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Northrop Grumman TR6 "TELOS"

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posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 05:15 AM
I'm unsure of the legitimacy of this aircraft but I thought it might make for an interesting discussion as I couldn't find it mentioned on ATS.

The TR6 “TELOS” is designed for use as a transatmospheric, low observable reconnaissance platform with global reach and a long loiter time over target. Employing active electromagnetic, electronic and visual camouflage it is able to penetrate all currently known defensive systems from transorbital height.

The TR6 utilizes five electrogravitic generators for propulsion and is considered a “VTOL” craft not needing a runway. The landing gear is strictly for maneuvering while on the ground. The wings fold for hangar stowage. Currently there are only a handful of hangars in the world that can accept the TR6, with most of them in the US.

The entire airframe acts as a multi-band communications relay capable of directly interfacing with all current US military satellite networks. The skin employs active visual camouflage using a ‘starfield’ lighting pattern along with other active stealth techniques. The TELOS platform is also capable of operating in space as well as docking with military space stations via a ventral docking hatch.

Perhaps some of the more learned members can shed a bit of light on this potentially black aircraft?

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: constant_thought

Would you mind providing a link to whatever place you got that image from please?

From the image you provided there, it seems to share some characteristics of objects witnessed by various people over the years. I do however question the veracity of any object which claims to operate via electrogravitic propulsion, and so I would appreciate the opportunity to see the source for myself!

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 06:49 AM

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 07:10 AM
That site is a compendium of every fringe activity popularly known, from bigfoot to "animal mutilations" to highly speculative topics. It's a nicely done page, but I don't believe N-G has an aircraft like that.

It's labeled as:

Hypothetical Origin of the Unidentified "Phoenix Boomerang" Craft
edit on 1-9-2014 by Maverick7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 08:34 AM
Yeah, I just checked out the original link myself and it does seem to be mostly speculation. The concept itself though I thought might ring a few bells with some of the "in the know" types in the Aircraft Projects forum. It reminded me of a craft mentioned by Astr0 which used something similar to this "star field" technology even though some of the other aspects of what he revealed seemed a little far fetched.

All else aside, I dig the name. Telos is rad

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 09:50 AM
Optical camouflage is definitely possible. They did some work with abstract paintings on ships back in World War II (razzle dazzle). If you have seen any televised sports game, they have these huge TV screens made from thousands of LEDs. Those can easily be placed on the surface of an aircraft. All the vehicle has to do is project a color identical to that of the haze of the sky - a light blue color, and it will become invisible.

The airframe is designed to reflect radar signals away in one direction. There would be panels on the wings to receive and transmit satellite data.

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 10:13 AM
Looks alot like the Phoenix Lights seen here very often.

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 10:31 AM
I saw that image awhile back somewhere and have been looking for it every since.

Going off the dimensions of the craft you could search for hangars capable of housing something of its size, If one were to believe this was the chevron craft seen in `96 over Phoenix then the hangar would have to be built before then.

That would be under the assumption that those dimensions are accurate, and that some of the hangars are on the ground.

edit on 1-9-2014 by StratosFear because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2014 @ 09:44 PM

originally posted by: Jenisiz
Looks alot like the Phoenix Lights seen here very often.

Um How often have you seen em?
Thought that was a one shot deal.....
The Telos struck m,e the same way actually....

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 07:59 AM
and Down the rabbit hole we go.. How far are you willing to fall?

This craft was already spoken about by some of the larger named people on the aircraft forum. Zaphod had his input, sammashian and maybe even boomer! We did some google patent searches and happened to find a craft VERRRRRY similar 3 stage to orbit design. This craft goes up to about 130k ft (ish) then there's a second stage craft which is more like a hub to house people transferring into the 3rd stage. Then theres the 3rd stage craft which is another lighter than air vehicle

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 08:01 AM
In a supposed image captured of the Phoenix chevron the craft didn't have that extra angle on the centerline aft section, it was also massive, maybe even "supermassive"

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: stirling

originally posted by: Jenisiz
Looks alot like the Phoenix Lights seen here very often.

Um How often have you seen em?
Thought that was a one shot deal.....
The Telos struck m,e the same way actually....

Monthly basis easily. I Iive in an area with light pollution laws so we and the surrounding neighbors catch glimpses often.
edit on 2-9-2014 by Jenisiz because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-9-2014 by Jenisiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: kingofyo1

I'm afraid I have been down the rabbit hole for years! A nice little warren, if not a little bizarre and rough round the edges

Very interesting, I will have to do some snooping around and see what else there is about it in the forums.

Random question but you don't happen to know which post I can find some of this info in?

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: constant_thought

There are litterly hundreds of posts around here that can point you in many different directions. Some good some not so much.
In regards to some of the triangle craft, I put a couple posts HERE that may be of some help.

Good luck.

edit on 2-9-2014 by Sammamishman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: Sammamishman

Thank you so much!
This looks like it will be a very interesting read, good to see some stuff on Orion too as I tried to find some information a few months back but failed miserably.

This topic of black projects and "ufo's" being man made intrigues me so much more than anything else. I also think this is the driving force behind many other topics covered on ATS. Appreciate the link

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: SammamishmanHey, Sammamishman. Im trying to post on that thread but it says I do not have permission. I`d like to help though so if there is anything I can do to help you guys let me know.

posted on Sep, 11 2014 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: StratosFear

Sure, thanks for the offer. We'll need all the help we can get to get real evidence.
That thread requires members to have scholar status to post to since it is in a research project forum.
If you have info that you think can be helpful you can send it to me or Crazyewok (he is that thread's lead)

posted on Jul, 14 2017 @ 03:12 PM
I saw this in summer of 2003 in the skies of midtown Detroit. Myself and at least 4 other witnesses watched as this thing hovered above us from far away, but the V shape was clearly delineated. It gradually receded upward toward the stratosphere, yet appeared fixed in the same spot in the sky.

For years I chalked it up to the same phenomenon as Phoenix Lights (which I'm guessing it is) and had a nice UFO story, but after a while and some infrequent research, started thinking about top secret aerospace projects. This line of reasoning has led me here. Now I feel like, while still spooky to me, I can put what I saw to rest. I would love to learn more about this craft and others like it.

posted on Jul, 14 2017 @ 05:57 PM
I was thinking about this picture the other day, and was wondering why it never got it's own thread! Thanks OP! Couldn't remember where I saw it either! Thanks Samm. So much cool stuff that gets posted in some of the bigger threads, gets glossed over, and I remember thinking that this was one of those.

The fact that Boomer gave his input on the craft was interesting enough. The KC guys get to see some of the coolest stuff, especially the ones out west.

I think some of this tech can be seen in the white world in the HAV industry. Also, Kingofyo1 made a great thread about a month and a half ago, discussing JP aerospace and their three stage orbiter lifter. I believe they stated that they have had their platform flying for 30 years or something like that. Very interesting stuff!! When I was reading that thread, I couldn't help but think about Astr0's notorious thread. So many credible poster's seemed to be on board that train with him that it really made me scratch my head.

Nothing more to add, just pumped to see it's on thread on the AP section!

posted on Jul, 15 2017 @ 03:02 AM
Created a lot of interest the BT,s RKS etc..Maybe one day the full story will come out about the triangles..JP Aerospace are interesting but nowhere have they had the flights that everyone thinks they have had.Plus I would think they would publicize the flights.Need look at the competitors and see if any other tech matches.
Plus the research thread hasnt been touched in 3 years..
edit on 15-7-2017 by Blackfinger because: (no reason given)

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