edit on 5-9-2014 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: smurfy

Thank you for sharing this! The more we post and talk about these types actions taken by the police, the harder it's going to be for them to continue the same behavior!

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 04:59 PM
Does it bother me???

Not so much...There are plenty of schools in my area and none of them have police patrolling the halls...What's wrong with THAT school??? My guess is that it's the parents and the liberal lawyers hoping to pick up an easy buck who do not allow the school to keep the kids under control...

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

I agree. Its terribly sad. Honestly we just try to avoid them. I even stopped speeding. That doesn't stop them from getting behind you tailgating and running tags.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: cavedweller88

Welcome to the New World Order, where you will receive the education the government wants you to have, enforced by violent Law-enforcement officers.

I am surprised the teenager was not shot and killed to set as an example to others to not use mobile phones whilst receiving an education.

You MUST adhere to the NWO's plan for equality and freedom for all.

Work, Buy, Consume, Die.

Remember kids, switch off them mobiles, cops don't like being caught on tape.

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: Iscool
Does it bother me???

Not so much...There are plenty of schools in my area and none of them have police patrolling the halls...What's wrong with THAT school??? My guess is that it's the parents and the liberal lawyers hoping to pick up an easy buck who do not allow the school to keep the kids under control...

Are you talking about corporal punishment lack of? If you are, that is a huge debate. You may be right specifically to this school, however that opens a can of worms about peoples behaviour and who they are, what they are. I tell you what, you won't like this video...just remember the words, "give me the big belt"

posted on Sep, 5 2014 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: cavedweller88

Does this bother you as much as it does me?

Yes, this troubles me greatly. I remember back in the mid-80's fights breaking out in the school parking lots, kids doing stupid stuff like launching throwing stars into the music room acoustic tile, and a kid who failed a few grades throwing me down a short flight of stairs.

Teachers intervened of course, even taking hold of the more unruly students and manhandling them down to the assistant principle's office, and yet the police were never involved for the most part. Occasionally the school district brought in police dogs to sniff lockers for dope, but that was about it. The students somewhat policed their own ranks, and the teachers either let a lot of our shenanigans go, or meted out detentions rather than suspensions or expulsions.

Stories like this one lead me to wonder if police are conditioning our students to absolute social obedience or something of the kind, by demonstrating with physical force, arrests and charges made on school grounds what happens when a citizen resists their authority. When I attended middle and high school the assistant principle still had authority to use corporal punishment for more serious behavioral issues, as did certain teachers on occasion.

Are these police officers stationed in schools not there to defend our students lives foremost? I'd have rather faced the principle's paddle than handcuffs any day, and I'm sure most parents would agree. These days, discipline in our school system seems to be about overwhelmingly brutal response to the slightest offenses. Some of the capers we pulled off ... nowadays we'd be sitting in jail awaiting fresh criminal records, rather than sleeping in detention or smoking in the latrine.

Nostalgia mode deactivated.

Seems a trickle-down oppression has picked up pace these last few decades across America. Slowly but with stark consistency the government and its most commonly displayed face--law enforcement officers--have delivered a very psychologically terrifying, often violent message to the people: obey, comply, walk this line or else. Very nearly every facet of our daily lives reflects this dwindling territory of government tolerance almost as if we the people now exist on an island surrounded by a sea of armed and armored masters legally empowered to remove our rights or bypass them completely.

Parents must make a stand if they want better in school disciplinary treatment for their children.

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