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Grocery aisle rage!

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posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: shrevegal
LOL feel free to let it all out mate, it may save you from going postal.

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 07:42 PM
Well, the drive to the store was bad enough...first, this chick puts her right blinker on, changes her mind, leaves the blinker on and crosses over 3 lanes to make a left.Later, a guy is swerving from lane to lane, stops at a red light, has his left signal on, then goes through the red light...definitely not a California turn. LOL. Then we pull up to a red light and this old pickup truck is hogging the road, instead of going all the way up to the line, he stays far from it so folks can't get past him to make a Cali right turn. Probably was p#ssed that we had a new HEMI truck all tricked out.
Then, we had at least 3 of these folks that ride in those death trap p#ss pots that wait til last minute while making their they are afraid their car will flip over should they start getting toward the shoulder/corner some what. Geez.

Shopping...ALL checkouts and customers seemed like zombies. I kept waiting to see Brad Pitt pop out of the store lanes and start pluggin them all...,.they were all like wading in molasses, slow motion! This one girl ahead of me kept adding stuff to the counter and f#rting around and yapping...then, she has the nerve to turn around, arms folded and looking at me...was I too close to her space or what...the horsey faced @#$%^. The register girl kept answering the phone instead of checking out this chick already. I finally said, %$#@ this and threw the items down and left. Then, of course, the usual kids sneezing their Flu mist nasal vaccine all over the place. People making a dead stop on their cell phones, (can't talk, walk and chew gum at the same time I guess). People taking up lanes and having a conference that lasts like forever. And all of that was just in the first half hour. I need a drink. LOL.
edit on 1-9-2014 by shrevegal because: error

edit on 1-9-2014 by shrevegal because: error

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 07:54 PM
Thanx guy, I feel better now...and those were only the highlights. LOL. Great post of yours.

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: weirdguy

That's why I always go to the grocery store after 9pm. There are barely any people there at that hour, mostly just store employees. Bring a list and organize it by the setup of the grocery store, it's a little OCD but can get you in and out real quick.

When someone is blocking your way with the cart and their body, move the cart and smile at the person. I always do. They probably think I'm going to steal their purse because of all my tattoos, so I just smile, push the cart the # outa the way and say excuse me (you.)

There's no shame in digging to the bottom of the produce, the food in the back/bottom is the freshest anyway. Even if someone is there stocking produce, just dig and smile at them

I feel you so much on the children, I don't have any and don't want any. My niece is awesome and I love her to infinity and beyond but the child is a big ball of energy. She isn't leashed though, heck no! Kids on leashes?! Lol!!!

edit on 1-9-2014 by Jennyfrenzy because:

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: Jennyfrenzy
Everything closes at 9pm here apart from petrol/gas stations, I'd love to shop late at night that would be perfect.

My mum used to have me on a leash and I came out ok

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: weirdguy

I agree 100% with your rant - especially with the aisles being crowed. See, I never use a cart unless I know I'm going to be getting a lot of groceries. Even with this, I will usually park the cart (keeping my wallet with me) in a spot not occupied with doors, groceries, or other items people might want access to, and make trips to/from my cart.

Also, I agree that Sunday morning is the best day to go, as many people will be in Church - won't save you from the idiots in the parking lot, but that's another rant I fear.

originally posted by: caladonea
a reply to: weirdguy
Being a (Taurus) I just ignore them all...and charge through!

And, in reference to Caladonea...Being a young Scorpio, if someone is blocking the area I need to be in, I will either:
A. Stare at the the back of their head, until their subconscious picks up that someone with an iron will is staring at them. You'd be surprised how many times staring at the back of the head makes them move quicker.


B. Invade their personal bubble if they are taking too long to make a decision, slowing bringing myself to the item that I need. NOTE: I only do this if it looks like it would take someone longer than a minute to decide.


posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: weirdguy

Bummer on stuff closing early, that when all the kids are asleep!! Lol!

I'm dying!!! How have I never seen a child leash!

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: fossilera

A few other members have suggested about shopping during church hours on a Sunday, but where I live nothing is open until 11am on a Sunday so people have time for church. I can remember not so long ago that nothing at all was open on a Sunday here. In my youth Sunday was always recovery/hang over day.

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: weirdguy

They still are recovery days in my neck of the woods - I have several stores that are open 24 hours in my area, so when if you were to go in there, you'd see people like me (sleep deprived & blurry-eyed), people that are recovering from a wild Saturday, and in general people that could be mistaken for zombies with their slow, languorous steps and arms slightly outreached.

And, although I was not from the age where Sunday's were worship days, my Dad was; after church, the family would take a drive, or use Sunday to finish off any homework (or spent it with each other).

If you can't go shopping any earlier than 11, the Noon-1pm block is usually not as busy, just as the block closest to dinner time (5-6 pm here) isn't; I also try to go when more people are in the middle of dinner or lunch.

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: CallYourBluff
Actually I see them both as equally annoying and usually when they're running amok the screams are there with it. Makes me want to bring duct tape and slap a few mouths with it.

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: weirdguy Sunday shopping doesn't work out well way down South here... especially if they go to church early. Then you get all those Southern Baptists old ladies with their big hats taking up space and them tripping on those long dresses and confabing with all their buddies. Here, there doesn't seem to be a GOOD time to shop. Maybe because of so many people from the nearby AFB shopping too...just too many people here all hours of the day and ants on a feeding frenzy. And forget the fast food many cars/people any hour.

Shopping is just a pain in the a$% no matter what anymore. Common courtesy would make it better but it doesn't seem to exist anymore.

My all time favorite Sunday shopping dealy...I was behind one of these "church ladies" and she was cursing to high heaven and banging into everyone. Gotta love it. I'm originally from Philadelphia and Mall shopping there wasn't too swift either.

edit on 1-9-2014 by shrevegal because: error

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 10:01 PM
The only bad decision is the one you learn nothing from.

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah
I live in the Land of Entitled Stuffy Old Farts (a.k.a Florida) There's nothing worse, and I mean nothing worse than getting in the grocery store and finding it full of the elderly. Between the slow shufflers, the electric scooters moving at a snail's pace, and the blatant ignoring of "excuse me" while trying to get by them in the isles, it's all I can do to remain polite through gritted teeth. Oh no, no, I take that back.
There is worse.
Getting in the checkout line and having a elderly dedicated check/cheque fan slooooowly fill it out to pay.

Hahaha I live in Florida too and you are so correct!

The parking lot is even a dangerous obstacle course! I had one old lady hit my cart as I was crossing the street while I was pregnant. I was in the cross walk and she went right through a stop sign. She kept her foot on the gas as she is ramming my cart!! I flipped on her and she just kept going. Everyone came running to see if I was ok and that old hag kept driving. She couldn't even see over the steering wheel.

OP nice rant. I personally so my shopping in the morning around 8am when nobody is in there. Sure I go at other times but usually first thing in the morning. I know what I want and get it and get out!

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 01:37 AM
Shopping is seriously the very best birth-control ever. Just when I consider maybe spawning with my husband it's time to go grocery shopping again. Then I'm inundated with kids bouncing around the aisles like pinballs, running into your knees, no awareness of anything other than whatever the hell they're pretending at the moment. Or worse, screaming at the top of their lungs or making some other horribly annoying and repetitive noise that amuses them but makes everyone else want to kill themselves. Meanwhile, the parents have completely checked out, have blissful looks of unconcern on their faces as if subjecting innocent, childless strangers to their annoying kids is how they recharge their reserves before they have to take them home again. If becoming a parent makes you suddenly oblivious to how annoying your kid is being in public I want no part of that.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: weirdguy

no offense, but you sound little bit upstuck individual

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: mblahnikluver

Loki, is that you ?

SG1 joke

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 02:07 AM
this sort of stuff happens every day.

you cant stop idiots doing regardless stuff at all

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 03:03 AM

originally posted by: BaconNeggs2
a reply to: weirdguy

no offense, but you sound little bit upstuck individual

Supposed to be, it's the rant forum.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: weirdguy

I just have to say, I share your pain, not to mention was laughing by the time I got to the end. Great rant.

Welcome to the world of the modern shopper....

I can't wait for internet shopping I can tell ya.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 08:34 AM
Your OP sounds like it could be a Simpsons episode.... lol

I always get a chuckle when I get a cart - as to how huge they are. Like I'm going to fill it up or something with my five items (too many for a basket).

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